Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Book Blast for Spooning Daisy by Maggie McConnell (GIVEAWAY)

Readers looking for a charming small town romance will want to add this to their bookshelf for its blend of romance and comedy set in the sensual world of food.  Keep reading to get a tempting taste of Spooning Daisy by Maggie McConnell and learn even more about this book by visiting the other sites hosting this tour.  In honor of this charming fish-out-of-water romance make sure to fill out the form below for the chance to win a Marc Jacobs "Daisy" fragrance spray pen too!

Her mango chutney is exquisite; her blueberry sauce to die for. But Chef de Cuisine Daisy Moon is a woman without a kitchen after a "bit of trouble" at her last job. Now blacklisted from Seattle to San Francisco, Daisy's sole job offer is from Wild Man Lodge in Otter Bite, Alaska, where the end of the road is just the beginning.


"I had apple strudel. I never have apple strudel. It's not my usual."
"You came here to tell me you had apple strudel?"
"The thing is...I liked it. For a change, I mean. Once. Not every day, of course."
"The truth is..." He stepped toward her. "The truth is...I feel bad about giving you such a hard time at breakfast."
"Ohhhh. This is an apology."
"No, absolutely not." Max retracted the step he'd just taken. "This is absolutely NOT an apology."
Daisy huffed. Normally, she'd take great satisfaction in Max's guilt and take equal pleasure in the banter that would surely follow. However, she was a woman on a mission, and she didn't have the time, not with Otter Bite hanging by a manila envelope. "Fine. Thank you for coming here NOT to apologize and for that apple strudel thing. And--" She momentarily softened. "--the money. But I just don't have the time for whatever this is."
Once again he stepped toward her. "You're making this extremely difficult."
"This? This what? What am I making--"
"This." The word melted into her mouth.
The two hundreds floated from her hand to the floor. Then, her arms wrapped Max's neck, his body pressed hers, and Daisy was lost in a kiss she never expected to own.



Golden Heart nominee Maggie McConnell spent her childhood overseas as the daughter of US diplomats. Attending college in Illinois, she earned a BA in Art and an MBA while working at the local humane shelter. At 26, she packed her dog and cat into a Ford truck and drove the Alcan Highway to Alaska, where she spent 23 years exploring The Last Frontier in a single-engine Cessna. A vegan and animal rights advocate, Maggie provides a sanctuary on her Arizona ranch for all creatures great and small, but her immediate family includes dog Molly, cat Sara, horses Quinn and Teena, and an ever-growing dynasty of chipmunks. Every year, like the Gray Whale, Maggie returns to Alaska.


Book Spotlight on Last Chance Cowboys: The Lawman by Anna Schmidt (GIVEAWAY)

Fans of historical romances will find themselves quickly caught up in this epic saga of second chances in life and love.  Keep reading to get a tempting taste of Last Chance Cowboys: The Lawman by Anna Schmidt, as well as learning what Ms. Schmidt's favorite story is, then count down the days until its release on December 6th.  In honor of this second installment in the Last Chance Cowboys series make sure to fill out the form below for the chance to win 1 of 5 copies of the first book in this series too!

When authors aren’t hard at work crafting books readers can fall in love with, like readers, they enjoy unwinding with a good book, movie or television program. Maybe the writing is inspiring, or maybe it’s just nice to escape the real world for a little bit. I asked Anna about her favorite stories, ones from popular books, movies, and television shows that many of us probably know too. Read on to see what she had to say!
Anna: This one was a favorite for my husband and me, mostly because we could truly identify with a long-time marriage (and love affair) that was facing illness and struggle.
Interestingly enough, Anna takes inspiration, not just from other books, but from film and television most of all. She says: That’s the way I write. My characters are actors on a stage or in a movie, and they walk around doing whatever they please while I try to get it all down!

From acclaimed author Anna Schmidt comes a sweeping historical Western romance about the unbreakable bonds of family, second chances, and a whole lot of heart in the Wild West.
"This is me, Addie," Jess murmured. "You and me, the way we always were."
But it wasn't, no matter how much she wished it were true. They were different now. She would always love him...
But can she trust him not to break her heart?
Jess Porterfield fled to the big city after his father's sudden death, leaving behind his family ranch-and his childhood sweetheart. Now Jess has returned as the local lawman, determined to prove his worth...and win back the one woman he could never live without.
Young frontier doctor Addie Wilcox was devastated when Jess left her behind. Now he's back and it's difficult to remember why she should keep her distance. But with the town's richest man set to see her hang for a crime she didn't commit, Addie must put her faith in the lawman who broke her heart-and trust that together they'll find their second chance at love.


