Sunday, May 30, 2021

Book Spotlight on Cowboy Fire by Kim Redford (GIVEAWAY).......

A woman with plans for the future finds herself relying on the sexy firefighter with dreams of his own in this steamy contemporary romance.  Keep reading to get a tempting taste of Cowboy Fire by Kim Redford, then add it to your bookshelf.  In honor of this eighth installment in the Smokin' Hot Cowboys series make sure to fill out the form below for the chance to win 1 of 2 sets of the May Sourcebooks releases too!

This cowboy is more than just a perfect face...
Violet Ashwood arrives in Wildcat Bluff County with one agenda: convince the hunky Mr. July from the Wildcat Bluff Fire Rescue’s annual benefit calendar to be the face—and body—of her new lonely hearts online dating service. She didn’t count on his firm refusal, nor did she count on seeing him again. Until she discovers he’s her new landlord.
Kemp Lander, aka Mr. July, wants nothing to do with Violet’s schemes to make him a model for her Cowboy Chat Corral, particularly once he finds out she fudged the truth on her rental contract by claiming she was a cowgirl. He’s got enough problems trying to keep trespassers off his ranch and doesn’t need the distraction of his sexy renter.
All Violet and Kemp want is to save their livelihoods and have their lifelong dreams realized. But it’ll take joining forces and discovering they’re better together to finally meet their goals.


“I need to get Heart-to-Heart Corral up and running.” Violet Ashwood glanced at Kemp Lander where he sat across from her at the dining table.
He sighed and leaned back in his chair. “You haven’t given up on me representing your lonely hearts club, have you?”
“No. Your photo in the Wet & Wild Cowboy Firefighters calendar drew me here. That hasn’t changed one bit since I got here. ”
He nodded, then pulled the plate with his piece of pie close to him and dug in with a fork. She followed his action, but she didn’t feel hungry now.
He ate a couple of bites before he set down his fork. He looked out the windows, then back at her. “Maybe we can compromise.”
“What do you mean?” She felt her taste come back with the advent of sudden hope.
“You’ve invested a lot of time and effort in something you’re obviously passionate about.”
“I am. Everyone deserves true love.”
He raised an eyebrow. “What about you?”
“True love.”
“I’m looking for others...not myself,” she said.
“Why not?”
“It’s just that I’ve never been lucky in love.”
“I can’t imagine why not.”
“Let’s let it go at that.” She forked a bite of pie into her mouth, but she’d lost her taste for it again. “I don’t see how you can promote something you don’t believe in.”
“I do believe in it.”
“Prove it.” He leaned toward her with a challenging gleam in his green eyes.
“Prove it?” She didn’t trust that gleam. “How?”
“Kiss me.”
She took a deep breath, wanting that very thing and not wanting it at the same time. Mr. July was getting more dangerous to her heart every moment she was in his company.
“You’re not willing to put yourself on the line?”
“I didn’t think you were interested in—”
“I’m not interested in posing for your website, but I am interested in you.”
“Oh.” She felt her face flush at his words as heat rushed through her entire body.
“I thought you might be interested in an experiment, seeing as how you’ve come all this way from San Antonio.”
He tossed his napkin on the table, stood up, and held out his hand to her. “Let’s go out on the patio and discuss our options.”
She gestured toward the dirty plates and table full of dishes. “Shouldn’t we clean up?”
“It can wait. I can’t.”
She grasped his hand, palm to palm, as she stood up. She could feel the roughness of his skin, see the stubble of his beard, and smell the soap he’d used in his shower. It was all heady stuff.
He led her into the sunroom, turned on a lamp for soft illumination, and opened the back door so that pale light spilled outside. The scent of roses in bloom filled the night air and moonlight cast a silvery glow over the patio.
“Why don’t you sit on the glider while I go back and get our wine?”
“Okay.” She really couldn’t say more as she watched him go inside because she felt as if her heart were in her throat.
When he returned, he handed her a glass, clinked hers with his, and nodded as if he’d made a decision.
She took a sip and returned his smile. She felt good, happy, contented. It was a mild, sweet scented spring night with a handsome man by her side. If she could convey this setting, this feeling, to her lonely hearts club, she felt sure people would positively respond in droves. He leaned toward her. “Now, about your lonely hearts club...”
She leaned toward him. “Yes?”
“Do you really need me?”
“I want you.” She immediately wished she’d chosen different words.
“I want you, too.” He set down his glass. “What are we going to do about it?” “I meant—”
“I know what you meant, but can’t you mean something more, something personal, something just between us?”
She felt her heart pick up speed. She caught his gaze...and felt as if she’d always belonged here in this moment with this man.
“Something special?” he asked.
She had to respond, but she couldn’t find the words. If he looked at her with any more heat in his eyes, she might spontaneously combust. “I...” And then she threw caution to the wind, leaned forward, and kissed him. It was just a soft, fleeting, tender touch before she moved back.
“I hope that was only an appetizer.” He clasped her shoulders with both hands and gently tugged her toward him.
She leaned into him, feeling his heat, his strength, his power. She wanted it all. She didn’t want to compromise. She raised her face, waiting for his kiss...waiting...waiting...
“I want you to know I don’t do this lightly. I know you really only want me for your lonely hearts club. I know you’ll go back to San Antonio when you get what you want here. I know all that, and I still want to kiss you. I need to kiss you. I plan to kiss you. It’s just that I’m a serious kind of guy.”
“Kemp, I swear if you say one more word, I’m taking the pie and going home.”
He grinned, chuckling. “You’d take the pie? That’s serious.”
“Yes, it is. And I’m serious, too.” She put her palms on each side of his face. “Please, just kiss me.”
And he did...tender at first, then with growing passion until he lifted her up, set her on his lap, leaned her head back against his arm, and held her tightly.
She felt his heat and strength and desire build as one kiss followed another and he delved deeply into her mouth, hugged her closer and closer as if desperate to meld their bodies so they could never be separate again.
Finally, he raised his head, kissed the tip of her nose, gave her a slight smile. “And I thought that fire I just fought was hot.”



