Tuesday, February 28, 2023

Book Release Blast for Annoyed At First Sight by Lani Lynn Vale (REVIEW)………

A man with a years-long crush on a woman, a man desperately trying to keep away from temptation, comes forward the moment his temptation is put in danger in this sizzling story full of action and suspense.  Keep reading to get a tempting taste of Annoyed At First Sight by Lani Lynn Vale, along with getting my impressions of it, then add this sixth installment in the Gator Bait MC series to your bookshelf!

The first time Cassius Ulysses Costas met Alice Paradis, she was in a string bikini and filling up a long line of boats that were there just to see her. She was eighteen and every man’s wet dream.
Even his.
For the longest time, he went out of his way to stay as far away from her as he could get without actually taking his eyes off of her. For years, he was the better person. He played his hand close, and not a single person would know just how obsessed he was with her.
Then he goes to prison and comes out a man that couldn’t care less about anyone or anything, least of all what someone thought of him and his actions. But not one second while he was behind bars did he forget about Alice.
He tries to stay away. For a few long months, he fights his every instinct to make her his. But, as if the universe is conspiring against him, Alice is thrown into his path time after time, instance after instance.
And his resolve is waning. Fast.
In one last ditch effort to stay away, he walks away, hoping making her mad enough will force her to do the work for him.
However, when Alice is attacked, it isn’t Cassius’s harsh words she remembers, but the way he makes her feel safe.
Soon, the very last thing he’ll do is let her walk away. He did the right thing, and that didn’t work out. Now, it’s time for him to embrace the wrong.




Ms. Vale always keeps me on the edge of my seat, keeps me guessing and holding on for dear life as the characters inhabiting her world keep the action and suspense flowing at 90 miles per hour.  Much about Ms. Vale's book seems familiar but she still keeps readers enthralled, hearts pumping, as danger is always just around the corner with each turn of the page.

Cassius Costa's a delicious bad boy, one who tempted me to be naughty from the very beginning.  He doesn't think much of himself though, doesn't think he's worthy of the woman who's been his dream since the moment he first saw her.  His stint in prison has him thinking even more negatively about himself, but when his dream girl starts experiencing a nightmare he's just who she needs to keep herself safe.  Cassius is the typical Vale hero, raw and gritty, rough around the edges but with a big heart hidden from the world and just for the woman he claims as his.  His back and forth actions, the mental tug of war going on in his head sometimes frustrated me, but with his painful past of loss I could understand his hesitancy.

Alice Paradis is a wonderful heroine, strong, sassy, and independent.  She's loyal and seems like nothing will get to her, but when danger rears its ugly head she'll need the help of a strong man...enter Cassius. She and Cassius crackled from the very start.  She might've felt that they were enemies at the start, but with the passage of time she sees him clearly and has no trouble admitting how much she needs him in this exhilarating story.

On a whole this was a quick read that kept me guessing a few times, also made me blush a time or two, and had me frantically turning the pages towards its decadently delightful conclusion.  As usual, the romance and suspense were beautifully balanced and made for a captivating tale from the get-go.  The epilogue too deserves recognition as it tied up this story with a big ol' bow!  With this release Ms. Vale continues to be an auto-buy for me and should be for you too as her writing is exhilarating and enticing!

My rating for this is an A-

*I got this book from the author for review in exchange for my honest opinion.

Book Release Blast for Cannon by Sawyer Bennett (REVIEW)………

A man starting over after the death of his wife finds himself caught off guard by the feelings engendered in him by the woman at the coffee shop he sees every morning in this romance set in the hockey world.  Keep reading to get a tempting taste of 
Cannon by Sawyer Bennett, along with getting my impressions of it, then add this sixth installment in the Pittsburgh Titans series to your bookshelf!

Cannon West left his hockey playing days behind to care for his dying wife but has since found success on the other side of the bench. Now, as the youngest head coach in league history, he’s hoping to lead the Pittsburgh Titans to a winning season. The last thing he’s looking for is a relationship, but life sometimes takes us in another direction.

The Pittsburgh Titans are still working to move on from the tragic plane crash that forever changed the landscape of their organization. Having lost my wife, I know all about grief and the guilt of survival which makes me uniquely equipped to take this team to the next level. From the very first time I stepped inside the Titans’ arena, I knew I was exactly where I needed to be.

