Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Book Tour for Sasha's Calling by T.C. Archer (Review & GIVEAWAY)

Get ready for a thrill ride today with Sasha's Calling by T.C. Archer, a super sexy sci-fi story full of fast-paced action and memorable characters.  Joining me on this tour are a great group of bloggers who will give you even more insight into this story.  Keep reading to get my impressions of this book and fill out the form below for your chance to win an e-copy of this book......

Spy for hire Sasha Smirnov has stolen classified data. One man stands in her way of escape: sexy diplomat Dirk Roscoepilot. A sizzling kiss burns him into her memory—and her body. She stows away on a spaceship, only to find Dirk is the pilot. She doesn’t count on the passion that explodes between them, or the choice that forces her into his bed. If she is to save her planet, Sasha must get as far away from Dirk as possible.


A man waiting for an elevator came into view up ahead. Sasha slowed. A nervous flutter closed around her heart. If the Pinks got too close, she might be able to use this man. His golden hair cut precisely at the nape of his neck gave him a surgical look that didn’t—couldn’t—detract from broad shoulders emphasized by the fashionable lime green Nauru jacket he wore. He stood a head taller than her one and three-quarter meters. A triwheeled robot like those ambassadors used as aides waited two paces behind him.
The man shifted and Sasha slid the bodysuit zipper down another fraction of an inch as he turned. The bot followed suit, stupidly mimicking the movement. The man’s gaze met hers and her breath caught. The ambassador either wore contacts or had surgically implanted chrome irises, but the polychrome eyes that followed her approach didn’t disguise the intense stare. Despite the fact her breasts strained against her suit, his gaze never wavered from her face. Damn her luck. She’d encountered the only male on Centor who had morals.
The footfalls of the Pinkertons behind her grew louder and more footfalls sounded from around the curve ahead. She flicked a glance down the corridor. No doors or branching hallways were visible, only the elevator that hadn’t yet arrived. Her pulse spiked. Trapped.
Sasha slowed to a stroll, the ambassador’s gaze still fastened on her. She could almost see herself in his eyes. Centorians were known for being loose. She was about to test just how loose. Sasha stepped up to him, seized his lapel-less jacket, and pulled him down so they were face-to-face. If nothing else, she was an opportunist.
Lips crashed onto lips. His were firm, hers demanding. She pressed closer, her pistol nestled out of sight of any passer-bys, and drove him back against the intersection between the elevator and the wall. His tongue touched the seam of her lips. She startled. Well, well, her savior was an opportunist too, and not so moral after all. She thrust her tongue into his mouth. Moist warmth tasted faintly of anise and green tea. Desire rippled through her.
A low groan rolled from his chest and straight into her sex. His erection stirred against her belly. Oh yes. She rose on tiptoes, and he bent. Undulating her hips, she envisioned his solid cock sliding between her legs. Firm hands cupped her ass, and her breath caught when he lifted her more intimately against the promised goods. Lust pooled in her belly.
A formation of ten uniformed Pinkertons rounded the curve as five more came running around the other side. Watching the reflection in the ambassador’s chrome irises of the scene behind her, Sasha saw none of them wore battle armor. They weren’t the ones looking for her, but were probably running to some other emergency. They rushed past without giving her and the ambassador—Hey! The ambassador was staring back at her.
She narrowed her eyes, not breaking the kiss. He clenched her ass and pulled her tighter. The feel of his hard cock sent waves of warmth pooling between her legs. Gods, he knew how to kiss. She pressed closer. The Pinkertons passed out of sight an instant before he closed his eyes, and another moan reverberated through his chest. That was more like it. Now if she could just keep him busy until—
The elevator dinged. The ambassador released one hand but kept a tight hold on her with the other. The elevator doors began their slide open, wedging her body deeper into the corner between the door and the wall. Sasha ripped away from his grasp, her breath coming in heavy gasps. He jerked upright, her gun gripped in his right hand. The elevator doors slid open to reveal an empty interior. They were alone, and he had her Omegatron leveled on her, his mirror eyes expressionless.

BUY LINKS:  Amazon | BN | ARe


From the very beginning Sasha's Calling caught my attention and never let go through a series of steamy interludes and fast-paced action sequences.  It's an exciting thrill ride set in a colorful outer space universe with a memorable collection of aliens and scientific technology.  The author vividly depicts this futuristic world in a way that draws you into the story even further.  The sights and sounds are palpable and create the same vibe as your favorite sci-fi tv shows.

