Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Book Tour for Sunsinger by Robyn Bachar (Review & GIVEAWAY)

Those who love sci-fi will find this a rollicking and sensual tale and today you'll be getting a glimpse of this third installment in the Cy'ren Rising series.  On this New Year's Eve holiday you'll learn about Sunsinger by Robyn Bachar through my impressions of it as well as by visiting the other blogs hosting this tour.  You'll also learn a bit about Ms. Bachar through my interview with her.  To ring in the holiday right you'll also have the chance to win a $25 bookstore GC just by filling out the form below!  So let's get this party started......

First, I hope everyone has a safe, awesome New Year’s Eve. There’s a bottle of moscato with my name on it. ;-)
TSP:  Knowing what you do now about the publishing business, would you have done anything different career-wise?
RB:  I would’ve put my royalties in a separate bank account, though that’s more a lesson I learned from my divorce. Really I’ve enjoyed working with my publisher, and I’ve been fortunate to work with great editors and an amazing cover artist.
TSP:  The majority of your books are sci-fi/paranormal in nature, what draws you to those genres?
RB:  Swords. Aside from swords, I have a lifelong love of the paranormal and science fiction, so writing these stories allows me to express that. My muse has the philosophy that “if you like it, then you should put a spell in it”.
TSP:  Beyond its synopsis, what do you want us to know about Sunsinger?
RB:  This book was SO MUCH FUN to write. It has intrigue, space battles and drama, and it was a great feeling to give the trilogy a happy-ever-after—though I did put all the characters through hell to get there. I’m particularly proud of a scene in Sunsinger with Talena from the first book and Sabine from the second book, where they get to show off how much they’ve grown.
TSP:  Which of your books would you like to see made into a movie and who would play the main couple?
RB:  Oooooh. I love this question! I always dream-cast my characters as part of the plotting process. For Sunsinger, I picture Lord Degalen as a Cy’ren version of Ben Whishaw as Q in Skyfall, wandering around in an extra-small cardigan and skinny jeans, drinking coffee and poking at computers. I picture Malcolm like a Latino version of Tom Mison’s Ichabod Crane in Sleepy Hollow. I picture Andee as a Cy’ren Gina Carano—gorgeous and able to kill you with her thighs.
TSP:  Of all the heroes you've written, who's the most heroic in your opinion?
RB:  Lex in the Bad Witch books is my paladin. He always does the right thing, even when I’m about to strangle him for being too damn good. Dack in the Cy’ren books is a bit like him, though he has more rogue to him.
TSP:  How would you describe your ideal hero?
RB:  When I’m reading (and often when I’m writing), I love a good, damaged angst-ridden hero. The kind who is terribly scarred by his past and believes he doesn’t deserve to love again. Traumatized heroes are my catnip.
TSP:  How has the continuing digital revolution affected your career and how you market yourself?
RB:  Social media has taught me the value of not posting while angry. There were a TON of things I wanted to post during my divorce, but I reminded myself that my readers are there to hear about my writing, not my personal drama. I try to include interesting tidbits about my life (or at least cute pictures of my puppy), and to share things that I find interesting. Overall, I made a decision that I want to spend my time and energy on positive messages. It’s more valuable to me to share something I love and enjoyed with my readers than something I didn’t.
TSP:  My site's all about favorite what are your favorite things/the things you can't live without?
RB:  Coffee and books! Coffee is essential to life, and I’ve always loved reading. :-)

Her desire unites them. Her secret could destroy them all.
The lord.
The sole survivor of the Sunsinger massacre, Lord Degalen Fairren spends his days reading tales of the family he never knew. When a rival house threatens to enslave Cyprena, Galen is forced to pull his nose out of his books and enter into an alliance with House Morningstar, and a dangerous mission to save his world.
The assassin.
Lady Andelynn Harrow isn’t House Morningstar’s eldest or prettiest daughter, but she is the deadliest. After her father’s murder, Andee must defend her new house and mate—the shy, reluctant Galen—but every battle risks revealing her terrible secret.
The slave.
Malcolm gets his first taste of freedom when the Cy’ren recruit him to locate the cure to a deadly virus—and feels the burn of desire for Galen, the lord he can never have, and for Andee, who awakens memories of a long-lost first love.
The danger they face fuels the heat between them, but with Cyprena’s fate hanging in the balance, the race to find the cure could come with devastating costs.