New to town, I’m still establishing my routine, but I have the most important aspect under control—the coffee shop where I stop on my way to the arena every morning. A strong cup of java and the gorgeous manager who I can’t help but chat up is quickly becoming my favorite way to start the day. But no matter how much I enjoy the blush that stains Ava Cavanaugh’s cheeks with my admittedly awkward attempt at flirting, I know it will never be more than brazen banter with a new friend. My job consumes almost all my time, and I know firsthand what that level of commitment can do to a relationship.

That doesn’t mean I’m not open to some fun. My career comes first, but Ava understands my boundaries. The only problem is that once I give into her temptation, the rules I set for myself become blurred, and my mixed signals hurt Ava—the one thing I promised I wouldn’t do. I’ve put myself in what seems to be an untenable situation, but I’ve faced those before. Now I need to find the strength to move past my fears, or risk losing my second chance at love with the woman who has stolen my heart.






The emotional fallout from the tragedy of the plane crash that befell the Pittsburgh Titans hockey team continues to ripple through each subsequent book, weaving each installment into a tapestry of healing and second chances.  Those elements permeate this tale as both the hero and heroine have been hurt by their pasts and are determined not to get hurt again.  But the heart wants what the heart wants as boundaries once set get pushed aside in the name of love.

Ten years ago Cannon West walked away from playing hockey to care for his dying wife, but he's returned now and is quickly seeing success as a coach.  Knowing how much time and energy his job requires though means setting boundaries for himself when it comes to relationships.  It's all about keeping things casual and having fun...and his morning order of Ava is just what he needs to start his day with a smile.  Not wanting to hurt her though he tries to keep his boundaries in place but she's too much of a temptation that pushes all of his buttons and pokes at his boundaries.  Cannon's an immensely likable hero, one with a strong sense of loyalty and a caring heart.  He and Ava are a delightful pairing with fun and flirty banter that heartwarmingly evolves into something more.  There were a few times though that I wanted to slap Cannon for his fears/his indecision, but luckily he was surrounded by secondary characters who did the job for me which helped him grow closer and closer to Ava.

Ava Cavanaugh's been unlucky in love too.  Her recent relationship was with a cheating boyfriend who caused her to lose her apartment and start over completely.  She's a tough heroine though, one who rolls with the punches and never gives up.  She's determined to succeed on her own terms, independent-minded to stand up for what she wants and needs in a relationship that pushes every emotional button.  She and Cannon have a crackling connection, fun and flirty, with sensual and blush-inducing interactions that kept me glued to the pages.

On a whole this was another satisfying story from Ms. Bennett with a likable main couple and a relationship that you could become immersed in completely.  The connection between Cannon and Ava evolved realistically, beautifully balancing sweet with steamy as I rooted for them to find their HEA.  Time off the ice as lovers was also a perfect balance to Cannon's burgeoning coaching career, giving readers insight into the art of coaching and a more in-depth look at the players.  With each turn of the page I found this a delightful journey bringing together two people looking to start over, two people not wanting to hurt others, and just looking for love and support.  Though there were one or two bumps along the way (the melodrama of Cannon's ex mother-in-law being the most irritating) I kept rooting for them in a relationship that evolved realistically and was full of heart and soul.  With this recent release in the Pittsburgh Titans series readers will be left rooting for the team's resurrection, for the success of couples both on and off the ice, all while counting down the days until the next satisfying story hits bookshelves!

My rating for this is an A-/B+

*I got this book from the author for review in exchange for my honest opinion.


New York Times, USA Today, and Wall Street Journal Bestselling author Sawyer Bennett uses real life experience to create relatable stories that appeal to a wide array of readers. From contemporary romance, fantasy romance, and both women’s and general fiction, Sawyer writes something for just about everyone.
A former trial lawyer from North Carolina, when she is not bringing fiction to life, Sawyer is a chauffeur, stylist, chef, maid, and personal assistant to her very adorable daughter, as well as full-time servant to her wonderfully naughty dogs.
If you’d like to receive a notification when Sawyer releases a new book, sign up for her newsletter HERE.

Wednesday, February 22, 2023

Book Review Tour for Any Fin For Love by Petie McCarty (REVIEW & GIVEAWAY)……..