From the moment Dirk and Sasha meet the sparks fly and things only get hotter from there once she becomes a stowaway on his ship.  The sexual tension is strong as their verbal foreplay commences to discover what each is hiding.  Sasha's in debt to a nasty criminal in hopes that she'll discover the technology to save her father and home planet, while Dirk is an agent for a group whose motives aren't always clear.  But after meeting her he's on her side and will put his life on the line to see her safe.  The interactions between these characters is delightful both in and out of the bedroom.  Their sexual interludes are super sexy yet playful as Sasha is no wilting flower and Dirk is the very definition of charming.  As they work together to get the scientific information to save others, trust has finally been created between them and they use their physical and mental strengths to keep each other safe as they race through a dark and dangerous planet chased by those wanting them dead.

This story was a fast-paced rollercoaster ride that kept my heart pounding as our protagonists race to an exciting and satisfying conclusion.  T.C. Archer has created a story reminiscent of Indiana Jones with the story's overall tone providing what the best sci-fi does.....entertainment.....courtesy of characters who are immensely likable and more than capable of taking care of themselves.  Instilling humor, sexiness, and vivid and unique worldbuilding only made it better and more memorable and I would love to return to this world in the future.

My rating for this is an A.

*I received this book from the author in exchange for my honest opinion.


T. C. Archer is comprised of award winning authors Evan Trevane and Shawn M. Casey. They live in the Northeast. Evan has a Ph.D. in electrical engineering, and Shawn is a small business owner. Their collaboration began on a lark with the post WWII film noir story The Pickle My Little Friend, and has evolved into nearly a dozen works, which includes their new series The Phenom League, and Daphne Du Maurier winner the romantic thriller For His Eyes Only.

Website | Facebook | Twitter | Blog | Email |


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Monday, April 29, 2013

Book Tour for Prima by Annie Nicholas (Review & GIVEAWAY)

Annie Nicholas is paying a return visit to my site today with her sixth book in her Vanguard series, Prima, a sexy and fast-paced paranormal story.  So keep reading to see what Annie has to say about this series as well as my review of Prima.  May sure to leave a comment before you leave for your chance to win a copy of it......

Waking Up In A New Age:

I love the idea of going to sleep and waking in the future. It’s almost like time travel. I’d wake, finding teleporters and space travel. Maybe aliens. Adjusting to new technology would take time yet still be fascinating.
Then I thought what would it be like to wake in present time if someone went to sleep three hundred years ago? The fastest way to travel was by horse and they’d be waking to planes. Let alone the concept of television or internet. Candle light is only for ambiance now.
In my Vanguard series, I have developed a clan of vampires called Nosferatu. They are less human than most vampires yet they are the strongest. My latest novella has one of theseNosferatu waking to a future he can’t comprehend. As a warrior he understands swords and crossbow but explosives and guns are not part of his vocabulary. He hasn’t much time to adjust before being sent on a mission to bring his clan brother back to his duties.

One year ago, Sugar survived a wolf shifter attack but it had left her broken.  Paralyzed on the left side, she fights for independence in her day-to-day life. Her worst injuries are the scars on her soul. She can’t bear who she has become and it drives her to push her vampire lover, Daedalus, away. How could he still love her when she is just a shadow of herself? But a new threat on Daedalus’s life yanks away her veil of self-pity and she resolves to help him.
The vampire council sends an emissary to Daedalus. His clan brother, another Nosferatu, hands him an ultimatum. Return to his post as Prime in Pal Robi or he’ll kill Sugar and her shifter friends. Daedalus has brought enough trouble into Sugar’s life. He won’t be responsible for more, so he agrees to leave Chicago.
To both warriors surprise, Sugar’s not willing to remain behind, and with her own shifter guards she’s ready to assist Daedalus regain control of Pal Robi.