“Greetings, Lord Degalen. I trust you are calling for instructions on how to return my property.” The vid screen remained dark—apparently Archivist de la Cruz didn’t trust anyone with his image.
“Malcolm is not property. He is a free citizen of Cyprena.”
“According to the latest reports, Cyprena is no longer a free world. Lord Bildanen has returned your planet to the Syndicate, under his rule as High Lord.”
Galen scowled, imagining wringing Bildanen’s traitorous neck. “Lord Bildanen’s rule is not recognized by my house. But I did not contact you to discuss Cy’ren politics.”
Chuckling crackled over the speakers. “No, you called to bargain for keeping Malcolm yourself. I understand that both you and Lady Andelynn are fond of young Malcolm. He is quite…entertaining, but he is not for sale. Malcolm is too valuable for me to part with.”
A growl rumbled from Galen’s chest, but he bit his temper back. Of course Andee was fond of Malcolm. Everyone was fond of him—he was shy but endearing, and tempting in ways that a Cy’ren lord should certainly not think about.
“I require Malcolm’s aid, and he requires access to the Collective in order to provide that aid. What will it take to restore his access?”
“Return him to me, and I will restore his access.”
“Malcolm is my property. That is non-negotiable. I could be persuaded to lease him to you, for, say, six standard months,” the archivist proposed. “That should be long enough for you to conduct your business, but after that I will collect my property.”



Picking up where the previous book in the series left off, there's danger everywhere as the Houses are under attack from one of their own who's bent on total domination.  To acheive that goal he's ready to unleash a bio-weapon recently discovered in the previous book.  With the other Houses bowing down under the threat it's up to the House Morningstar to fight back with the help of Lord Galen, the lone heir of House Sunsinger, who's set on marrying Andee of House Morningstar.  While theirs is an unexpected coupling it sets the stage for a complete change of the ways of their people when it comes to slavery, the role of women in battle, and the right to have a male mate.  Aiding in these dramatic changes is the slave and computer whiz Malcolm, who's taken sanctuary with them but is still being controlled by a possessive man who's willing to rent him to the highest bidder.  Their triad may be frowned upon by others but together they're a formidible team not afraid to sacrifice themselves for their people and each other.

Andee is a strong and capable woman who doesn't hesitate to run into the middle of a fight.  She's not considered the pretty sister in her family and is therefore shocked by Galen's attentions.  She's attracted to him too but fears that her secret of being an empath as well as other abilities will scare him or turn her into a pawn for others to use.  Andee's an outgoing female quite comfortable talking about and engaging in sex which has her taking the lead in many of their erotic encounters.  That's not the case for Galen who's a shy virgin.  His only experience was a kiss with a young man that led to shame amidst his family covering the incident up.  He's more comfortable in a library and prefers studying people as opposed to being around them.  He's pale and lacks muscles but his authoritative presence and surety in a crisis are invaluable in their secret journey to find a cure.  He's drawn to Andee and her calming and understanding nature and is quick to show his possessive side towards her.  Being with just her though leads to frustration for him as he lets his thoughts of betrayal to his family name and new mate caused by a brief kiss with Malcolm consume him.  It's not until Andee and Malcolm take control and reassure him of the rightness in loving another person that he finally allows himself to live his life for himself.  He feels safe in the presence of both of them and it leads to sweet and sensual discoveries.  Malcolm is a human slave who's dealt with loss and has finally found a sense of safety within the House Morningstar.  He tries to ignore his attraction to Galen at first but jumps at the chance to be with him and Andee once she suggests it.  He's quite comfortable in his role of teacher to Galen when it comes to sex and Malcolm is very enthusiastic in his role.  He's a bit twitchy at times, a bit sickly too, but is a maestro when connecting to a computer.  His constant talk of data streams is humorous and belie his fears of being returned to his master.  Along the dangerous journey into the traitor's realm his life is put in jeopardy and he discovers some unsettling truths that could lead to a whole new series of books.  Malcolm was an endearing character reminiscent of a mad scientist, but sexier.