Kim Redford is a bestselling author of contemporary Western romance novels. She grew up in Texas with cowboys, cowgirls, horses, cattle, and rodeos. She’s a rescue cat wrangler and horseback rider—when she takes a break from her keyboard. Kim Redford currently divides her time between homes in Oklahoma and Richardson, Texas.


Saturday, May 29, 2021

Book Spotlight on You’ve Got Plaid by Eliza Knight (GIVEAWAY).......

The daughter of his enemy soon becomes the woman he'll sacrifice everything for to keep safe in this exhilarating historical romance.  Keep reading to get a tempting taste of You’ve Got Plaid by Eliza Knight, then add it to your bookshelf.  In honor of this third installment in the Prince Charlie's Angels series make sure to fill out the form below for the chance to win 1 of 2 sets of Sourcebooks May releases too!

This Highlander is determined to help his enemy’s daughter get safely home, even if it means his own defeat...
Brogan Grant, a Jacobite soldier and bastard son of the Chief, fought savagely on the battlefield and barely escaped capture. On the run for his life, Brogan comes across what he thinks is a spy—a very bonny lass disguised as a lad, who happens to be the daughter of his clan’s enemy. He admires her bravery, but he knows what can happen to a woman alone in a war-ravaged land.
Lady Fiona MacBean is determined to do her part to ensure there is a Scottish king. Disguised as a healer, she delivers coded messages to rebels throughout the Highlands. There’s only one thing impeding her mission—a striking Highlander who’s determined to send her home.
Unfortunately, Fiona will not be deterred, no matter what the sexy Scot says. Left with little choice, Brogan agrees to join her mission if she agrees to return home when it’s over. Now the two must work together and risk everything to save the life of Bonnie Prince Charlie himself. If only their hearts weren’t at risk as well...