(Sometimes characters I think are minor speak up. (Sometimes they pretty much grab me by the shoulders and shout, “I want to tell my story!”) That was the case with Dr. Addie Wilcox. So when her childhood sweetheart and love-of-her-life Jess Porterfield returns at the end of The Drifter, I knew what the second book in the series would be. In The Lawman, Addie has to fight her lifelong attraction to Jess, determined that he won’t break her heart again. Trouble is, once he gets appointed to serve as the town marshal and is pretty much living down the street from Addie and her family, avoiding his good looks, charming smile and determination to win her heart becomes pretty much impossible.
The story of Addie and Jess is all about first love and second chances. Here’s an excerpt that I hope sends you running to the store or your computer to read more...)
Addie could not for the life of her figure out why she continued to allow that man to get to her. Why couldn’t she be more like Jess’s younger sister and her good friend, Amanda—calm and sophisticated?  She searched the gathering for Amanda, but hesitated when she saw her friend surrounded by the usual trio of admirers.  Amanda had been planning this party for weeks now. She certainly deserved to enjoy herself and not have to sympathize with Addie. Besides,Jess was Amanda’s brother, newly returned to the fold from his travels following his father’s death—a death everyone now knew had not been the accident they’d first thought.
Addie stopped dead in her tracks. Her hand flew to her mouth. What was she thinking?
Poor Jess. Did he know? Had anyone told him? Of course not. Jess had a temper, and if he knew what everyone now knew—that his father’s death was not the accident they’d first thought--he’d likely be off trying to track down the killer.
Maybe Jess had overheard some of the talk. Maybe that was why he was talking about applying for the marshal’s position. After all, Jasper Tipton had built that big house in town to please his bride, Pearl, and his brother, Buck, lived there as well. While the local marshal had no jurisdiction outside the town limits, Jess might just think the fact the Tiptons resided in town opened the door for him to go after them. More than likely he would get himself killed in the bargain. Her head was spinning as she tried to think the issue through from every side.
“This is not one of your medical cases,” she muttered to herself. “This is Jess.” And when it came to figuring out what Jess Porterfield might be thinking, she fully appreciated that logic was not part of the process.  She was still mad at him for leaving all those months ago but that didn’t mean she didn’t care about him and, knowing his temper, he was bound to get into trouble.  With a sigh, she headed off to find her father. Maybe he could talk some sense into the man—the man she had fallen in love with, planned a future, with and then rejected.  But as she moved through the throng of party guests pausing now and then to exchange a greeting, it wasn’t her father she saw—it was Jess.
He wasn’t spoiling for a fight at all. No, he was laughing and flirting with Sybil Sinclair. Sybil with her blonde curls and her bright blue eyes and a cupid’s bow of a mouth that made her look like a porcelain doll. Sybil with her tiny waist and her flawless skin and giddy laugh that actually came out as Tee-hee-hee.
“My brother is trying to make you jealous,” Amanda murmured, coming to stand next to her. “Do not let him know that it’s working?"
“It’s not,” Addie insisted, pushing her glasses more firmly onto the bridge of her nose. She straightened to her full height, which was still a good three inches shorter than Sybil’s willowy five foot four.  She brushed back a lock of hair that had come loose from the practical bun she preferred and tried not to think about how her stick-straight locks would look worn down like Sybil’s long curls. “I really couldn’t care less if your brother wants to make an utter fool of himself with that..."
“Good to know you aren’t affected,” Amanda said wryly.



Award-winning author Anna Schmidt delights in creating stories where her characters must wrestle with the challenges of their times. Critics have consistently praised Schmidt for her ability to seamlessly integrate actual events with her fictional characters to produce strong tales of hope and love in the face of seemingly insurmountable obstacles. She resides in Wisconsin.


Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Book Release Blitz for Hold Me Down by Shari Slade (Review & GIVEAWAY)

It's been a long wait for this final installment in the Devil's Host MC series, but it was definitely worth it for the exhilarating thrill ride readers get to be a part of.  Keep reading to get a tempting taste of Hold Me Down by Shari Slade, along with my impressions of it, then add it to your bookshelf.  In honor of this fourth installment in this erotically-charged series make sure to fill out the form for the chance to win a $25 Amazon GC too!

I knew how to survive before I met, Noah. Now...
I need to fight.
Noah pulls me deeper into the club, where everything is life or death. He lets me peer into the dark hearts of violent bikers. Shows me glimmers of hope. Family, loyalty, honor—but everything comes at a price. This one might be too steep for me too pay.


Two men peel out of the darkness. Noah’s silhouette is unmistakable. I’ve run my hands over every inch of his body. I’d know him anywhere. The burly man beside him must be Zig. They’re at my door—guns drawn—in seconds.
Noah’s voice rumbles over me. “Lights off. Get the fuck out of the car. Nice and slow--"
I scramble for the switch to kill the lights and pop my seatbelt. Halfway out of the car, I can hear the faint thump of music drifting down from a party. Then Noah is on me, pulling me from the front seat and pinning me to the rear driver’s side door. “Jesus, Star. What the hell are you doing here?"
“The cops grabbed Stone."
“And they just let you wander off?"
The metal is cold against my back, making Noah’s heat against the front of me a raging furnace. I push into that furnace, shove into the heat and muscle with my body and breath. “No, I got out of the truck before it happened, and don’t give me any shit for that. If I hadn’t, I’d be spending time with Officer Wade right now."
“Did he put his hands on you?” Noah’s eyes flash bright with rage. With fear? No that can’t be it. Noah isn’t afraid of Wade. Not like me. He’d tossed Wade around the diner parking lot like a bag of trash.
“I told you I got away. It doesn’t matter--"
“The hell it doesn’t.” There’s murder in his voice. The uneven timbre of a man on the edge. “Details, Star. Now."
Shoving at him does nothing but make him curve his lips into a dangerous smile. I do it anyway, fighting for an inch more space between us. Room to breathe. “Then let me fucking talk, caveman. Dale took off through the kitchen at Jimmy’s. He—” I grab Noah’s face and tug him down to me, so I can graze my lips over his ear and whisper. “He set us up. When I saw Stone getting dragged into a cruiser, I—I borrowed a car. You can’t go into that party. They might know you’re coming."
Even in the darkness, this close I can see Noah’s body tense. Watch his eyes narrow. Feel the muscles under my hands shift. He pulls me into a hug, and I’m not sure if he’s comforting me or taking comfort for himself. As I sink into his granite arms and press my face to the leather over his chest, I’m not sure it matters. The adrenaline coursing through my blood and propelling me straight into danger recedes, leaving me light-headed. He turns to Zig and they have a whole conversation in grunts.
“Dale.” Noah spits the traitor’s name like a curse.
Zig leans against the car, settling his bulky body beside us. “That piece of shit."
Zig crushes a cigarette under his boot heel, carefully picks up the butt, and tucks it into his pocket. For a second I’m confused. Is Zig worried about litter? And then it dawns on me that he’s worried about evidence. He dusts his hands on his jeans and points to me. “You sure she's..."
My heart hammers against my ribs at Zig’s unfinished question. He could be wondering about my intelligence or my ability, but we all know it’s really my loyalty that’s on shaky ground. I don’t blame him. Everyone’s loyalty is uncertain now.
Noah squeezes me tight against his chest. Like I’m a toy and Zig might try to take me away. “Do. Not. Go there."
“All right, brother. She’s right anyway. He probably already called ahead. Warned these tweakers."
“I’m not leaving without my sister."
“We don’t even know if--"
“If she’s not, someone in there knows where she is. I will bust heads like piñatas until answers fall out."
Zig’s mouth settles into a hard line. “Fine. What about her?"
“We’re gonna need the cargo space if Jules is…” he brushes his knuckles against my cheek and squeezes his eyes shut. “Hurt."
My stomach turns at the thought. My heart is still holding out hope that these are star-crossed lovers. That Jules wasn’t taken by force. Zig heads back to the rest of their crew.
They know what they’re doing. They have all the information. I did my part. Mission accomplished. Why don’t I feel relieved? Because they’re still walking into the unknown. And because Noah’s fate is still undecided. These men are with him now, but they still get to vote on whether he lives or dies for killing their insane president.
Noah untangles himself from my body. “It’d be a wasted fucking effort, sending you away, wouldn’t it?"
I nod.
“You’re going to take this crappy grocery basket with an engine, point it south, and wait at the end of the driveway. You keep it running. You keep it in drive. And you keep your foot on the brake until me or Jules tells you to go.” He cups my face and locks his eyes on mine, like he’s trying to see the back of my soul. “Remember what she looks like?"
The graduation portrait is still fresh in my mind so I nod again.
“Good girl.” Noah kisses me. The warmth of his praise and the brush of his lips wash over me, soothing away the last jagged edge of my terrible adrenaline rush. And then he’s pressing cool metal into my hand. “Do you know how to use this?"
A gun.
“I—” Do I know how to use it? I know the way cats know how to flex their claws. But I also know the last time I had a gun in my hand I couldn’t pull the trigger. And I should have. I should have blasted that fucker all over my bedroom wall.