This was an exciting sci-fi thrill ride full of battles from above and below.  These battles were fast-paced, exhilarating, and kept me on the edge of my seat.  Characters from the previous books had large roles in this story and with so many names things became confusing at times.  I was often left frustrated trying to remember who was related to who and for this reason I recommend these books be read in order.  The villain was truly nefarious and his plan included lots of twist and turns that brought out even more traitors.  Amidst these bloody battles was a satisfying and erotic romance between three very different people who were perfect together.  There was a nice balance to allow their relationship to evolve realistically while keeping the action flowing at a rapid and pulse pounding pace.  From start to finish this was an engaging story with a definitive HEA.  Though I see possibilities for more I'm not sure that will happen as this series is billed as a trilogy.  Wherever Ms. Bachar decides to go though, I'll definitely follow.

My rating for this is a B+

*I got this book from the author for review in exchange for my honest opinion.


Robyn Bachar enjoys writing stories with soul mates, swords, spaceships, vampires, and gratuitous violence against the kitchen sink. Her paranormal romance Bad Witch series, historical paranormal romance series Bad Witch: The Emily Chronicles, and spicy space opera romance trilogy Cy’ren Rising are available from Samhain Publishing. Her books have finaled in PRISM Contest for Published Authors, the Passionate Plume Contest, and twice in the EPIC eBook Awards.
As a gamer, Robyn has spent many hours rolling dice, playing rock-paper-scissors, and slaying creatures in mmorpgs.




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Blurb Blitz for Cursed: Brides of the Kindred 13 by Evangeline Anderson (GIVEAWAY)

Fans of steamy paranormal reads will want to add this to their bookshelf.  Keep reading to get a glimpse of Cursed: Brides of the Kindred 13 by Evangeline Anderson and learn even more about it by visiting the other blogs hosting this tour.  Make sure to fill out the form below for the chance to win a $25 bookstore GC too!

A fierce warrior, forced to feel the agony of others.
A girl with a past full of pain caused by his kind.
When the two of them go undercover on a dangerous mission will they bond?
Or are they Cursed to be apart forever?


“You can put me down now.” Charlie’s heart was pounding—she wasn’t sure why. “I mean, I really am fine.”
“No you’re not. You’re wounded. And I must heal you.”
The look in his eyes was beyond intense as he cupped her cheek.
“But…” Charlie started to protest, her heart pounding.
“Open to me.” His voice had gone deep and soft and commanding. “Open  and let me heal you, Charlotte.”
“I…” But further words of protest seemed to die on her lips as he bent her over his arm and sealed his mouth to hers.
Charlie gave a little gasp as she felt his lips press gently but firmly to hers. Then his tongue was there, tracing the seam of her lips, seeking entrance. She wanted to pull away and cuss at him—tell him he had no right. Instead she felt her lips parting, allowing him in when she knew she shouldn’t.
He’s just healing me, she told herself desperately. It’s not really a kiss. But it certainly felt like one, especially when his tongue entwined with hers and he sucked gently, as though inviting her to explore his mouth as he was exploring hers.
Charlie gave a helpless little moan and took his unspoken invitation. God, his mouth was so warm and he tasted like cinnamon—cinnamon and some exotic mint she’d never had before. She could feel the edges of his fangs but this time he somehow managed to keep from cutting her with them even when the tip of her tongue danced dangerously over their razor-sharp points. The kiss went on and on and his dark, spicy scent filled her senses until Charlie felt like she was drowning in him, being completely consumed from the inside out.


Evangeline Anderson is a registered MRI tech who would rather be writing. And yes, she is nerdy enough to have a bumper sticker that says “I’d rather be writing.” Honk if you see her! She is thirty-something and lives in Florida with a husband, a son, and two cats. She had been writing erotic fiction for her own gratification for a number of years before it occurred to her to try and get paid for it. To her delight, she found that it was actually possible to get money for having a dirty mind and she has been writing paranormal and Sci-fi erotica steadily ever since.
Come visit for some free reads and to find out what’s coming soon. You can also connect with her on Facebook, Pinterest, Goodreads, or Twitter.


a Rafflecopter giveaway

Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Book Blast for Game On! Never to Part and Never to Love by Tara C. MacDonald (Review & GIVEAWAY)

Fans of sports-themed romances will find themselves drawn to Game On! Never to Part and Never to Love by Tara C. MacDonald as it revolves around the exciting world of hockey and motocross.  Keep reading to get a glimpse of this book that's 2-in-1, along with my impressions of it, then learn even more about this read by visiting the other blogs hosting this tour.  Make sure to fill out the form below for the chance to win a piece of local art too!

