Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Book Review for Wicked Dance by Deanna Roy

If there’s one thing that chases you and never lets you go, it’s fame.
Despite being a painfully shy and sheltered ballet student, three months ago I charged onto one of the most popular TV reality shows in the world and changed the course of five lives.
Mine, when I accepted the star of the show, Blitz Craven, as my lover and dance partner.
Blitz’s, just as he was about to walk away from his hard-won career.
And three girls who were the finalists on the show.
Those girls are back to get their vengeance, and as usual, the producers of the show are in it for the ratings.
So now I have a choice: let each of them have another shot at my lover.
Or take them on myself.
But Blitz is mine.
Game on.


Just when the chaos of her ex-boyfriend's return seemed to be calming down, Hollywood once again came calling to interfere in the happiness Livia and Blitz have found with each other.  Living and loving together, while giving private dance lessons to her birth daughter, has become a happy way of life for the two of them and it's sad to see them being manipulated by those more concerned with money and fame than their HEA.  As they head west to finish their commitments their relationship will be put to the test, as will her own self-esteem and trust in the former partying playboy who's clearly fallen for her, in this well-paced romance.

With a legal threat that could make him pay out millions, Blitz is left no choice but to return to the stage where he'll once again encounter the catty and angry women he spurned for Livia at the previous finale.  He won't be alone though as she'll be dancing right alongside him in a contest voted on by tv viewers.  THEY KNOW they love each other and are committed, but will the public see them as the perfect couple too?  It's a question that hangs over every word and through every dance move as their love affair continues to play out on national television.  With others trying to manipulate both of them in the name of ratings though, discomfort will arise and trust will be questioned as nothing is as it appears when it comes to reality television.  All the worst aspects of the genre are on display here as Giselle pours on the melodramatic act in a catty attempt to gain popularity, while the editors cut and splice scenes to leave every act in doubt.  Every sweet and sincere moment of affection Blitz shows Livia felt tainted by their being on the show which had me hoping for a quick journey to the show's finale.  Throughout the journey Ms. Roy gave a vivid depiction of what goes on behind the scenes, the chaos and the manufactured glamour, the very UN-real qualities of the participants themselves.  Through it all Blitz reminds readers of who holds his heart.  With patience and encouragement he helps Livia cope with a world she's never experienced before and was her support when her self-esteem gets rattled.  Livia really came into her own in this installment.  I was a bit frustrated by her actions in the previous book as she was a bit wishy-washy, but here she's far more composed.  She thinks things through before acting on impulse which is good as those around her try to manipulate her and Blitz's connection.  She goes outside her comfort zone, pushing her father's condemnations aside, to be a more accomplished dancer and to prove to herself that Blitz is her perfect partner in a competition full of over-the-top antics and sensual dances.

From start to finish this was another satisfying addition to the Lovers Dance series.  It's Blitz and Livia against the world as they dance one more time to reaffirm their love and commitment to each other with the country watching on.  The bright lights and glamour of Hollywood may offer a temptation but it's clear that the only thing tempting them is each other as seen through their numerous frantic and steamy encounters.  The world of reality television takes center stage here and is shown warts and all, as are the other three desperate women vying for fame and fortune.  They're an unlikable and stereotypical bunch whose melodramatic and catty actions wore a bit thin, but they ultimately all got what they deserved.  There were some bright spots in this world, some supportive people who helped keep Livia sane and focused on the truth instead of the contrived drama, and I enjoyed those few friends she found when her innocence led to disillusion.  I look forward to where Blitz and Livia go from her as their love for each other grows even stronger.  With two more books in this series I'm sure Ms. Roy plans on putting them through the wringer a few more times, but I'll gladly be there every step of the way as we creep closer to their final bow!

My rating for this is an A-

*I got this book from the author for review in exchange for my honest opinion.

Book Spotlight on Damned If You Do by Lisabet Sarai

Readers will find themselves enthralled by this paranormal tale of selling your soul for fame, but being left with conflict when love becomes part of the equation.  Keep reading to get a decadent glimpse of the BDSM-fueled Damned If You Do by Lisabet Sarai, then hear from Ms. Sarai as she gives greater insight into this book.  Once you've been tempted by the premise of this unique read make sure to add this erotically-charged tale to your bookshelf!

Of Frustration and Temptation...
Being an author is not for sissies. You pour your heart and soul into your stories. You spend hours of your scarce time and more money than you can afford on marketing. With each new release, you hope you’ll finally grab the attention of the book-buying crowd, that you’ll get the readership and the remuneration you deserve.
If that doesn’t happen (and given the number of people publishing books these days, odds are that it won’t), you’re stuck with the bitter knowledge that all your passion and effort were for nothing. This can be deeply demoralizing, even if you’re not trying to make your living as an author. If you depend on your writing to pay your bills, you’ve got financial anxiety added to your frustration.
I know this frustration only too well. My books receive consistent five star reviews, but somehow I’ve never been a commercial success. Thus, Damned If You Do is a rather personal story.
What would I do if I could magically turn my books into best sellers? How much would that be worth to me? That’s the question my romance author heroine faces when a mysterious stranger shows up waving a contract and promising her fame and fortune, sensual pleasure and the fulfillment of her most secret desires.
All he asks in return is her soul.
Crazy. Dangerous, maybe. But so, so tempting!