MacBean Lands Highlands, Scotland Summer 1725
“What are ye doing?”
Fiona MacBean, second of four children born to Chief MacBean and his stronghearted bride, turned around to see her three siblings standing obstinately in a line, hands on hips, feet tapping.
Her elder brother had a knowing smirk on his face, as though he’d caught her red-handed. Her younger brother, Ian, was emulating Gus to a T, and sweet Leanna, the youngest of the brood, waggled her brows at Fiona in a way that meant she had a secret and was having a hard time keeping it in.
Fiona pulled her hands away from the gap in the tree and tried to clear her expression of anything other than annoyance.
“I’m just looking for eggs in a quail’s nest.”
“Nay, ye were no’. Just tell us what ye found.” Gus narrowed his eyes, the same way their father often did.
“I told ye, the squirrel ran up the tree. He was running in a circle just here.” Fiona zigzagged in front of the tree, and then hurried behind it before coming around the front and pretending to scurry up the bark.
“We know what ye do when ye come out to the woods,” Ian said, looking up at Gus for approval.
“Aye, we know,” Leanna added, not wanting to be left out.
Fiona crossed her arms and scowled. “The lot of ye are a bunch of storytellers.”
“Och, who’s telling stories now?” Gus said, taking a step forward.
Fiona clenched her hands, forgetting she held the slip of paper that had been folded neatly and shoved into the nook in the tree.
“Who’s it from?” Ian asked.
“Read it to us,” Leanna added.
“Hand it over. If ye dinna, we’ll only be forced to take it from ye.” Gus held out his hand.
At twelve years old herself, Fiona didn’t often take orders from her brother, born just shy of eleven months before her. But if he were threatening to tackle her to the ground, that was something entirely different. Gus was bigger than her, having just shot up another four inches in the past summer. But she was faster...
Fiona took off at a run.
As a little girl, she’d spent a great deal of time running through the forest, her feet slipping on leaves, boots catching on roots. She’d hidden in the hollows of trees, leapt over fallen oaks, slid down embankments. There was no nook or cranny in the forest she’d not claimed as her own. And as much as her siblings tried to find her in every single one, they were not always successful.
Her father didn’t like her traipsing off alone in the forest, especially not with the uprising. The damned loyalists, who she assumed were the English when he said it, had been a nuisance to all their hides for as long as she could remember.
Fiona had been born just a couple of years before the first Jacobite rising in 1715, and in fact, on her second birthday, her da had been away meeting with a war council along with other prominent Scots and titled men from England. Had fought beside old King James, and proudly showed his battle scars whenever he was a bit too deep in his cups. He’d been a sprite man of about twenty-five back then. There’d been a few more battles since, but none won, as yet. That didn’t mean they were going to give up.
Every year, Fiona went with her father to a secret meeting of the lairds and earls and other warriors to discuss their latest plans. They thought she was off gallivanting with her friends and siblings, not paying attention. Which she mostly was, but she was also very good at spying, and so the children often had her listen in on the talks, then bring back the news of what she’d learned.
There was one particular lad who seemed keen on her skills. His name was Aeneas but he asked her to call him Aes, and he had a smile that could melt the heart of even a lass who spent more time than not irritated with lads, namely her brothers.
He’d caught her one of the days listening in on an important conversation.
She didn’t see him in the hall with any of the other children, nor did she see him accompany any of the lairds. Aes was just as much a mystery to her as anyone else.
When she talked with her friends Jenny and Annie about him, they couldn’t figure out who Aes was, either, so they spent their days and evenings searching out the boy with the soot-colored hair and a mischievous grin. But he only seemed to show up when Fiona least expected it, and when her friends weren’t around, to prove he wasn’t a ghost.
Every year she saw Aes, and their fondness for each other grew. Just this past spring, he’d told her he didn’t want to wait until next year to see her again. Fiona suggested he write to her instead, to which he wrinkled his nose. If he was writing her letters, her father would want to know who he was, and he’d want to read them.
Fiona had asked what was wrong with her da knowing who Aes was, but he said it was best no one knew, so they’d sketched a map of the wood surrounding her family’s small lands, and she’d drawn an X on the spot where there was a tree with a secret nook that she often hid pretty rocks in. If Aes could find it and leave her letters there, their friendship was meant to be.
She’d been checking that tree for months, and today was the first time she’d found anything—a piece of folded paper, and she’d be damned if she was going to let one of her sticky-fingered siblings get their hands on it.



ELIZA KNIGHT is an award-winning and USA Today bestselling author of over fifty sizzling historical romances. While not reading, writing, or researching for her latest book, she chases after her three children. In her spare time (if there is such a thing...) she likes daydreaming, wine-tasting, traveling, hiking, staring at the stars, watching movies, shopping, and visiting with family and friends.


Friday, May 28, 2021

Book Tour for Blurred Boundaries by Dawn Edwards (REVIEW)......

 Opposites attract in this delicious older woman/younger man romance that started out during vacation and restarted when they least expected it.  Keep reading to get a tempting taste of Blurred Boundaries by Dawn Edwards, along with getting my impressions of it, then add this first installment in the Bookworm Beauties series to your bookshelf too!