Game On! Never to Part and Never to Love is an ebook with two short stories.  Never to Part features Ryan almost getting run over by Sam at a bar one night.  They see each other again as Ryan's hockey team is hiring her marketing firm in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada.  What can these two confused overachievers do when love strikes.  Never to Love brings us to Halifax again where James and Sarah bump heads in a business deal to help out his motocross sponsorship prospects.  Will they be able to put business aside and commit to their passions?


From Never to Part......
As Sam left the bar and got into her Mini Cooper she looked at the snow gently falling down and wished, for the first time in her life, that she had been out of Nova Scotia.  At least once.  Then she sighed.  I do love it here, and where else would I go? Gord could find his own way home.  As the tears fell down her face she finally knew whatever they had had together was gone.  Maybe she’d only seen what she had wanted to see.
Sam heard a thump and slammed on the brakes.  She threw herself out of the car to see what she had hit.  Oh, God, she thought, was it an animal.
“Why don’t you watch where you’re going?” came an American drawl. Her feet slid in some snow getting to the front of her car.
She looked up at a six-foot-four man wearing a ball cap that said Drakes and had the team logo on the side.  He flexed his leg and glared at her.
“I’m so sorry!  Are you hurt?  Should we call nine-one-one?  I can do that!” Sam grabbed her phone out of her pocket and waved it around.
“No!  Lady, you weren’t even doing five miles an hour when you hit me.  I’m okay.  Call off the emergency first aid.”
She ran over to him and put her arm around him to give support.
“Lady, I’m fine. You don’t need to…”
“Just let me help,” she said and looked up into the warmest chocolate brown eyes she had ever seen.  Her next thought died on her lips as she took in his deep forest scent. Her hand was grabbing nothing but hard muscle where she touched him.  Her heart beat erratically as his lips curved into a smile.



Fans of sports-themed romances will find both stories in this 2-in-1 collection quick and carefree reads with similar storylines and characters that are interconnected.  Though there's a slightly unpolished feel to the narrative they still make for entertaining reads and are the perfect way to get away from it all for an hour or two.  

The heroes of both stories are related and still reeling from broken hearts which have left them cautious and untrusting.  Ryan and James are both addicted to their sport but are left to watch it from the sidelines as they're slowly aging out.  Love comes upon them unexpectedly, and after a moment of danger, it all ends in a rush that doesn't allow time for intense feelings to flourish before quickly concluded HEAs.  Both men are charming and sexy but show flashes of uncertainty too.

The heroines in both stories are equally similar in that they're both feeling lost.  Sam just broke up with a hockey player who was cheating on her and is leery of getting involved with another long distance romance taking place in the hockey world.  Her conflicted feelings lead to lots of tears and self-doubt in this predictable tale.  Sarah had trouble living up to the expectations of her father as a woman and as a business woman with a failing business.  The only bright spot is a motocross biker who lets his past dictate their future.  His brush-off led to lots of tears and self-doubt too.  For both of these quick to assume women it's a fast yet unexpected path to HEA.

This was a quick yet satisfying read.  Though it was predictable there was still comfort to be found in the predictability.  Those looking for an immediate comfort read will find this the perfect remedy to the stresses of the day and a good addition to the genre.

My rating for this is a C+

*I got this book from the author for review in exchange for my honest opinion.


Author Tara C. MacDonald holds a B.A. English Literature from Trent University and has been a member of Romance Writers of America since 2008.  Other writing groups such as Scribe Wenches, Romance Writers of Nova Scotia and other RWA chapters have helped her learn her craft.  She believes in the hope that romance can bring and reads avidly.  Her first published work was as a Co-Author in a non-fiction book called "Succeeding Through Doubt, Fear & Crisis" August 2014 with the eWomenNetwork publishing program.



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Book Release Day for How Sweet It Is by Kelly Jamieson

 As a big fan of Ms. Jamieson's and her steamy reads with fun and flirty storylines, today is a day to celebrate as I bring you a glimpse of her just-released How Sweet It Is.  Keep reading to get a tantalizing taste of this sexy story and then add it to your bookshelf.....