Daedalus set his arm around Sugar’s shoulders, something he used to do often but not so much since her return home. His arm felt heavy and solid. He always made her feel safe. Even though they lived together, she missed him and how they used to be. Daedalus guided the tip of the cane back to the ground. “Let’s not kill Pallas right away. He still has his uses.” He pressed a kiss on her head.
She tossed a look over her shoulder where the pack in beast form had poured out the door onto the patio. If the neighbors were watching, there’d be more notes in her mailbox. “Can we move this inside and keep it civil?”
Pallas gave her a short bow and returned to her home.
She elbowed Daedalus in his solid gut. “You never said you had family.” He hardly ever spoke about his past. After three years, she would have expected to know this at least.
“They said he’s your brother.” She pointed at the shifters escorting Pallas inside.
“Oh, not by blood, but by vampire clan. I told you that turning females into Nosferatu only kills them, so my clan is a type of brotherhood.”
A familiar throb returned to her temples, and she shrugged his arm off. “Why is he threatening to kill us then?”
“Vampire blackmail tactics. They work remarkably well.”
She frowned. How could he be so nonchalant about a threat on their lives? What could Pallas possibly want from them? Unless… “Who does he want you to kill?”
Daedalus flinched. “Why do you jump to that conclusion?”
“What else would he want? It’s what you’re good at.” The words came out her mouth before she could stop them. Damn it.  Daedalus killed. It was a fact she couldn’t seem to live with. They’d been round and round this barbed subject so many times she had scars on her scars. He probably owned as many. Saying sorry just didn’t mean the same after the amount of arguments they’d had. He knew she’d be lying because once again she’d tossed her stupid high morals at him. They stared at each other as the canyon between their hearts grew wider. What was a few more inches when they had miles to bridge?    
Daedalus leaned close enough that she’d only have to go on tiptoe to kiss him. Her broken heart ached that she couldn’t manage even that simple task.  His blue eyes had gone dark. “He represents the seat of power of my people. They want me to stop neglecting my duties and return to my position.” He smirked, but it didn’t hide the hurt in his voice. “Please, try to remember that I have more skills than just killing. I am Prime of this part of North America, and I haven’t been a very good one since I’ve met you. I’ll take care of Pallas, just like I do everything else.” Daedalus stormed into the house, leaving her to limp back alone.
She stared at the uneven ground and ignored the heaviness pressed against her chest.  He had finally given her the space and independence she craved, and it stung.


Make love not war.....that's the motto of Prima, the sixth book in her Vanguard series, by Annie Nicholas as readers are rewarded with a slew of steamy sexual interludes.  Following the bloody ambush in the previous Vanguard book, Sugar has been left with numerous scars and the left side of her body paralyzed.  The depiction of her disability is realistic and her feelings of sorrow with a body that has betrayed her are easy to relate to and I found it easy to immerse myself in her life as it is now.  She feels less than a woman due to her disability and has been shutting out her Nosferatu vampire fiancée Daedalus in hopes that he'll move on with his life.  His feelings haven't changed for her though and the strength she exhibits in dealing with her disability makes him admire and love her all the more.

In helping her heal he's ignored his responsibilities as Prime and his brother Pallas has been awoken from hibernation to get him to reclaim his duties.  Knowing his life is in danger forces her to put aside her depression and stand by his side as he eliminates those who've questioned his authority.  She's caught in the crossfire though and awakens with a whole new body with Daedalus as her guide to the sexy world of vampirism.  The whole second half of the story shows her growing accustomed to what she'll now have to do to survive and finding out that blood and sex go together beautifully.  These sexual interludes are highly erotic and have you picturing the stereotypical Nosferatu vampire in a whole new suave and sexy way.

I've read only a few of the books in the Vanguard series so some of the characters were lost to me, but overall this story can stand on its own as it's mostly about Sugar's transformation into the vampire world. There's moments of sexiness and surprising humor amongst the blood of battle and new life and it added to my enjoyment immensely.  The other highlight was the character of Pallas who was snarky and bloodthirsty but still loyal to a fault to his Brother.  Seeing him reacquaint himself with a modern world humanized him and made him incredibly endearing and I would love his story to be told.  Those looking for an entertaining and fast-paced read that nicely balances humor and action will find all that and more with Prima.

My rating for this is a B+

*I received this book from the author in exchange for my honest opinion.


Annie Nicholas hibernates in the rural, green mountains of Vermont where she dreams of different worlds, heroes, and heroines. When spring arrives the stories pour from her, in hopes to share them with the masses one day. Mother, daughter, wife are some of the hats she happily wears while trudging after her cubs through the hills and dales. The four seasons an inspiration and muse.

Website: www.annienicholas.com
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Prize is an e-copy of Prima by Annie Nicholas.

-Giveaway is OPEN TO EVERYONE.
-To be entered, leave a meaningful comment (make sure to leave your email addy as well).
-Winner will be chosen using random.org
-Giveaway ends at 11:59 PM CST on 5/5.

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Book Tour for More Than Friends by Jessica Jayne (Review & GIVEAWAY)

On this lazy day Sunday I bring to you Jessica Jayne and her short yet super steamy, More Than Friends.  So keep reading for an in-depth look into Ms. Jayne's latest release, my review of it, and the chance to win some great goodies just for filling out the form below......

