Thursday, August 1, 2024

Book Excerpt Reveal for Wildcat by D.M. Earl……

Readers have reason to rejoice as The Devil's Handmaidens MC: Timber-Ghost, Montana Chapter series continues with this seventh installment that gives former lovers the chance to find each other once again and heal from their painful pasts.  Keep reading to get a tempting taste of Wildcat by D.M. Earl, then start counting down the days until this book hits shelves on August 22nd!

When the wildcat is unleashed, nobody is safe.
Manager of the Wooden Spirits Bar and Grill, Frankie Camano, a former cop, is struggling to heal from a tragic past. The women of the Devil's Handmaidens MC have been Frankie's saving grace in a world of pain and disappointment. Known as "wildcat," Frankie uses her strength and tenacity to overcome the demons that haunt her.
Leaving Malcom, a doctor and the love of her life, after they both faced horrific events, was the hardest thing she's ever done. But when her past comes barreling back. Frankie knows that the Handmaidens and Malcom are the people she can trust. She refuses to let anyone hurt her--or her loved ones ever again. Will Frankie's fear of the past force her back into hiding, or will she finally release the WILDCAT on the enemies who threaten to destroy her?


“Tink Squirt is about to pull up. Just wanted you to know.”
The feeling in my gut is spreading. Haven’t had this feeling since when I was a recruit cop back home. The hair on the back of my neck is standing up I’m sure. Before I can ask what the fuck is going on Tink turns back first looking around at each sister than at me. That’s when it hits me that somehow the bar and grill is filled with just us and our family. The patrons that were in here maybe ten or fifteen minutes ago were gone. I start to move backwards, but Shadow is right there. When I go to move around, Tink and Glory are there to stop me. Then before I can think about what I’m about to say, I lose it.
“What the hell is going on? Why are you all closing in on me? You’re making me nervous, like something bad is about to happen. Did you find something out about that guy Squirt saw? Did you track him down, Raven? Come on, talk to me, please. This is driving me utterly crazy, as you can tell, because I never lose control. Can someone tell me why this is happening?”
Tink moves closer and grabs my hands. Now our prez is extremely petite but the strength just in the way she’s holding my hands gives me a moment of peace in my scattered thoughts. Until she opens her mouth.
“Wildcat what I’m about to say is probably going to piss you the fuck off. Not our intention but after we spoke with you decided that you needed this. If we’re wrong I’ll apologize later but in about I don’t know four or five minutes there are some folks that are going to walk in here to see you. How you react is on you but know that they’ve come a long way to make sure you’re okay..............”

**PRE-ORDER here.**


USA Today Bestselling author, D. M. Earl creates authentic and genuine characters while spinning stories that feel so real and relatable that the readers plunge deep within the plot, begging for more. Complete with drama, angst, romance, and passion, the stories jump off the page.
When Earl, an avid reader since childhood, isn't at her keyboard pouring her heart into her work, you'll find her in Northwest Indiana snuggling up to her husband, the love of her life, with her seven fur babies nearby. Her other passions include gardening and shockingly cruising around town on the back of her 2004 Harley. She's a woman of many talents and interests.
Earl appreciates each and every reader who has ever given her a chance--and hopes to connect on social media with all of her readers.

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