Wendy Dennison is tired of being a starving author. The royalties from her critically acclaimed romance novels barely pay her bills. Her devoted agent Daniel Rochester may be smart and sexy, but he can't get her the sales she needs. Then a charismatic stranger appears at her coffee shop table, promising her fame and commercial success, as well as the chance to live out her dreams of erotic submission. But at what cost?
Nothing you can't afford to lose, my dear.
Seduced by the enigmatic Mister B, she signs his infernal contract. He becomes both her Master and her coach, managing her suddenly flourishing career as well as encouraging her lusts. Under her mentor’s nefarious influence, she surrenders to temptation and has sex with Daniel. The casual encounter turns serious when she discovers her mild mannered agent has a dominant side. As the clock ticks down to her blockbuster release and Mister B prepares to claim her soul, Wendy must choose either celebrity and wealth, or obscurity and true love.


The limo deposited her in front of her little house and floated away. A bit weary from the lengthy ordeal at the salon, Wendy almost tripped over the figure sitting on her front steps.
“Dan! What are you doing here?"
Her agent looked rumpled and haggard. He didn’t even bother to stand, though his eyes were hungry as he surveyed her.
“You don’t answer my calls. You ignore my emails. I figured the only way I could get through to you was to show up at your door."
“Emails? I haven’t heard from you in months! I figured you were mad at me..."
“Every day, Wendy. I’ve sent you a message every single day. I’ve called again and again. That damned personal assistant of yours answers every time.” He rose to his feet finally, looking around with a scowl. “Where is the bastard, anyway?"
“I—um—I’m not sure. I think he’s doing some errands.” She rummaged in her bag for her key. “Come inside. We’ll talk."
“No. You come with me.” He grabbed her sleeve, pulling her down the walkway toward a gray Taurus with a Steelers Rent-a-Car decal parked across the street. “You’ve got to get away from that guy. He’s dangerous."
“Dangerous? What are you talking about? He’s been great for my career."
Dan grabbed her shoulders and shook her, hard. “Wake up, Wendy! He’s got you under some kind of spell. You’ve become a totally different person."
She tore herself free. “Yeah, I have. Instead of being a loser, I’m finally a successful author."
“You’ve cut yourself off from everyone. I got an email from Jenna the other day. You do remember Jenna, right?  Your old friend Jenna Martin? She was worried. Said she hadn’t been able to get in touch for weeks."
Jenna. How odd. Wendy hadn’t even thought about her, not since that afternoon in the coffee shop when her crit partner sent the link about Sapphire Sands. The afternoon Mister B had come into her life. In the old days, they communicated nearly every day.
“I’ve been busy. Busy writing."
“Is that all you’ve been doing? That slimy character Bent loves to suggest you two have been involved in other activities..."
She tried to take his arm. He shook her off. “Please, Dan, calm down. I’m fine. I’ve finally found my writing groove. Everything is going great.” She flashed him what she hoped was a charming smile. “I’m going to be on the Breakfast in America show later this week."
“I wondered why you were all gussied up.” His bitter tone made her wince.
“You should be happy for me. After all, I’m making plenty of money for you, too!"
“Forget about money for once. What about feelings?” He grabbed her with both hands, pulled her close and held her tight against his body.




LISABET SARAI occasionally tackles other genres, but BDSM will always be her first love. Every one of her nine novels includes some element of power exchange, while her D/s short stories range from mildly kinky to intensely perverse.
You’ll find information and excerpts from all Lisabet’s books on her website, along with more than fifty free stories and lots more. At her blog Beyond Romanceshe shares her philosophy and her news and hosts lots of other great authors. She’s also on Goodreads and finally, on Twitter.

Monday, May 29, 2017

Book Tour for Feel Me by Cecy Robson (Review & GIVEAWAY)

Readers once again find themselves caught amongst the chaos of the outspoken but supportive O'Brien clan as the hard working Declan finds himself falling for the feisty and kind-hearted Melissa.  Add in issues about disability, abuse, and expectations and you'll find yourself quickly consumed by how it all works out.  Keep reading to get a tempting taste of Feel Me by Cecy Robson, along with my impressions of it, then discover more about it by visiting the other sites hosting this tour.  In honor of this fourth installment in the O'Brien Family series make sure to fill out the form below for the chance to win a COACH purse, a signed copy of Inseverable, a tote bag, and coasters too!

