Thursday, December 15, 2016

Book Tour for Needing the Memories by Terri Anne Browning (REVIEW)

As a reader obsessed with rock star romances I found myself charmed by this novella and am excited to introduce it to other lovers of romance.  Keep reading to get a tempting glimpse of Needing the Memories by Terri Anne Browning, along with my impressions of it, then add this next installment in The Rocker series to your bookshelf.

Happy Ever After doesn’t end at the Epilogue. The Epilogue is really only the beginning. For us, it’s meant sharing every high, every low, and loving each other even more when we come out the other side still standing. He’s everything I’ve always wanted. My best friend. My lover. My husband...
My Demon.
And I’m his Angel.
Our life hasn’t always been perfect, but to me as long as I get to wake up to Angel in my arms every morning and get to tuck our girls into bed at the end of each day I’ll be the happiest man in the world.
Nothing can come between us, nothing can tear us apart.
Only…I have one regret. One that is still a black void in my head.
Every year it’s the same.
The regret.
The self-loathing for the man I was back then.
The anger that I’d taken something from the woman who has given herself to me so freely and being unable to remember a single second of it. This year it’s worse for me. It’s slowly driving me crazy.
Maybe it’s time to hit rewind and give us both a do over for that night.
Maybe what I really need is a memory to replace that empty blackness that is trying to swallow me whole.




After enjoying certain books I have to admit that I sometimes think about what the characters might be doing long after they reach their HEA.  With this new release from The Rocker series readers get to once again dig into the relationship between Drake and Lana and see their happiness a bit marred by a past incident that has left Drake struggling the last few years.  With this little slice of life, set amidst a backdrop of the holidays, readers get a heartwarming and realistic look at married life tempered with the ongoing pain of addiction in stressful situations.  As all the members of Demon's Wings, and their families, come together there's lots of joy and laughs along with a love that's been put to the test but ready to be solidified for all time.

At the start of this story Drake and Lana seem to have the perfect marriage, content with their daughters and the craziness of living a quiet life outside the spotlight.  Holidays are always emotional but this time of year is especially dark for Drake as it brings to mind an especially hurtful act he unwittingly committed against Lana that he longs to make amends for.  He also wants to right his perceived wrong as it's jeopardizing his sobriety.  While Lana holds no anger over the past, her love for him has her following him on a heartwarming do-over to make happier memories.  Their journey to re-do the past is sweet, sexy, and solidifies their bond as an unexpected outcome from it changed their lives irrevocably while putting a smile on my face.

This was a quick read full of heart and sentimentality.  It depicted the realities of married life, the constant interruptions during steamy interludes, along with the general chaos of kids and their activities.  Drake and Lana made time for each other though, made their foundation strong, and it makes them a formidable couple meant to be together forever.  Though this story can be read on its own, fans of the previous books in this series will find themselves especially enamored as it touches on all the couples.  It's a more meaningful read for all those having traveled with these characters to get to this point.  On a whole this was a perfect holiday read that reminds you of the power of love and family and that miracles do happen!

My rating for this is a B.

*I got this book from the author for review in exchange for my honest opinion.


Terri Anne Browning is the USA TODAY bestselling author of The Rocker...Series. She started writing her own novellas at the age of sixteen, forcing her sister to be her one woman fan club. Now she has a few more readers and a lot more passion for writing. Being dyslexic, she never thought a career in writing would be possible, yet she has been on best selling lists multiple times since 2013. Reese: A Safe Haven Novella was her first Indie published book. The Rocker Who Holds Me changed the tables and kicked off The Rocker... series featuring the sinfully delicious members of Demon's Wings. The Rocker... Series has since expanded to OtherWorld with Axton Cage and his band members. Other books by Terri Anne include the Angel's Halo MC Series as well as The Lucy & Harris Novella Series. Terri Anne lives in Virginia with her husband, their three demons---err, children--and a loveable Olde English Bulldog named Link.

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