The Firework Girls are back in this steamy tale of friends becoming lovers. Keep reading to get a tantalizing glimpse of Nuclear Heat by J.L. White and the tug of war romance between two friends fighting fate every step of the way, then add it to your bookshelf. In honor of this fourth installment in the series make sure to fill out the form below for the chance to win a $50 Amazon GC too!
They call us the Firework Girls.
I’m Sam. Let’s get one thing straight. Marriage is fine for some people, but it’s got nothing to do with me. If you knew the truth about my past, believe me, you’d understand.
But hey, I’m not complaining. I’ve got a good job. Great friends. And when I need a little something in the man department, well… I’ve never had any trouble getting that when I want it either.
Then Jack has to come along and screw it all up.
I never saw it coming. I mean, we’ve been friends for six years. Years. But in one moment… one gooseflesh-inducing, world tilting, alarming moment… it all starts to change.
Let me tell you something, the last thing in the world I wanted to do was freaking fall in love. But that Jack snuck right under my radar.
I’m not too happy about it either.
Not one damn bit.
I’m Sam. Let’s get one thing straight. Marriage is fine for some people, but it’s got nothing to do with me. If you knew the truth about my past, believe me, you’d understand.
But hey, I’m not complaining. I’ve got a good job. Great friends. And when I need a little something in the man department, well… I’ve never had any trouble getting that when I want it either.
Then Jack has to come along and screw it all up.
I never saw it coming. I mean, we’ve been friends for six years. Years. But in one moment… one gooseflesh-inducing, world tilting, alarming moment… it all starts to change.
Let me tell you something, the last thing in the world I wanted to do was freaking fall in love. But that Jack snuck right under my radar.
I’m not too happy about it either.
Not one damn bit.
(Sam’s POV)
“If I didn’t know better,” he says, giving me a gentle, teasing prod on the shoulder, “I’d think you were crying over some guy."
My eyes widen and my reaction comes through on my face before I can stop it. He straightens sharply, blinking in shock.
Oh god.
Still lying on the coffee table, I roll onto my side away from him, one arm dangling off, my face on the edge. Yeah. We just need to stop talking now and he needs to stop looking at me and I need to stop looking at him.
He’s quiet so long, I wonder if he’s going to leave. Part of me wants him to. Part of me needs him to stay. Because being in love is a special kind of messed up, I’m discovering.
I close my eyes. Why did he have to come now? Why did I have to fall in love with him?
I hear him get off the couch and walk around the table. It sounds like he’s sitting down right in front of me. When I open my eyes, he’s lying on the floor on his back, his body parallel to mine. His head is under mine, so I’m looking right at him.
There’s no escaping him now.
He’s wearing a pained expression I can’t interpret. “I’m sorry for teasing you,” he says. “Heartbreak sucks."
Hot tears make another appearance, dammit. He reaches up and wipes a tear from my cheek.
I give up.
My heart is aching. He’s killing me. I grab his hand and hang onto it as he cups my cheek and neck.
He follows the movement of my hand and his brows furrow slightly. He looks back to me, a question in his eyes. I’m too worn out and heartbroken to do anything but look back.
The furrow in his brows deepen. “Who,” he asks slowly, “is this guy?"
I press my lips together, the tears running fresh again. I can’t look away from him. I can’t hide it. Maybe this is what Ashley knew, and why she said to talk to him about it. I can’t hide this from him anyway.
A pained look crosses his face: confusion and disbelief. “Sam?” He chokes out my name, his voice a whisper.
It’s you. It’s you.
And I’m just one more woman he didn’t mean to make fall in love with him.
I give a weak shrug and find my voice at last. “Sorry,” I whisper. I didn’t mean to fall in love with Jack. I really didn't.
His eyes widen slightly in surprise and dawning realization.
It’s only inevitable now: his “we’ll always be friends” speech, or “I didn’t mean to give you the wrong idea” speech, or “I’m in love with Emily” speech. Part of me is cringing against the horrible words I know are coming. Part of me is willing to beg. Beg.
Part of me doesn’t want to go one second past this moment, because there’s not one single thing Jack can do that won’t terrify me.
He has that deer-caught-in-headlights look. He’s still processing what I’ve revealed and he has no idea what to do next. No good can come from this. God, why did I have to put the both of us in this awkward position?
This time, I do move, only half an inch, intending to get off the table and away, but his hand suddenly tightens against my face, keeping me here.
He’s looking at me differently now. Am I just imagining it? Am I reading too much into an expression like those ridiculous love-sick girls are so prone to do? There’s no denying I’m officially a ridiculous love-sick girl myself. But he’s looking at me almost the way he has in my dreams, like he wants me, too. But it’s even more than that. He looks hungry for me. I thought I knew every way Jack’s face could look, but I never could have imagined him looking like this.
J.L. White writes steamy romances featuring smart, sexy women and the swoon-worthy men who adore them. Her sexy love stories are full of passion but don't skimp on the tenderness.
She's addicted to trendy coffee houses, poolside lounging, and HEAs. When not tapping blissfully away on her laptop, she takes time to enjoy life with her husband and their children.
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