Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Book Cover Reveal for DARE - A Rock Star Hero by S.L. Scott (GIVEAWAY)

As a fan of rock star romances I applaud every new addition to the genre and today’s upcoming book release has me as giddy as a school girl for its decadently delicious hero and the sizzling romance of opposites attracting.  Keep reading to get a tempting taste of DARE - A Rock Star Hero by S.L. Scott and while waiting for the release you can be entertained by this drool-worthy book cover.  In honor of this romance hitting bookshelves on August 15th make sure to fill out the form below for the chance to win a signed print copy of this book along OR a $50 Amazon GC!

Dare Marquis is a bad boy rock star with a body to match.
Devilish good looks.
A voice that commands attention.
A night with him and no strings attached is just what I need. But he makes it impossible to not want more when he runs his hand through his dark, wild hair and smiles. One he only shares with me.
Weatherly Beck is an angel with a body made for sin.
Drop dead gorgeous.
Too good for any guy from the east side.
Her life is planned out, so I don’t have a right to step in and mess up her future. But when I look into her sapphire blue eyes and taste the innocence on her lips, I know we’re meant to be more than a one-night stand.
I want her to take a chance on me, to take a chance on us. She may not be a damsel in distress, but I Dare her to let me be her Hero.



Living in the capital of Texas with her family, Scott loves traveling and avocados, beaches, and cooking with her kids. She's obsessed with epic romances and loves a good plot twist. Her favorite color is blue, but she likens it more toward the sky than the emotion. Her home is filled with the welcoming symbol of the pineapple and finds surfing a challenge though she likes to think she's a pro.



Book Tour for When a Lady Kisses a Scot by Tara Kingston (GIVEAWAY)

A woman who faked her death to get away from danger returns home to the man who never forgot her in this sensual and suspenseful historical romance.  Keep reading to get a tempting taste of When a Lady Kisses a Scot by Tara Kingston, then add it to your bookshelf.  In honor of this fourth installment in Her Majesty’s Most Secret Service series make sure to fill out the form below for the chance to win a $15 Amazon GC too!

Rose Fleming has been presumed dead for the last decade. It required leaving everything—and everyone—she loved behind, including MacAllister Campbell. But faking her death allowed her to stay safe until the threat posed by a mysterious villain had passed. Believing it’s finally safe again, she returns...and runs smack into the only man she ever loved.
But Rose was wrong and the stalker she escaped years ago still has her in his sights.
Ten years ago, Mac mourned the death of the woman he loved. It’s taken years to heal his heart only to discover that not only is Rose still alive, but still in grave danger. Mac can forgive Rose’s deception, but he’d never be able to forgive himself if he didn’t protect her from the evil still stalking her.
The only thing worse than losing her once would be losing her again...and he won’t let that happen.


“Tell me who is chasing you.”
“Would you believe me if I told you I don’t know?”
“Last night, I observed criminals of the worst sort attempt to abduct you. You might not know the identity of the men who attacked you, but I’d wager you know who’s behind it. Who have you been hiding from all these years?”
“I cannot be sure.” Glancing down, she veiled her eyes with her lashes.
“Those blackguards dared to invade my home. I deserve to know the nature of the threat we are dealing with.”
We are not dealing with a threat. This is my battle to fight. Soon I’ll be on my way, and you can resume your orderly life—exactly as it was.”
“You, of all people, should know that isn’t possible.”
“But there is no alternative. I have my path, and you have yours.”
“Balderdash.” Casting aside his restraint, he took her hands in his. He pulled her close. The subtle essence of rose water perfuming her creamy skin filled his senses. “Look at me, Rose. It is you, isn’t it? This isn’t some cruel hoax?”
“Would you believe me if I told you this was all a lie?”
“I might have…” He drank in every detail of her expression, losing himself in those beautiful eyes that betrayed emotions she tried to conceal. He framed her face in his hands. “Until you did this….
Gently, he brushed his mouth over hers. She might’ve pulled away. She might’ve turned and stormed off, or called him a cad and delivered a sound slap.
But she did none of those things.
With a little sigh, she leaned in to him. Her body molded to his, and her arms curled around his back. Savoring the sensation of her touch, he stilled. How many nights had he dreamed of this, dreamed of her?
Her tempting little tongue darted out to caress his lips, to mingle with his own as he savored the taste of her sweetness. The tips of her fingers caressed his back, kindling an inner fire despite the layers of clothing separating his skin from hers. With another throaty sigh, she deepened the kiss.
His hands skimmed her middle, feeling the tiny shivers of her response. My touch still stirs her. An absurd pleasure filled him.
Forcing himself to gain control over his desire, he pressed a tender kiss to her lips. And then, he eased away.
Eyes wide, she gazed up at him. Her lips parted, as if to beckon him to kiss her once again. Had the magnetic pull between them stunned her as much as it had crashed over him? The hunger between them had never truly died. Years apart could not extinguish that bone-deep longing.
Her tongue darted out again, moistening her lips. MacAllister swallowed against a fresh surge of hunger. For her kiss. For her touch. She veiled her expressive gaze with her smoky lashes. Had she sensed the effect she had on him?
A teasing smile curved her mouth. She’d always known how to draw him in without saying a word. Time had not changed a bloody thing, had it?
He threaded his fingers through her hair. The long, wavy tresses were like strands of silk against his fingertips. The corners of her mouth tipped up, and she regarded him with thoughtful eyes that seemed to see to the depths of his soul.
“You can deny me the truth of why you’re running, the truth of whom you’re running from,” he whispered against her mouth. “But you cannot deny who you are.”