I colored inside the lines.
Dotted my i's and crossed my t's.
Avoided connections, limited questions, and didn’t get personal. Playing it safe kept my identity hidden.
What was meant to be a working holiday had me straying from the safety of the sidelines. He tempted me, and I fell – hard
Throwing caution to the wind and my rules out the window
Keep it light, no strings, no expectations
What could go wrong? It wasn't like I'd see him after my vacation...
For years my rules kept the attention off of me. That was until he walked into class.
As a varsity athlete, I believed practice made perfect. I was a player on and off the field.
I had planned to work on my techniques for years to come.
Who could have predicted the impact of my casual holiday hookup?
Falling for her wasn’t part of the game plan.
She insisted on no contact after we left the island – I reluctantly agreed. Imagine our surprise when we ended up in the same classroom.
Screw the optics. Screw the blurred boundaries.
Relegation to any zone that puts me out of her bed isn’t an option.
To hell with her rule book...I’m competitive by nature and won’t stop until she’s mine.



From the first page to the last I was drawn to this story and the twists and turns of this older woman/younger man romance.  As an older woman I found myself quickly connecting with Wren.  Her job and friends are appealing and I could easily see myself a part of her world which made me like her and root for her through every twist and turn.  As a teacher she has to conduct herself a certain way, but once she met Eli how she should act and how she wants to act start warring with each other.

I liked Wren from the very start!  She's had a tough life, lots of loss, and even now has to keep certain aspects of herself hidden.  She needs some fun in her life, needs some unconditional acceptance, and that's exactly where Eli comes in!  Eli's young and sexy, swoonworthy in his obvious attraction to Wren.  There were a few moments of self-centeredness from him though, but I attributed it to his youth and forgave him as he treated Wren like a queen.  Throughout the story they're a sizzling pair and I enjoyed watching their carefree romance start while on vacation.  Returning home he remains committed as their relationship gets put through the wringer through some expected twists and turns, as well as a few surprises thrown in along the way.  On a whole this is a great start to a new series that's crafted a sizzling story of a forbidden romance and the rocky road two people take to reach HEA, a story full of heart and soul!

My rating for this is a B+

*I got this book from the author for review in exchange for my honest opinion.


Dawn Edwards is an author of Contemporary Romance, juggling family life and a career. She survives on coffee, cynicism and cuddles.

Sunday, May 23, 2021

Book Spotlight on Undercover Wolf by Paige Tyler (GIVEAWAY).......

Two agents with wolf abilities keep them hidden out of fear of their teammates' distrust, but find themselves making a connection while working on overlapping cases in a sensual and suspenseful story. Keep reading to get a tempting taste of Undercover Wolf by Paige Tyler, then start counting down the days until this book hits shelves on May 25th.  In honor of this second installment in the STAT series make sure to fill out the form below for the chance to win 1 of 2 sets of Sourcebooks May releases too!

When these two agents are under fire, they’ll have to reconsider everything they know...
Werewolf Harley Grant isn’t exactly comfortable with her inner wolf. Even though she’s on a STAT team where she can use her abilities openly, she refuses to do so, putting herself—and sometimes her teammates—at risk.
Alpha werewolf Sawyer Bishop would give anything for his MI6 team to know about his inner wolf, but his teammates are mistrustful of anyone or anything with inhuman abilities. When he meets Harley on an overlapping case and realizes she’s a fellow wolf, he’s more than a little intrigued.
Now that STAT and MI6 have to team up to stop a crew of supernatural bad guys intent on causing a nuclear meltdown, Harley can no longer deny her wolf and Sawyer can no longer hide his. As they grow closer to resolving the case and grow closer to each other, they discover things aren’t what they seem and revenge could cost them their lives.


