Monday, November 30, 2015

Book Blitz for More Than Once by Elizabeth Briggs (2 GIVEAWAYS)

Readers who enjoy romances of opposites attracting will get just that with this emotionally engaging fourth installment in the Chasing the Dream series.  Keep reading to get a tantalizing taste of the holiday-themed More Than Once by Elizabeth Briggs, and then add it to your bookshelf while it's on sale for $0.99!  In celebration of this book releasing tomorrow make sure to enter the two giveaways I'm hosting for the chance to win an eBook and 2-$50 Amazon GCs too!

She’s trying to be good. He loves it when she’s bad.
Andrew West is done being the nice guy. After a marriage proposal gone wrong, he's started over in a new city and he's never risking his heart again.
Becca Collins is done being the bad girl. After quitting the band she played bass for, she's going to prove to her family that she's really changed.
When Becca's dumped by her boyfriend and fired from her job on Christmas Eve, all seems lost, until she runs into a former one night stand--Andrew. To impress her parents, Becca convinces him to pretend to be her perfect boyfriend for their holiday dinner.
After Andrew shows Becca he's all bad boy in the bedroom, neither wants to pretend anymore. But when Becca's invited to rejoin her band for a show and Andrew's forced to face his ex, they both wonder if they're ready to take a leap again--or if they're doomed to fail in life and love a second time.


“Look Andrew, you’re a ni—”
“Wait.” He held up his other hand. “Just stop right there.”
I blinked. “What?”
“You’re about to say I’m a nice guy, but you think we should just be friends, right? Believe me, I’ve heard that line more times than I can count.”
Shit, that was exactly what I was going to say. “Um…”
Without hesitation, he pressed me against the side of my car, his fingers sliding to the back of my neck and into my short hair. I gasped and heat flared between us, so hot I was sure it was melting every inch of snow in the entire parking lot.
“You didn’t think I was ‘nice’ that night, did you?” he asked, his voice low, his eyes locked on mine.
“No,” I whispered. Memories of that night still haunted me in the best way. I’d lie in bed when I couldn’t sleep and slide my hand between my legs, remembering the way he’d pounded into me, the way he’d held me down, the way he’d been rough and demanding and completely in control. We’d given each other exactly what we’d both needed, but I never imagined he would want anything to do with me after that. Because in the morning, we’d both gone back to who we were: the good guy and the bad girl.
But now Andy, the vulnerable, broken-hearted nice guy I’d met before, had vanished, and in his place was Andrew, who was bold, assertive, and really fucking sexy.
“One date,” he said, his mouth so close to mine I could feel the words against my lips. “One date and then you can tell me to get lost. But give me a chance first.”
I was painfully aware of every inch of Andrew’s hard body pressed against mine. He seemed…bigger than I remembered. More muscular. I could tell from the way his collared shirt hung from his frame, and I was tempted to rip it open and see exactly how much he’d changed underneath. Not that I’d had any problem with his body before—but now he had a confidence to him that was all new, and he wore it damn well.
The Becca of a few months ago would have grabbed him and kissed him senseless, then suggested they go back to his place. Actually, the Becca of a few months ago had done exactly that. But now I was trying to be good and that meant not making out with guys I barely knew in the middle of parking lots.
Ugh. Being good was no fun at all.
“One date,” I said. “But don’t expect anything more.”




More Than Exes (Prequel) - Get it FREE by signing up for Elizabeth’s newsletter at....

More Than Music (Book #1) -
More Than Comics (Book #2) -
More Than Fashion (Book #3) -
More Than Once (Book #4) -
More Than Distance (Book #5: coming in 2016!) -


Elizabeth Briggs is a full-time geek who writes books for teens and adults. She graduated from UCLA with a degree in Sociology, currently mentors teens in writing, and volunteers with a dog rescue group. She's the author of the Chasing The Dream romance series and the upcoming young adult novel Future Shock. Elizabeth lives in Los Angeles with her husband and a pack of fluffy dogs.



-Giveaway is OPEN TO EVERYONE!
-Giveaway ends at 11:59 PM CST ON 12/7!

PRIZE #2:  2-$50 AMAZON GCS!

Saturday, November 28, 2015

Book Spotlight for Sweet Sensations: A Boxed Set of Sensual Contemporary Romances

From eight of today's best authors comes this collection of charming and emotionally engaging romances that will bring a bit of joy and happiness to your day, along with a bit of steam.  Sweet Sensations has a variety of themes from reunited loves to opposites attracting but each will captivate you.  Keep reading to get a tantalizing taste of this boxed set and then add it to your bookshelf....

