Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Book Release Blitz for Ignite Your Soul Vol 1: A Romance Charity Anthology (REVIEW featuring D.M. Earl)……

 Readers have reason to celebrate as it's the 10 year anniversary of the Ignite Your Soul Author Event where an eclectic collection of authors came together in support of kids. To celebrate this anniversary a wonderful collection of authors have put together an anthology of short stories that I'm giving you a taste of today, with a brief review, that will have you wanting to add it to your bookshelf!

From the authors of Ignite Your Soul Author Event, a collection of short love stories from meet-cute to second chances, sweet to spicy, there's something within these pages for every romance lover.

Featuring authors: DM Earl | Crystal St.Clair | Erin Cristofoli | J.C. Hannigan | Cassidy London | JA Lafrance | AW Clarke | C.A. King | Kayleigh Malcolm | Shana Gray | M.A. Abraham | Allison M. Cosgrove | Amy Ruttan | Anjelica Grace | Devin Sloane | Jennifer Luerssen | Kendra Mei Chailyn | Melinda Falgoust | Rachel Hope | Tricia Daniels


Featuring Magnetic Allure a short story from DM Earl!

As a traveling nurse, Luna Zawacki loves the freedom her job provides. Seeing new places and meeting new people always makes the work more interesting and exciting. However, a transient lifestyle makes little time for personal or even romantic connections. But when two young girls are rushed into her emergency room after a tragic car accident leaves the daughters without parents, Luna can't resist the pull the girls' loss has on her heartstrings. Ensuring their safety and well-being while they recover becomes her top priority.

Being on the hospital board poses some challenges for Eli Stanford. He likes to keep his work at work, and his home life separate from his business. But everything changes when his two nieces are fighting for their lives after a fatal crash kills his sister (brother?). Now, more than ever, Eli must trust the hospital to care for the girls. Luckily, the determined and compassionate nurse assigned to his nieces shares his vision.

As Luna and Eli drop everything to focus on the care of the innocent girls, the two grow closer. But is the magnetic allure that pulls them together a reaction to trauma or will Eli and Luna find a real connection after the devastation subsides?


It's a tempting morsel Ms. Earl gives readers with this short story of death and recovery from both physical and emotional wounds.  The lead couple are both lonely, yet hesitant to make connections, until the needs of two little girls brings them together in their first steps of becoming a family.  It's a story that pulls at the heartstrings while warming your heart, providing some steam as well as sweetness along the way.

It's easy to connect to Eli and Luna, their issues are understandable, and I liked their first steps to HEA and look forward to where things will go between them.  I saw myself a lot in Luna as she's left her family behind after being used by them for years and finally becoming tired of the monetary anchors they became.  Books and her cats have become her lifelines and it made for an endearing foundation to her character.  Eli is a man living off the grid, a man who likes to have control over the things around him.  Having his whole life upended leaves him battered, bruised, and full of uncertainties which has him pulling Luna closer and closer to him.  She becomes his emotional port in the storm while she has the chance for a family of her own making once this pair brings Eli's nieces into their lives.  They're a likable couple, one you're rooting for from the moment they meet, and I like where they're at by the end...but there needs to be more.

A common theme amongst Ms. Earl's books is that of found families...and with taking in his two nieces, Eli and Luna have a little family of their own.  It’s a heartwarming connection between them and just what they all needed to start healing.  The romance between Eli and Luna was one of emotional support, balanced out by sweet interludes and a steamy encounter.  It's a quick read that easily invests you in the story but the ending is definitely where I felt a bit frustrated.  With an ending that CAN be seen as a conclusion I still feel like there's more between these two.  There's still a ticking clock hanging over these two in a happily for now conclusion that has me curious for this couple's future.  On a whole it's another good read from DM Earl that is a satisfying addition to her backlist!

My rating for this is a B+

*I got this story from the author for review in exchange for my honest opinion.

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