A free-spirited woman…
Eccentric interior designer Mirelle Brasseur is tired of relationships with handsome, charming, fickle men—in other words men just like the father who abandoned her. She’s fun and funky, but takes her career seriously. She’s not about to let a man derail her dreams or wound her heart again.
An ambitious man…
Award winning chef Bradan Hunt is handsome and charming, but he's always honest with women about his one date-one night rule. Between his best-selling cookbooks, his TV appearances, and his restaurant, he’s too busy for a relationship. He saw what a lack of ambition did to his parents. Bradan wants more. His newest restaurant is going to be the best, so he hires Mirelle to help him design it.
Turn up the heat…
Soon it isn’t just the food sizzling in the kitchen, in spite ofMirelle’s misgivings, as the attraction between the chef and the designer heats up. It will take more than one date-one night for them to overcome their pasts and find a way to cook up a sweet future together.


Bradan had no idea what he was doing there. He had no time for volunteering and he wasn’t really all that much into animals except the ones that ended up in his kitchen. Although he was always deeply respectful of the sacrifice those animals had made. But he had to admit the pets all did have a certain appeal, and so did the sexy blonde who was showing him around.

Today she wore a tiny gray T-shirt, jeans that were rolled up in a deep cuff above her delicate ankles and pink Converse. Those pink Converse fascinated him, for some reason. She definitely had her own unique style. She’d tried to tame that wild mane of blonde waves in some kind of bun thing, but strands kept sliding out and hanging in her face. It was sexy as hell. As was her ass, when she turned to lead him down the hall.
“We’ll go do some laundry,” she said. “Sorry, it’s not the sexiest task here.”
“What’s sexier than laundry?” he asked dryly.
She laughed. “Most people who volunteer want to work directly with the animals, but there’s so much else that needs to be done, too. These things are just as important.”
“How long have you been volunteering here?”
“A couple of years. I love animals and I wish I could have a pet but I’m not allowed pets in my apartment building…well…” Her voice lowered conspiratorially. “I actually have a secret pet. Don’t tell anyone.”
He watched her with amusement. “What kind of secret pet?”
“A rat.”
“A…rat?” His hands paused, full of towels he was removing from the dryer.
“Yes. His name is Amos.”
“A rat.”
She nodded. “Yes. He’s very gentle and affectionate. He loves being with people.”
He arched an eyebrow. “You’re bullshitting me, aren’t you?”
“No!” Her eyes widened. “I’m serious! Rats make great pets. They’re very domesticated. Amos is super sweet.”
“Fuck me.” He shook his head. As a chef, a rat was absofuckinglutely the last animal he ever wanted to see. “This I gotta see.” The words came out of his mouth with honest innocence—he really did want to see Amos the rat and to see Mirelle with him. But she immediately got all cool and closed up again. He sighed, carrying the laundry over to a table to fluff and fold it.
When she forgot herself, she was sweet and funny, her upbeat personality and easy smile so sexy and appealing. When she remembered who he was, she got all tight and serious and rigid. Damn. He tried to focus on what she was showing him and telling him.
“I’ll show you where to put the towels.”
When he eventually pulled out his cell phone to check the time, he cursed inside. He had to get back to the restaurant. He’d been missing in action too many nights this past week with Pacopicking up the slack, but dammit, he didn’t want to leave.
“I have to go,” he said regretfully.
“Yeah, I’m about to leave, too.”
“D’you need a ride home?”
“No, I have my car. I just have to say goodbye to Monty.”
He watched her find the dog he’d seen her with when he’d arrived, crouching down to hug him, letting him lick her chin. Monty gazed up at her adoringly and she rubbed him with such a fierce look of affection on her face, Bradan’s heart turned over.
Damn. He wasn’t into dog kisses, but he found himself wishing she was holding him that tightly, looking at him with such profound love, letting him lick her all over. When she straightened, the emotion on her face had his heart squeezing. She was really sad to be leaving the dog. He recognized the deep sensitivity in her but she smiled at him with determined cheer as she grabbed a hooded sweatshirt and her purse from a locker. Today her bright-colored purse appeared to be constructed of…Kool-Aid packages. Whoa.
“We could get a cup of coffee,” he said, following her out.
She turned and looked at him. “You said you had to go.”
“I…yeah.” Jesus! This was not how things went for him with women! He rubbed his face. He had to get a grip here or risk making a fool of himself over her.