First, I’d like to thank The Scarf Princess for having me as a guest blogger.  This is my first virtual book blog tour and I am more than thrilled to be here!  I’ve been writing in some capacity most of my life, but More Than Friends is my first published piece of fiction.  It is a novella that was published by Cobblestone Press, LLC.  I loved the process so much that I signed with Evernight Publishing in March for a new book that is coming out on April 25th entitled In Flames.  Look for it!  J 
Like many females, I’m a sucker for romance.  I love to be swept off my feet by an amazingly gorgeous man, whether real or fictional.  So being able to spend part of my time in this life creating these men in my stories is such great fun.
Though written in third person, More Than Friends is told from the perspective of Jeni Acerna.  Throughout the story, we get to see inside of Jeni’s head… what she is thinking and feeling for Brian Hamilton, her best friend and lover.  I thought for this blog it would be neat to see one of the scenes between Brian and Jeni from Brian’s perspective.  To set up the scene, Jeni was flying into Cleveland for a friend’s wedding and Brian agreed to spend the weekend with her.  The scene below is Brian picking her up from the airport.   Enjoy!
Brian walked through the sliding doors of the Cleveland Hopkins International Airport leading tobaggage claim.  He was a few minutes early, but he had been on edge all day.  He left Canton Falls an hour earlier than he needed to because his blood pulsed through his body all day with anticipation of seeing Jeni.  He couldn’t sit still.  He couldn’t concentrate. He wasted that hour cruising around with Metallica pounding through the speakers in an effort to try and calm himself down.  It had been a couple months since he had seen Jeni in person, and he could not wait to see her.  The last time they had been together they were still on the “cooling off” period Jeni had requested, so she could explore a relationship with some big shot lawyer in Tampa.  He hated agreeing to her request.  No kissing.  No sex.  Just friends.  It sucked.  But Jeni was his best friend and he respected her… even if it did mean torture for him.
Brian was thrilled when she told him she broke up with that Stephen character.  He wasn’t a good fit for her.  Jeni needed someone that had time for her… someone that would treat her right.  She was gorgeous and sexy and sweet and loving.  He had never met another girl in all his life quite like her.  Nor had Brian met any male that he wholeheartedly approved of as Jeni’s boyfriend. 
He walked over to the screen that showed the arriving flights and found Jeni’s flight from Tampa.  Her plane had just landed… a few minutes early.  Within minutes, she would be in front of him again.  He could touch her.  Hug her.  Kiss her.  God, he fucking missed her.  
He wandered over to the bottom of the escalator that would bring all passengers to the baggage claim area.  His tapped his foot on the ground.  His hands shoved into his jeans’ pockets.  He pulled them out and lifted his baseball cap to run his hands through his thick hair… only to pull the Ohio State baseball cap back on his head and thrust his hands back in his pockets.
An elderly woman stepped onto the escalator.  Then two men in business suits with laptop bags slung over their shoulders while tapping away on their smart phones.  Where is she?  A teenage boy and his father stepped on to the escalator next and Brian sighed.  To say he was eager to see her was the understatement of the year.  
And then she appeared, stepping onto the escalator behind the teenage boy.  Oh shit!  She looked amazing!  Brian felt his knees buckle slightly as his gaze devoured her.  Her long chestnut hair cascaded in waves over her shoulders contrasting nicely against her light purple sweater.  Her tanned skin glistened. Her blue eyes were big and bright.  And her luscious lips quirked up into a smile the instant she noticed him standing there.  Seeing her made him smile, and his heart pound rapidly in his chest.
She barreled down the escalator excusing herself as she passed each person riding in front of her.  As she reached the bottom, she tossed her duffel bag on the floor at his feet before throwing her arms around him and burying her face in his neck.  Brian wrapped his arms around her and spun her around, allowing his body to be reacquainted with the feel of her… the smell of her again.  He let her vanilla scent envelope him.  God, he loved the way she smelled.
“I never realize how much I miss you until I see you again,” he whispered in her ear.
“I know what you mean,” she said.  Jeni pulled back from her nestled spot on his neck and looked up at him.  Her blue eyes sparkled.  He could get lost in her eyes so easily.  “You look great!” she said.  Jeni placed a gentle kiss on his cheek.  The feel of her lips on his skin caused a heat to spread over his body.  Every time he was in her presence, his body came to life sexually.  He found it difficult not to touch her… to kiss her.  Their bet be damned.
“As do you,” he replied with a smile.  He leaned in and kissed her gently on the lips.  Her full lips were soft against his.  He flicked his tongue over her lips tasting her sweet cherry lip gloss.  Mmmmm!  He swiped his tongue over her lips again.  Jeni moaned at the feel of his tongue.  That sound made him instantly hard, and he smiled against her lips.  He knew his kisses drove her wild.  He wanted to do wild as soon as they got to his car… screw their bet.
She pulled back from the kiss breathless and smiled up at him with a heated look that he knew meant she was as hot and wet as he was hard.  Then she shook her head at him as if reading his thoughts.  Brian smiled at her.  She was taking their bet seriously.  He grabbed her bag from the floor and entwined his fingers with hers as they headed out to his car.  She wants a competition… now she has one, he thought with a mischievous smile.