IN THE CARDS by Lynn LaFleur
Catherine found her fantasy man stepping out of a greeting card…Can love break a curse put on Kane centuries ago, and bring him to her forever, this time?
LOVE ME FOREVER by USA TODAY bestseller, Ari Thatcher
Lovers for one idyllic summer, he said he’d call but never did…
When the laid-back billionaire and the new divorcee meet again by chance, can they rekindle a summer love to last forever?
A self-made billionaire, Jared has come home to the Smoky Mountains, looking for an elusive something that’s missing from his life…Will he find it in the arms of Althea, a simple country quiltmaker?
MAJOR PLEASURE by Denise A. Agnew
Jemma has always wanted Blayne, but his army career makes her afraid to give her heart…
Will love let her overcome her fear, and commit to forever with the hot Special Forces officer?
His shady past, her present danger, and an international plot bring Jade and Gary together…
Can love thrive as they dodge bullets from New York to Naples and beyond?
LOVE THROUGH A LENS by Lucy Felthouse
On location shooting film together, new graduate, Celine, is drawn to Edward, a British actor 30 years her senior…
Can the inevitable romance between them blossom into love?
Celine gritted her teeth and hung tightly onto the straps of her backpack as she forced one foot in front of the other up the steep incline. Her heart felt like it was going to explode from her chest, and her lungs screamed with the effort of providing her oxygen supply. Really, she needed to stop, to catch her breath, regain some equilibrium. But Edward was already way ahead of her, striding powerfully along as though their chosen path were perfectly flat. He had a huge backpack of his own, too, which didn’t seem to be slowing him down a jot.
But then, this was the difference between the two of them—or one of the differences, anyway. Edward Robson, mid-list British actor, was also a very keen outdoorsman, and probably did these kinds of walks all the time—with or without a camera being pointed at him.
Celine Paterson, however, was a different story altogether. Newly graduated from university, she’d struggled to find filming work in her preferred field—fashion—and so she’d had to cast her net wider. Incredibly wide, as it happened.
With hindsight, it was easy to see why she’d gotten the job with Edward—nobody else had wanted it. Not a damn soul. Traipsing around the Peak District wasn’t so bad, but add in heavy camera equipment, camping gear, food, clothing, maps, plans, GPS unit, satellite phone and makeup—for Edward, not for her—and a nice walk suddenly became a grueling trek. The money was poor, too, especially considering she was the only member of Edward’s crew. Could a single person even be called a crew? Or was she just a dogsbody?
She’d had no choice. It was this job or nothing. Crap money or no money. And, most importantly, this credit on her resumé or no credit at all. She knew she had to start racking the credits and references up soon, if she wanted to get ahead in the highly competitive field.
So here she was, dragging herself up a heart attack inducing hill in the wake of an actor-cum-presenter. At least the project was interesting; they were checking out sites of myths, legends and ghost stories, that kind of thing. Edward was nice, too—kind, polite and pretty funny. Even better, it wasn’t raining. Overall, things could be a damn sight worse. She could be working with animals or children—or even both. And she’d heard many times over that they were the absolute worst.
She was still convincing herself that things weren’t that bad after all, when she glanced up and came to an abrupt halt as she realized there was a crotch practically in her face. Snapping her head up so fast it made her neck hurt, she made eye contact with Edward, who was standing a couple of paces farther up the slope, hence the awkward face-to-crotch angle. Her already hot face blazed with embarrassment. For once, she hoped the fact she was overheated would hide her mortification. The slight breeze that blew was doing nothing to lower her temperature.
“Are you all right?” he asked, his blue-green eyes soft with concern. “I’m so sorry, you must think me incredibly rude. I honestly thought you were right behind me—you being a young thing and all that. It was only when you didn’t reply to me or answer any of my questions that I realized I’d inadvertently left you behind."
“I’m all right,” Celine replied, her chest heaving as she fought to regulate her breathing and slow down her heart rate while she had the chance. “Just not used to this sort of thing. A walk for me is a stroll by a riverbank, or hitting the shops. I’m sure my fitness level will improve as we continue with the project. Go ahead, if you like. I’ll catch up with you… eventually."
Edward shook his head. “No, let’s have a rest. I could do with a drink and a snack.” Turning, he looked around, then pointed. “Let’s head there. It looks as though there’s a patch of flattish ground big enough for us both to sit down."
“Okay.” She followed him again, but this time only for a few seconds. Edward helped her remove her rucksack—which was almost as big as she was—and then immediately opened it and began removing things. It was only when she saw he’d long since taken out the drinks and snacks that she queried what he was doing.
“I’m taking some of the heavier items out of your bag. If I re-jig things, we’ll still fit everything in, but you’ll have a lighter load. Would you mind making some tea for us both while I do this?” He indicated the miniature camping stove, metal cups and other tea-making paraphernalia.
“No, of course not,” she said. “But there’s no need for you to do that. I’m perfectly okay with carrying my share of the weight."
“I know you are. But I’m not. You’ve enough to put up with on this crazy project. I don’t want you getting injured or ill on me—I need you. Not to mention my conscience wouldn’t take it.” He sat beside her, looked at the large pile he’d made, and began sorting it into their respective rucksacks.
Shaking her head, Celine lit the stove and set about making the hot drinks. “Sugar?"
“Yes, please. Three."
She shot him a look. “Three?"
His eyes glinted with amusement. “Yes, three. What can I say, I like my tea sweet. And while we’re on this project I’ve got a good excuse—I need the energy. You should try it, it’s delicious."
Wrinkling her nose, Celine nevertheless added three sugars to each of the mugs of tea. “Here you go.” She handed Edward his, then cradled hers, blowing on the liquid until it was cool enough to drink. “So, what did you mean when you said I’ve enough to put up with?"
Frowning, Edward took a gulp of his tea before replying. “I know this project isn’t ideal, Celine, not for you. For me, it’s wonderful—the melding together of several of my passions. But for you, it’s trekking through often unforgiving countryside with a shed load of gear and filming an old fart going on about big black cats, the ghosts of Roman soldiers and mysterious lights in the sky. And I know your wages aren’t very good, either. Believe me, if I could have offered you more, I would have."
Gazing intently at the surface of the tea, she mumbled, “You’re not an old fart."
Edward threw his head back and laughed loudly. The joyous sound rang across the lonely hillside for several long moments. Then he said, “But you’re not denying any of the rest of it!"