It's been a long wait to get to this final installment in the Devil's Host MC series, but it was a wait that was worthwhile.  The suspense that readers were left feeling at the end of Drive Me Wild was addressed in the opening scene that had the MC racing to save the sister of one of their own.  From there Star is once again put in jeopardy and forced to make a life-altering decision that hardens her heart and amps up her fears.  Her relationship with Noah continues to be rocky as the Club still has to take him to trial for his earlier actions against their former leader.  It all adds up to a lot of uncertainty in this fast-paced novella that keeps readers on edge from the first page to the last.

The grittiness of the MC world is on vivid display here as well as the intensely erotic nature of the men who inhabit it.  Noah doesn't blink an eye going from a gun war to the bedroom in his scorching encounters with Star and shows a dominant side tempered with his vocalization of his love and feelings for her.  Star evolved a bit in this installment too by finally putting her past behind her and showing some backbone, proving herself worthy of the club's loyalty and protection.  Other members of the Club hover around the periphery of this story and left an impression that has me hoping we'll revisit this world again in the future.  Overall, while this story felt a bit rushed and a bit rough around the edges, I still found it to be an exhilarating and sexy thrill ride!

My rating for this is a B.

*I got this book from the author for review in exchange for my honest opinion.


When a big scary biker shows up at Jimmy's Diner fifteen minutes before the end of my shift, covered in tattoos and looking at me like I'm on the menu, I should flip the open sign to closed. But I don't, because I'm too used to doing what I've been told. Too used to working and struggling and surviving to do anything different. A closed sign wouldn't stop him anyway. He's here to collect a debt. And I'm the only one left to pay.



"Do you get what you deserve?"
Under his hands or on the back of his bike--the freedom I feel with Noah is an illusion.
"No, baby. You get what you take and you keep what you can hold."
He ties me to him with fear and obligation and lust. Binds us tighter with his twisted sense of honor. I just hope his chains are strong enough to keep me safe.



His club is demanding answers. His sister is missing. Noah needs to draw on every ounce of strength in that muscled body. It's not the time for him to let anyone see he's more than fists and ink.
Sometimes I catch a glimpse of the man behind the cold, hard mask. Something like caring. Something like kindness. I live for those moments.
He might die for them.




Shari Slade is the USA Today bestselling author of sexy new adult and rock star romance. She’s a snarky optimist. A would-be academic with big dreams and very little means. When she isn’t toiling away in the non-profit sector, she’s writing gritty stories about identity and people who make terrible choices in the name of love (or lust). Somehow, it all works out in the end. If she had a patronus it would be a platypus.
Frequently found in a blanket fort, you can also find her contributing at Wonkomance.


Book Spotlight on Wolf Unleashed by Paige Tyler (GIVEAWAY)

Readers drawn to romances full of suspense will find themselves captivated by this tale that meshes exhilarating action sequences with a sensual connection between two unlikely people.  Keep reading to get a tempting taste of Wolf Unleashed by Paige Tyler, along with learning who Ms. Tyler lists as her favorite female protagonist, then count down the days until its December 6th release.  In honor of this fifth installment in the SWAT series make sure to fill out the form below for the chance to win 1 of 5 copies of the first book in this series too!