Jeni Acerna’s longstanding sexual relationship with her best friend, Brian Hamilton, is both blissful and troublesome. She’s been unable to commit herself to another relationship because no one compares to Brian in or out of bed. 
Prior to attending a friend’s wedding together, they place a wager…the first to beg for sex owes the other $500. After a tortuous night, their passion erupts and their sexual relationship picks up where it left off…hot and heavy. However, this time, Brian wants Jeni… and not just in his bed. Can he convince her the risk is worth taking?


Staring out the tiny airplane window, Jeni Acerna watched as the vehicles below transformed into matchbox cars and the slight cityscape of Tampa soon became a miniature play set. She was on her way to Cleveland for her college roommate Bethany’s wedding…alone.
Jeni had recently ended yet another relationship. Stephen Weller. He was a corporate attorney at a large firm in Tampa, Florida, working his way to senior partner. Handsome. Intelligent. Andaddicted to his work. He had to actually schedule time for Jeni on his Outlook calendar. Even when they had some time together for dinner or such, she had to regularly battle for attention with his iPhone. Jeni did not consider herself high maintenance. She was a small town Ohio girl, who moved to Florida like many northerners. She did not need constant attention. But she never expected to have to call her boyfriend’s secretary in order to arrange a dinner date with him. Stephen was reluctant to let the relationship go. He told her he truly enjoyed their time together, even if it was minimal. Jeni had some reluctance as well. She was twenty-eight years old and several relationships deep. But she wanted a relationship that involved spending time together and allowed for some spontaneity. At this point in Stephen’s career, that was not going to be possible. They went their separate ways.
It looked as if Jeni would be attending Bethany’s wedding solo. Not a big deal. Several of their college friends would be there, so Jeni would know more than enough people to keep her from feeling lonely. But a part of her dreaded the thought of going without a date. Many of her college friends were either married or engaged. Weddings were a great reminder that she was still so very far from having one of her own.
Instead of sulking to the wedding single, Jeni did what she inevitably did every time she traveled back home to Ohio—she called Brian Hamilton. Brian and Jeni grew up together. They had been best friends, but Brian had always been more than a friend. He was Jeni’s sex addiction and perhaps one of the big reasons none of her romantic relationships seemed capable of succeeding. She either compared her boyfriend at the time to Brian or could not keep herself from fucking Brian when she saw him.
“Hey, Jeni,” Brian said. He answered the phone in his usual cheerful manner.
“Hey, Bri,” Jeni replied. She was grateful to hear his voice, even though it had only been a couple weeks since they had actually spoken. “How are you?”
“Usual. Busy and bored,” he said with a laugh. Brian still lived in Canton Falls, Ohio, their small town about an hour south of Cleveland. He was a CPA working for his dad’s accounting firm, which consisted of Brian, his dad, and his older brother, Phillip. Brian enjoyed the work itself. He was always a numbers kind of guy. But living in Canton Falls could be suffocating. And Brian had made his way through most of the local attractive female population.
“Maybe I can brighten up your day and add some excitement. Would you want to meet me in Cleveland this weekend and go to Bethany’s wedding with me? I’m flying in on Friday evening.”
“You’ll be in Ohio next weekend and I am just hearing about this now?” he asked, pretending to be hurt. “Oh, wait! You must have broken up with dreamy Stevie, and now you need a date for the wedding.”
“Cute, Brian. And yes, I did.” He knew Jeni so well. Too well.
“Ha-ha,” he said with a laugh. “I knew it wouldn’t last. Jeni Acerna does not take well to being second fiddle. He’s a fool!”
“Thanks for the positivity,” Jeni said. “So, you’ll come with me?” To be honest, Jeni could not think of another person with whom she would rather spend the weekend.
“This is kind of short notice,” he said. “You know my social calendar is jam-packed.” He laughed. In their last conversation a couple weeks ago, Brian told her he had taken Samantha Franklin out on a date. She was the much younger sister to one of their high school classmates. Sam had had a crush on Brian since she was a little girl. When asked how the date had gone, he chuckled and said there was zero chance of them getting serious, but that it was fun to date a twenty-one-year-old again.
“You already have plans?” Jeni tried to disguise the disappointment in her voice.
“Tentatively,” he said. “Besides, it would be nothing but trouble for us to see each other.”
“Why would you say that?” she asked.
“Didn’t you say you wanted to ‘cool things off’ between us?” he asked.
“I suppose I did,” Jeni replied. She had made that request when she thought she and Stephen might have a chance at a real relationship. Brian always complicated things, because Jeni had an almost impossible time resisting him, and Jeni made regular visits to Ohio to see her parents, siblings, and friends. Brian had not been overly thrilled with the request, but he respected her and agreed to her “cooling off.” Jeni could kick herself now for ever suggesting that to Brian. There was little she wanted more than a dose of Brian Hamilton.
“Jeni, you know you are to me what alcohol is to an alcoholic. When I am around you, I can never get enough…no matter the situation.”
Jeni’s heart skipped a beat at the fact that she still had such a profound sexual effect on him. He, of course, still made her knees weak and her panties wet.
“I’d never be able to keep it cooled off spending the weekend with you. You should know that.”
And she did know it. They had seen each other only twice since the cooling off began several months ago, and both times were planned with many of their friends around them so as to avoid the one-on-one time. Even then, they had a difficult time keeping their hands off each other. She found his hand at the small of her back or on her thigh during dinner. She couldn’t stop from ruffling his silky, brown hair or nuzzling into his neck when they said goodbye.
They had had a secret love affair or rather sex affair for years. But she knew that it had never actually been a secret to anyone. They had known each other since they were born. Their parents were good friends and had gone to high school together in Canton Falls too. Since Jeni and Brian were fifteen, they had a magnetic attraction to each other. Their sexual relationship started in high school, continued through college, and carried on even after Jeni moved to Florida five years ago for warmer weather and a job in hospitality marketing at a large resort in Clearwater. Anytime she returned home to Ohio to visit her family and friends, she and Brian found a way to be together. And when she saw Brian, Jeni had an extremely difficult time not fucking him.
When they were in high school, they had tried the boyfriend-girlfriend thing. At the time, neither of them wanted a serious relationship, so they agreed to be friends with benefits. Since then, they never approached the subject of a “relationship” so as not to ruin the good thing they had. And it was good. Very fucking good!
“Are you turning me down because you might not be able to fuck me?” Jeni asked. Brian laughed.
“Might not? I’m turned on just thinking about being in the same room as you,” he said. “There is no way either of us would get out of that hotel room not completely sated.”
“Maybe the cooling off period can be over,” she teased. “Could we make a game out of it?” A thought popped into her head that could make it a challenge. Brian could hardly resist a challenge, especially against her.
“What kind of game?” Brian asked, intrigued.
“Every time we meet up, we are fucking within ten minutes,” Jeni said.
“It’s one of the many pleasures of getting together with you.”
“I’m not saying I don’t enjoy that aspect, because, of course, I do. But it might be fun to restrain from our natural instinct even if just for a little bit. Let’s agree not to have sex for the first twenty-four hours I’m in town. That still leaves about forty-eight hours to play.”
“That’s such a waste of twenty-four hours,” he said. “What do I get out of this?”
“The challenge,” she replied. “I know you can’t last that long being in a hotel room with me with nothing but our clothes separating us.” She heard him snicker on the other end of the phone. Brian could never pass on a challenge. He was way too competitive. “Whoever begs to be fucked first owes the other five hundred dollars. So make sure you bring cash when you pick me up from the airport.” Jeni knew they would not likely make the twenty-four hours, and she did not mind coming home with a little extra cash.
“You know me too well, Jeni,” he said. “I’m always up for a challenge. I’ve got you on this one! You’ll be begging me to fuck you well before that twenty-four-hour period is over. Keep the money in your bra. I’ll find it!”