Kelly Jamieson writes romances with heat that's sweet. Her writing has been described as “emotionally complex”, “sweet and satisfying” and “blisteringly sexy”. If she can stop herself from reading or writing, she loves to cook. She has shelves of cookbooks that she reads at length. She also enjoys gardening in the summer, and in the winter she likes to read gardening magazines and seed catalogues (there might be a theme here...) She also loves shopping, especially for clothes and shoes. But her family takes precedence over everything else (yes, even writing). She has two teenage children who are the best kids in the world, not that she’s biased, and a wonderful husband who does loads of laundry while she plays on the computer writing stories.


Saturday, December 27, 2014

Book Spotlight for To Rome with Lust by KD Grace

Romance and adventure go together beautifully and in this third installment in The Mount series they're on vivid display.  Keep reading to get a glimpse of To Rome with Lust by KD Grace and then add it to your bookshelf!

The adventure that Rita Holly began in The Mount in London and Nick Chase took up in Vegas continues when a sizzling encounter on a flight to Rome has journalist, Liza Calendar, and perfumer, Paulo ‘The Nose’ Delacour, in sexy olfactory heaven. The heir apparent of Martelli Fragrance, Paulo wants Liza’s magnificently sensitive nose to help develop Martelli’s controversial new line. Paulo has a secret weapon; Martelli Fragrance is the front for the original Mount, an ancient sex cult of which he is a part, and Paulo plans to use the scent of sex to enhance Martelli’s Innuendo line. As Liza and Paulo sniff out the scent of seduction, they become their own best lab rats. But when someone steals the perfume formulas and lays the blame at Liza’s feet, she and Paulo must sniff out the culprit and prove Liza’s innocence before more is exposed than just secret formulas.


‘People are looking. We should stop.’ Liza barely got the words out before he leaned in just a tiny bit further and, in his enthusiasm, his lips brushed hers. Everything spiked in a sharp stab of scent that settled right between her legs, as they both gasped and sat back, eyes wide, fingers pressed to lips. A flight to Paris was called over the intercom immediately after one to Frankfurt and, in the jostling and shifting and gathering of belongings, no one was paying any attention to them. Though she wasn’t sure it would have made any difference even if they’d suddenly been center stage. Their gaze locked on each other, cheeks flushed, chests heaving, they sat locked in a moment so tight, so full that its breaking apart was inevitable. It was ridiculous. She was seconds away from coming, and his cock was about to burst his trousers and his lips, my god his lips, she could think of so many places on her body she wanted those lips.
‘I have to know,’ he gasped. ‘Surely you want to know too.’ Then he did the unthinkable. He curled his fingers into the back of her hair and pulled her to him. This time their lips met with a clash of teeth and a gasping swallow of oxygen that transitioned into parted lips and darting tongues and an absolute explosion of scent. If he had smelled amazing by himself, if his scent had sharpened hers to the cutting edge of orgasm, then the mixing and blending that happened when they touched, when those two scents came together was shattering. ‘I’ve never smelled anything like it,’ she breathed into his mouth.
‘Me neither,’ He bit her lower lip and tugged and their blended smell became darker, more spicy, tones of earth and sea, pepper and honey and my god the guy could kiss!
She came first with a guttural grunt that began deep in her center and washed over her like a riptide. She tried desperately to hide it, but he knew it. He felt it, she even thought he smelled it, and he tightened his fist in her hair, breathing her into his open mouth. Both his hands then slid to her shoulders in a grip that was almost painful as he pulled back, his gaze locked on hers, and his whole body convulsed, and again, and again, his deep mocha gaze holding her tight as pupils dilated and eyelids shuddered.
For a moment they sat stunned, staring at each other, struggling to catch their breath. He looked shell-shocked, and she must have looked at least as bad. ‘I’m sorry,’ they both said at the same time as they mirrored each other in a nervous laugh.
Then the intercom called the flight to Rome. ‘That’s my flight,’ she gasped, suddenly awash in a wave of embarrassment. She grabbed her bag and her laptop and fled, feeling certain everyone was watching, feeling certain everyone knew exactly what they had done. She left quickly, babbling on about duty free and gifts, sounding like a total idiot. It didn’t matter though, at the end of the day, she’d never see the man again. And she’d never smell him again. That saddened her.