In Wolf Unleashedthe fifth installment in Paige Tyler’s sexy and suspenseful SWAT series, Lacey, the heroine, is determined to uncover the perpetrator behind the brutal dogfights that are sending countless dogs into her vet practice. She fearlessly dives into the case even though it’s extremely dangerous!
We asked Paige Tyler about her favorite fearless female protagonists from pop culture.  So, who are her favorites?
Buffy from Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Buffy is one of my all-time favorite TV shows, because it was the first one I ever watched that demonstrated a girl could be kick butt, not just from the physical perspective, but from the mental mindset of being willing to throw herself into danger for her friends and for what she believed in. Up until that point, it seemed Hollywood had this theory that women couldn’t be tough, and if they did, it could only be against other women. But Buffy went up against every nasty monster out there, not just the bad guy down the street, but the ones that were trying to destroy the world.

Lacey Barton can’t deny her crazy attraction to Alex Trevino, but that doesn’t mean she has time for the gorgeous SWAT officer. She’s hell-bent on discovering who’s behind the brutal dogfights sending countless mauled animals to her veterinarian office. The trail leads Lacey to a ring of vicious drug dealers and suddenly she’s in way over her head—right smack in the middle of a SWAT stakeout.
With Lacey in danger, Alex’s wolf side is unleashed. But when she witnesses Alex shift, she’s even more terrified… Now it’s up to Alex to crack the case—and earn back Lacey’s trust and, ultimately, her heart.