A woman coping with the loss of her father enters a fishing tournament, only to find herself paired with  the man who's been competing against her at every turn, with fireworks the result.  Keep reading to get a tempting taste of Any Fin For Love by Petie McCarty, along with my impressions of it, then learn even more about this book by visiting the other sites hosting this tour!  In honor of this charming small town romance, with a bit of suspense thrown in, make sure to fill out the form below for the chance to win a $10 bookstore GC too!

She could almost hear the fish laughing at her...
Cody Ryan’s father never missed fishing the annual Loon Lake tournament until his unexpected passing. So this year, Cody packs up her how-to fishing videos and her dad’s old johnboat and gives him one final entry.
Gage Connor needs some R&R away from his coast guard deployment catching drug smugglers along the Louisiana coast, so he borrows a bass boat from his buddy and heads to Loon, Alabama to do some fishing.
When Gage and Cody meet at Loon Lake, their attraction is immediate and intense—until the two discover there is only one boat slip left on the lake and they both need it, and there’s only one vacant hotel room left in Loon and they both want it. Thus, their competition begins. Both vow to keep their distance from the other to fight the temptation, but fate has other plans. The tournament pairing party picks the two-man teams and chooses Gage as Cody’s partner.
For two days. Alone on a boat. Working as a team.
Good things come to those who bait...


Double damn!
Gage looked over Lila’s head and saw Cody stomping toward the dock, a big Igloo cooler in her arms, fire in her eyes, and steam escaping from her ears. Okay, no steam, but she looked mad enough for some. He swallowed hard and tried to pry Lila’s arms free, but she was having none of that.
“Now you just hold still, cutie patootie,” she drawled, “and let little ole Lila give you my special good-luck hug.” She crushed her barely-covered breasts against his abdomen, causing the neckline on her tank top to droop almost to her navel.
Cody had reached the dock and stomped so hard he could feel the vibration in the boards. Her glare could singe the fins off an alligator gar, and Gage had Lila stuck to him like a tick. He was a sitting duck.
Cody looked even madder now than when she left to get the rest of her gear, which could only mean...
Wait a minute! She’s jealous.
Of Lila.

Cody’s glare deepened upon final approach. And Gage grinned for real.
Zeke Tumson, my ass. She likes me.
He stopped trying to struggle free of Lila and waited for Cody to get to the boat and the fireworks to begin. Lila felt his struggle cease and snuggled in closer, rubbing every inch of her breasts against his gut, then laying her cheek on his chest. A week ago, Lila’s antics might have elicited a very pronounced and noticeable reaction. Today—he glanced down to check—nothing. His gaze shot to Cody steaming down the dock. Had she done this to him?
“Mmmm,” Lila cooed and squiggled her body again, “good luuuuck.”
Cody marched mere steps away. When Lila purred, Cody hesitated for a heartbeat, made a sharp left, stepped down into the johnboat, and proceeded to hook up her livewell.
Gage waited a five-count, but Cody kept her head down and fooled with the tubing attached to the cooler. He knew he had to move. If he didn’t, Lila would be in his shorts any second.
Maybe he should let...Nope, bad idea.
Cody would push him overboard later, then drive off and leave him. Heck, she may already be planning that.
He cleared his throat to be sure Cody heard. “Thanks for seeing us off, Lila,” he said politely. No reaction from Cody.
“I didn’t come to see her off,” Lila sniped. “Just yooouu,” she cooed and rubbed her breasts against his gut again.
Cody missed it. She never looked up.
“All right, you get on back to your registration table, and let me get to my fishing.” Gage took Lila’s shoulders and physically set her back.
Still ignoring him, Cody finished with the livewell and picked up a fishing rod.
Lila batted her eyelashes. “I’ll be waiting when you get back, sugar. What say we have dinner tonight?”

No way would he answer that question. He just smiled and stuck a foot out to step down in the johnboat at the same instant Lila hooked her finger in his belt loop to tug him back.
Too late, Gage saw the butt end of Cody’s rod push off on the dock cleat, and the johnboat shot back the full three feet of loose bow and stern line.
His sneaker stepped into thin air, and he dropped like a rock.
Gage hit the water at an angle, and Lila followed him in, her finger still hooked in his belt loop.


When I first read the synopsis of this book I was expecting a lighthearted read full of humor and heart.  What I got was so much more as this book dealt with loss, empowerment, and exhilarating suspense...all wrapped up in a charming small town bow.  It was ultimately a satisfying story that pushed every one of my emotional buttons, a well-rounded tale that put a permanent smile on my face courtesy of a likable main couple and their crackling connection.