RT Book Reviews proclaims that the O’Brien Family series from award-winning author Cecy Robson “has the hottest brothers ever!” And in FEEL ME, Declan, the sexy, driven powerhouse meets the one woman immune to his charm...
Declan O’Brien was always driven to take his place among Philly’s elite, working hard for everything he’s earned, including the title of Assistant District Attorney. He’s won seemingly impossible cases, so he’s furious when he’s assigned to lead the one unit he doesn’t want.
Melissa Fenske was born hearing impaired to a neglectful mother, finding solace when she was adopted by a young attorney, now Declan’s boss. As the current Director of Victim Services, Melissa’s livid when Declan is placed in the main unit she oversees. She can’t forget their disastrous first encounter. Or shake how he makes her feel.
Declan considers the assignment another step toward his political aspirations, despite that he can’t get Melissa out of his mind. Melissa sees Declan as egotistical and self-serving, kicking herself for how fast she’s falling for him. Someone as hot, smooth, and perfect as Declan isn’t supposed to want her.
In another situation with any other woman, Declan wouldn’t hesitate to take Melissa to bed. But she is the boss’s daughter, and for once, Declan finds himself wanting more than just a one night stand.
Neither counted on each other. Both just met their match.


My hands fall to my lap. “I suppose now is a good time to tell you what I’m looking for,” I say quietly.
“What you’re looking for?” he asks.
I tilt my chin, wondering why he seems confused. “Well, yes. I have certain needs that I’m hoping you’ll help me with."
His grip to his pen tightens. “Needs? For yourself?"
“For my unit,” I clarify. I wish like his brother, Declan also understood American Sign Language. Then I could sign and not give away how nervous I sometimes feel around him. I roll my ankle, trying to shake off some of my anxiety. For all he drives me crazy, he’s doing a hell of a job making me feel self-conscious. That doesn’t mean I’ll cower or stay quiet. “It’s my understanding that the assistant D.A.s currently assigned to SACU are burnt out and requesting reassignment."
“That’s right,” he says, his expression sour. “Just a few hours on the job and I’ve already received transfer requests in writing."
“I’d like to help select their replacements.” “Excuse me?” he asks.
Okay, here we go. Boob appreciation hour is officially over. “I’m not trying to step on your toes."
“But?” he asks, leaning back against his chair.
“But nothing. I respect that the decision is ultimately yours. I’m only asking for the opportunity to provide input.” He keeps his expression neutral, and I can’t be sure he’s listening. I force myself to continue. “There have been a few new hires, and a few D.A.s looking to be challenged. I’d like to observe them in court and see how they perform on their feet. More importantly, I want to observe how they interact with victims of the more violent crimes."
Declan appears anything but pleased. Either I’ve pissed him off or I’ve pushed him into something he’s not ready for. “I’m going to lay it right out for you,” he says, his tone matter-of fact. “SACU is the unit attorneys least want. I’m surprised the A.D.A.s currently there have lasted as long as they have."
All right. I did annoy him. “They’ve lasted because it takes a while to become acclimated,” I counter. “But once there, they realize their importance and how much the victims and their families depend on them to help them through the process."
“I’m not saying the work or the victims aren’t important. What I’m saying is no one is exactly begging to work there."
“I realize SACU is the last place our attorneys want to be placed,” I say, staring straight at him. “Especially those who enter this office strictly to make connections and jump start their political careers. But it’s one of the most important units because of the sensitive subject matter and the degree of violence we see."
I don’t mean to be so blunt, and maybe he doesn’t either, but here we sit with our gazes locked and the tension between us escalating.
Damn it. Dad wants us to work as a team. But the more we speak, the more I’m reminded Declan doesn’t want to be a part of this unit, and nowhere near me.
I inadvertently trail my fingers above the collar of my dress, it’s a nervous habit, much like when women tuck a strand of their hair behind their ear. But I never tuck my hair with my hearing aids in place. Any sound that brushes too close to the receiver such as the movement of hair, putting on a hat, resting my head against a pillow, even an intimate whisper, creates back noise similar to nails on a chalkboard.
My fingertips stroke close to the swell of my right breast as I think our situation through. I freeze when I realize Declan’s stare is following each subtle movement.
This is too weird. No way can Declan O’Brien be eyeing me like he wants to take a lick.
I ran into him at a restaurant a few weeks back. I was picking up takeout following a five mile run, still wearing the shorts and sports bra I ran in. Of course I had to see him. And of course he had to look good . . . and so did the blonde on his arm. She was a total stick and all legs, wearing a dress I don’t think I could have shoved my left breast into. I’m so not his type. So then why...
“I’ll allow the input,” he says.
“I’m sorry?"
“I’ll allow the input,” he says, a little louder.
This time I don’t correct him. I didn’t hear him, too busy watching him watch me which is absolutely ridiculous―ludicrous even―and good God, why does he have to look so good in that damn suit!
“Thank you,” I say, tripping over the word.





Readers find themselves once again caught up in the chaos, outspokenness, and wholehearted support of the O'Brien family in this fourth installment in the series that blends ambition, abuse, disability, and a steamy romance of reluctant frenemies to lovers.  From start to finish this story pulls you in, all the highs and lows their relationship goes through become yours, and by the end you'll be left cheering.