Lucy Felthouse is a very busy woman! She writes erotica and erotic romance in a variety of subgenres and pairings, and has over 100 publications to her name, with many more in the pipeline. These include several editions of Best Bondage EroticaBest Women's Erotica 2013 and Best Erotic Romance 2014. Another string to her bow is editing, and she has edited and co-edited a number of anthologies, and also edits for a small publishing house. She owns Erotica For All, is book editor for Cliterati, and is one eighth of The Brit Babes. Find out more at Join her on Facebook and Twitter, and subscribe to her newsletter at:
LOVING A GO-GO by Anh Leod
Lexie, an heiress, finds her match in fellow boot fetishist, Adrian, who sells shoes in her family’s store...
Can a sexy romp during the holidays lead to a lasting relationship between these two?
CAT'S PLAY by Marilu Mann
In this sexy game of cat’s play, a thief and a billionaire make some interesting discoveries about each other...Will they learn things aren’t always exactly as they seem?


Friday, November 27, 2015

Book Tour for Compromising Her Position by Samanthe Beck (Review & GIVEAWAY)

Readers who like steamy reads and romances that start out in a memorable way will find much to recommend this erotic tale of love and business.  Keep reading to get a tantalizing taste of Compromising Her Position by Samanthe Beck, along with my impressions of it, and learn even more about this book by visiting the other sites hosting this tour.  In honor of this release make sure to fill out the form below for the chance to win a $50 Amazon GC and a rare print copy of Ms. Beck's Private Pleasures Trilogy too!

He's not who she expected, but he's exactly the man she needs...
When Chelsea Wayne drags Santa into a supply closet for a little office party nookie, she assumes the man in the suit is her on-again/off-again coworker boyfriend. Instead, it's Rafe St. Sebastian, a man known for his hard-driving ways in business as well as the bedroom--and, kill her now, the brand spanking new owner of Las Ventanas--who grants her naughtiest Christmas wishes.
So much for her reputation, not to mention her career.
Rafe needs to close three acquisitions to prove to his father he's ready to take the helm of St. Sebastian Enterprises. A hot interlude in a supply closet after deal number two seems like the perfect illicit Christmas bonus. Unfortunately, when that "bonus" becomes the key to the final deal, he finds himself back in bed--so to speak--with Chelsea, and after their steamy tryst, he's not interested in keeping things professional.