Dr. Barton was bent over rummaging through a bottom drawer of the built-ins on the far wall. Even though Alex did his best not to stare, it was impossible not to notice that she had an incredibly spectacular ass. He’d always been a leg man, but one look at her derrière and he suddenly decided he’d been missing out.
Then she stood up, turned around, and flipped her long, wavy blond hair over her shoulder, and he realized that the rest of her was equally stunning. While her baggy white lab coat hid a lot, he could still tell that she had an athletic build and some really nice curves. It was her face that made his heart beat faster, though. She had the most captivating pair of blue eyes he’d ever seen and full red lips just begging to be kissed. From this moment forward, whenever he pictured an angel, he would think of the beautiful Dr. Barton.
Alex smiled, and when she smiled back, he heard her heart thudding a little quicker. But then she looked down at Tuffie, and her entire expression changed. Hurrying over, she dropped down to one knee beside Tuffie, gently examining her ears and face.
She gave Alex an angry glare. “Please tell me you arrested the people who put this beautiful girl in a dogfighting ring. Even better—tell me you shot them."
If Alex had thought her heart was beating fast before, it was nothing compared to the way it was thumping now. Clearly, Dr. Barton was very passionate about protecting dogs. In his book, that made her even more beautiful than she already was.
“I wish I could, but unfortunately, we never found the people who did it,” Alex said. “We rescued Tuffie when her owner was killed. He died trying to protect her from a psychopath armed with a rifle.
Dr. Barton’s gaze went back to Tuffie, her expression turning from anger to sadness as she ran her fingers down the fresh scars along the dog’s chest and side. “Looks like she got shot anyway."
“Yeah. It’s a miracle she lived long enough for my teammate and me to get her here in time for Doc Jones to save her. Thank God for sirens. I think we ran every red light in town."
The veterinarian straightened, gracing him with another dazzling grin, and Alex felt his knees go a little loose. Damn, what a smile.
“I knew there was something I liked about you the second you walked in."
Alex felt his face flush. “It wasn’t a big deal. I’m a cop. Saving people—and dogs—comes with the job description.” He cringed the moment the words left his mouth. Had he really just said something that lame?
Thankfully, the beautiful Dr. Barton didn’t seem to notice the cheesy line. Or if she had, she was too polite to laugh at him.
“And is bringing Tuffie to her appointments also in your job description?” she asked, her eyes twinkling.
Was her heart beating even faster than before? Unless it was his own heart pounding in his ears. That was a definite possibility. Because it seemed like he had a real thing for Dr. Barton.
He smiled. “It is if the rest of the SWAT team and I adopted her and gave her a new home."
Alex knew it was a shameless grab to get further into the doctor’s good graces, but he couldn’t seem to stop himself.
“Not only did you save her life, but you adopted her too? I think Tuffie hit the lottery with you, Officer...?"
“Trevino,” he said, filling in the blank and offering his hand. “But please, call me Alex."
She took his hand and gave it a shake. “Nice to meet you, Alex. I’m Lacey Barton."
Her hand was small in comparison to his, her skin soft and warm, and Alex found himself holding on a bit longer than was customary. Lacey didn’t seem to mind. In fact, she appeared just as reluctant to let go as he did.
She pushed her hair behind her ear and cleared her throat. “I guess we ought to get on with Tuffie’s checkup. So you can get back to saving the world and everything."
“Yeah, of course."
Reaching down, Alex gently picked up Tuffie and set her on the stainless steel exam table.
“Nice muscle tone,” Lacey murmured.
Alex felt the compliment go right to his head. “Thanks."
“Actually, I was talking about Tuffie,” Lacey said as she tenderly ran her hands over the dog’s shoulders.
She looked up at him from beneath her lashes. “But yours is pretty good too."
Alex chuckled. Damn, this woman was good. He had her by a foot in height and more than a hundred pounds in weight, yet she was playing him like a fiddle, and he didn’t mind one bit. He couldn’t remember ever having such an immediate and intense reaction to any woman he’d ever met. Suddenly, he wanted to know everything there was to know about her—and then some.
Lacey was more than accommodating, telling him about how she’d recently gotten a job here after working several years at a place on the west side of Dallas closer to Arlington.
“I loved it there, but this place is closer to my apartment,” she told him as she continued to examine Tuffie. “I’ve cut my commute time by about an hour and a half each way, so it’s like getting a whole extra day off to do stuff I want to do instead of sitting in traffic."
“And what do you like to do with all this extra time?” he asked.
Lacey leaned over to read something in Tuffie’s medical records. Alex tensed, worried she’d found something wrong, but after a moment, she merely nodded to herself, then went back to checking Tuffie. “I do a lot of volunteer work at one of the nearby animal shelters,” she said. “I’m also on call to help out both Animal Services and the DPD Animal Cruelty Squad when they run into injured dogs."
Whoa. A woman who spent her days taking care of dogs for a living, then did it during her spare time for free? That was definitely a woman Alex could appreciate.
“It’s pretty amazing that you give so much of your time to animal causes,” he said. “Getting called out at all hours of the day and night must be tough on your boyfriend, though."
Lacey urged Tuffie over on her back, pressing carefully along one of the long scars that ran all the way from the base of her rib cage to the middle of her cute pink tummy.
“I don’t have a boyfriend right now,” she said, the corners of her mouth turning up. “My life is a little too busy for that at the moment."
Bingo! Alex had already noticed she wasn’t wearing a ring. Now he knew she wasn’t seeing anyone. Could this get any better?



Paige Tyler is a New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of sexy, romantic fiction. Paige writes books about hunky alpha males and the kick-butt heroines they fall in love with. She lives with her very own military hero (a.k.a. her husband) and their adorable dog on the beautiful Florida coast.


Monday, November 28, 2016

Book Tour for Back to Good by Laura Benson (Review & GIVEAWAY)

As a fan of rock star romances I was excited by the premise of this book, and its roller coaster of emotions that kept me on edge from the first page to the last, which has me wanting to celebrate its release with you today.  Keep reading to get a tempting taste of Back to Good by Laura Benson, along with my impressions of it, then add it to your bookshelf.  In honor of this angst-fueled romance make sure to fill out the form below for the chance to win one of five signed copies of this book too!

Charlotte Banks (Charlie) is newly graduated from college and working in public relations. She is given a case that is just a bit too close to the heart. Joey Carino is a rock god, but now with his life spinning out of control, it's up to Charlie to try and save his reputation with his record label and his fans. However, dealing with Joey means dealing with Matthew Johns, Joey's best friend and Charlie's worst nightmare.



As a reader obsessed with rock star romances there are a few elements I always look for when choosing which book to read while applauding those few authors who forge some unexpected paths.  With Back to Good there was the expected angst when past lovers reunite, along with glimpses of the downside of fame, but from there Ms. Benson took a dramatic turn that left me frustrated, a bit angry, but applauding nonetheless.  Throw in a heroine whose actions left me conflicted, along with the two sexy men fighting over her like a dog with a bone and you end with a twisty read that kept me on edge, turning the pages furiously to see what would happen next.