Declan comes from a large family that struggled mightily to keep food on the table and their bills paid after the death of their father.  The oldest sons worked hard, not only in their jobs but in school too, to make something of themselves which would benefit the entire family.  Not everything went according to plan though as a younger brother was abused along with his sister being traumatized by a world he swore to protect them from in his role as the family sheepdog. This legacy of needing to protect has led him to the DA's office where he makes those who hurt others pay.  It's just a stepping stone though as he has even higher political aspirations.  Another legacy he's left with, courtesy of his father's indiscretions, are his doubts regarding love and HEA.  Seeing the pain his mother went through in the name of love has him wanting no part of it as he lives a life free of committment.  Seeing his brothers slowly succumb to love shifts something inside him though, a longing that arises just as he gets put into close quarters with the strong-willed Melissa.  As his new role starts weighing on him emotionally he comes to count on her support and though they started out as reluctant friends they quickly become more.  Just when everything he ever wanted for his career starts happening, his relationship takes an unexpected turn which will mean choosing between love or his career in a heartwarming and hard-fought conclusion.  Declan's a self-assured man who's always been good with the ladies.  He's charming and sexy and before meeting Melissa he eschewed anything long-term.  In his career he's focused on handling the high profile cases and is frustrated when he's handed the job of victim's services. It's a job that wears you down as people do the most vile things to each other.  The lone bright spot of this job though is getting close to Melissa.  Their first meeting went badly astray, but she's been on his mind ever since and he relishes getting to know her better.  Declan treats Melissa with great respect, values her opinions, and never sees her hearing impairment as an obstacle.  His interactions with her are flirty from the very start and teem with sexual tension and sensually-charged banter in an immensely appealing coupling that leads to lots of scorching encounters.

Melissa's childhood was one of abuse and abandonment until the day she was adopted by a kind-hearted man who opened up her world to all sorts of new possibilities.  She's profoundly deaf and by him learning ASL it was the first step in a bonding that pitted the two of them against the world.  Though her self-esteem was sometimes bruised through the hurtful words of other children she never let it define her or hold her back from succeeding.  Her adoptive father may have taught her how to love, but it's still not easy for her to open up her heart.  In that respect her and Declan are a perfect match.  With her father's illness putting her in direct contact with the sexy DA, she soon finds herself fighting off an attraction that she knows won't go anywhere.  The stronger their feelings become, the more they come to count on each other for support, the more complicated things become as Declan's always had his eyes on the prize when it came to his career.  She's the only one to get his heart into the equation in a relationship that saw her doubts pushing them to the brink. Melissa's an immensely appealing heroine very attuned to the feelings of others. With her tragic beginnings she can easily relate to victims of crime which brought a lot of emotional moments to the story and showed the sacrifices some people are willing to make to help others.  Her hearing impairment is dealt with head-on and the actuality of having this disability is addressed in realistic detail. It's not at all heavy-handed and is seamlessly incorporated into the narrative. With her deafness there's a sense of loneliness surrounding her as her life revolves around work and her father until Declan came into the picture.  I never saw her with friends, having others as a support system, which was just one of the reasons I was rooting for their HEA.  For so long it was just her and her dad and now she has the whole wonderful O'Brien clan ready to bring her into their fold.

This was a charming and heartwarming romance with a main couple whose attraction was crackling.  They were subtle adversaries at the start but quickly found a connection through their heartbreaking dealings with victims.  Declan put work above all else at first but meeting Melissa gave him a glimpse of something more profound.  For so long he was the caretaker and now he has someone taking care of him.  Melissa's always felt a bit inferior when it comes to relationships.  Her childhood feelings of being unloved weigh on her still today and have her doubting the feelings Declan's finally uttered and frustratingly led to an unnecessary speed bump very late in the story that's thankfully resolved quickly.  Along with this likable main couple readers see the return of the entire O'Brien clan with all their brashness and familial support. There's great humor, witty banter, and obvious love surrounding this family in each of their interactions with Declan that were endearing.  They unwaveringly embraced Melissa, treated her deafness with nonchalance, and after all she experienced early in life it's a family she richly deserves.  As a disabled person I applaud Ms. Robson's handling of Melissa's disability.  It was done with realism and respect and I wish more authors would depict characters that I can more easily relate to.  Disability doesn't make you any less worthy of HEA and by the end of the story I was definitely cheering.  I'm also left waiting breathlessly for the next installment in this delightful series and the next boisterous brother to find his own HEA.

My rating for this is an A-

*I got this book from the author for review in exchange for my honest opinion.


Cecy Robson is an award-winning author of magical realms and to-die-for Alpha heroes. A double RITA® 2016 finalist for Once Pure and Once Kissed, and published author of more than sixteen titles, you can typically find her on her laptop or stumbling blindly in search of caffeine.


Saturday, May 27, 2017

Book Spotlight on Sweet Ugly Lies by Nazarea Andrews (REVIEW)

Readers will find themselves on a rollercoaster ride as two long-time lovers find their lives getting even more complicated when the big city invades their hometown.  Keep reading to get a tempting glimpse of Sweet Ugly Lies by Nazarea Andrews, with its suspenseful m/m romance, along with my impressions of it.  Once you get a taste you'll want to add this third installment in the Green County series to your bookshelf!