Award-winning author Tara Kingston writes historical romance laced with intrigue, danger, and adventures of the heart. A Southern-belle-out-of-water in a quaint northern town, she lives her own happily-ever-after with her real-life hero and a pair of deceptively innocent-looking cats. The mother of two sons, Tara’s a former librarian who first fell in love with the romance genre when she discovered her mother’s old-school romance paperbacks. When she’s not writing, reading, or burning dinner, Tara enjoys movie nights, traveling, cycling, hiking, DIY projects, and cheering on her favorite football team.


Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Book Spotlight on Perky by Julia Kent (REVIEW)

Readers will find themselves charmed by this rom-com with its realistic main couple and their struggle to find HEA the second time around.  Keep reading to get a tempting taste of Perky by Julia Kent, along with my impressions of it, then add this second installment in Ms. Kent’s series of three outspoken friends navigating the world of romance to your bookshelf!

One hundred years ago when I was young and impulsive (okay, it was five, alright? Five years ago...) I let my boyfriend take, let's just say... compromising pictures of me.
(Shut up. It made sense at the time).
Surprise! The sleazy back-stabbing jerk posted them on a website and, well, you can guess what happened. That's right.
I'm a meme. A really gross one.
You've seen the pictures. And if you haven't - don't ask. And don't look!
As face recognition software online improves, I get tagged on social media whenever anyone shares my pictures. You try getting a thousand notifications a day, all of them pictures of your tatas.
So. I'm done.
It's time for revenge. Let him see how it feels! But how do you get embarrassingly intimate pictures of your jerkface ex who double-crossed you five years ago?
Especially when he's a member of the U.S.House of Representatives now?
Getting sweet between the sheets with a congressman is pretty much every political roadie's dream, right? I'm one in a crowd.
Except to this day, he swears he didn't do it. Pursued me for months after I dumped him five years ago. Begged me to take him back.
And I almost did it. Almost. I was weak and stupid and in love a hundred years ago.
Okay. Fine. Five.
But I still have the upper hand. Second chance romance has all the emotional feels, doesn't it?
I can't wait to punch him in the feels.
All I need to do is sleep with him once, take some hot-and-sweaty pics of him in... delicate positions, and bring him down. That's it. Nothing more.
Pictures first. Revenge after. And then I win.
At least, that's how it was supposed to happen. But then I did something worse than sexting.
I fell in love with him. Again.


Mallory was right. The restaurant is perfect.
A server carrying an enormous tray of chocolate and cream and cake and strawberries dodges her way around me as I walk into the small, brick-walled bistro. Mallory told me the place was basically nothing but foodie heaven, and judging from the luscious spread I'm eyeing, the server's spin showing tiramisu and some kind of pavlova made with mango and grilled pineapple, it absolutely is.
A flash of red hair in the distance tells me Mal’s already here for our double date.
She’s sitting next to a button-down shirt wearing a big smile.
And yes, I’m here. I decided to attend this farce. Remember? I’m opening myself up to possibilities. Embracing uncertainty. Being expansive and namanasty and whatever...
Ok. Fine. I just can’t stay away from him.
Plus, I have a video to make.
As the light shifts and my eyes adjust, I take in the sight of my best friend sitting with her fiancé, their hands together, fingers intertwined, the big rock on her finger gleaming in the light. They lean into each other the way that truly intimate couples do.
The casual crossing of lines between two human beings is a sign of affinity, of trust, a sign of something more than just love.
Once upon a time, I leaned into Parker like that.
Once upon a time, I trusted Parker like that.
Once upon a time, I deeply loved him, just like that.
But that was a time long ago, and time can’t be turned back.
Can it?
Whatever apology he’s about to deliver tonight, he can’t erase what’s been done. Whatever goal he has for this double date is tainted by Saoirse. He’ll say that they’re not together. He’ll say that he still loves me. He’ll say that he never released that photo five years ago.
Parker says lots of things. It’s what Parker does that matters. Actions speak louder than words, but only when they are authentic.
Only when they are sincere.
The body can lie. It’s only human, after all, right?
You know what can’t lie? The heart.
And right now my heart is tap dancing under my ribs as I walk up to the booth to find Parker sitting with Mallory and Will, engaged in an amused conversation that fills me with a wistful sweetness and dread at the same time.
“Persephone,” he says, standing quickly, stepping out of the booth so that I can slide in. His hand goes to the small of my back, as if we are as intimate now as we were in the past. It’s also an electric gesture, almost transgressive, because my body and his body have not yet signed a treaty that defines where we can and cannot cross the boundaries between us.
“Parker,” I say, turning to Mal, who stretches up for a hug. As I bend down, Parker’s hand pulls away from me. The quick press of her cheek against mine makes me feel safe. I get a smile from Will, who can’t reach me across the booth, and we all settle down.
Except for my heart.
Before I can say another word, the server appears. “Can I get you something to drink?” she asks in a too-chipper voice.
My eyes dart around the table. I take in Mallory’s half-full glass of wine, Will’s empty tumbler of something that was amber, and Parker’s half-full pint of dark beer.
“A dirty vodka martini with three olives,” I say.
She asks which brand of vodka, and when I name it, Parker chuckles. As the server skitters away, I turn to him.
“Something funny?”
“That’s a brand made in Texas,” he says with a slow drawl. "It's made from corn, gluten free." His parents weren’t from Texas, so Parker doesn’t have the accent ingrained in him, but he was born there. It comes out sometimes, a cadence that slips easily into his speech, from a culture so strong that it claims you forever.
My heart skips a beat.
It slips, too.
He moves, man-spreading slightly, shifting in the booth. His right thigh brushes against my left, and then he pulls back away, leaning with a casual elbow to the right.
“When did you start drinking dirty vodka martinis?”
Mallory looks at me as I answer with a laugh that doesn’t reach my eyes, “The night you came into town.”
“And there it is,” he says simply, hands going flat on the booth.
A chill cools my skin, though it's not from fear. Even discomfort doesn't quite explain it. Mallory and Will go still. We're in close quarters, fully formed adults now, and the two people across from me are really in it with us.
I don't have to hide. I don't have to fake any feelings here.
And neither does Parker.
“I've already apologized,” Parker says, and those words coming from any other man's mouth would have a defensive tone to them, produced by bruised ego combined with salty regret. The server interrupts, appearing with my martini and sliding it onto a printed coaster right in front of me.
I do a double take at the logo.
The Energy Master, it says, with a small lightning bolt right under the edge of my glass.
Martini glasses are simple cones, but this one looks like a piece of Art Nouveau, a thin line of blue glass swirled in curlicues around the edge. The liquid inside is smoky, three fat olives with pimentos peeking out in a flash of red, like a bullfighter urging on a bull.
I'm ready to charge deep.
“And I'll apologize again,” Parker continues after the server leaves, my mouth already tickled by the perfect blend of olive brine, vodka, and vermouth. The sip goes down smooth, like ocean water.
Like drinking tears.
Five years' worth.