Voted ETO Best Erotic Author of 2014, and a proud member of The Brit Babes, KD Grace believes Freud was right. In the end, it really IS all about sex, well sex and love. And nobody’s happier about that than she is, otherwise, what would she write about?
When she’s not writing, KD is veg gardening. When she’s not gardening, she’s walking. She walks her stories, and she’s serious about it. She and her husband have walked Coast to Coast across England, along with several other long-distance routes. For her, inspiration is directly proportionate to how quickly she wears out a pair of walking boots. She also enjoys martial arts, reading, watching the birds and anything that gets her outdoors.
KD has erotica published with SourceBooks, Xcite Books, Harper Collins Mischief Books, Mammoth, Cleis Press, Black Lace, Erotic Review, Ravenous Romance, Sweetmeats Press and others.
KD’s critically acclaimed erotic romance novels include, The Initiation of Ms HollyFulfilling the ContractThe Pet Shop. Her paranormal erotic novel, Body Temperature and Rising, the first book of her Lakeland Witches trilogy, was listed as honorable mention on Violet Blue’s Top 12 Sex Books for 2011. Books two and three, Riding the Ether, and Elemental Fire, are now also available.
KD Grace also writes hot romance as Grace MarshallAn Executive DecisionIdentity CrisisThe Exhibition are all available.

Friday, December 26, 2014

Holidays and Historicals with Kensington Publishing (GIVEAWAY)

Christmas might be over but there's still gifts to be given!  Keep reading to get a glimpse of six amazing historical reads from some of today's best authors.  Learn even more about these books by visiting the other blogs hosting this tour and make sure to fill out the form below for the chance to win all of the books below in digital or print!

SEASON FOR DESIRE by Theresa Romain
Like her four sisters, Lady Audrina Bradleigh is expected to marry a duke, lead fashion, and behave with propriety. Consequently, Audrina pursues mischief with gusto, attending scandalous parties and indulging in illicit affairs. But when an erstwhile lover threatens to ruin her reputation, Audrina has no choice but to find a respectable husband at once.
Who would guess that her search would lead her to Giles Rutherford, a blunt-spoken American on a treasure hunt of his own? When a Christmas snowstorm strands the pair at a country inn, more secrets are traded than gifts—along with kisses that require no mistletoe—and Audrina discovers even proper gentlemen have their wicked side…





Historical romance author Theresa Romain pursued an impractical education that allowed her to read everything she could get her hands on. She then worked for universities and libraries, where she got to read even more. Eventually she started writing, too. She lives with her family in the Midwest.

Website  |  Facebook  |  Twitter  |  Goodreads

ONCE UPON A PLAID by Mia Marlowe
A wife may be courted, too…
Many would count Katherine Douglas fortunate indeed. Laird William Douglas is broad-shouldered, gentle-handed, everything a lass could dream. But after four years of marriage, Katherine still knows little of what goes on in his heart. And she has yet to bear him an heir. The distance between them is too great—and so she flees over the snowy highlands to Glengarry Castle, home of her childhood, to set her husband free.
But William won’t let his wife slip away without a fight. Before long, he’s at her father’s threshold himself, witness to the rumbles of discontent in Glengarry, the bright joy of Yuletide at a family hearth, and the hidden needs of his own beloved…





Mia Marlowe learned much of what she knows about storytelling from singing. A classically trained soprano, she devised back stories to prepare for operatic roles. Since she’s worn a real corset, and had to sing high C’s in one, she empathizes with the trials of her fictional heroines. But in Mia’s stories, they don’t die in a Parisian garret. They get to live and keep the hero! Mia loves history, art, music and travel. Especially travel. Good thing, since she’s lived in 9 different states and is embarrassed to admit she’s lost track of how many times she’s been to Europe. She regards her frequent moves as vacations on which she drags along all her stuff. Currently, she and her DH make their home in New England.

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The bachelors in Ella Quinn’s Marriage Game series make a habit of resisting the irresistible. But during the season for giving, surrendering to temptation may be the greatest gift of all…
A French spy, Georges, Marquis Cruzy-le-Châtel, has lived in England for years, sacrificing his life for his country—but not his heart. For he’s never been able to forget his childhood friend, Madeleine. And now, in her hour of need, he is there to rescue her…
The victim of a ruthless statesman, Madeleine, Comtesse duBeaune, has been abducted and sent to England to work in a brothel. Her greatest wish is to return home for Christmas, and her only hope of it is to marry Georges—though she will be his wife in name alone. Yet as they steal across the snowy countryside, Georges decides to woo her—with kisses that melt the winter’s frost and leave her longing for a holiday miracle…



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Ella Quinn lived all over the United States, the Pacific, Canada, England and Europe before finally discovering the Caribbean. She lives in St. Thomas, Virgin Islands with her wonderful husband, three bossy cats and loveable great date.