Gabriel Delvin is three things: a problem, a liar and irresistible.  Elijah Beasley's known that for years.  He knew before they slept together, and he knew when he walked away from Gabe, unwilling to put up with more lies.  The problem is he keeps going back.
Elijah Beasley is three things: a cop, a f*cking problem, and Gabe's.  Gabriel Delvin's known that for as long as he can remember.  It's why they fell into bed together, and why Gabriel stayed in Green County, when all sense said to get out.
But as the underbelly of crime in Green County comes boiling to the surface, Gabe is forced to choose between the man he’s always loved and the family he can’t help but be loyal to.
Love has never been the problem, for these two.
It just might not be enough, this time…


I like running.
Which is really ironic because I’m the one who never ran. I stayed here, got the degree and the good job and did what foster mother’s asked on weekends, filled up my time and my loneliness with all the shit that kept me from thinking too much.
It was loud in my head, and I didn’t like the shit that happened there, when I slowed down enough to hear it.
So I run.  Every morning. Archer calls me a freak and Hazel smirks but occasionally she’ll run with me. Gabe curses me when I crawl out of his bed, tries to drag me back with wet kisses and obscene promises—and it works, sometimes.
Gabe is very good at shutting up the voices in my head too.
Except the days when I’m running from him.
The problem with Gabe is that every time I ran, I came back.
Gabe was my touchstone. He’s the one who never left, and it was as reassuring as it was terrifying.
Hazel and Archer should be my touchstones. They’re the ones who wrapped themselves around me in the aftermath of the plane crash. Gabe was a laughing, lying joke. He took nothing serious, worked in his pajamas in his kitchen, lied almost as often as he opened his mouth, and fucked like a god.
And he stayed.
I should go to him. It’s been two months and six days since I left his bed, too angry at another lie to stay. And he’d let me, hadn’t explained or fast talked his way back into my good graces. He hadn’t gone out of his way to avoid me, but he didn’t engage either.
No jokes.
No smiles.
No, “Heeeeey, Officer,” with a lewd smirk.
And I missed him.
So I ran and I tried not to think about why my path took me past his house, or why it bothered me that his truck was missing. Tried to not think about how much I wanted to jog up and use the key in my sock to let myself in and crawl into his bed.
I turned away and I kept running.




After a rocky start readers will find themselves hanging on for dear life as big city problems invade a small town and complicate the relationship between long-time lovers afraid to commit.  As lies start adding up the future gets murky as familial bonds weigh on future love and life as readers once again take a trip to Green County.

Gabe's life has been a mess since the day his father left him and his brothers behind.  With unending conflicts between him and his older brothers there were very few bright spots, among those were his friend Hazel and her family as well as Eli.  Eli's been his friend since they were young and his lover for over twenty years.  It's a combustible relationship that borders on anger and eroticism as Gabe's lies push them apart while their love for each other pulls them back together over and over.  It's a relationship that's been rocky as Gabe's past has him relying on those lies to keep himself and Eli safe from their true feelings and the danger surrounding his older brother Lucas.  When Lucas returns home to recover from a war raging throughout Kansas City he brings the danger with him and leaves Gabe no choice but to help him out of loyalty which complicates his and Eli's relationship even further.  Gabe's stuck in a tough position which made me sympathetic towards him despite how frustrated I was with him too. He's extremely loyal to his family but he knows Lucas is nothing but trouble as he showed an unsettling nasty side throughout their childhood.  He wants to protect Eli from the danger surrounding Lucas but he's hurting him too by treating him as a constant one-night stand.  As his brother's lifestyle starts to put a permanent wedge between him and Eli he'll be forced into revealing all and hope that Eli won't walk away for good this time.

Eli's always been close to Gabe, both through their families and through their hearts, but theirs is a relationship that's been fraught with highs and lows.  A past relationship of Eli's that led to his drug addiction and left his police career in jeopardy was just one of the lows that adds to his anger each time Gabe lies to him.  Despite all the lies though he's drawn to Gabe and Gabe's unending support is something that warms his heart and has him coming back for more. When Gabe finally reveals all the dark truths about his brother it changes both of their lives irrevocably, putting their hearts and lives on the line, in support of Lucas.  That support puts them in the middle of a war that's no longer relegated to just KC as Green County is now caught in the crosshairs.  Eli's always felt like a failure when compared to his older brother and it's fueled a lot of his choices.  He's likable though and I felt sympathetic towards him as Gabe's push and pull wore on his heart and soul.  When everything came to a head though Eli proved his true worth in sacrificing all for Gabe in a journey that led to lots of bloodshed and more lives hanging in the balance.

