Monday, January 30, 2023

Book Blitz for The Worst Woman in London by Julia Bennet (GIVEAWAY)…………

A woman defies society's rules when wanting to dump her husband in this historical romance that brings her together with a man who wants to marry for money.  It leads to a romance that has them deciding which is more or society's acceptance.  Keep reading to get a tempting taste of The Worst Woman in London by Julia Bennet, then add it to your bookshelf.  In honor of this heartfelt romance, and while counting down the days until this book hits shelves on February 2nd, make sure to fill out the form below for the chance to win a surprise gift!

A defiant Victorian wife fights to escape a bad marriage but her love for a forbidden man jeopardizes her chance at freedom.
James Standish knows how to play society’s game. He’ll follow the rules, marry a virginal debutante, and inherit a massive fortune. At least, that’s the plan until he meets Francesca Thorne. She’s not the sort of woman a respectable gentleman like James could ever marry—not least because, strictly speaking, she’s married already.
Francesca is determined to flout convention and divorce her philandering husband. When James sweet talks his way into her life tasked with convincing her to abandon her dream of freedom, she’s unprepared for the passion that flares between them.
Torn apart by conflicting desires, James and Francesca must choose whether to keep chasing the lives they’ve always wanted or take a chance on a new and forbidden love.


“It’s a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Standish.” Miss Heller spoke the commonplace sentiment with just the right degree of eagerness. Any less and she might appear cold. Any more would be vulgar.
James smiled and bowed, but inwardly he groaned. He loathed chitchat and foresaw half an hour’s worth. Still, three more days and his part would end. He’d watch Thorne marry this thoroughly appropriate girl and wave them off on their wedding journey. No doubt their chances of rubbing along happily as man and wife equaled any other couple’s.
The ladies sank gracefully onto a blue damask upholstered settee. Thorne, the poor fool, crammed himself into the elegant Queen Anne near Miss Heller. His back would ache like the devil before he’d drained his first cup. James tried not to look smug as he selected a plush armchair and settled in.
Mrs. Lytton poured tea into a floral-patterned cup. “Milk or lemon, Mr. Standish?” she asked, and added lemon at his behest. He resisted an uncouth urge to graze her hand with his thumb as she passed him a side plate.
Once she’d furnished everyone with tea and scones, the inanities commenced.
First they talked about seating plans. Then they moved on to flower arrangements. By the time they got around to those inconsiderate souls who RSVP’d at the eleventh hour, James had started fantasizing about leaping through a nearby window.
Thorne frowned at him. “You’re looking a bit green, Standish.”
Mrs. Lytton sighed. “Oh, poor Mr. Standish. How tiresome you must find us. Let’s talk of something else.”

“Have you seen the latest Fortnightly Review?” Thorne asked. “Everyone’s talking about this serial they’re printing called The Eustace Diamonds. It’s about an adventuress. I read the first installment, but I don’t understand why it’s so popular. I refuse to believe women like this Lizzie Greystock character exist.”
Mrs. Lytton gave a sage nod. “It’s extraordinary what passes for amusement these days.”
“Why would anyone want to read about a heroine like that?” Thorne said, toying with Miss Heller’s fingers.
The need to play devil’s advocate got the better of James. “Why on earth wouldn’t they? She sounds like fun.”
Thorne glanced at him. “Well, she isn’t ladylike.”
“Oh, I see. You’re one of those. When you read Vanity Fair, I bet you preferred Amelia Sedley to Becky Sharp. Tell the truth.” James himself was by no means certain that he’d prefer an adventuress like Becky to dull but virtuous Amelia as a wife, but he knew which sort he’d rather take to bed. His friend, on the other hand, probably didn’t distinguish.
Thorne furrowed his brow. “Of course I preferred Amelia. She is the heroine. Actually, she rather reminds me of Francesca.”
On cue, Miss Heller’s cheeks turned rosy.
Mrs. Lytton set her cup down on a gilt-edged end table. “I don’t have a great deal of leisure for books myself. Of course, one must try to keep up or find oneself quite left out of the conversation. I daresay I wouldn’t bother otherwise. Not like Francesca.” She smiled at her niece. “Though I believe, in her heart of hearts, she prefers history.”
Thorne threw back his head and laughed. “Truly? I assumed she’d prefer novels and such. Don’t tell me I’m marrying a bluestocking.”
“I read novels too,” Miss Heller said. Her smile, when it came, wobbled slightly, as though she didn’t quite mean it.
No one else seemed to notice or, if they noticed, they didn’t attach any importance to that tell-tale tremble, but James had caught a glimpse of something else in her clear, leaf- green eyes. Was it sadness? He felt an unexpected pang of sympathy. Despite her frills and flounces, why shouldn’t she like history best?
“Really, Thorne,” he said. “It’s hardly a shattering revelation.”