From the moment readers were introduced to Perky in Ms. Kent’s previous book, Fluffy, I knew she was going to leave a lasting impression...and she definitely did that.  From her tell-it-like-it-is attitude, to her strong will and her even stronger support of her friends, Perky’s an unforgettable and immensely appealing heroine whose second chance romance started out with a bang.  Add in a charming politician (not easy to find nowadays) man trying to earn his way back into her heart and you end up with a sensual read full of heart and soul.

Persephone Tsongas has lived a life full of dramatic highs and lows.  Coming from average beginnings, to her family winning the lottery, it’s clear that Perky’s lived a full life and each event has made her who she is today.  After an unforgettable first meeting with Parker, him acting as her lawyer after she was arrested at a protester, their connection heated up quickly as opposites definitely attracted.  A few months of steamy encounters saw them grow ever closer until a hurtful and humiliating meme starring her hit the internet and ended their romance just as suddenly as it started.  Years have passed but there are still moments where she gets recognized and it fuels her desire for revenge against the man she once gave everything to.  When they come face-to-face once again at her friend’s rehearsal rehearsal dinner the feelings are just as intense as ever and it sets them on a path of forgiveness for him and revenge for her...but sometimes things don’t go as planned as the heart wants what it wants.  Through it all Perky’s the kind of heroine you want to be, the kind you want to hang out with, and the kind that sets the bar for others.  In her interactions with Parker she gives as good as she gets, doesn’t cower when people bring up the meme, and doesn’t hold back when admitting her feelings.  She admits to feeling conflicted as she’s still in love with Parker while hating him for what happened to her and I appreciated her honesty as it made the story stronger without unnecessary melodrama.  Along with a crackling romance with Parker was an equally entertaining connection to her friends Mallory and Fiona.  This trio was delightful to see interact as their banter was fun and reminiscent of what most girlfriends talk about.  They mocked each other at times but would support and defend one another whenever necessary and it was a highlight of the story.

Parker Campbell looks like the perfect politician as he’s handsome, good with people, and comes from a “good” he has an exciting background story of saving a life.  It all adds up to a memorable and delicious hero who’s a bit reserved when compared to Perky, but their differences seem to melt away when they’re together.  Parker was drawn to Persephone the minute he met her, accelerated their relationship as he knew she was the one for him, which made her sudden abandonment of their promising future so hurtful.  For years he’s wanted to talk to her about the meme, plead his innocence, but she’s blocked him from her life.  When given the chance to be groomsman at her best friend’s wedding he jumps at the opportunity to finally tell the truth and reclaim her once again in a sultry connection that builds as the story progresses.  Parker’s a likable hero, a truly good guy who likes Persephone just the way she is and takes pride in her accomplishments.  He’s steady and sure but around her he’s quick to lose control as they have a sizzling connection and it made for an exhilarating ride to HEA.

Perky and Parker make the most of their second chance in this fun and flirty tale full of heart and soul as each opens up about what happened years ago and what they hope will happen now.  Perky’s a strong-willed heroine but there are flashes of vulnerability when putting her heart on the line after years of humiliation that endeared her to me. Parker’s just as likable and I applaud how supportive he always is of her, especially when his mother tries to tear her down as she’s a rather vicious and manipulative woman.  Separately they’re appealing and as a couple they’re immensely likable as they’re the perfect balance with sweet and sensual interactions that had me rooting for them every step of the way.  Along with this likable main couple was an equally appealing cast of secondary characters from Perky’s friends Mallory and Fiona to her newest defender Will, Parker’s friend and Mallory’s fiancée.  Will boldly stood up for Perky early on and it made me like him even more as he didn’t let the bro-code blind him to Perky’s pain.  With so much to like here it’s the relationship between the three girlfriends that’s the best part as it drives the narrative and is realistic and empowering in its honesty.  Their interactions gave us deeper insight into each character and got me excited for each new installment with the exhilarating conclusions found in each of these books.  From start to finish Ms. Kent has cleverly crafted another winner with likable and realistic characters that put a smile on my face while warming my heart.