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AN OATH TAKEN by Diana Cosby
A man of honor.  A woman of spirit.
As the new castellan, Sir Nicholas Beringar has the daunting task of rebuilding Ravenmoor Castle on the Scottish border and gaining the trust of the locals—one of whom wastes no time in trying to rob him. Instead of punishing the boy, Nicholas decides to make him his squire. Little does he know the thieving young lad is really…a lady.
Lady Elizabet Armstrong had donned a disguise in an attempt to free her brother from Ravenmoor’s dungeons. Although intimidated by the confident Englishman with his well-honed muscles and beguiling eyes, she cannot refuse his offer.
Nicholas senses that his new squire is not what he seems. His gentle attempts to break through the boy’s defenses leave Elizabet powerless to stem the desire that engulfs her. And when the truth is exposed, she’ll have to trust in Nicholas’s honor to help her people—and to surrender to his touch…





Diana Cosby, a retired Navy Chief Petty Officer, owes her passion for writing to a gypsy childhood of living, traveling and experiencing various cultures throughout the world. An avid romance reader her entire life, it was an easy decision to begin writing after her career as a meteorologist. Diana is married to Bob, the hero of her life, a naval officer with over 22 years of service, including a tour in Iraq. She is blessed with three loving children: Eric, Stephanie and Christopher, and enjoys the company of her dog, Duncan Trevor MacGregor, and two cats, Bad and Brat. She’s a member of various romance writing organizations and presents writing workshops for her local writing chapters.

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Thorncliff Towers is done up for Christmas, secure against wind and wolves. But Karina Petri is shut out, too, and the gypsy witch wants what’s inside. She envies the gifts, the feast, the pretty clothes, of course. But her true desire is for the love ofConstantin Stoica. Her smolderingly handsome childhood friend agreed to serve Lord Draven after his brother was caught stealing last year. He suspects Karina was involved—and it would take more magic than she possesses to make him forgive…
Constantin has always been drawn to Karina’s dark curls, flashing eyes, and reckless ways. But trusting her has proven dangerous before, and this night holds more to fear than most. The wrong decisions could cost him his job, his safety—even his life. But letting Karina go could cost him his heart…





Although Marina Myles lives under the sunny skies of Arizona, she would reside in a historic manor house in foggy England if she had her way. Her love of books began as soon as she read her first fairy tale and eventually led to a degree in English Literature. Now, with her loyal Maltese close by, she relishes the hours she gets to escape into worlds filled with fiery—but not easily attained—love affairs. She’s busy being a wife, a mother, and a member of Romance Writers of America, but she is never too busy to hear from her amazing readers.

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CHRISTMAS DELIGHTS by Heather Hiestand
The sweetest gift is the hardest to unwrap…
Lady Victoria Allen-Hill never dreamed she’d be a widow at twenty-one—let alone a virgin. Her father insists that she attend a matchmaking house party in the snow-covered seaside town of Pevensey in hopes she’ll find a suitable husband. But for Victoria, it’s an opportunity to indulge in a passionate affair—and the handsome inventor she meets at the Christmas Eve masquerade ball may be just the man for the job…
Lewis Noble is the cousin of London’s famed Redcake sisters, so it almost stands to reason that he’s just as irresistible as one of their sugar-iced pastries. Lewis catches the eye of every woman at the party—but Victoria is the only one who catches his. He won’t be tied down in her father’s business, but watching other men court her amid a flurry of engagements ignites a jealousy he’s never felt before. A dose of honesty may be just the thing to mend their broken hearts—for many holidays to come…





Heather Hiestand was born in Illinois but her family migrated west before she started school. Since then she has claimed Washington State as home, except for a few years in California. She wrote her first story at age seven and went on to major in creative writing at the University of Washington. Her first published fiction was a mystery short story, but since then it has been all about the many flavors of romance. Heather’s first published romance short story was set in the Victorian period and she continues to return, fascinated by the rapid changes of the nineteenth century. The author of many novels, novellas and short stories, she makes her home in a small town with her husband and son and supposedly works out of her tiny office, though she mostly writes in her easy chair in the living room.  Heather loves to hear from readers! Her email is

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