A shrug in response. “No, of course not.”
James leaned forward, interested for the first time since he’d sat down. Nothing could be duller than an engaged couple billing and cooing like turtledoves, but he wondered if these birds might not be a tad misled as to their suitability for long-term nesting. From what he’d seen so far, they didn’t know the first thing about one another. After a brief acquaintance and a five-week engagement, here they were poised to pledge their lives to each other. Such indecent haste and the bride wasn’t even with child. And if he saw trouble brewing after observing them for all of two seconds, what else might be going on beneath the surface?
Thorne smiled at Miss Heller like a father indulging a little girl. “Perhaps once we’re married, we might read together sometimes.”
A scene sprang to mind. Thorne, in an easy chair, reading aloud from the improving works of Rousseau or Richardson while his wife perfected her embroidery. It was enough to make any right-thinking person nauseous.
Mrs. Lytton took the opposite view. “What a charming idea, Mr. Thorne. A husband should act as his wife’s guide if she wishes to educate herself. I think it unseemly, women attending university like men. All those stocky, plain-faced girls one sees at Benslow House. Pioneers they call them. It makes one shudder.”
James hadn’t given any serious thought to the notion of female education but, as a general rule, he favored anything that shook things up. “Oh, I don’t know. Surely one’s wife should know how to converse intelligently on subjects other than hat trimming and the relative merits of plumes versus blooms.”
Miss Heller didn’t say a word. Perhaps she didn’t agree, or perhaps she agreed but was too polite to say so. James found himself eager to know which, but before he could ask, Mrs. Lytton distracted him.
“More tea, Mr. Standish?” As she leaned forward to pour, her impressive breasts threatened to spill from her bodice. The square-cut neckline, though not precisely immodest, tested the limits of tasteful afternoon attire. He snapped his attention back to the left where Miss Heller sat.

Their eyes met.
She didn't blush and look away. Instead, she regarded him calmly, a faint crease showing in her brow. Was that disapproval? He wanted to laugh, but he kept his face carefully blank. Whatever he did, he must try to make a decent impression on these women for Thorne’s sake. He bit the inside of his cheek, but he couldn’t prevent a slight twitching of his lips.
Miss Heller lifted her eyebrows. Just when he thought she was about to rebuke him, her frown melted away. Her green eyes lit with unexpected humor, and her commonplace prettiness bloomed into beauty. The transformation lasted two seconds at most before she smothered the smile. Clasping her slender white hands in her lap, she stared at them as if they fascinated her.
He might almost believe he’d imagined the whole thing, but then her shoulders began to shake. Heaven help him, she’d caught him ogling Mrs. Lytton’s bosom and she found it funny. His own laughter threatened to burst out, but he pressed his lips together and averted his gaze. If only mirth were not so contagious.
Two things occurred to him at once.
First, Francesca Heller was nothing like Amelia Sedley from Vanity Fair, whatever Thorne said. She might never make a decent adventuress like Becky Sharpe, but she had a ribald sense of humor and the brains to hide it from a fiancé who wouldn’t approve. Thorne might seem like a fellow worth the sacrifice, but would she still feel the same in a year? In two? How long could she keep pretending to be other than she was?
Second, James realized he liked her. In fact, he liked her tremendously.
The other two remained oblivious, still deep in discussion about the evils of female education and the women’s movement. Miss Heller composed herself and rejoined the conversation, her expression serene, and that one moment was all it took for him to understand what no one else seemed to grasp; she wouldn’t do at all.
Miss Heller simply wasn’t the right girl for Thorne. James knew by the way she hid her laughter, by her sadness when Thorne patronized her, and by a dozen other insignificant details. If the ceremony went ahead in three days, it might prove the worst mistake of her life.