My rating for this is an A-

*I got this book from the author for review in exchange for my honest opinion.


New York Times and USA Today Bestselling Author Julia Kent writes romantic comedy with an edge. From billionaires to BBWs to new adult rock stars, Julia finds a sensual, goofy joy in every contemporary romance she writes. Unlike Shannon from Shopping for a Billionaire, she did not meet her husband after dropping her phone in a men's room toilet (and he isn't a billionaire). She lives in New England with her husband and three sons in a household where the toilet seat is never, ever, down.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Book Tour for One Fine Duke by Lenora Bell (GIVEAWAY)

Sparks fly when a young woman’s matrimonial plans go astray after meeting the brother of the man she’s chosen in this engaging historical romance.  Keep reading to get a tempting taste of One Fine Duke by Lenora Bell, then add it to your bookshelf.  In honor of this third installment in the School for Dukes series make sure to fill out the form below for US readers to have the chance to win a print copy of the previous book in this series too!

Raised in the countryside by her overprotective uncle, Miss Mina Penny’s dream of a triumphant London season is finally here. She determined her perfect match long ago: Rafe Bentley, the wickedest rake of them all. There’s only one very large, very unyielding obstacle: Rafe’s brother Drew, the reclusive Duke of Thorndon.
This was supposed to be simple. Duke goes to London. Duke selects suitable bride. Love match? Not a chance. But when Drew meets Mina, she complicates everything. How can a lady armed with such beauty and brains fall for his irresponsible degenerate of a brother? Drew vows to save her from heartbreak and ruin, no matter the cost.
But Mina is no damsel in distress. She’s daring, intuitive, passionate…and halfway to melting Drew’s cold heart. And although Mina thought she knew exactly what she wanted, one breathtakingly seductive kiss from Drew changes everything. Now Mina must decide between long-held dreams and dangerous new desires. Could her true destiny lie in the arms of a duke?


She kissed him. Really kissed him.
It was so surprising that Drew didn’t respond. He just stood there like an oak tree as she twined her arms around him, tugging his head down to her level.
Clinging lips. Scent sweet and clean. Soft breasts against his chest.
Just like his dream, only less daisies and cows.
Like a dream, only so achingly real. Solid, warm woman kissing him, trying to coax a reaction from him. She made a disapproving sound in the back of her throat and redoubled her efforts.
You’ve still got it, you handsome devil.
Their interlude in the garden shed hadn’t been enough for her. She’d been gazing at his window and she’d been overwhelmed by the sight of him pleasuring himself. Which was somewhat embarrassing and…damn it, she was still kissing him.
He should do something about that.
Clearly the girl had a taste for danger. She couldn’t just go around kissing anyone she fancied.
Her tongue slipped inside his mouth in a tentative, yet brave, exploratory expedition. She tasted of brandy.
Do something. Tell her to leave. Or take control. Slow her movements. Set a new tempo. When he deepened the kiss, she followed his lead, opening wider, taking more of him and giving more of herself.
All the time in the world. No reason to rush.



LENORA BELL is a USA Today bestselling, award-winning author of historical romances. She blames the long, dark winters in her tiny Alaskan hometown for making her a lifelong bookworm. A teacher with an MFA in Creative Writing who has lived on five continents, Lenora currently shares an old farmhouse in the Pacific Northwest with her carpenter husband and two tiger-striped rescue kitties. She loves to hear from readers!


Sunday, July 28, 2019

Book Blitz for Good Guy by Kate Meader (GIVEAWAY)

A former military man now wages battles on the ice in this hockey-themed romance that brings him face-to-face with the widow of his former best friend in a sizzling story full of witty banter and doing whatever it takes to get to the truth.  Keep reading to get a tempting taste of Good Guy by Kate Meader, then add it to your bookshelf.  In honor of this first installment in the Rookie Rebels series make sure to fill out the form below for the chance to win a $25 Amazon GC too!

He’s a Special Forces veteran making his pro hockey debut. She’s a dogged sports reporter determined to get a scoop. She’s also his best friend’s widow...
Fans can’t get enough of Levi Hunt, the Special Forces veteran who put his NHL career on hold to serve his country and fight the bad guys. So when his new Chicago Rebels bosses tell him to cooperate with the press on a profile, he’s ready to do his duty. Until he finds out who he has to work with: flame-haired, freckle-splashed, impossibly perky Jordan Cooke.
Also known as the woman he should not have kissed the night she buried her husband, Levi’s best friend in the service.
Hockey-stick-up-his-butt-serious Levi Hunt might despise Jordan for reasons she can’t fathom—okay, it’s to do with kissing—but her future in the cutthroat world of sports reporting hangs on delivering the goods on the league’s hottest, grumpiest rookie. So what if he’s not interested in having his life plated up for public consumption. Too bad. Jordan will have to play dirty to get her scoop and even dirtier to get her man. Only in winning the story, she might just lose her heart...