"There is nothing personal between us."
“I beg to differ. In fact, I’m fairly certain I know your deepest, darkest secret.”
“I sincerely doubt that.”
He brought his mouth to her ear. “You knew I wasn’t Paul.”
“No.” The denial, though immediate, sounded slightly breathless, slightly desperate.
She had to have at least suspected, at some point. He refused to believe otherwise. “Not at first. But when I had you clinging to the tables, trembling so hard you could barely stand? You knew."
"You-you're delusional. If I'd realized you weren't Paul, don't you think I would have stopped you?"
“No. By the time you realized, you didn’t care.” The crowd around them erupted into a countdown.
Ten... He cupped her jaw in one hand... Nine... and slid the other down her back. Then lower. Eight... "You didn't care about anything except my tongue tracing the path of your thong"--he let his fingers do the honor now--"all the way down until I could taste your sweet, throbbing little--"
“I thought you were Paul!” Her wide eyes darted to his, pupils huge.
Five... "Remember how you used your body to beg for more? There's no f-ing way you've ever begged like that for Paul Barrington. No f-ing way.
I could have you begging again.”
Her breathing came in quick, shallow pants. The hands she’d rested lightly on his shoulders tightened, bunching his jacket in a white-knuckled grip.
She shook her head. “Not going to happen."
Three... He was risking getting his face slapped in the middle of a dance floor on New Year's Eve, but he didn't care. For some inexcusable reason, he needed to know she wanted him, not Barrington.
Two... He spread his palm over the perfect curve of her ass and hauled her against him, so she'd feel just how well he remembered every damn detail of their last meeting.
“It’s not?” he challenged, and then crushed her lips under his.
Cheers of “Happy New Year” echoed around them over the strains of “Auld Lang Syne.” A flotilla of black and silver balloons sailed down from the ceiling. Guests laughed, and sang, and jostled them while he kissed her. Sparkly, star- shaped confetti rained over everyone and everything, and he kept right on kissing her. Her arms twined around his neck. Her lips parted. She flattened one hand against the back of his head and held on.
When he bent her over his arm and swept his tongue into her soft, yielding mouth, she wrapped her leg around his hip. The heat of her body practically seared his thigh through his tuxedo pants.
He trapped her lower lip between his teeth and nibbled. There went his no biting promise, but her shuddery moan told him she didn’t mind.
The song ended. The house lights came up a few notches. He slowly drew her upright, and even more slowly relinquished her mouth. She stared up at him, dazed, her lips plumped from their kiss.
“You’re a terrible liar, Miss Wayne.”
Giving her a grin he hoped didn’t reveal how much the move cost him, he walked away.




There are some romances you read to discover thought provoking concepts and some you read merely for fun.  This book is definitely fun from its rather questionable yet humorous opening scene to its fun and flirty banter that permeates the entire story from start to finish.  Add in numerous sexual interludes and you end up with a story that keeps you immersed in its decadently sensual haze taking you away from your daily stress.

Chelsea is a truly good girl whose sacrificed much to get her dream job.  Before she reaches that goal she's betrayed by the man she's been standing by in the most heartbreaking way.  Luckily she has her hot closet sexcapade to keep her company as she decides to stop putting her heart on the line.  Forgetting the sexy Santa who rocked her world though isn't easy as he's followed her across an ocean to experience more of their combustible connection.  Chelsea is a likable heroine with a good and loyal heart.  Her first instinct is to always help others and when Rafe shows up at her latest job asking for her help her heart will be on the line again.

Rafe is the sexy playboy who just once wants to make his daddy proud and completing the acquisition of three resorts just might do it.  An unexpected sexual encounter in a closet wearing a Santa suit leads to unexpected complications and a connection with the one woman to capture his attention.  Their first meeting was combustible but chasing her down whet his appetite even more and leads to a working relationship teeming with sexual tension.  Rafe has loads of daddy issues that feel cliched but his playfully bad boy persona and talent for dirty talk endeared him to me and had me rooting for him and Chelsea.

This was a story long on predictability but its two immensely likable main characters made this an enjoyable read despite its flaws.  Readers who like their romances hot will find a plethora of scorching scenes to satisfy all their kinks with each of the varied scenes.  The banter between Rafe and Chelsea is full of fun and flirtiness with a sexual push and pull to entertain.  All in all this was a story that takes you away from all your cares, wrapping you up in its sexual haze, and I recommend it for the simple reason that it's fun and sexy.