If it were any other man, the two might marry, realize their mistake, and make the best of things, but Thorne was a romantic and he’d rhapsodized at length on Miss Heller’s delicacy, her girlish ignorance, and sweet compliance. When he realized she wasn’t the girl of his dreams, his spirits wouldn’t just plummet, but crash. When people tumbled from their pedestals, as they generally did sooner or later, Thorne didn’t hesitate to cut them out of his life. Even his own father.
The girl didn’t understand, not consciously, and Thorne hadn’t a clue.
Perhaps James ought to say something.
He imagined all the wedding guests bearing down on the capital. Did he really mean to plant doubts in Thorne’s mind at this late date, and all because Miss Heller had laughed at an inappropriate moment? How ludicrous. How impossible. But if he stayed silent, what then?
The sinking in James’s gut revealed the hopelessness of his situation, but he couldn’t ignore his instincts. For Thorne’s sake, he must say what needed to be said, even if it meant destroying their friendship.
But not here and not now.
Following Miss Heller’s excellent example, he pasted his most social smile upon his face and rejoined the conversation.




Julia writes historical romance with passion, intrigue, dark humor and the occasional animal sidekick. A tea-sodden English woman, she’s the only girl in a house of boys and yearns for all things pink and fluffy. If she isn’t writing, she’s probably reading everything she can get her hands on, spending time with her boys or procrastinating on the internet.


Book Release Blast for Brazen Affairs by Ashley James (REVIEW)……..

 Two men on different life paths find a sizzling connection in this m/m-fueled romance.  Keep reading to get a tempting taste of Brazen Affairs by Ashley James, along with getting my impressions of this contemporary tale, then add this first installment in the Hidden Affairs series to your bookshelf!

Sex Workers
Gay for Pay / Bi-awakening
Age Gap
Sexy Vers Men
Praise Kink
My entire life has been one steady plan after another.
Go to college.
Get married.
Have a successful career.
More than a decade goes by, and my entire world is rocked in more ways than one. Everything I thought I knew is ripped from under me in one fell swoop.
Then I meet him.
The enticing man behind the camera with the boyish grin and the charismatic energy that makes me question everything.
He was only supposed to be a means to an end. But what I got was so much more.

BUY here.


Fans of romances that take time to build will fall for this story with each turn of the page as two opposites find that they're perfectly imperfect together.  The more time these two spend together the closer their hearts grow, the more truths are discovered, and the more I laugh and blush as Vaughn starts learning about the online adult entertainment industry.  Add in some entertaining secondary characters and you have a well-rounded tale that I read in one afternoon of delightful bliss.

Vaughn's life is falling apart at the start of this book.  He's lost his job and found out his wife's been cheating on him for months.  While wallowing in misery and drinking into oblivion, he discovers an OnlyFans site that he becomes obsessed with.  Though he's never identified as gay, Vaughn can't help but be drawn to one young man as he reaches out to him as a newbie wanting to learn the ropes of being successful as an online content developer.  The connection between Vaughn and Camden sizzles from the very beginning as these two coworkers become friends before slowly becoming more.  With each moment spent together they discover more hidden depths to one another.  Both start off with walls around their hearts, caused by their painful pasts, walls that are slowly chipped away the closer they get to one another in a burgeoning romance that warmed my heart.

Vaughn's the older man in their slow-burn romance, a man who's a bit grumpy and a bit unsure about where he wants his life to go.  Camden is ten years younger and using his online income to pay for college.  He's a breath of fresh air from the start, a sweet and sexy young man who's confident in what he does for a living.  He's had a tough upbringing with a mother whose relationships were one disappointment after another while being unlucky in love himself.  At the start he wants nothing to do with love (or kissing), but with the bond growing between him and Vaughn, things slowly but surely lead to love.  With each turn of the page Camden learns to trust in his heart, while Vaughn learns to be less regimented and embrace life more.