Harley caught a glimpse of someone out of the corner of her eye that made her snap her head around, but she didn’t see anyone. Sure she’d seen something, she skirted the outside of the dance floor in that direction. She was starting to question herself again when she spotted a tall, attractive guy with broad shoulders, casually disheveled brown hair, and scruff on his square jaw. He was circling the dancers on the floor in much the same way Harley was but in the opposite direction, keeping pace with her so they stayed exactly opposite each other.
Yeah, like that’s a coincidence.
A little voice in the back of her head told her to get on the radio and call Caleb and the rest of her teammates, but she ignored it, too mesmerized by the handsome man across the room from her. Every few seconds, piercing blue eyes locked with hers, making something inside her—maybe her inner wolf—feel a sensation she didn’t recognize.
Even if she hadn’t picked up on the scent, Harley would have known he was a werewolf from the graceful, animalistic way he moved.
He was a predator, no doubt about it.
Was he a kidnapper as well?
She wanted to say he’d never do anything like that, which was an asinine thing to consider about a man she’d never met.
Tired of stalking in circles, Harley stopped, turning carefully to keep her eyes on the big werewolf as he moved closer. She wasn’t sure, but for a brief moment, she thought she caught sight of what might have been a smile tugging at his sensuous mouth. The other werewolf—an alpha most definitely—strode past the last few people separating them and came to a halt a few feet away. Harley couldn’t ignore that the man in front of her was possibly the most gorgeous guy she’d ever seen.
Which pretty much guaranteed he was one of the bad guys.
Because that was how her luck worked out when it came to the opposite sex. Harley took a single step forward and felt a tingle in her stomach when he did the same, that dangerous smile showing up again. She took another few steps toward him when his head whipped to the side. She looked that way, too, trying to see what had attracted his attention, and caught sight of two men slipping behind a black velvet curtain covering a section of the far wall. The second guy cast a furtive glance over his shoulder before disappearing.
That isn’t suspicious at all.
She turned back to the alpha werewolf, but he was already striding in that direction. She quickly followed, knowing she should call the rest of the team, but once again, her instincts insisted she hold off. By the time she slipped behind the curtain, all she saw was another set of stairs. The mysterious werewolf was nowhere to be found.
She paused long enough to slide a hand under her dress and pull the small frame Glock 9mm from the tiny holster strapped to her upper thigh, chambering a round as she started down the steps, rather proud of how comfortably she handled a loaded weapon. Considering that before joining STAT she’d never even held a gun, she thought she was doing rather well.
From down below, she heard the rhythmic sound of rapid footsteps along with the soft murmur of voices but no music or partying people or anything else to make her think this was a part of the dance club open to the public. Whatever the hell those two guys had come down here for, it probably wasn’t on the up-and-up.
Lit only by three low-watt bulbs mounted in cobweb-covered fixtures hanging from the rough stone ceiling, the room at the bottom of the steps was filled with crates, racks of empty bottles, and bags of trash. The dim glow was barely enough to throw shadows, but Harley didn’t need a lot of light to see the werewolf standing a few feet away, his broad back to her, a pistol down at his side.
“You always bring a gun when you go to a nightclub?” he asked without looking at her.
His voice was as deep as she’d imagined it would be, a little rough with a hint of a British accent, like he’d traveled extensively for much of his life and lost a bit of the distinctive sound over time.
“A girl has to be careful these days,” Harley said, smiling even though she was standing in the middle of a filthy storage room twenty feet underground with an alpha werewolf who’d probably lured her down here with kidnapping in mind—or worse. “I’ve heard big cities can be dangerous.”
The man turned to look at her, blue eyes piercing even in the dimness as they slid up and down her body. “If you think it might be dangerous, why come to Paris? And all the way from America, if I’m not mistaking the accent.”
The Brit’s perfectly sculpted nose lifted a little, his nostrils flaring the slightest bit, like he was trying to take in a scent he found tantalizing. Harley knew he was picking up her pheromones and couldn’t help wondering what she smelled like to him.
Did he like her scent?
Did she care if he did?
“You know the song ‘Girls Just Want to Have Fun,’ right?” She approached him slowly,
glancing around and trying to figure out where the other two men had gone. “Maybe visiting potentially dangerous places is how I have fun.”
“Strange hobby,” he said, his voice dropping down an octave to practically make her tummy well as regions a bit farther south. “I prefer reading, but whatever. You do you.”
Harley lifted a brow, lowering her gun to a safe position. “Is that what you’re doing down in this dank, dark room?” She stepped to the side a little, making him circle to the right as they resumed the little dance they’d done upstairs. “Looking for a good book?”
He snorted, coming to a stop again a few feet away. “We both know that’s not what I’m doing down here any more than you’re here looking for some fun. So, as entertaining as this banter is, I think it’s time we get on with what really brought us here.”
Harley was almost disappointed but knew the man was right. While she’d enjoyed their verbal jousting, she was here for more important things.



Paige Tyler is a New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of sexy, romantic fiction. Paige writes books about hunky alpha males and the kick-butt heroines they fall in love with. She lives with her very own military hero (a.k.a. her husband) and their adorable dog on the beautiful Florida coast.