When readers first meet Cody Ryan they see a woman full of determination, dealing with the death of her father in the best way possible...by taking part in the annual Loon Lake fishing tournament, a tournament he never missed as it revolved around his favorite sport.  The only trouble is that she's woefully unprepared for the rigors of the tournament.  Though she fished with her father often she didn't really pay attention.  That doesn't stop her though as she forges ahead in participating in the tournament.  She's a strong-willed heroine who doesn't let anything stop her, being the first woman in the tournament had me rooting for her and made her even more determined to do well.  Being paired with the sexy man who's been challenging her at every turn adds an intriguing element to her being in the tournament, making her even more stubborn in her fishing plans.  He's a distraction she doesn't need but she can't help herself whenever she's around him in scenes full of sexual tension and a verbal tug of war that makes me smile.

Gage Connor is a Captain with the Coast Guard and is in town for a much-needed vacation at the behest of his best friend.  The moment he arrives in town he has a run-in with Cody, the first of many with each one becoming more crackling than the last.  It seems that when it comes to Cody, Gage knows just what buttons to push to get her attention focused on him.  Gage is an appealing hero but it takes a bit of time to truly get to know him.  He's nursing some wounds of his own and it's left him with trust issues which causes many roadblocks in his attraction to Cody as well as having him close himself off to the love that's right in front of him.  His appearance in town also brings with it danger, from drug dealers wanting what's (unbeknownst to him) hidden in his boat.  Their appearance leads to exhilarating scenes of suspense, surprising twists and turns, and a reason for Cody and Gage to truly work together.  These scenes brought the two of them closer together, had them working as one, to keep one step ahead of the bad guys.

Cody and Gage are a good match with both of them trying to work through pain from the past.  For Cody, honoring her father by entering the tournament was an empowering moment for her, one that made me really like her.  She knew she wasn't fully ready for the tournament but threw herself into it wholeheartedly.  She was determined to beat the men and their outdated notions.  In contrast, Gage acted out because of his pain, goading Cody every chance he got which frustrated me at times.  Once danger crept close though they worked together beautifully, pulling me in completely to their character growth.  Alongside this appealing main couple were a large cast of secondary characters, both good guys and bad, that were larger than life and left an indelible mark in the storyline.  First and foremost was Gage's friend Dougah Fortier, a charming and caring friend whose calls to Gage were laced with many words of wisdom.  He was a supportive and protective friend which comes into play later in the story especially.  The many denizens of this small town added not only color and charm, but twists and turns too.  Velma and Delma were the town's matchmakers and I found their actions endearing...as well as having them put a smile on my face.  Doc Taylor was the backbone of this town, with a story that wove through the facets of many people's lives.  His connection to Cody's father is a cleverly crafted part of the story and helps build a solid conclusion to this story.  Even the bad guys left an impression on me.  Zeke and Alvin were one of those unlikable pairings, not very nice to Cody, but the unexpected twist that befell them at the end of the story left its mark on me.  In a story of starting over, of working past the pain of the past, Ms. McCarty has crafted an entertaining tale...a battle of the sexes in a small town where unexpected danger rears its ugly head.  Readers will ultimately find much to like about this book while hoping for a return visit to this town and its colorful characters!

My rating for this is an A-

*I got this book from the author for review in exchange for my honest opinion.


Petie spent a large part of her career working at Walt Disney World—"The Most Magical Place on Earth"—where she enjoyed working in the land of fairy tales by day and creating her own romantic fairy tales by night, including her new series, The Cinderella Romances. She eventually said good-bye to her "day" job to write her stories full-time. These days Petie spends her time writing sequels to her regency time-travel series, Lords in Time, and her cozy-mystery- with-romantic-suspense series, the Mystery Angel Romances.
Petie shares her home on the Cumberland Plateau in Tennessee with her horticulturist husband and an opinionated Nanday conure named Sassy who made a cameo appearance in No Angels for Christmas.
Visit Petie's WEBSITE or her FACEBOOK PAGE online.


Monday, February 20, 2023

Book Cover Reveal for The Challenger by Rowan Rossler……..