On a whole this is a scorching tale with a slow-burn romance between two apparent opposites.  It utterly charmed me at times while making me blush often courtesy of scenes on their websites as well as a romance that heats up slowly but steadily.  The depiction of online adult entertainment, along with Vaughn's new self-identification, was done in a respectful way that made this story even stronger.  I completely fell for Vaughn and Camden's pairing, relished each and every interaction.  The inclusion of secondary characters Bodhi and Elias added another decadently delightful layer to this book (courtesy of tantalizing tastes of intriguing backstories) that has me counting down the days until the next installment in this series hits bookshelves!

My rating for this is an A-

*I got this book from the author for review in exchange for my honest opinion.


Ashley James is a romance author who enjoys writing (and reading) LGBTQIA+ books. She is from Washington State—and no, not Seattle—and currently resides in South Carolina with her two kids and hairless kitties, Goose, Maverick, and Houston. Ashley is introverted and slightly (okay, majorly) awkward. She refuses to make this section sound like a tacky dating app profile, so she won't be telling you how much she enjoys music, how she thoroughly enjoys dancing and singing in her kitchen, despite not being able to carry a tune, and she won't be telling you about her love of toxic and broken fictional men.

Thursday, January 26, 2023

Book Release Blast for Personal Foul by Maggie Rawdon (REVIEW)……

 Readers who love sizzling banter and a fiery couple will be drawn to this tale that kept me glued to the pages.  Keep reading to get a tempting taste of Personal Foul by Maggie Rawdon, along with my impressions of this book, then add it to your bookshelf!

“I’m her dirty little secret, the one she loves to hate.”
She knows just what to say to cut deep, and I know how to press every single button she has.
We hate each other, until one night—after I lose the biggest football game of the year.
When she offers the kind of mercy I need.
It changes everything...until the next morning.
Now I’m her dirty little secret, and she’s avoiding me like the plague.
Which makes it difficult when we get partnered on a project and we’re stuck on a couple’s trip with our friends.
The tension between us is sky high.
So I propose a way to lower it: enemies with benefits.
One hotel room. A few days. A chance to let our little “hateship” run its course.
Except when it’s unexpectedly cut short, I’m not ready to give her up.
And I think I might be a bad habit she can’t quit, despite how smart she is.
But we have bigger problems, and both of our post-college careers are on the line.
I’m about to find out if I can win this game or fumble the two most important plays of my life.

BUY here.


They say that there's a fine line between love and hate and this third installment in Ms. Rawdon's New Adult sports series definitely proves that as two apparent opposites find a surprising connection once they work through the antagonistic feelings that have clung to them for years.  At first they keep the connection a secret, but before long he decides he wants more in a delightful romance teeming with sexual tension and sizzling banter!

Easton Westfield is the Big Man on Campus, admired by the boys and wanted by the girls.  He's the rich boy who seems to have it all, living a life of ease.  Throughout the previous books in this series Easton's enjoyed his playboy persona, but fears over his future and a game loss have left him bruised.  Into this moment of self-doubts comes the hard-working Wren...and an unexpected one night stand full of dirty talk and intimate moments that will make you blush.

These two might want to ignore what happened that night but fate continually puts them together in close quarters...first for a school project and then when sharing a room while on vacation.  Their time together soon turns up the heat and has each learning more about them than what they show the world.  While Wren wants to keep their sizzling connection secret it's clear that Easton wants to shout it from the rooftops.  With each turn of the page Easton shows himself to be more than what others think, less of a playboy and more of a swoon-worthy boyfriend.  Through subtle acts and big words and deeds Easton shows a lovable and endearing side that made him a delicious book boyfriend.

Wren was an independent young woman, strong-willed, and caring.  She's got a lot on her plate with helping run her grandfather's bar, caring for him, and going to school.  Their one night together was a moment of weakness in her mind which is why she continues to give him the cold shoulder.  When keeping their secret no longer works for him she'll have to decide if she'll continue to believe his reputation or trust in the way he's proven himself to her.  Wren frustrated me a time or two with the unpleasant way she treated Easton, because over and over his actions were those of a man in love...a man quick to come to her rescue.  Their friend group frustrated me too with their condemnation of his past, pushing Wren to always assume the worst.