My rating for this is a B-

*I got this book from NetGalley for review in exchange for my honest opinion.


Wine lover, sleep fanatic, and USA Today Bestselling Author of sexy contemporary romance novels, Samanthe Beck lives in Malibu, California, with her long-suffering but extremely adorable husband and their turbo-son, Hud. Throw in a furry ninja named Kitty and Bebe the trash talking Chihuahua and you get the whole, chaotic picture.
When not clinging to sanity by her fingernails or dreaming up fun, fan-your-cheeks sexy ways to get her characters to happily-ever-afters, she searches for the perfect cabernet to pair with Ambien.


Book Blitz for Nashville Nights Boxed Set by Stacey Mosteller (GIVEAWAY)

Falling for your opposite makes for some steamy storytelling which has me recommending you get the just-released box set of Nashville Nights by Stacey Mosteller.  Get a glimpse of the emotional highs and lows of this collection and then get ready to add it to your bookshelf.  In honor of this box set fill out the form below for the chance to win a $10 bookstore GC and an e-copy of this box set too!

Save Me From Myself (Nashville Nights Book 1)
Tragedy and betrayal sent her running...
And now she’s starting over far away from the person she used to be.
Lyric Hayes tried to be the perfect daughter and the perfect girlfriend, but those days are over. She’s ready to begin again with a vow to herself: no relationships, no complications, and no turning back.
Easier said than done...
Confident, successful, and charming David Pearson makes her vow nearly impossible. He has it all, and David knows better than anyone not to judge someone by what’s on the surface. Wanting to own her heart, he’ll do anything to gain her trust and save her from herself. But David’s family could have secrets and baggage of their own, which could send Lyric packing and on the run once again. Is his past just another version of a song Lyric has heard before?
I turned slowly in my seat and raise an eyebrow at David, “Can I help you?” I ask snidely.
He grins at me, “I just wanted to come over and say hi. It’s been busy in here tonight."
“I’m sure being a player is pretty time-consuming.” I glare at him, wanting nothing more than to slap that smile off his face. God, how could I have been stupid enough to fall for the “good guy” routine? Again!
He frowns, looking confused, “I’m sorry?"
Scoffing, I reply, “Yeah, you’re definitely sorry."
His eyes narrow dangerously. "Look, I really don't understand what your problem is. I like you, you seemed to like me. Now you're acting like a bitch. Excuse if I don't get what you think I did."
Unbelievable. When will I ever meet a guy who isn't a liar or a cheater? “You don't get it? Really? Well, let me spell it out for you. I don't date cheaters. I refuse to be 'that' girl, and I refuse to do that to someone else."
“What the hell are you talking about?” He asks, his voice hard.
I sigh, "I saw you with your girlfriend. I've seen you together a few times now." Is he really going to continue to deny it? I caught him with her!
“How can you possibly see me with someone who doesn't exist? I am many things princess, but a cheater or a liar isn’t one of them.” His voice is glacial.
My mouth drops open, "You asshole! She was JUST here! Remember, she's a short, skinny blonde with pink highlights?"
Jeremy, who’s sitting next to us at the bar spits out his beer laughing, “Shit Dave, she thinks SB is your girlfriend? Now, that's disgusting. She'll love that!"
“SB? What kind of name is SB?” I ask, raising an eyebrow as I look back at David.
“SB is my sister SarahBeth's nickname. My baby sister. Not my girlfriend. She's practically my kid.” David responds, glaring at me.
Oh great. Now I really feel like a moron. Talk about jumping to the wrong conclusion. “Oh."
“Yeah, oh. Princess, you really need to stop making snap judgments about me.” He says sharply.
The look on his face makes me feel about two inches tall. But, this wasn’t my fault. If he’d told me about her, this never would have happened.
God! This thought make me sound even bitchier. But that realization doesn’t stop me from saying, “Well, maybe you should be a little more forthcoming. You never said you had a sister."
“Right, because that should be my intro. ‘Hi, I'm David, I own a bar, and have a sister I've been raising for the past five years.’ That's not going to raise any questions at all,” he says sarcastically while rolling his eyes.
"Raising?" I can't hide my confusion. She's his sister, why is he raising her? How old is she? And, he owns the bar? Suddenly I have more questions than I can ask.
He sighs, "See what I mean? Yes, raising. Our parents died when she was fifteen and I was twenty-six, Jeremy" he nods at the guy next to us, "and I moved back to Nashville to take care of her. Our grandparents are in Florida and North Carolina, so to be with them she would have had to leave her whole life behind. After everything she'd lost, I couldn't take that away too, so I came back and have been taking care of her ever since."