Charlie was once the love of Joey Carino's life until long distances and his burgeoning fame, with all its inherent vices, tore them apart.  When she's unexpectedly brought back into his life as his record label's new publicist though, old feelings and anger are dredged up in a complicated connection made more volatile by a close friend.  While Charlie still cares for Joey she's frightened by the changes the rock star world has wrought on him leading to lots of heart-rending angst and moments of weakness on her part.  Her emotions are in further disarray by her unexpected attraction to Matthew, Joey's life-long friend and manager, and nemesis to Charlie while she was dating Joey. It all makes for a frustrating love triangle that put all of them in a bad light at one time or another.  Charlie especially made me angry as I felt she was leading both of them on, showing a sexual interest in both while finding excuses to justify her actions.  In her work world she was strong-willed while she was a bit immature when it came to feelings which added more unnecessary melodrama when it came to the romance.

The two men in her life further complicated things as they were both sexy and commanding and I can understand why she's torn between the two.  History and sentimentality draws her to Joey while her battles with Matthew crackle with sexual tension.  Joey and Matthew are long-time friends who have enjoyed the vices of rock star living but for Joey it's becoming too much.  The drug use and women are tarnishing his image and jeopardizing his career but it's clear he's lost and lonely and seeing Charlie again gives him hope in all his attempts to get her back.  Matthew has always had a thing for Charlie but her being with his best friend had him lashing out and hurting her feelings through the deeds he did when they were younger.  He's all grown up now and tempts her every chance he gets leading to a few very scorching encounters.  Both men have issues that make her leery and doubt their ability to commit as the rock star life makes it far too easy to indulge in sex and drugs, which Ms. Benson doesn't shy away from.  Matthew's emotions were intense, when he raged spit flew and when he cared he was endearing.  When he loved it was erotic with bits of dirty talk alongside his usual commanding nature.  When he was hurt though he tended to withdrawal which made his burgeoning romance with Charlie difficult to define.  In contrast Joey was charming, playful, and outgoing with sensuality oozing out of every pore.  He wore his emotions on his sleeve when it came to Charlie which left him lost, lonely, and hurting and I was sympathetic to his pain.  I longed to learn his inner thoughts and see more than just those few flashes of joy when Charlie was nearby.  Learning about Charlie and Matthew was heartbreaking for him and had him spiraling out of control towards a conclusion that had my jaw hitting the floor.  It's definitely a rocky road to HEA when it's these two men fighting for Charlie's heart!

This was a steamy read full of angst, a lot of it unnecessary in my opinion as Charlie needed to be more decisive and honest in her well as drinking a lot less.  Her attempts in proving she could handle her ex just led to more heartache and frustration unfortunately.  The dual temptation of Joey and Matthew would give any girl fits though as both are sexy and drool-worthy. Neither are perfect men by any means as they've both let fame corrupt them at certain points.  The rock star world is vividly depicted with all its carnality and demonizing drug use which further immersed me in the story and had my heart breaking for Joey even more when witnessing how far he's fallen.  For the most part I found this a captivating romance but my issues with Charlie dimmed my overall enjoyment and had me pulling out my hair at times.  The narrative too is a bit rough around the edges with a big reveal never being fully addressed. Ultimately Ms. Benson didn't pull any punches and amped up the melodrama through some unexpected twists and turns that led to a heart-rending conclusion that too easily solved Charlie's problems. Overall though it was a memorable read that shows great promise for Ms. Benson's future works.

My rating for this is a B-/C+

*I got this book from the author for review in exchange for my honest opinion.


Laura Benson was born in 1968, during a year of terrible strife.
She is a wife and the mother of two daughters, one stepson, and the grandmother of precocious 8- month old. With Two basset hounds and the Arizona dust, she can't seem to keep her floors clean.
Her penchant for wine has gotten her into more than trouble than necessary. Especially when she is with her friends.
Originally from Massachusetts, she made her way out west in 2013 and hasn't looked back. The lack of blizzards is big bonus to living in Arizona.
She started as a blogger in 2008, attended many book conventions and author signings and is ready for this new part of her life.