Saturday, May 22, 2021

Book Spotlight on Wreckless by Katie Golding (GIVEAWAY).....

Two motorcycle racers battle each other on the track while finding a sizzling connection off the track in the erotically charged story.  Keep reading to get a tempting taste of Wreckless by Katie Golding, then start counting down the days until this book hits shelves on May 25th.  In honor of this second installment in the Moto Grand Prix series make sure to fill out the form below for the chance to win 1 of 2 sets of Sourcebooks May releases too!

She is my rival. My Tigrotta. My dearest enemy...and the greatest love of my life. But this, I can never let her know.
I’ve spent years as a professional motorcycle racer vying to prove myself to the world, even as I fought to save my family from the clutches of a man who would like nothing more than to see me fail. He’s not the only one. My Lorina—America’s Sweetheart Lorelai Hargrove—would also like me to eat her dust.
But this is the game we play. She pretends she hates me, and I wind her up as I pretend she’s not all I think about. And yet after a deadly wreck, her confidence is so shaken, my Lorina needs me to stop being her favorite enemy and remind her there is a tiger within who will do anything to win. That I want to spend the rest of my life chasing her to that finish line again and again and again.
If only the battle to make it to the podium didn’t cost us everything our hearts desire.


“More! Harder!”
Massimo pants out a raspy groan that brings me endless satisfaction, his sharply defined arm muscles glistening with sweat. My back arches at the next hit, my hips bowing to pure power, and I cry out with all the air in my lungs, harnessing my stamina and endurance and focusing only on the sweet release of victory.
“Basta! Enough, Lorina!”
Frank chuckles from where he’s standing guard over us in my home gym, placing another sandbag on each of our lower backs—the fifth since we’ve started doing weighted planks. Massimo’s roar on the gym floor next to me grows louder, fire burning through my abs and singeing its way through my arms and legs.
“Come on, Peanut!” my dad cheers me on. “You almost got him. He’s shaking! He’s about to drop!”
“Get those hips up, Lori,” Frank counters. “Good job, Massimo. Nice form.”
I grit my teeth through the growl tearing its way up my throat, glancing at Massimo next to me. His hands are
fisted so tight, his knuckles are white, the bump of his bicep and triceps and deltoids trembling above his elbows. The scythe on his ribs bleeds a fresh drop of sweat as he strains to keep his hips up from the floor, a stack of sandbags covering the Madonna on his back.
I look away from temptation incarnate, focusing on the row of my promo posters hung on the gym wall. Massive images of me in all my different leathers over the years, flags and banners strung from the ceiling. I duck my head under another groan, determined to remember I’m home to heal and get better.
Me first. Career first. Just like Mama taught me.
Even if she no longer agrees.
“More!” I shout.
Massimo barks out something in Italian as my father puts another bag on his back, looking a little too happy about the painful noise Massimo is making. My mother, however, totally tried to set him up to stay in my room, which he super awkwardly had to decline because no, we’re not sleeping together.
The weighted bag I called for hits my back, my core screaming as my hips sink, and I am an idiot for pushing us this far. But he’s been acting like a child all day: exercise after exercise, circuit after circuit, he won’t stop daring me into seeing who is stronger. And even though I’ve kicked his ass the whole way through, he still won’t give up.
“More,” Massimo growls, sneering at me while Frank places another bag on my spine. A strained yell pours from my lungs. “Dick!”
“Lorelai,” my father rumbles, placing another bag on Massimo’s back.
“No more,” Frank announces. “Y’all are gonna end up hurting each other before—” Massimo collapses almost the moment I do, but he gave out first. Sucker.
“Good job, Lori,” Frank says, already sweeping the bags off my back. A pocket of air rushes into my lungs, and holy hell, those were heavy. I am so going to regret this tomorrow. “Way to tough it out.”
“That was ridiculous,” Massimo pants out, rolling over to catch his breath. My father extends his hand, helping him to his feet.
“You’re just saying that ’cause you lost.” I push myself to standing, sweat trickling down my back and flooding the bottom of my sports bra and the waist of my leggings. I take a towel from Frank, wiping off my face and the back of my neck. I finish in time to see Massimo squirting a stream of water into his mouth, his whole upper body swelling and sinking with every breath, and it only exaggerates how freaking cut his hips are.
God, I’m totally going to end up sleeping with him. If I don’t, it’ll be a miracle.
“I did not lose.” He shakes out his hair before running his hand through it. “I made the decision that it was not worth it to keep going. I put me first.”
I scoff, taking a drink from my own water bottle. “Says the loser.”
My dad chuckles from where he’s finished helping Frank clean up the sandbags, bumping his shoulder. “Is it weird that I want to put them in a boxing ring and let them go at each other?”
Frank stares down my father. “Yes.” Then he looks to me and Massimo, clapping his hands in the signal for more torture to come. “Okay, tough guys. Since you’re still more concerned with outdoing each other than focusing on your workouts, time for jump ropes.”
“Ugh,” Massimo complains, toweling off his chest. “I am not the one distracted. Lorina can hop. She is the one who cannot—”
“Tell you what,” Frank interrupts in his I-am-so-over-this-shit voice he uses on Mason. I take another sip of water, waiting for the smackdown. “Considering I am under specific instructions from Vinicio to run your ass into the ground and keep you focused on Brno while you’re here? Five miles, now, or it becomes ten.”
Massimo glares at my manager, then points at me. “See what you have done?” I shrug innocently with a grin so big, my face feels cracked in half. “Nope.”