The narrative of this book started off very rocky with lies and anger overshadowing everything.  There was a choppiness which made for a very slow start that thankfully picked up in the latter half of the book.  It was a bit confusing too as a lot befell these characters throughout the previous installments, colored the relationships we see here, and often left me guessing as to how it all tied together.  All-in-all it's a story that's very rough around the edges.  What kept me invested though was the complicated relationship between Gabe and Eli, a relationship battered by Gabe's loyalty to Lucas, and a sense of loyalty I could relate to.  It's a relationship full of dysfunction but at its core they both love and support each other in a sweet and scorching connection. The other characters inhabiting this world were a good support system to the main couple, called them out when needed, but truly wanted what's best for them as friends and family.  The most compelling part of this book for me though was Lucas, the Delvin brother who was always trouble and who left home to make something of himself.  Lucas definitely succeeded in making a name for himself in Kansas City, but it's a life that's coming apart at the seams as danger's now his constant companion.  The threat to Lucas was gritty and is starting to exact a very high cost.  I'm intrigued by how things will evolve for the black sheep of the family as he's left the safety of his hometown behind to set himself on a path towards vengeance.  Ultimately this book gave readers an erotically-charged romance between two men carrying the weight of the world on themselves set amidst an exhilarating backdrop of gritty suspense.  While it's not a great book, it's a book that has me wanting to come back for more!

My rating for this is a C+/B-

*I got this book from the author for review in exchange for my honest opinion.





Nazarea Andrews (N to almost everyone) is an avid reader and tends to write the stories she wants to read. Which means she writes everything from zombies and dystopia to contemporary love stories.
When not writing, she can most often be found driving her kids to practice and burning dinner while she reads, or binge watching TV shows on Netflix. N loves chocolate, wine, and coffee almost as much as she loves books, but not quite as much as she loves her kids.
N is a self-professed geek and enjoys spending her spare time lost in her favorite fandoms and can often be found babbling about them on social media.
She lives in south Georgia with her husband, daughters, spoiled cat and overgrown dog. She is the author of World Without End series, Neverland Found, Edge of the Falls, and The University of Branton Series. Stop by to see her on twitter and tell her what fantastic book she should read next.


Thursday, May 25, 2017

Book Spotlight on Real Sexy by Meghan March (REVIEW)

The chaotic and sexy journey to HEA comes to an end for a country superstar and the down-on-her-luck bartender whose life changes dramatically from the moment she meets him.  Keep reading to get a tempting taste of Real Sexy by Meghan March with its scorching romance set in the world of country music.  Get my impressions of this second installment in the Real Dirty series too, then add it to your bookshelf!

In Nashville, country stars are a dime a dozen.
I swore I’d never get caught up with one, but Boone Thrasher made a liar out of me.
I said I’d never put my heart on the line, but he didn’t ask before he stole it.
Now we’re facing my worst fears, and we'll see if this country boy is tough enough to see it through.
Girls like me don’t get happily ever afters...but maybe he’ll prove that wrong too.




The romance between sexy and rugged country crooner Boone Thrasher and down-on-her-luck bartender Ripley Fischer culminates in this fast-paced read that ties up everything with a sweet and happy bow.  Readers experience a wide range of emotions as this duo takes us on an erotic ride with a suspenseful twist or two along the way that kept me immersed in their journey from start to finish.

After his future was left hanging in the balance with the arrival of the police at the end of Real Dirty, things quickly pick up from there as Ripley's family issues start affecting his career and start weighing on their relationship.  Despite that Boone proves his devotion in a million different ways, both subtle and overt, that endeared him to me even more.  He supports her through every bump in the road and encourages her to go after her dreams.  He knows she's the one for him but it will take a lot to convince her of that.  When a visit back home and a random act leaves his life in jeopardy the truth of his feelings for her changes things irrevocably as it's clear that their being together is no longer casual.  Boone's a sexy beast with a bad boy persona that masks a kind heart. He's a bit of a momma's boy, loves his family, and isn't shy in lavishing his wealth on those he calls family.  He's a delicious hero who never wavers in his feelings for Ripley and goes out of his way to make all her dreams come true which makes him the quintessential book boyfriend that readers will be swooning over.

Ripley's life has been tragic from the day she was born and it's negatively colored her outlook on life and love ever since.  From finding her mother's dead body, and being forced into cleaning up the blood, to a father who physically and emotionally abused her from birth she's had a feeling of hopelessness.  She feels that nothing good is meant for her and that anything she touches will be left in ruins.  That feeling gains strength with her cousin's charges against Boone and the resulting fallout in the press tainting his character.  Her first instinct is to run but Boone only stays closer than ever in his attempts to win her over.  Taking her to meet his family, and her fear over almost losing him in a freak accident, finally brings her true feelings to the surface and reawakens her badly bruised inner-strength to have her fighting for their HEA.  When an opportunity to make her music dream come true arises though will she finally put her desires first or will she once again let fear hold her back?  Ripley's a likable and relatable heroine who occasionally frustrated me with her pessimistic attitude.  While I also admired her familial loyalty on one level, though it was clearly misplaced, I was happy to see her finally stand up to them in protection of Boone.  Being with Boone has her opening herself up to new possibilities and with his support and encouragement she can finally break free from the weight of her family.  Discovering the truth about her mother's murder is another burden no longer weighing on her which allowed her to finally make a name for herself, a name no longer part of a tragic legacy.

