As a fan of the sci-fi genre I'm thrilled to have Robyn Bachar making a return appearance today. Keep reading to get a tantalizing taste of her newest release Morningstar, an erotic ménage set amidst a war in outer space. You'll learn even more through my impressions of this book as well as by visiting the other blogs hosting this tour. Make sure to fill out the form for the chance to win a $25 Amazon GC too!
Desire is an addiction that could destroy them all.
The second son.
Lieutenant Commander Jace Harrow is the second son of House Morningstar—the spare, not the heir. Armored with an arrogant mask, Jace keeps the world at arm’s length to protect those around him from becoming targets for his bloodthirsty brother.
The broken sword.
Lieutenant Bryn Viera was a shadow sword and a decorated officer, dedicated to protecting her people. But for the past five years she has lived as a slave and has the scars to prove it. Bryn vowed to escape or die trying—until she met Sabine.
The slave.
Born into slavery, Sabine never expected to fall in love. Her feelings for Bryn sparked her desire for a new life, but now Sabine is in phase, consumed by the need to mate with a male. Her dream of freedom with Bryn is on the brink of destruction, for to deny the phase means death.
Thrown together by the unforgiving demands of the phase, they must unite to save Cyprena’s people from a deadly new bioweapon—or be destroyed by the scars of their pasts.
“My sister, Andelynn, is an aleithir,” Jace said. “Until now, she was the only one I had met.”
“I’ve never met another one.” Sabine looked away. “Bryn is the only person I’ve ever told about it. I knew that it was different, and different is bad when you’re a slave. You want to be forgettable. Invisible.”
“I’m sorry, Sabine. I hope that you’ll be happy with me. At least you’ll have no doubts of my sincerity.”
Sabine nodded. Jace was being honest, she had no doubt of that. She glanced back and met his gaze—he had pale eyes, quite different from Bryn’s vibrant teal stare. His ramrod straight posture and the haughty tilt of his head showed calm command, but beneath that, Sabine sensed turmoil. Fear of rejection, and an underlying loneliness.
“You don’t know, do you?” she asked.
“You don’t know what would make you happy. Have you never been happy?”
“I was content.”
“That’s not the same thing,” Sabine insisted. “And it’s not enough. I was content for a long time, or at least I thought I was. Slaves live day-to-day. You don’t think of where you’ll be in a year, or ten years, because it’s likely to be the same place you are today.”
“What changed?”
“I met Bryn, and I learned that things could be different.”
“I see.” He considered her words for a moment, and then smirked. “It would make me happy if you ate something.”
Sabine giggled, and then stole a bite from his plate. She returned to the desk and stared down at her own food, suppressing a grimace. Food next, then inevitably more phase-frenzied sex, but then she would ponder this more—the unhappy Second Son of House Morningstar, her new mate. Jace wanted her—both of them—to be happy. Perhaps they could help him find happiness in return.
“I’ve never met another one.” Sabine looked away. “Bryn is the only person I’ve ever told about it. I knew that it was different, and different is bad when you’re a slave. You want to be forgettable. Invisible.”
“I’m sorry, Sabine. I hope that you’ll be happy with me. At least you’ll have no doubts of my sincerity.”
Sabine nodded. Jace was being honest, she had no doubt of that. She glanced back and met his gaze—he had pale eyes, quite different from Bryn’s vibrant teal stare. His ramrod straight posture and the haughty tilt of his head showed calm command, but beneath that, Sabine sensed turmoil. Fear of rejection, and an underlying loneliness.
“You don’t know, do you?” she asked.
“You don’t know what would make you happy. Have you never been happy?”
“I was content.”
“That’s not the same thing,” Sabine insisted. “And it’s not enough. I was content for a long time, or at least I thought I was. Slaves live day-to-day. You don’t think of where you’ll be in a year, or ten years, because it’s likely to be the same place you are today.”
“What changed?”
“I met Bryn, and I learned that things could be different.”
“I see.” He considered her words for a moment, and then smirked. “It would make me happy if you ate something.”
Sabine giggled, and then stole a bite from his plate. She returned to the desk and stared down at her own food, suppressing a grimace. Food next, then inevitably more phase-frenzied sex, but then she would ponder this more—the unhappy Second Son of House Morningstar, her new mate. Jace wanted her—both of them—to be happy. Perhaps they could help him find happiness in return.