Katie Golding is a sports fan with a writing problem. Based in Austin, TX, she publishes contemporary romance novels with the support of her loving husband and son. She is currently at work on her next romance novel, unless she’s tweeting about it.


Friday, May 21, 2021

Book Release for Deliverance by N.N. Britt (REVIEW)......

 A rockstar about to implode finds a connection to an artist devoted to her art (but with a dangerous past looking for her) in this emotionally intense romance.  Keep reading to get a tempting taste of Deliverance by N.N. Britt, along with getting my impressions of it, then add this second installment in the Deviant Hearts series to your bookshelf!

A famous drummer with time and money to burn. A young artist on the cusp of international stardom. A danger lurking in the shadows.
Powerhouse rocker Zander Shaw is The Deviant’s last single man standing. With the band on hiatus, he’s been globe-trotting and spending his hard-earned money on women, extreme sports, and partying. Los Angeles is only supposed to be a pit stop—track drums for infamous metalcore outfit Bleeding Faith and move on. Until a beautiful, mysterious woman gives him a good reason to stick around.
Up-and-coming artist Drew Kadence made L.A. her home a few years ago. Almost no one knows she’s on the run from a violent past. But when handsome drummer Zander enters her life and rattles all her defenses, she can’t deny the fact that their chemistry is through the roof. Problem is, she’s not sure she’s ready to dive into a relationship. Especially since her divorce isn’t finalized yet.
The more Drew gets to know Zander, the more she’s attracted to him. But Zander’s simple gig unravels his old demons, and Drew’s demons are gaining on her. Now they both have to face their fears.
Will love give them the strength to do it together or will they each have to do it alone?

BUY LINK here.


As a fan of rockstar romances I was immediately drawn to the premise of this story and its premise of overcoming the past to make a future.  From the first page to the last it's a story that pulled at my heartstrings while enjoying the slow-burn of their relationship as these two emotionally bruised people work through their issues to find something more with each other.

Zander Shaw's the last single man in rockband, The Deviant, and has been fully embracing the single lifestyle for the last year through womanizing and extreme sports. He's started feeling frustrated though  with his band being on hiatus which has him happy to get a gig playing drums for another band while theirs is away at rehab.  It's a chance to get back to doing what he does best, but it also introduces him to a quirky artist with a painful past she's been running from.  Zander's a real player when readers first meet him, but the moment he meets Drew he's smitten.  He's fascinated by her and wants to discover all the secrets she tries to keep hidden, drawn to the pain she keeps hidden behind a facade of cool.  He too is hiding behind his rockstar facade, hiding from a past that's speeding ever closer to him.  Through all the ups and downs I found Zander a delicious hero who undertook a slow burn romance with a woman who's his kindred spirit.

Drew Kadence is a woman happy to keep on the sidelines, an artistic woman who just wants to hone her craft, but unwilling to be in the spotlight for fear her scars and secrets will come to light.  The moment she meets Zander is the moment everything changes for her as he works very hard to claim her heart, digs deep to discover the truth about what's holding her back from letting him claim her heart.  Her attempts to stay hidden have kept her with only a few friends, but it soon becomes apparent that she can't ignore him forever.  He's too charming and too persuasive in his flirtations.  Drew's a likable heroine, one who's clearly been hurt by her past.  She deserved some happiness after all she'd been through which is why I was rooting for her every step of the way.