I can't believe he did that. He was a single guy, living on his own, and he chose to move back to his hometown and take care of his sister? “I'm so sorry. That must've been such a difficult choice to make."
He shrugs, and then glares at me again. “There was never a choice. She's my baby sister."
After that statement, he turns on his heel and walks off. I'm beginning to think I've completely misjudged this guy.
Never Wanted More (Nashville Nights 1.5)
(Originally part of the Southern Seduction Box Set)
Peyton Williams is spoiled, entitled and a little too stuck up. The daughter of an influential Mayor and a socialite mother, she’s trying to get through college and make her own path. She’s perfectly happy being a loner until Spring semester when she gets not only a roommate, but a math tutor.
Wyatt Parker is the boy from the wrong side of town. Known as the son of the town tramp, he jumps at the scholarship to play basketball in Nashville where no one knows his roots. Spending this semester tutoring a friend’s snobby roommate wasn’t what he envisioned, but Peyton quickly gets under his skin.
Peyton never wanted more until she met Wyatt, but is she willing to be what he needs?
Everything I Shouldn’t: Jeremy & SarahBeth #1 (Nashville Nights Book 2)
It’s been eight days, sixteen hours and forty-seven minutes since life as I know it ended. I know, it sounds so melodramatic and teen-soap worthy, but it’s the truth. Eight days, sixteen hours and forty-seven minutes since David found out. Since he kicked Jeremy out, ended their friendship and told me I could never see him again.
I didn’t plan on David getting suspicious, and I definitely didn’t plan on getting caught. My selfishness has cost Jeremy everything, my brother won’t even look at me, Lyric must hate me for practically blackmailing her to keep silent and my best friend is barely speaking to me.
Now my life is full of secrets and lies. The people around me have been affected by the choices I’ve made and the lies I’ve told. But what will they do when they discover the biggest secret of them all?
Jeremy is everything I shouldn’t want, and the person I can’t live without.
Everything I Need: Jeremy & SarahBeth #2 (Nashville Nights Book 3)
SarahBeth Pearson has made mistakes, and I might just be the biggest one of them all. After spending months keeping secrets and lying to everyone close to us, it’s all fallen apart and we are each left alone to pick up the pieces.
I’ve loved SarahBeth in one form or another her entire life. The steps that brought us closer together weren’t easy for me to take. After letting her dictate our relationship, I’ve found myself practically homeless and estranged from my closest friends.
Now I’m left trying to move on, finding a new place to live and getting everything I need in order, while she’s trying to mend her broken heart. There’s just one problem…SarahBeth’s still keeping secrets – and her secret just might change everything.
Pretending He’s You (Nashville Nights Book 4)
(Part One of Two)
Olivia Barrett’s always had a weakness for bad boys and Tyler Chamberlain is no exception. His tattoos, his piercings, and even the fact that he has a girlfriend doesn’t keep her away.
Interested in Tyler since she first saw him pick up a guitar, she’s been trying to find ways to be with him for years. He’s the one Livvie runs to when she needs a friend, the one who makes her laugh and holds her when she needs to cry. Unfortunately, they are never single at the same time and sneaking around is getting old.
Now, tired of making bad decisions, Livvie’s making changes. Her friends are all starting to grow up and she doesn’t want to be left behind. Terrified her friends are moving on without her, she’s determined to make things work with Emmett, her on-again off-again boyfriend since high school.
The only problem? Tyler isn’t ready to let her go. Despite her boyfriend and his girlfriend, these two are drawn together like magnets. When she’s with Emmett she wishes she was with Tyler and vice versa.
Will Livvie ever get tired of pretending and pick one guy? Or will she keep bouncing back and forth between the two of them indefinitely?




Stacey is the New York Times & USA Today Bestselling Author of Second Chances and Shadows of the Past (co-authored with H.M. Ward), the Nashville Nights, Two Sisters and Nashville U series (coming late 2015 from Swoon Romance).
She is also a wife, mother, writer and self-professed bookwhore – not necessarily in that order! As the mother of three growing boys, her Kindle has become her temporary escape from the insanity of boys, dogs and her husband. Stacey can usually be found curled up with her iPad when she’s supposed to be writing or creating endless Spotify playlists!