He needed to escape before he said or did something he’d regret, but he also needed her to be safe, which meant there was only one way this could proceed.
“I just hauled you out of there under the guise of doing this interview, so we—“
“Probably should keep up the pretense?”
“Correct.” He stalked toward the elevator bank, both relieved and on edge that she accompanied him.
“Were you headed to the bar to meet up with someone?”
“Just feeling restless in my room. Looking for company.”
“And I ruined it by making you think you needed to play target extraction.”
The elevator doors opened and when they closed again, he was inside and sharing the sultry air with Jordan. He pressed the button for the tenth floor. “You didn’t ruin it. Something else took precedence, is all.”
In that moment, when he saw her, all thoughts of a night of dumb jokes with his crew dispersed to the outer limits of the Tri-State area. Sure, he noticed her discomfort with Stroger but even if he hadn’t, even if it had been Jordan in a room full of supermodels, there would have been no one else. Only her.
This was not controlling the narrative.
This was a fucking mess.
The elevator reached his floor and he stepped off, with her following.
Please. Fucking. No.
“Well, like I said, Levi, you didn’t have to rescue me.” She placed a hand on his arm and squeezed, probably intending to be friendly. Her touch flayed him. “I had it handled.”
He snapped. “Did you have it handled, Jordan? Because from what I can see you’re a beautiful woman forced to play nice with a bunch of jocks who probably think they have a shot with you.”
Her eyes flashed. “No one forces me to do anything. I do this job because I love it, and yeah, the guys I cover usually enjoy a laugh and a joke. Unlike some people who’d rather scowl everyone around them into the grave. But I know where the line is and I’ve no problem redrawing it when necessary.”
Fury shouldn’t have made her more attractive. It shouldn’t have given that wrinkle between her eyebrows new purpose or the lips he wanted to kiss a plumpness that made his mouth water. It shouldn’t have made her chest heave with effort, which only drew his attention to their lush swell and the hint of cleavage he wanted to explore.
“I’m not saying you don’t. I’m saying that guys in this environment tend to turn into entitled asses and wouldn’t know a line if it was steamrolled all over their faces. I don’t want you to be in any situation where you have to even think about the line. Case in point, maybe you shouldn’t be fondling Kershaw’s biceps!”
She did a double take. “Fondling?”
“Yes, fondling. You’re a journalist. Haven’t you heard of it?” Weak, man. So weak.
“Yeah, I’ve heard of it,” she said, a rasp to her voice. “It’s one of my favorite words, actually. Are you seriously jealous...of Theo?”
Yes. All the yes. “Of course not. But he’s a dumb kid, and I don’t want him to get the wrong idea.”
She was closer now, close enough to share a breath. To stumble headlong into her. To fall into madness.




Originally from Ireland, Kate cut her romance reader teeth on Maeve Binchy and Jilly Cooper novels, with some Harlequins thrown in for variety. Give her tales about brooding mill owners, oversexed equestrians, and men who can rock an apron or a fire hose, and she's there. Now based in Chicago, she writes sexy contemporary romance with alpha heroes and strong heroines who can match their men quip for quip.


Saturday, July 27, 2019

Book Tour for Everything Between Us by Sarah Fine (Review & GIVEAWAY)

A young man hiding who he really is from the world in order to survive finds himself drawn to a young woman plagued by panic attacks, made even worse by her rich but dysfunctional parents, in this contemporary romance that pulls at the heartstrings.  Keep reading to get a tempting taste of Everything Between Us by Sarah Fine, along with my impressions of it, then add it to your bookshelf.  In honor of this second installment in the Starving Artists series make sure to fill out the form below for the chance to win 1 of 4 print sets of all the books in this series too!

Bestselling author Sarah Fine presents a sexy and psychological standalone novel sure to thrill new adult romance readers everywhere.
What starts as a battle of wills can quickly turn into passion...
Daniel’s got everything figured out. He makes a good living as an artist...mostly through offering “private shows” to the wives of local wealthy businessmen. He never stops playing the game and never lets anyone touch his heart. But when his current fling offers him a few hundred an hour for art lessons for her reclusive, college-dropout daughter, Daniel finds himself forgetting his own rules. The girl is rude. Insulting. Incredible.
And she sees straight through him.
Stella is hiding from the world, not because she wants to, but because crippling panic attacks await her every time she tries to live a normal life. She’s determined to push everyone–including her handsome new art teacher—away. But Daniel makes it utterly impossible. The guy is irritating. Mocking. Magnetic.
And makes her want things she knows she can never have.
What starts as a battle of wills turns into passion, where giving in means facing the things that scare them most.