Despite those small quibbles I still found this a delightful tale with sizzling, witty banter, actions that felt like verbal foreplay, and an erotic dance of frenemies to lovers.  Easton's a flawless hero, a young man who's more than what others see and think.  He has a tough exterior early on but soon shows a soft underbelly that charmed me and had me falling in love with him.  Wren's a tough heroine who can give as good as she gets, she can easily go toe to toe with Easton too to add even more heat to their scenes. It took her awhile to accept the truth about Easton but it gave me more time to fall in love with him as he set out to prove himself.  This is another wonderful book in Ms. Rawdon's series and I highly recommend it to others!

My rating for this is an A-

*I got this book from the author for review in exchange for my honest opinion.


Maggie Rawdon loves books, travel and wandering through museums. She lives in the Midwest where you can find her writing on her laptop with her two pups at her side, in between binge watching epic historical and fantasy dramas and cheering for her favorite American (and European) football teams on the weekends. She loves writing dirty athletes and smart women and has a soft spot for writing characters who banter instead of flirt.

Thursday, January 19, 2023

Book Release Blast for How To Lose at Love by Sara Ney (REVIEW)…….

 To increase his chances of getting drafted a young football player finds himself trying to find a woman willing to be his fake girlfriend, with the only candidate the woman he recently betrayed.  Keep reading to get a tempting taste of How To Lose at Love by Sara Ney, along with getting my impressions of this book, then add this first installment in the Campus Legends series to your bookshelf!

I needed a good girl to save my bad reputation.With too much on my plate, the very last thing on my mind was a relationship—the football draft was looming and dating got in the way. I never understood why my teammates bothered with girlfriends. None of us had the time.
When my sports agent suggested that being seen in public with a respectable girl would be good for my bad reputation, I couldn’t think of a single person to help me out. The only girls I knew weren’t wifey material, and the ones who were? Might catch feelings.
Except Ryann Winters.
Responsible. Sarcastic. Smart. Ryann was perfect but there was one clincher: she was my teammate's ex-girlfriend and I had recently been paid by him to dump her.
Not the best start to a fake relationship...



Fans of sports romances will rejoice with this tale of a fake romance that soon turns oh so real courtesy of a drool-worthy hero we've seen before and a heroine who's more than a match for him.  With fun and flirty banter, sensually tense interactions, and a connection that grows organically through a crackling evolution of dialogue, readers will find themselves captivated.  From start to finish this ends up being a thoroughly entertaining read with characters that are realistic and unforgettable.

Dallas Colter was first seen in the book The Secret Roommate, and though it was a quick glimpse, he definitely left a lasting impression!  With this release readers get a more in-depth look at the football player who's completely committed to the sport and has no time or desire to date anyone.  He's the big man on campus, living and breathing his future in the sport, and is quite aware of the ups and downs of being a star athlete and has his eyes on the prize.  He's a tell it like it is guy, with no filter, which made for some very entertaining dialogue and the perception of being a bit gruff and rude because of his commitment to the sport.  He might be uninterested in a romantic relationship, but he has strong connections to his brothers (one brother starring in The Secret Roommate and twins, whose stories I'd love to see told as they put a smile on my face here) as well as his teammates, and would do anything for them.  It's this unwavering support that has him agreeing to help a teammate by breaking up with a woman on his behalf.  It's not the last time he sees this woman though and when he meets her again the sparks fly in a fake relationship that soon becomes all too real.  He might not have wanted a relationship before but when his agent sets him up with Ryann he finds a crackling connection that has him wanting to claim her for his own.  There were times he was a bit clueless in his interactions with her but for the most part he was a charming hero whose time with Ryann was full of fun and flirtatiousness.  They were utterly perfect together and I ate up their journey to charming verbal tug of war at a time!