BUY LINKS:   Cobblestone Press  |  BN  |  ARe  |  Amazon


More Than Friends features another of my favorite themes with its friends with benefits storyline.  This allows for lots of steamy interludes that burned up the pages.  This theme also allows for a relationship to be previously established and easily accepted as their life-long closeness is referenced throughout the story and the evolution into something more substantial becomes something you root for.

Jeni and Brian's interactions are combustible and the sexual tension between them permeates the pages both in and out of the bedroom.  They're both sweet and sexy together and having every moment of the story devoted to them made it easy to immerse yourself in their flourishing commitment.  Brian is charming and sexy and has slowly come to realize that no woman compares to Jeni and that their occasional meetings are no longer enough.  Jeni too knows that no man compares to Brian but worries that their friendship will suffer if a relationship doesn't work out between them.  Sometimes you just have to put your heart on the line when reaching for a HEA and considering their life-long closeness it seems as though the HFN conclusion could easily become permanent.

This short story is surprisingly fully fleshed-out with two likable characters amidst lots of super steamy scenes.  Jeni and Brian are delightful together with their sexually playful dialogue and sense of closeness and watching their journey towards their HEA makes for an immensely satisfying story.  Seeing Ms. Jayne accomplish so much in a short format has me excited to read one of her books in long format and be just as entertained.

My rating for this is a B+

*I received this book from the author in exchange for my honest opinion.