As soon as I climb back into bed, Liza’s fingertip is tracing along the swirling black lines of my tattoo, winding its way across my chest, all the way up to my neck. “That was amazing,” she purrs.
I smirk at the ceiling as she settles herself against me. “You’re welcome.”
She smacks me lightly on the shoulder. “It seemed like you enjoyed yourself, too.”
I cringe inwardly. That pouting, please tell me I’m pretty tone always makes me want to vault off the bed and sprint for the door, but I force myself to smile instead, because that’s how you play this game...if you want to win, that is. “More than enjoyed myself.” I brush her auburn hair away from her slightly damp forehead—catching a glimpse of a few gray hairs that tell me she probably has a salon appointment scheduled next week—and plant a lingering kiss on her brow.
She stretches like a cat in the sun, throwing her smooth leg over mine and nuzzling my neck. Ah, cuddling. Liza loves it, and I hope she pays accordingly. “This was exactly what I needed to get my mind off things.”
“Good.” I tangle my fingers in her hair as her lips tickle my skin. It feels good, and I close my eyes and savor it, focusing only on the sensation, fluttering and light and warm.
She sighs, and that’s when I know she wants to add talking to our routine. We met a few weeks ago when she began attending the winter session painting class I’m teaching at the artists’ co-op downtown. Like it’s been with so many of the wealthy wives of our local upper class, my arrangement with Liza started out easy—a “private lesson,” a quick fuck, a hundred or two in my pocket, a kiss goodbye—but now that we’ve been on for nearly a month, she’s wanting more. I don’t really do more, but she’s commissioned a series of paintings for the new entertainment suite her husband is building off the back of this mansion, and she’s paying a few thousand per canvas. How many canvases she ends up wanting depends very much on how well I satisfy her. So...“Are you okay, Liza? You sound stressed.” I squeeze her a little, just to show I really care.
She smiles and squeezes me back. Mission accomplished. “I’m okay, but not great. Estella came home from college for the holidays, and she’s adamant that she’s not going back.”
I try to remember which of her daughters she’s talking about. She pointed out their pictures in the entryway the first time I came over, poster-sized senior portraits of two girls with Liza’s high cheekbones and slightly pointed chin, and their dad’s dark eyes. One of them has black hair like he does, too, while the other is a brunette. I didn’t attach names to faces because I was struck by the fact that one of them is older than I am. I’m guessing the younger one is Estella, then, if she’s still in college. She’s the brunette, I think. “She’s been home since before Christmas?”
Liza chuckles. “See what I mean? You didn’t even know she was here. She’s like a ghost these days, haunting my house.”
“Is she transferring to Becker?” I’m a local boy and graduated from there. It’s a pretty solid school, and their art program is damn good.
Liza’s plastered against me, so I feel her stomach tighten and see her lips twitch. She’s trying not to laugh. Wow. “Oh, Daniel.” She lets out a little snort that makes me grind my teeth. “No. Lou and I are really pushing her to go back to Wellesley, but it looks like she’s sitting out this semester—and of course, we’ve already paid for her housing and tuition.”
Which is probably about as much as she paid for her last facelift—pocket change considering her husband owns an industrial machinery company and is one of the wealthiest men in the state—but her tone says she’s still pissed about it. “What happened?”
“Estella has always been a little sensitive and shy, but now she’s simply refusing to do anything. Refusing to leave the house, actually.”
I frown. “Did something happen to her?”
Liza’s hand flaps against my chest. “I’ve asked her, but she denies it. And there’s no discussing it. She won’t listen at all.”
“But if she won’t leave the she scared? Do you think someone hurt her?” I stare at the elaborate light fixture above us and think of my best friend Caleb’s sister. That girl has too many problems to count and requires a lot of therapy to keep her on the rails, and Liza’s daughter sounds a little like her.
“It’s hard to tell with Estella. She’s very closed off. Hard to talk to.”
And Liza isn’t exactly the compassionate type. She’s pretty focused on how things affect her. “Are you getting her some kind of help?”
“I’ve tried,” Liza snaps before softening her tone. “I offered to take her to my own psychiatrist for a prescription, but she refused to consider it, even after Lou offered to buy her a Mercedes. It’s irrational. I’m almost at the end of my rope with her.”
Liza’s expression changes slightly, and I think she’s trying to raise her eyebrows, but her forehead stays smooth and still, made perfect by Botox or whatever else she’s had done. She looks great, but it’s weird when her face doesn’t quite move like it should. “She’s the most stubborn girl,” she continues. “Lou dotes on her, but even he doesn’t know what to do. She was a junior this year and we thought she was doing so well, but she came back for Christmas like a shell of herself. It was so embarrassing at our holiday party—everyone wanted to see her, but she refused to even come out and say hello!”
Jeez. It sounds like the girl had a total breakdown. “What are you going to do?”
She props herself on an elbow. “Actually,” she says, walking her fingers down my neck and across my collarbone. “I had an idea this morning.”
My eyes drift shut again as her touch dips lower, right down the center of my chest to my stomach, waking my cock from its temporary slumber. “Hmm?”
Tingles of pleasure roll out in waves from my belly as her hand closes around me. “Well, you know how they say art is therapeutic?” She strokes me, and a few times is all it takes to have me hard and ready. She keeps talking, but I’m not really paying attention anymore.
“Yeah.” My fingers tighten on her shoulder. “Yeah, definitely.” My hips start to move as her grip tightens. She makes this amused sound and edges down my body, her tongue dipping into my belly button before traveling south.
“I was thinking you might be able to help.” Her mouth closes around the tip of me, and everything goes tight.