The Hustlers Trilogy continues with this tale of a star tennis player struggling under the pressures of success and the combustible connection between him and his new female motivational coach.  Keep reading to get a tempting glimpse of The Challenger by Rowan Rossler, then start counting down the days until this second installment in The Hustlers Trilogy hits bookshelves on March 7th!

Chavez Delgado should come with a warning label: Caution explosive material. A volatile tennis prodigy once tipped to win majors, this wildly unpredictable fan favorite never quite lived up to all the hype. So when he leaves the tennis tour without explanation during the best year of his career, no one expects him to grind out a comeback on the second-tier Challenger circuit eight months later.
I’ve met my share of hot messes. Call it collateral damage of being Flynn Dryden—motivational guru to struggling millennials. But I have never met anyone like Chavez. Young and yummy with complications written all over him, he pushes all my right buttons. But when he asks me to join him on tour as his mental fitness coach, I say yes for all the wrong reasons.
As it turns out, we both have unresolved issues.
And playing a game called love puts us both in danger of getting burned.




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A little about me:
I am an award-winning storyteller whipping up contemporary romance tales. My goal is to make the world a better place one love story at a time.
Every writer sprinkles their own brand of DNA magic into stories and my ingredients are glamorous destinations, brilliant, sexy minds, and juicy plots with just the right amount of spice stirred in to kick things up a notch.
If you like all of the above, it might be love at first bite!
Rowan Rossler Romance
Where heat meets heart!

Thursday, February 16, 2023

Book Release Blitz for Shadow By D.M. Earl (REVIEW)……

A woman hardened by her past finds life as a member of an all-female MC, where dealing pain becomes common for her, but also has her finding unexpected love in this raw and emotionally intense contemporary romance.  Keep reading to get a tempting taste of Shadow By D.M. Earl, along with getting my impressions of it, then add this second installment in the Devil's Handmaidens MC series to your bookshelf!

He'll protect her beyond a shadow of a doubt...

Zoey "Shadow" Jeffries is no stranger to pain and suffering. Sold into slavery as a child, Shadow was left for dead until she fought back got her freedom and then meets her best friend. Together, they started an all-women's motorcycle club. As the club's enforcer, Shadow's strength and courage are paramount in keeping the club in the business of saving people.

Meeting a sexy Navajo horse rancher catapults Shadow to the next emotional level for the first time. Shadow and Panther will do anything to protect the young, trafficked victims from the sexual predators threatening them. While Shadow and Panther navigate uncertain waters to save the women, can they find passion and pleasure amidst their pain?




With her creation of the Devil's Handmaidens MC, D.M. Earl has left an indelible mark within the genre as these women are larger than life and take no crap from anyone.  They've all experienced trauma in their lives and have dealt with it in their own ways.  For Shadow (Zoey), she's become the enforcer of her club, doling out pain when necessary and getting one bit of revenge at a time.  She's not fully living though, determined to save others from the pain she experienced leaving her a shell of herself, keeping her emotions in check and showing only stoicism to the world.  The day she's introduced to Panther is the day everything changes for her, shows her a new way to live, if she's willing to open herself up to another person again.  Their journey is a powerful one, one that's both sweet and sensual, and their pairing kept me glued to the pages.  Their journey put me through the emotional wringer, had me feeling everything they went through right alongside them and has me thinking of them still.

From the first page to the last this was a gritty read full of raw emotions and a backstory that was painful to read.  Shadow's past was vividly depicted with her mental and physical scars more than obvious.  With markings that are both a warning to others as well as a way to isolate herself from the world, Shadow's story becomes unforgettable with her being the perfect heroine.  She's unconventional but she's someone you won't forget.  She's a badass, a take no prisoners heroine, who wears her tough exterior like a piece of clothing...comfortable but with a way to change if she's willing to take a chance.  On a whole this story let Shadow shine, took her to the lowest of emotional depths to the highest of highs as her story raced to a conclusion.  Panther is her perfect pairing, a calming influence amidst the emotional and physical chaos of her life.  He's a strong support to her, one of the few people who've accepted her as she is, never judging her or finding her lacking.  With each turn of the page their connection becomes everything!  Their encounters are sweet, sensual, and at times they're erotically-charged too.  I do wish though that more about him would've been revealed.  I wish that more about his background would've been shown so I could feel an even stronger connection to him.