Boone and Ripley are a formidable couple with witty banter teeming with sensuality and interludes that are erotically-charged.  Ripley's an admirable heroine just trying to navigate the rocky waters of life when she meets Boone, but once they get together her life will never be the same.  Boone's the perfect boyfriend and will leave readers drooling over his perfection.  He knows from the very start that Ripley's meant to be with him and does everything he can to get her to see the same in a journey virtually angst-free that quickly solves each of the speed bumps that arise.  Surrounding this engaging main couple is a strong and entertaining cast of secondary characters.  Some are clearly more likable than others, but all of them keep the story humming along nicely. Readers get some heartbreaking background into country star Zane Frisco this time around and it definitely leaves me wanting more.  It adds a bit of tragedy to the charming and carefree persona he shows to the world and I long to see him find his own HEA after such a sad start to his entry into the world of country music.  Ripley's friend Holly is an unwavering friend, strong-willed, with a feisty attitude that would make her another great choice to take the spotlight in her own story.  On the opposite end of the spectrum is Ripley's cousin Brandy whose immensely unlikable, devious and grasping, and a stereotypical villain in her words and deeds.  Knowing everything she and her mother did throughout Ripley's life enraged me and because of that their endings weren't as satisfying as I'd hoped.  I was relieved though that the mystery surrounding the death of Ripley's mother was solved as most of this book never brought it up.  It wasn't addressed until very late in the story but it did lead to an exciting exchange between characters that had my heart racing and tied up all the threads of Ripley's past and future very nicely.  In a final small quibble I have to say that while I enjoyed parts of the epilogue, other parts regarding characters from Ms. March's other books felt out of place.  Readers who haven't read her other books will be wondering why Boone and Ripley are celebrating with strangers instead of family.  Having Zane, Holly, and Boone's family bring this dynamic duo's story to a close would've made for a much more satisfying HEA and solidified the heartwarming vibe of their commitment to each other.  Despite that omission Ms. March has crafted another entertaining romance in a duet series that proves that good things come in small packages and I look forward to where she takes us next!

My rating for this is an A-/B+

*I got this book from the author for review in exchange for my honest opinion.


I have everything a guy could want—a new single burning up the charts, more money than a simple country boy could spend, and a woman I’m planning to marry.
Until she doesn’t show up for my proposal.
The life I thought was so perfect, isn't.
The guy who thought he had everything, doesn't.
I’ve got my heart on lockdown, but life sends me straight into the path of a mouthy bartender who puts me in my place.
Now the only place I want to put her is under me.
I thought I was done with love, but maybe I’m just getting started.




Meghan March has been known to wear camo face paint and tromp around in woods wearing mud-covered boots, all while sporting a perfect manicure. She's also impulsive, easily entertained, and absolutely unapologetic about the fact that she loves to read and write smut. Her past lives include slinging auto parts, selling lingerie, making custom jewelry, and practicing corporate law. Writing books about dirty talking alpha males and the strong, sassy women who bring them to their knees is by far the most fabulous job she's ever had. She loves hearing from her readers.


Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Book Spotlight on Silent Voices by Thom Collins

Readers will be drawn to this tale of a young boy put in danger after placement in a gated facility in the middle of nowhere and the investigation into his safety by an uncle who's worried for him and the journalist who knows about the danger behind those gates.  Keep reading to get a tempting glimpse of Silent Voices by Thom Collins, a gothic-fueled m/m romance full of suspense, then add it to your bookshelf!

A desire for justice as strong as their passion for each other.
Concerned about the welfare of his young cousin, Josh Jackson, a restaurant owner, traces the boy to Winterstone Grange, a gated manor deep in the country. Miles from anywhere, the protected walls of this stately house conceal dark secrets. Josh’s search brings him into contact with Ed Brolin, a handsome journalist who has spent weeks investigating the secrets of the Grange and its owner. Ray Armstrong is a wealthy business man with influential connections in Parliament and the police. Ed knows exactly what goes on at the Grange but without evidence, he hasn’t got a story.
Drawn together by instant attraction and a powerful hunger for justice, Josh and Ed are determined to expose the sordid secrets of the grange despite the risks it poses. Josh has never met a man like Ed before—so strong, determined and masculine. Falling in love is easy. But they’ll have to put their emotions aside if they’re going to give a voice to all the silent victims of Winterstone Grange.