“Sure,” I gasp. I can’t remember what we’re talking about. “Whatever you need.” My fingers twist in her hair as she bobs up and down. She has me practically arching off the bed in less than a minute.
Unfortunately, that’s when she pulls back and looks up at me. “I want you to give Estella some art lessons.”
I freeze. “What? Oh...”
She works on me for a few more minutes before teasing me again. “I’d pay you well. This would be outside the commission agreement.”
“Umm.” Wait, what’s she saying? “Could you...” She’s still stroking me. I can’t think straight.
“I want Estella to express herself. Maybe draw or paint a few things and work out whatever’s going on with her. Then maybe we can get her on the right track and back to Wellesley. You could help her.”
“Help...Estella?” I start to say something else, but Liza’s tongue slides over me and I groan instead.
“Yes,” she whispers, blowing cool air across my wet skin, making me jerk. “And if you do a good job, I’ll be recommending you to all my friends.”
“Sounds good.” I’m trying to guide her mouth back to where I want it. Words. She’s saying too many words right now.
She lets out a huff of laughter. “You can start tomorrow. Ten should be ideal. I’ll make sure she’s expecting you.”
“Mmmhmm. Sure. Good.”
Her grin is laced with triumph. Then she bows her head over me again.
She’s too busy to say anything else for a good long while.
I take a quick shower in the enormous marble bathroom before slapping on my clothes and kissing Liza, who’s napping on the bed. She gives me a sleepy smile and reaches for her purse on the bedside table, and I kiss her again as she slips me three hundred. I look down at it, wondering how I earned the extra, and she says, “Payment in advance for tomorrow.”
Shit. Now that I’m not horny, I’m remembering our conversation. Private art lessons for her crazy recluse of a daughter. My dick has gotten me into a lot of stupid situations, but this one might be the worst. “Liza...”
She slides out another hundred and hands it to me. “See you at ten. You know the way out?”
“Uh-huh.” Arguing is pointless, especially if she’s going to pay me this well. She’s just covered my monthly car payment and groceries for a few weeks. “See you.”
I grab my sketchbook and coat from the floor and exit her bedroom, walking toward the central section of the house. Her husband, Lou, who I’ve met at a couple of gallery shows and always has a glass of scotch in his hand, won’t be home until late. The guy’s never here, so Liza pretty much does whatever she wants without worrying about being caught.
I walk past a few pieces of art by people I know—one of Markus’s sculptures is on a small pedestal in the sunken family room. Liza bought the piece from him during their affair last year. She’s commissioned something from Caleb as well—a small painting for her library, she said—but that comes with no sexual strings attached, because Caleb doesn’t play this game. He’s crazy in love with his girlfriend, Romy, and he won’t do anything to mess that up. I’d say he’s missing out, but Caleb’s on the sensitive side. Not like me.
As I pass the guest wing, a door clicks shut and my heart jolts. A girl in black yoga pants is standing a few feet away. Her dark tunic shirt has white powder marks on it, and she’s clutching a book to her chest, staring at me with big, dark eyes. She’s only a few inches shorter than I am, and considering that I’m six-two, that’s saying something. Her long, straight brown hair hangs over her shoulder. She looks about twenty or so, but she’s got purplish circles beneath her eyes that make her look a little older.
“Hi,” I say.
She takes a step backward. “Hi. Sorry—who are you?” Her voice is a little raspy.
“My name’s Daniel.”
“What are you doing here?”
I raise my eyebrow. “What are you doing here?”
Her posture stiffens. “I live here.”
“You must be Estella.”
She blinks and mumbles something, and suddenly I wonder if I’m wrong. “Didn’t quite catch that,” I say.
“Stella. I prefer Stella,” she says a little louder. “I hate being called Estella. Or Stell.”
“Fair enough. I hate being called Danny. Or Dan. Or Danielle.”
The corners of her mouth twitch, and I stare. Liza’s crazy daughter is actually kind of interesting to look at. Not hot in the way I’m normally attracted to, but...definitely not boring.
“What are you reading, Stella?”
She bows her head over her book. “Anna Karenina.”
“Any good?” I’ve never read it.
She shrugs. “It’s about a woman who slowly has an emotional and psychological breakdown under the weight of society’s expectations.”
I let out a laugh. “Sorry. That sounds kind of morbid.”
“No, not at all. It’s a comedy. Pretty light and funny. You should check it out sometime.”
I can’t look away from her eyes, and that saves me from being snowed. The spark of mischief in their dark depths gives her away. “Maybe I will. I bet it has a happy ending, too?”
She presses her lips together and nods solemnly. Totally straight face. “The happiest. A perfect read if you’re feeling depressed.” She tilts her head like she’s just realizing something. “You still haven’t said why you’re in my house.”
She glances down the hallway toward her mother’s bedroom at the very end, and there’s a subtle change in her expression that tells me her brain is working at light speed. Her grip on the book tightens like she’s planning to hit me with it if I get too close. Most girls do the opposite—maybe it’s that I’m easy on the eyes, or they like the tat, the tips of which peek out of the collar of my shirt, or maybe I give off the right pheromones or whatever. I have no idea, but it certainly helps in getting things I want. But this girl? Her gaze is full of challenge. And more than a little fear.
I smile. “You’re right. I didn’t say why I was here.” I’m not going to confirm her suspicion that I was just in bed with her mom, and I’m certainly not going to be the one to tell her I’m showing up tomorrow to be her art teacher. If she says no, what the hell am I supposed to do then? I need this money. “Have a great day.”
I wave and head for the door. When I get to the huge, arched entryway, I look back. Stella’s peeking out of her hallway, staring after me. Good. Hopefully when Liza breaks the news, Stella will be intrigued.
I know I am.