Ryann Winters is an unforgettable heroine, one you can easily see yourself being friends with.  She's straightforward and tells it like it is, not at all a doormat in her interactions with Dallas.  She's fierce and gave as good as she got and I was captivated by the journey she and Dallas took to reach HEA.  They might've started out as antagonists but they subtly progressed to become friends and then ultimately a match made in Heaven in a journey that fueled so many emotions in me.  They were a delight to watch in a journey that was fun and flirty, courtesy of back and forth banter that teemed with sexual tension.  Through it all Ryann remained true to herself, being just the distraction Dallas needed to actually start embracing a life beyond football.  She didn't make it too easy to win her over though in a journey with just the right amount of groveling from Dallas.

On a whole this was a delightful sports-fueled romance with an unforgettable first meeting between the main characters, one that crackled with the implications that were to come.  Ryann and Dallas were a formidable match, both strong-willed and outspoken.  Their banter was a sensual tug of war that made me smile as well as blush and it was utterly delightful to watch as they headed towards a satisfying HEA.  Add in Dallas’s relationships with his brothers and readers end up with a well-rounded story courtesy of a charming romance and an exciting promise of what’s to come with the entertaining Colter twins!  With memories of Dallas and Ryann in my head, I’m now left counting down the days until the next installment in this series hits bookshelves!

My rating for this is an A-

*I got this book from the author for review in exchange for my honest opinion.


Sara Ney is the USA Today Bestselling Author of the How to Date a Douchebag series, and is best known for her sexy, laugh-out-loud New Adult romances. Among her favorite vices, she includes: iced latte's, historical architecture and well- placed sarcasm. She lives in the Midwest, collects vintage books, art, loves flea markets, and fancies herself British.
For a list of cities/venues Sara will be signing at, or to purchase signed books, please visit her website HERE.

Book Release Blast for Dirty Perfect Storm by Hayley Faiman (REVIEW)……..

 Fans of MC romances will rejoice as sparks will fly once a gritty biker claims a woman as his own in this steamy series starter!  Keep reading to get a tempting taste of Dirty Perfect Storm by Hayley Faiman, along with getting my impressions of it, then add this first installment in the Devil's Hellions MC series to your bookshelf!

Legacy isn’t just his name–it is who he is. Born to ride with the Devil’s Hellions, he was made for this world as she was made for him–even if he does not deserve her.
They say that no storm can last forever. That after the storm, the sun will shine again. Except they don’t know anything about this storm.
Nobody could have ever predicted him.
My storm’s name is...
He is perfectly deliciously dirty. He will ruin me. In the end, I will beg him to do just that.




Into the MC world we go once again with this exhilarating romance that grabbed me from the main couple's first meeting and never let me go!  It's a romance full of twists and turns, a sweet and sizzling connection, and it pushed every one of my emotional buttons while keeping me on the edge of my seat. It sure isn't your momma's MC either in its gritty depiction of raw choices and suspenseful events, a backdrop that added extra twists to Legacy and Henli's romance

After an exhilarating meeting, a life-altering one, resulting from an accident, this couple doesn't think they'll see each other again...but Fate has other plans as Legacy's Alpha side takes over.  He knows he shouldn't have anything to do with Henli, bring her into his gritty and dangerous life, but he wants her too much to listen to the concerns in his head.  Legacy's a sexy beast, one who doesn't think he's worthy of Henli which made my heart hurt for him.  In his dealings with Henli he doesn't always make the best decisions but I was rooting for him nonetheless.  From the outside Henli appears to be the opposite of Legacy.  She's a classy lady, a sweet lady, though a bit naive about the half answers she gets from Legacy.  When you look deeper though you see a feisty woman, one who's had hard knocks in her life and survived, and one who's stronger than even she thinks she is.  That inner-strength sure came in handy when the dangers of MC life came knocking on her door in a journey that was sizzling and suspenseful...yet ultimately satisfying.

