Thursday, March 10, 2011

Follow Friday....

It's been a busy week in my off-line life and I'm happy to be able to finally kick back and do a bit of visiting to all my blogging buddies homes.  And a great way to do that is through Follow Friday, brought to us by hostess with the mostest Parajunkee.

To participate, just post your answer to the question our hostess asks, and then get to know your fellow bloggers by visiting their sites to see their answers too.  If you like the site you see, become a follower.  Anyone that becomes my follower, I automatically follow back.  This is a great way to make new friends and bring our community closer together.  This week's question is.....

Just like Ashley said (love it) "Ashley the girl..." who are You the Boy/Girl, instead of You the Blogger?

I'm Jody, the 40 year-old snarky bookaholic, who adores freebies/giveaways and is a living breathing TV Guide (since I know everything about TV shows).  I have a cat, who everyone says hello to first before acknowledging me, which proves that she's the boss and I'm merely a figurehead.  And finally, I'm not at all tech-smart, but I'd love to own all the cool gadgets out on the market.


  1. Happy FF! NEW follower here! Btw Cats are awesome!

    MY FF

  2. Following back :)

  3. Hopping through. What type of cat do you have? I have a black American shorthair. I'd love to get a Cornish or Devon Rex.
    My Hop

  4. Cats secretly rule the world, and we're just their slaves. New follower from the blog hop!

    Here's my answer for this week!

  5. New follower! Dropping by to wish you a wonderful weekend. Happy hopping! :)

    Missy's Reads & Reviews

  6. I'm such a TV junkie, too. Have an awesome weekend!

  7. Thanks for stopping by my blog!!! Your blog is great and I'm following back! Have a great weekend!!

  8. Hey I'm a new follower from the blog hop =] I'm like that with the tv too, I always know what's on! Enjoy your weekend!

  9. I love gadgets too! Have a great weekend!!

  10. I love the way cats immediately rule the roost! New follower.

    My Follow Friday

  11. This is maybe the best Follow Friday question I've seen so far. I'm learning so much about so many book bloggers this week!

    (Some surprising things at that!)

    I've got a few surprises in store for you! Follow me back to my blog and learn more about who I am - the man, not the blogger and author.

    Thank God it's Follow Friday!
    Howard Sherman

  12. Happy Friday! Hope you have a great weekend.


  13. My cat is the boss as well! lol

    Thanks for visiting my blog! I'm now following you in return!

  14. Hello, Jody! Nice to meet you. Thanks for stopping by my FF yesterday! I'm your newest follower. :)