On a whole this book had me on the edge of my seat from the first page to the last.  It was emotional, raw and gritty, and suspenseful as the Devil's Handmaiden's MC once again dealt with those hurting others for their own personal gain.  The perspective of an all-female MC was unique and it pulled me in wholeheartedly, giving readers a heroine who won't soon be forgotten.  It's another winner from D.M. Earl, another well-crafted tale that has me ready for more and excitedly counting down the days until another book in this series is released!

My rating for this is an A.

*I got this book from the author for review in exchange for my honest opinion.


USA Today Bestselling author, D. M. Earl creates authentic and genuine characters while spinning stories that feel so real and relatable that the readers plunge deep within the plot, begging for more.  Complete with drama, angst, romance, and passion, the stories jump off the page.

When Earl, an avid reader since childhood, isn't at her keyboard pouring her heart into her work, you'll find her in Northwest Indiana snuggling up to her husband, the love of her life, with her seven fur babies nearby.  Her other passions include gardening and shockingly cruising around town on the back of her 2004 Harley. She's a woman of many talents and interests.  Earl appreciates each and every reader who has ever given her a chance--and hopes to connect on social media with all of her readers.


Tuesday, February 14, 2023

Book Release Blast for Made For You by Natasha Madison (REVIEW)…..

 A woman born and bred into a hockey dynasty finds peace and quiet on her newly-bought boat until she meets the grumpy ex-hockey player living on the boat next door in this sexy story full of crackling banter.  Keep reading to get a tempting taste of Made For You by Natasha Madison, along with getting my impressions of this second installment in the Made For series, then add it to your bookshelf!

From Wall Street Journal and USA TODAY bestselling author Natasha Madison comes
A brand new stand-alone enemies-to-lovers grumpy/sunshine sports romance.
A spin-off from the Only One series

I did the last thing I ever expected to do. I bought a boat. A beautiful boat that was all mine to spend the summer on.
Only thing I was looking forward to was the calm being on the water brought me.
A place where I wasn’t a hockey dynasty princess or the only single girl of the family.
What I wasn’t looking forward to was the broody man in the boat next to me.
I was at the top of my game two years ago.
Then it all came crashing down.
I hung up my skates and vowed to never play again.
I was good at hockey, but hockey was bad for me.
I planned to spend my life on my boat with my dog.
Alone. Happily alone.
Until she came along.




Fans of sports romances will find much to enjoy about this hockey-fueled romance of the slow burn connection between neighbors and their place in the hockey world that brings them together, the secrets and the personal needs that make them who they are.  Witty banter, characters unafraid of showing their true selves, and a lovable dog who steals every scene she's in will take readers on a heartfelt journey that fueled all sorts of emotions in me...leaving me immensely satisfied by the turn of the final page.

Vivienne's a strong-willed heroine, one whose family lives and breathes hockey.  Wanting a respite from all of that though, wanting to bathe in her true desire of being a writer, Vivienne buys a boat and finds herself writing a new ending to her own personal story after meeting her new neighbor...former hockey star, Xavier.  Vivienne's the perfect match for Xavier despite their apparent differences.  She's happy with where her life is, content and not afraid to show it.

Xavier just wants to be left alone when readers first see him...be alone with just his dog, Beatrice.  Despite wanting to be a hermit, he's drawn to Vivienne and a tentative friendship soon begins which slowly turns steamy.  Throughout their time together Vivienne's a strong support to him, never pushing him to reveal his personal truths but listening without judgment as he reveals his heartbreaking past.  Xavier's past is one that revolves around hockey and it's one that's very timely in 2023 with other athletes revealing similar truths.  For Xavier, hockey was once everything to him...until the pressure and the public condemnation became too much.  The judgements of others, and the lack of support from his team and coaches, led to depression and thoughts of suicide in a story that broke my heart and had me wanting to hug him.  For his own well-being he left it all behind, but with Vivienne and her family's support, he gets pulled back into the world he once ran from...with this time around being very different as the power of love envelops him in its supportive hug.  I adored Xavier!  He's sexy, strong, and wasn't afraid to show his vulnerable side.  He wasn't afraid to walk away as he knew he needed to do so to survive.  The feelings he experienced were vividly depicted and pulled at my heartstrings.  His inner dialogue, and interactions with Beatrice, pulled me into his life even further and left me rooting for him to find happiness...which led him to Vivienne and interactions that warmed my heart and made me smile.