From the very first page this story captivated me!  These two apparent opposites became a formidable pairing, dealing with lots of unexpected twists and turns.  Through it all Legacy was determined to keep Henli safe, while she showed a bad-ass side to make her his perfect match.  Along with a sweet and sizzling romance, a romance where both Legacy and Henli grew as people, there were machinations occurring courtesy of the Devil's Hellions MC.  Secrets and lies, dangerous decisions made, and gritty moments of action and suspense kept me frantically turning the pages.  With its surprising and exhilarating ending, readers will be left counting down the days until the next installment in this series hits bookshelves!

My rating for this is an A.

*I got this book from the author for review in exchange for my honest opinion.


I was born and raised in California. My husband and I met when I was just 16. We were married a few years later, we lived in Oregon while he was in the US Coast Guard.
Texas is now where we call home, where our boots rest, and where we're raising our two little boys and a chocolate lab named Optimus Prime.


Tuesday, January 17, 2023

Book Release Blast for Wait For Always by K.A. Linde (REVIEW)…….

 It's a long and bumpy journey for two friends becoming oh so much more in this captivating contemporary romance.  Keep reading to get a tempting taste of Wait For Always by K.A. Linde, along with my impressions of it, then add this fourth installment in the Coastal Chronicles to your bookshelf!

A stand alone brother's best friend romance about Ash Talmadge & Amelia Ballentine by USA Today bestselling author K.A. Linde...
Ash Talmadge is everything I shouldn’t want.
My brother’s best friend. A too charismatic, too attractive Southern gentleman. And obsessed with someone else.
But she’s finally out of the picture. I put two years between their break up just to be sure. This is finally my chance.
His focus is all on me. Exactly where I wanted it to be since high school when he saved me from humiliation. And after college when he finally realized I was more than just his best friend’s little sister.
There’s only one person who could ruin this for me. I’ve waited this long.
I’m willing to wait for always.



From the moment I saw Ash Talmadge I became completely obsessed with him!  He's sexy and swoon-worthy with a past that made him the man he is today.  Previous books showed him in a relationship with someone who clearly wasn't for him, brought out choices that made me want to slap him.  With this book though he finally finds "his person" and oh what a beautifully angsty journey it is for him...and for Amelia Ballantine.

As the best friend of her brother, Ash has been in Amelia's life since they were young.  They had a deep connection, one that took on a romantic vibe for Amelia, but it never moved beyond that.  The time was just never right for them to be anything more than caring friends.  Times with him dating others or her dating others left them dancing around one another in a sensually, frustrating dance that kept me on the edge of my seat.  Previously, readers got to see choices from Ash's and other's viewpoints, but this time around readers see things more from Amelia's perspective.  Ms. Linde has cleverly crafted this pair's lifelong timeline, shown charming moments that displayed their feelings for one another subtly growing, and it made me like both of them all the more.  Overall there's a lyrical feel to this story, one that enthralled me while depicting an epic love trying to come to fruition.

Ash and Amelia were a compelling couple throughout their bumpy journey to HEA.  As their love for one another grew, so too did my love for them as I rooted for all the stars to align to finally bring them together forever.  Ash was the kind of hero who calls to you.  He didn't always make the right choices but he always tried to do right.  He especially tried to do right by Amelia and didn't act on his love for her until he knew he could give her his all...and his all was truly romantic!  Through all the ups and downs Amelia remained a wonderful heroine, one with a caring heart and a genuine personality that was immensely likable.  She had a strong will and a dedication to her job and these two individuals together were magical.  Surrounding them were characters from past books that tied all these stories together with a big bow of happiness.  By the turn of the final page readers will be left with a smile on their face with proof that true love is worth the wait!

My rating for this is an A.

*I got this book from the author for review in exchange for my honest opinion.


K.A. Linde is the USA Today bestselling author of the Avoiding Series, Wrights, and more than thirty other novels. She has a Masters degree in political science from the University of Georgia, was the head campaign worker for the 2012 presidential campaign at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, and served as the head coach of the Duke University dance team. She loves reading fantasy novels, binge-watching Supernatural, traveling, and dancing in her spare time.
She currently lives in Lubbock, Texas, with her husband and two super-adorable puppies. Visit her online at FacebookTwitter, and Instagram.
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Book Release Blast for Cute But Psycho by Lani Lynn Vale (REVIEW)………

Two people seen by society as pariahs find a perfectly imperfect romance in this unforgettable tale that pushed every one of my emotional buttons.  Keep reading to get a tempting taste of Cute But Psycho by Lani Lynn Vale, along with my impressions of it, then add this third installment in the Gator Bait MC series to your bookshelf!