After meeting Daniel Vliet in the first installment in the Starving Artists series I knew there was more to the seemingly carefree player and this book definitely gave readers greater insight into this conflicted young man.  From the outside he seems sexy and fun-loving but behind the facade is a young man just trying to survive as he’s full of self-doubts and fears over his family’s future.  Add in a young woman showing signs of agoraphobia and the stage has been set for an epic romance that will pull at reader’s heartstrings.

Daniel’s an artist whose style borders on the eccentric, it’s art that’s full of life and brash too...just like the man.  Notoriety doesn’t equal fame though so to get by he gives “private” lessons to the older women looking for Boy Toys.  Unlike Caleb in the previous installment, Daniel’s never had a problem being with these woman for money and commissions since a good time is always had by all.  Seeing Caleb’s happiness in finding the one woman meant for him though has Daniel questioning things and upon meeting Stella he’s even more torn as she looks beyond his pretty package to the man clearly struggling under the weight of family and fame.  They may start out as enemies but it’s not long before they both open their hearts in an emotionally intense journey of healing and unwavering support that had me rooting for them every step of the way.  Daniel’s a complex hero who some might not like early on as he comes off as arrogant.  Remembering his strong support of Caleb in the previous book though, his heartfelt words, endeared him to me then and had me longing to see more of that now...and this story didn’t disappoint.  He and Stella were at war from the start but they soon came to rely on each other as there wasn’t any subterfuge in their relationship as each gave as good as they got.  The family issues he was dealing with were easy to relate to, they humanized him and had me wanting to comfort him, though I do wish more time had been spent on his mother’s and brother’s journeys as they were appealing secondary characters.  Despite his carefree, playboy image, Daniel’s a loving son and brother, a supportive friend, and a loving and considerate boyfriend once he claims Stella as his.  He wants her to get well but never pushes her to the breaking point, he’s accepting and comforting and just what she needs him to be as she works through the pressures of her family.

Stella’s spent the last few months at home after a disastrous semester at college ended with her feeling alone and having unrelenting panic attacks. There’s no one she can count on as her attempts to deal with her issues on her own has others assuming she’s being melodramatic.  Her mother’s latest plan to help her is to hire Daniel for daily art classes with unexpected results occurring as their immediately drawn to each other in a connection that’s combustible. They push each other every step of the way, never letting the other hide behind the masks they show the rest of the world.  There’s an air of naïveté to Stella when readers first meet her as she’s closed herself off from the world, allowed her damaged self-esteem to hold her hostage to her mother’s particularly harsh words.  Getting to know Daniel, finding unwavering support from him and his close-knit group of friends gives her the push she needs to deal with her mental illness.  It’s an illness that isn’t sugarcoated with a therapeutic journey that’s vividly depicted and with an outcome that isn’t quickly reached.  It makes for a hard-fought journey to HEA, one that’s empowering to Stella while strengthening the foundation between her and Daniel. On a whole I found much to admire about Stella despite seeing her at her lowest and most frustrating point early on.  She let her mother belittle her for far too long, was angry and hurtful towards Daniel, before finally standing up for herself and finding her own self-worth in a rocky road to HEA.

From the first page to the last this was another satisfying installment in the New Adult Starving Artists series courtesy of a delicious hero with a heart of gold and a heroine trying to find her place in the world.  Add in the author’s handling of mental illness, the manipulations of unhappy parents, and the slightly icky choices made by the hero and readers will find themselves battered and bruised by this emotionally intense tale. Daniel sees himself as just a pretty face with a bit of talent, talent that doesn’t yet pay the bills, but with each turn of the page readers will find themselves teary-eyed by the hero discovering his self-worth. The heroine too becomes empowered by the hero’s support and love and to be a part of his world is what drives her to seek help in a tale that shows the true power of love.  Surrounding this appealing main couple was an equally entertaining cast of secondary characters, almost all of whom we’ve seen before. I loved seeing Caleb and Romy again and was delighted by how comfortable they’ve become as a couple.  They were a strong support to both Daniel and Stella and their words of wisdom fueled this book’s HEA.  I was also drawn to the few glimpses we got of sexy artist Markus, a rough around the edges artist who was a bit crass one moment while being protective the next. This dichotomy intrigues me and I hope he takes center stage soon.  Daniel’s brother Nate caught my eye too as it’s clear that actions on the battlefield are tearing him up off the battlefield.  He too is trying to hide the pain but it’s clear that his future book will put readers through the wringer.  On a whole I found this a well-crafted romance with characters that were likable and am very much looking forward to future installments in this series.

My rating for this is an A-

*I got this book from the author for review in exchange for my honest opinion.


SARAH FINE is the author of several books for teens, including Of Metal and Wishes (McElderry/Simon & Schuster) and its sequel, Of Dreams and Rust, the bestselling Guards of the Shadowlands YA urban fantasy series (Skyscape/Amazon Children’s Publishing), and The Impostor Queen (McElderry, January 2016).
She is also the co-author (with Walter Jury) of two YA sci-fi thrillers published by Putnam/Penguin: Scan and its sequel Burn. Her bestselling adult urban fantasy romance series, Servants of Fate, includes Marked, Claimed, and Fated, and was published by 47North in 2015, and her second adult UF series —Reliquary (and its sequels Splinter and Mosaic) was published 2016. When she’s not writing, she’s psychologizing. Sometimes she does both at the same time. The results are unpredictable.