Josh Jackson didn’t worry when his cousin failed to come home. It was Saturday night and Kevin was eighteen. Josh wasn’t about to impose a curfew on the kid. Neither was he going to babysit. Kevin was old enough to take care of himself.
Josh checked Kevin’s room when he came home from work at one o’clock. The spare bed hadn’t been made since Kevin had gotten out of it that morning and yesterday’s clothes were all over the floor—discarded jeans with his boxers still inside them, a scruffy T-shirt and a pair of dirty socks. The smell of the socks hit him from the doorway. Despite the reek of cheap deodorant and aftershave filling the room, the socks were pungent. Teenagers. Josh wasn’t about to tidy up after him so he left things as they were, including the damp towel draped over the foot of the bed. The kid was only staying a few nights. If he wanted to live in a mess like that, so be it, so long as he left the place as he’d found it when he moved on.
Josh shut the door and went to bed. He wished his cousin luck. If the boy wanted to get laid, he’d rather he did it somewhere else. It was bad enough that Josh’s lodger, Bobby, regarded the place as a Grindr pit stop, without his cousin treating it like a knocking shop, too.
Josh read for a while and half-listened for the sound of Kevin coming home, but eventually fell asleep.
He wasn’t overly concerned in the morning to find Kevin’s room just as he’d left it, though by now it smelled considerably worse. The fancy fragrances had worn off and all that remained was the fetid odor of teenage sweat and damp towel. So, he stayed out all nightGood on him. Josh had been a teenager once, a horny one at that, so he could totally relate. Kevin wouldn’t get the chance to fuck around much when he was at home. His mother had very rigid views on that. It wouldn’t have mattered whether Kevin had turned out straight or gay. His mother had raised a good boy and intended to keep him that way.
Kevin will be going back to her in a couple of days. He might as well have fun while the leash is off.
He was a good-looking lad. Josh knew he’d be popular in town. A little baby-faced for his age, but with the family features of blue eyes and blond hair, his fresh twinkie image would attract plenty of attention. He looked a lot like Josh had at that age. Josh had been a slim-looking twink until well into his twenties. It was only in the last few years he’d filled out with muscle and looked more like a man. The beard helped. How grateful he’d been when the ability to grow more than a few wisps of pale chin-fluff finally occurred. He kept it neat with a regular trim, but now that he had grown a beard, he couldn’t ever see himself being without one.
Josh called Kevin’s mobile while waiting for his morning coffee to brew. It rang a few times before going to voicemail. “Hi, it’s me,” he said. “Not checking up on you, I just want to know you’re okay. Give me a ring back, or a text when you get this message. Just to say you’re alive... Otherwise I’ll have to call your mother,” he added jokingly and hung up.
He had bigger concerns than a randy teenager. His restaurant, The Cellar Steps, was short on staff today and fully booked for both lunch and dinner. He’d asked all his remaining staff to come in early to help with the prep and service, which meant getting in even earlier himself. As the owner, it wasn’t necessary, since he employed a manager for the day-to-day running, but Josh believed in setting an example from the top down. That meant rolling up his sleeves when things got tight. He thought about putting a little cash Kevin’s way to help out, if he arrived home in decent time and wasn’t too hung over.
He heard the heavy thud of the newspapers landing in the hall. Perfect timing. A little news and some freshly brewed coffee. A relaxing start to an otherwise hectic day.
Josh sat at the kitchen table with multiple Sunday supplements spread all around him when Bobby stumbled out of his bedroom in just his boxers and a T-shirt, yawning and scratching his belly and balls at the same time. His semi-hard dick waggled in the front of his shorts. Bobby lurched into the bathroom and returned a few minutes later, looking fractionally more awake, minus morning wood.
“Coffee?” Bobby asked. “Okay if I help myself?"
“You know where it is,” Josh said, drawing back from the stench of alcohol that came off him in stale waves. “Jesus, your blood must be one hundred proof."
“I think I’m still drunk,” Bobby observed. “The hangover hasn’t kicked in yet."
“I don’t envy you when it does."
“One cup of this and I’m crawling back beneath the duvet."
Josh looked at him uncertainly. An idea had just occurred to him. He hoped he was wrong. “I don’t suppose my cousin is under that duvet with you?"
Bobby chuckled, his dark eyes crinkling. “Wouldn’t that be something? He is kinda hot. But little blond cupcakes are not my thing. In Kevin’s case, I could make an exception. Maybe."
“But did you?"
“Too close to home, bro. The kid’s a cutie but he ain’t worth the earache. I’d never hear the last of it."
It was some relief. Josh didn’t have a problem with his young cousin fucking around—but with Bobby, no way. His lodger was a good friend but a total slut. Kevin would need a lot more experience under his belt before he was ready for that old hound. “I don’t suppose you do know where he is? He hasn’t been home."
“He’s between somebody’s sheets, all right. I walked into town with him last night, had a drink and showed him where to go."
“You left him on his own?"
“No, he left me. I guess I cramped his style. He headed off toward Gala Square with a group of studenty types. He didn’t know how fast to ditch me once he got to talking to people his own age."
Josh loosened up again. He’d been right about Kevin. He knew what he was doing. A young man in a new city making friends fast. There was nothing to worry about.



Thom Collins is the author of the novel Closer by Morning, with Pride Publishing. His love of page turning thrillers began at an early age when his mother caught him reading the latest Jackie Collins book and promptly confiscated it, sparking a life-long love of raunchy novels.
His novella Silent Voices will be published by Pride in May, followed by the novel Anthem of the Sea, the first book in the Anthem Trilogy. He has recently finished writing the second book in a series and is making plans for the third.
Thom has lived in the North East of England his whole life. He grew up in Northumberland and now lives in County Durham with his husband and two cats. He loves all kinds of genre fiction, especially bonk-busters, thrillers, romance and horror. He is also a cookery book addict with far too many titles cluttering his shelves. When not writing he can be found in the kitchen trying out new recipes. He’s a keen traveler but with a fear of flying that gets worse with age. Since taking his first cruise in 2013 he realized that sailing is the way to go.

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