Etienne LaFayette hits the ground running the moment he breathes free air after being paroled from a maximum-security prison in Texas.
He claws his life back from his brother-in-law who’d taken over his business during the years he’d spent as an inmate at Huntsville Penitentiary. Though it is hard, he puts his life back together in Accident, Florida.
There, he hires new employees, joins a motorcycle club, and becomes wildly successful overnight.
Seems like the perfect life, right? Wrong.
Because one of his first clients is a beautiful, curly-haired woman that reels him in from the moment he first lays eyes on her. Only, before he can work his charm, she forms an opinion of him based solely on the person that he chose to work at his side, day in and day out. That opinion? Utter disgust.
Matilda Deveraux has been dealt blow after blow her entire life.
First with the death of her mom. Then living with a stepfamily that despises her.
Her entire life she’s been known as different. The “weird girl that creeps everyone out.”
It’s not her fault that she’s different, yet everyone, including Etienne’s assistant, treats her like she’s a menace to society.
Like she would be better off in a loony bin than gracing the streets of Accident, Florida.
After years of abuse from everyone around her, the last thing she needs is to be around a man that would have that horrible woman around him twenty-four seven.
As a result, she forms an opinion—something that people do to her all the time—and treats him accordingly.
Only, it turns out that Etienne isn’t who she thought he was.
He’s much, much worse. But only in the best of ways.




Lani Lynn Vale has done it again!  With the release of this third installment in the Gator Bait MC series Ms. Vale has crafted a story with a larger than life main couple who are perfectly imperfect...both as a couple and as individuals.  They may start out as enemies due to a misunderstanding but once they commit to each other they're all in with a connection that sizzles.  Add in outside drama courtesy of toxic families and you end up with an intensely emotional story that I'm still thinking of in a sweet and sexy, fun and flirty, tale of starting over and being your own person.

Etienne LaFayette is getting back into the groove of living free after getting out of prison.  He joined an MC and regained his business, becoming extremely successful in the process.  It's his business where he comes into contact with the unforgettable Mattie, changing his life irrevocably as he works to win her over.  Etienne's a delicious hero, one of many in this series.  He's protective and caring and dismayed by Mattie's dislike of him at the very start.  Once he discovers the reasons for her dislike though he goes out of his way to prove himself to her in a truly charming journey that's heartwarming and humorous.

Mattie Deveraux's a quirky heroine, an unforgettable one that Ms. Vale is a master at creating.  Her family has done nothing but torment her her whole life for being different, used her to get what they want, all while treating her as a pariah.  When she discovers one of her worst tormentors working for the sexy Etienne she gives him the cold shoulder, despite being attracted to him.  The minute he discovers how badly Mattie's been hurt by those supposed to protect her though, Etienne goes out of his way to show Mattie just how special she is.  Thus starts their sizzling romance, a romance full of heart and soul, that I was utterly captivated by as it was a slow and steady journey to trustworthiness that was vital to Mattie.  Through every hurt she experienced Mattie just kept going, never being defeated by the painful words and deeds, just got stronger.  On a whole she's strong-willed, comfortable in her own skin, and a truly loving and caring heroine who's a perfect match for Etienne.

From the first page to the last this was a flawless story of two people seen as pariahs finding their place in the world, finding a home in each other's arms.  Their romance was perfectly imperfect as there were no judgments between them...there was just love and acceptance.  There were sizzling scenes balanced with loving and heartwarming moments along with bits of humor to pull readers into their pairing.  By the turn of the final page, readers will find this an epic romance with characters who are different but utterly likable and compelling.  This series continues to be masterful with its unforgettable characters, and richly rewarding romance, and I look forward to seeing where Ms. Vale takes us next!

My rating for this is an A+

*I got this book from the author for review in exchange for my honest opinion.