After reading the previous book in the Cy'ren Rising series, Nightfall, I was left greatly anticipating this next installment and my anticipation was richly rewarded. From its exciting outer space battles that left you on the edge of your seat and your pulse pounding, to the political intrigue tearing families apart, this story moved at a quick yet immensely satisfying pace. Throw in lots of super steamy sexual interludes between an intriguing trio of emotionally battered individuals and you end up with a decadently delightful sci-fi feast for the imagination.
Jace is the second son in House Morningstar and as such is arrogant, commanding, and used to the finer things in life. His home life isn't perfect though as his brother is obsessed with inheriting their family's wealth which has put Jace's life in constant jeopardy as well as anyone he cares about. Fear has kept him alone and refraining from claiming a mate. When his current mission leads to the rescue of numerous sex slaves though his life completely changes as the powerful pheromones of his people has him desperate to claim the delicate and bruised Sabine along with her fiercely loyal lover Bryn. In an unexpected twist for his House he claims both of them which leads to danger as their pasts come to light and as the deceit of House Nightfall continues to be discovered. It also leads to a triad based on love, respect, unquestionable loyalty, and LOTS of scorching interludes. Jace is a loyal man who's saved himself for the right woman. It's a wonderful facet to his character and made him even more endearing. He was very serious-minded early on but Bryn and Sabine brought out a playful side that made their encounters even more satisfying.
Bryn was once a shadow sword, a powerful warrior fighting alongside other soldiers when she was made a slave. Her rebelliousness led to numerous beatings with the scars still apparent. She was also sterilized which is the cruelest thing that can be done as their species is heading towards extinction. She braved all of it with strength and with her love for Sabine. Bryn is someone that loves to take care of others and having Sabine kept her going and fighting for their freedom. She sees Jace as a threat at first but their love for Sabine binds them and their mutual admiration for each other has their connection deepening even further. Jace sees her as an equal when it comes to fighting and he trusts her to keep Sabine safe from any threats from his brother which allows him to finally accept happiness. Bryn is a remarkable heroine who fights tooth and nail for those she loves. She's been through so many physical and emotional beatings but never weakened, she kept protecting others like the true warrior she honed herself into being.
Sabine is not as compelling as her mates as she's quieter and weaker through the circumstances of her life. She's always been a slave and is unaccustomed to fighting for what she wants. She counts on Bryn and Jace for her happiness and her safety. When it comes to sexual appetites though her being in phase leaves her insatiable and jumping Jace and Bryn whenever possible. For her species being in phase is their time to conceive and find a mate and gives us our first glimpse of Jace losing control over his tightly-wound nature which promises a future full of sex and unexpected changes. Sabine is sweet with a sensual and playful side who brings calm to both her mates from a world full of chaos. Once her past comes to light though the ramifications promise to be intriguing and will greatly influence what comes next.
This was an exhilarating story that kept me fully immersed in the twists and turns of political intrigue and the battle waging between the haves and the have-nots. The deceit from House Nightfall continues to keep everyone on edge and battling to discover the truth before a bioweapon is unleashed. The action is fast paced in a sci-fi world vividly depicted to keep readers fully immersed in the battles in both outer space and at home. The main characters along with the secondary ones are memorable with unique personalities with pasts that have you rooting for them to finally find their HEA. This was a wonderful addition to the series that can be read on its own, but with such talented storytelling each book isn't to be missed and I'm again left greatly anticipating the next installment.
My rating for this is an A.
*I got this book from the author for review in exchange for my honest opinion.
Robyn Bachar enjoys writing stories with soul mates, swords, spaceships, vampires, and gratuitous violence against the kitchen sink. Her paranormal romance Bad Witch series, historical paranormal romance series Bad Witch: The Emily Chronicles, and spicy space opera romance trilogy Cy’ren Rising are available from Samhain Publishing. Her books have finaled in PRISM Contest for Published Authors, the Passionate Plume Contest, and twice in the EPIC eBook Awards.
As a gamer, Robyn has spent many hours rolling dice, playing rock-paper-scissors, and slaying creatures in mmorpgs.
As a gamer, Robyn has spent many hours rolling dice, playing rock-paper-scissors, and slaying creatures in mmorpgs.
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