The majority of this book deals with the burgeoning romance between Vivienne and Xavier and oh what a wonderful romance it is!  It's a slow-burn between them in a romance that builds through secrets being revealed and support being given.  Along with an emotional connection there's a lot of steamy encounters and witty banter that made for a decadently delightful tale.  Along with an unforgettable main couple there's the wonderfully supportive Grant family as well as the entire Dallas hockey team, men who have Xavier's back without question.  The last part of the book has Xavier re-entering the world of hockey and it kept me on the edge of my seat while rooting for him to find a HEA on the ice as well as off the ice.  To be honest, it's Beatrice who steals the story though.  With her charm, her love, and her support I wanted to hug her over and over for being there for Xavier throughout all those lonely years.

My rating for this is an A.

*I got this book from the author for review in exchange for my honest opinion.

Happy Valentine’s Day!


Friday, February 10, 2023

Book Release Blitz for Chasing Riptides by Aly Stiles (REVIEW)………

 Readers will find themselves captivated by this friends to lovers rockstar romance, drawn to the characters whose lives were put through the wringer.  Keep reading to get a tempting taste of Chasing Riptides by Aly Stiles, along with getting my impressions of this epic romance, then add this sixth installment in the Save Me series to your bookshelf too!


Rockstar. Heartthrob. Liability.

I’m the face, the body, a trophy for the masses.

They love to admire me, and I play the part like a pro. I can be whatever I have to be to survive.

But I’m not real. None of this is. How can it be with a past like mine? They think they know me, but no one does. The best I can do is chase another woman, substance, or scandal to escape the truth for one more day.


I’ve loved Matty Silva from the moment a scared, blond kid from Brazil showed up in our second-grade class. While the world lusts for the gorgeous, troubled rockstar, it’s the sad, lonely boy trapped inside who stole my heart.

The boy I loved too much to ever tell him.

That boy is now a superstar being worshipped for something he’s not. They will never understand the pain he carries with each breath, and I saw the terrifying truth the second he returned home for the summer:

No one can spiral like Matty can, and it’s finally about to break him.

BUY here.


Wow!  What an epic read this was, an unforgettable tale of one man who seems to have it all but is still determined to destroy himself.  Set in the rockstar world there's plenty of ways for this man to destroy himself and with each fake smile he flashes, each betrayal he experiences, my heart broke more and more for him.  With each turn of the page I was taken on a rollercoaster ride of emotions, from wonderful highs to depressive lows, all leading up to an immensely satisfying conclusion and another winner from Ms. Stiles!

Brittany Esposito and Matty Silva have been in each other's lives since they were young and she befriended him as the new boy in school.  Theirs was a powerful connection from the very beginning, a connection that has stood the test of time as their pairing has bent but never broken as they've gotten older.  As kids, where every school day involved bullying and home life was full of rejection and coldness, Matty had Britt and it's always been her brightness to the darkness creeping into his life.  Britt's an amazing heroine, one who's strong and supportive, quick to defend Matty through words and deeds that had me cheering her on every step of the way.  She's always been his guiding star, telling him hard truths, while always supporting him and trying to show him his true worth.  First and foremost Britt is Matty's friend, but with each year that passes the feelings she has for him have grown into a more adult love.  For her, it's becoming harder and harder to ignore how she feels about him, how much closer she wants to be to him.  With Matty struggling more and more though, the HEA she's hoping for might not happen in their epic and angsty journey.

Matty's an unforgettable hero, one who broke my heart over and over while hearing his inner thoughts and feelings. To the world Matty's a rock god, a sexy beast dripping with sensuality, the face and body that drives the women wild.  Behind the sexy facade though is a man full of self-doubts, a man who thinks he's nothing more than a sexy shell with no substance.  Britt knows the truth though, knows he's super smart and talented, and continually tries to get him to see that truth too in scenes that made me want to hug him.  Matty's journey throughout this book was hard to witness and it was painful to see the hanger-ons use his body and soul for their own gains.  The issues he was dealing with were vividly depicted, respectfully portrayed, and many readers out there will find a strong connection to what he was going through.  What doesn't kill you makes you stronger and from some very dark places Matty made his way out.  With Britt's unwavering support he became the man she always knew him to be in a beautiful ending that I'm still thinking about!

My rating for this is an A.

*I got this book from the author for review in exchange for my honest opinion.