I am a born and raised small town Ohio girl, who moved to the Sunshine State after graduating from college. I graduated with a bachelor's degree in English because I could not imagine doing anything else but reading and writing. It is such a pleasure to be able to share all the stories in my head! 
In the journey of life, I also became a wife and a mother of three children. So, life is always an adventure. But the love of writing has never died. 
My favorites:  I love to read and write... obviously! But I also enjoy all sports, especially college football and the Ohio State Buckeyes!  Go Steelers!  Go Rays! I LOVE to travel... LOVE, LOVE, LOVE to travel. And I love sharing my love to travel with my children. I love to drink Teavana teas! I love a good glass of wine, especially if it comes from a bottle made by the FOOLS wine club… yep, I’m a member of that!  J  I love hanging out with my family and my friends!  Big fan of music, but love nothing better than putting on my jean shorts, tank top, cowboy boots and hat and watching Tim McGraw belt it out!  I’m a sucker for a cowboy hat!  J
Favorite quote:  “If nothing ever changed, there would be no butterflies.”


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Saturday, April 27, 2013

Book Tour for Hidden Depths by Aubrianna Hunter (Review & GIVEAWAY)

Friends to lovers stories are amongst my favorites and I'm thrilled today to bring you an immensely satisfying one, Hidden Depths by Aubrianna Hunter.  It's a super steamy read with delightful characters and you'll want to keep reading to find out more about this book.  Make sure to leave a comment before you leave for your chance to win a Kindle copy of this book.....

She is pierced, dyed and tattooed born on the wrong side of the tracks. He is a traditional white knight born of the proverbial silver spoon. Their meeting was an accident, the fact that they became even the most tentative of friends, an anomaly. The only real thing they had in common... chemistry. Lots of chemistry. Unfortunately, that wasn't enough and Gia knew it. Now, if only she could convince her body...
Josh had always walked the line, lived the life he was expected to live. He had, by all accounts, the perfect life; a corporate lawyer, a beautiful home, a family empire to run, and the perfect fiancee. He was well on his way. The only question he had... was that really where he wanted to go? Plagued by dreams, Josh fought all his natural instincts, denying not only what he truly wanted but who he was deep down inside. Until one crazy night when he gave in to his desires...
Could these two polar opposites have more in common than even they realize?

"Just what the hell do you think you're doing, Josh?"
"Why Georgia, I have no idea what you're talking about."
"Oh cut the crap, lawyer boy."
Bringing them literally nose to nose, he whispered against her lips, "That's three, baby."
"What are you doing? Someone is going to see us. Back up."
Josh noted that she was telling him to back up, but her lips were moving the tiniest bit closer. He could kiss her, right here, right now. And she would let him.
But, if anyone saw them, she would hate him, and what they had would be over before it truly began.
With more control than he thought he possessed, he backed his head away from hers and spun her away from him, until she was facing the bar. Removing temptation, while still allowing him the feel of her body.
"Teasing me like that, Gia, is worth two... so that makes it five."
It took her a second to respond, letting him know she was just as affected as he was. "Five what?"
He leaned in and smiled against her ear. "Spankings. Every time you tease, torment, or simply act bitchy, you are going to earn yourself another."
She leaned her body back against him, almost sagging into him as gooseflesh ran down her arms. That, combined with the little shiver she gave, told him all he needed to know.
"You really like that idea, don't you baby?"
"Fuck you, Josh." Her words were harsh, though her tone was raspy. The desire he heard in her tone shot straight to his cock.
Grabbing her hip with one hand, he gripped the bar with the other, half convinced he would break the damn thing with his grip. "Here and now, or did you want to wait until we get back to my house?" He used his grip to grind himself against her ass.
He realized just how carried away they'd gotten when instead of pulling away, she leaned into him with a breathy little moan. 
"Ah, hell Gia." He pulled away from her taking a full step back before he did something colossally stupid. Taking a deep breath, he was trying to calm himself when the bartender showed back up, drinks in hand.
Taking the beers, he asked Gia to grab Deb's martini and he turned to head back to the table. He stopped for just a second, and leaned in to say quietly, "Now we're up to seven, Gia. One for the 'fuck you' and one for the teasing. Just how badly are you going to behave the rest of the night?" 
She was going to kill him. A long, slow, painful death. After she sexually tormented him for hours on end first, of course.
If she was honest, she was actually more angry with herself, or at least with her body, than he was with him. She had almost given in and kissed him at the bar.
Kissed him... hell, she knew it wouldn't have stopped there. At that particular moment, she had forgotten where they were, who they were with. She hadn't cared. The only thing she could think about was having him slip that long, hard shaft inside her and easing the ache.
Josh leaned over, whispering in her ear, "If you don't want me to fuck you right here at this table, you had better get that goddamn look off your face."
"Go to hell Josh," she all but yelled at him. Everyone at the table glanced her way, but since the two of them arguing was nothing new, they merely waited for his response. When he merely smirked at her, they all went back to chatting about whatever they'd been chatting about.
She made the mistake of looking at him and he mouthed out, "That's thirteen, baby."
She trusted him. Completely. At least in this. She knew he would absolutely break her heart in the end, but she knew she could trust him with her body. And quite frankly, judging by the look in his eye, he may not give her a choice. She knew he was deadly serious. She was going to get spanked tonight.
Another little shiver of anticipation ran through her.
Suddenly Josh stood up, almost shooting out of his chair. "Hey, Gia. Dance with me?"
Before she could even answer, he grabbed her arm and tugged, leaving her no choice but to stand and follow unless she wanted to be dragged across the room.
As soon as they were hidden from view, he pulled her flush against him. The contact, combined with the friction of movement, both soothed and tormented her.
After just a few seconds, she heard Josh groan, his already hard shaft, pulsing against her belly.
"You have got to stop looking like that Gia. You are driving me fucking insane."
"Like what?" she asked, honestly confused.
"Like you want me to throw you over my lap and spank you right here."

BUY LINKS:   Kindle - Hidden Depths - Kindle Edition  |  Paperback - Hidden Depths Paperback


Hidden Depths was a book that immediately grabbed me from the get-go with its theme of friends to lovers.  Add in the fact that these two friends are flirty and fun, and immensely likable, and you have an utterly entertaining story with off the chart hot sexual interludes.  The fast-paced writing style with its straight-forward storyline makes for an uncomplicated story and a delightful afternoon of fun.

Gia is an unexpectedly delightful heroine who tells it like it is.  She's a wild child with tattoos and piercings with an eclectic fashion style that sets her apart from other women.  She seems comfortable in her skin but deep down worries that her differences might be too much to be accepted.  That's why she chooses to keep her new relationship with rich boy Josh a secret.  She doesn't see a future with him in his world so wants to live in the here and now and focuses on the sexual side of their time together.  It's going to take a lot for her to see that love is the most important thing when it comes to a HEA and by almost losing what you love will you truly gain it.

Josh is equally as likable and not at all what he first appears.  He's a lawyer by day who comes from a family of wealth but doesn't let that define him as he has a hidden naughty side.  From his newly acquired tattoo to his nightly sparring with a punching bag he enjoys a walk on the wild side.  He's loved Gia for years and finally decides he doesn't want to wait for her any longer.  He at first agrees to a just sex relationship as he thinks that's all he can get from her, but after awhile it's not enough and he pushes their relationship out into the open.  This has her running for the hills and him fighting to get her back and to see that opposites do attract and keep a relationship fresh and makes for the best HEA.

The witty dialogue between them is entertaining and crackles with sexual tension.  It's obvious early on how compatible they truly are and that it's merely an internal struggle that keeps them apart.  There are numerous sexual encounters that get more intense as the story progresses and their relationship deepens.  These scenes do veer off into a bit of BDSM but never anything too overly intense.  Along with these steamy and satisfying encounters comes a entertaining and memorable cast of secondary characters.  This groups of friends are realistically portrayed and offer support and insight and I enjoyed the interactions amongst each member of this group and would love for their stories to be told too.  Ms. Hunter has written a steamy yet immensely satisfying story that put a smile on my face from the very first page to the last.

My rating for this is a B+

*I received this book from the author in exchange for my honest opinion.


I am often asked; who is Aubrianna Hunter?  And the truth is the answer isn't a simple one. Beyond being a dedicated wife and mother, I was raised by a Marine, and married into the Navy. 
Needless to say I can go toe to toe with the most sarcastic people you have met, and can dish insults and curse with the best of them.  I blurt wildly inappropriate things at precisely the moment when the room goes quiet, so much so that my co-author has nicknamed me Ted... Yes... After the bear in the movie. 
Recently my husband has replaced calling me crazy with calling me "Creative", but the tone he uses to do it makes me question his sincerity.  Though honestly, crazy is probably closer to reality.  I like my hectic life, in fact I thrive in the chaos and would have it no other way.

Amazon Link
Facebook Fan Page
Aubrianna Hunter - Blog


Aubrianna is gifting a Kindle copy of Hidden Depths to one random commenter.

-Giveaway is OPEN TO EVERYONE.
-To be entered, leave a meaningful comment (make sure to leave your email addy as well).
-Winner will be chosen using random.org
-Giveaway ends at 11:59 PM CST on 5/3.