This was an immensely satisfying romance of two people from very different lives whose mutual pain has them forming a connection.  Some of the facets of the story were familiar but I still found myself drawn to the characters and their acceptance of their pasts in a hard-fought journey to happiness.  After reading this I look forward to reading the previous book in this series as I thoroughly enjoyed this author's style and look forward to more of their romances set in the rockstar world.

My rating for this is an A-

*I got this book from the author for review in exchange for my honest opinion.


N.N. Britt is a Los Angeles-based music journalist and photographer. Her photos have graced t-shirts, billboards, and CD covers. She pens realistic, thought-provoking novels about today's world of art and music and the flawed people who live in it. When she's not writing or drinking coffee, she's probably reading or attending a heavy metal show.


Thursday, May 20, 2021

Book Release for Courage For Fools by Monty Jay (REVIEW).......

 Fans of rockstar romances will be drawn to this book and its tale of finding yourself and finding your voice as two people find each other on the open road.  Keep reading to get a tempting taste of Courage For Fools by Monty Jay, along with getting my impressions of this angsty tale, which will have you wanting to add it to your bookshelf!

Quinn Michelson has lived her entire life on ‘what ifs’ and the hopes of leaving her mundane town in her rearview mirror. When a sudden discovery changes her perspective of existence, she decides to hit the road in search of the one thing she’s been needing all these years—herself. Ahead of her is nothing but the open road, her agenda, and a famous rockstar?
Rhett Kennedy has a silver lining heart. One that gets him in trouble more often than not. Having lost touch with his music, he doesn’t think twice about bombarding Quinn on her trip of self-discovery.
Rhett is looking for music. Quinn is looking for herself.
Together, they’ll find laughter, heartache, a little courage and if they’re not careful, the very thing that makes the world go round —— Love



From the very first page it's clear that this isn't your typical rockstar romance.  The moment readers are introduced to Quinn Michaelson is the start of a captivating read of living life to the fullest, discovering more about yourself while finding a connection to another when you least expect it.  The journey Quinn undertakes is one full of tears and empowerment, a journey that I quickly became invested in as Quinn is an unforgettable heroine, and with each turn of the page it pulled at my heartstrings too.

Quinn's lived in her small hometown her entire life, never wanting to go after what's beyond the edge of town...but when life hands her an unexpected bit of news she decides it's time to finally start experiencing life.  With her grandfather's journal as her guide she sets off on a journey of self-discovery down Route 66.  Along the way she ends up with a rockstar as her traveling companion as their journey becomes even more personal with romance starting to shine through.  I adored Quinn and found much of myself in her personality.  She's a likable heroine who's always had dreams, she just lacked the courage to go after those dreams.  Having someone with her on her journey helps push her to continue chasing her dreams, while helping her open up about herself in a sweet and sentimental journey that has the main couple evolving from friends into something more.

Rhett Kennedy's at the top of the music world, enjoying a life of women and travel in support of his music.  He's always lived life to the fullest, but lately he's feeling unfulfilled.  He's feeling lost amidst all the demands placed on him by his record label and decides to take time off to again find his muse...and lucky for him he ends up being Quinn's traveling companion.  Their journey sees him acting as a strong support to Quinn, gently pushing her to embrace life, while at the same time he finds himself falling for her in a slow-burn romance of friends to lovers.  Rhett's a delicious hero, a sexy and drool-worthy rockstar not afraid to show his feelings.  He's sweet yet more than capable of being naughty as he flirted his way into Quinn's heart while letting her take the lead throughout their journey.  He's exactly what you want in a hero and he's the latest addition to my book boyfriend list.

This was a beautiful story from start to finish.  It was emotional, with bits of angst and moments of charm that kept me glued to the pages.  The journey itself was charming too as they went from one small town to one kitschy tourist site after another, meeting all sorts of eclectic people along the way.  These two apparent opposites found much to bring them together as both were looking for something more...little did they know that what they were looking for was right beside them all along.  Throughout their journey they engaged in heartfelt talks, moments of empowerment that had them fighting for what they wanted, and with time running out they had some big decisions to work through too.  Theirs was ultimately a sweet and sensual connection that warmed my heart, pulled at my heartstrings, and put a smile of satisfaction on my face courtesy of its flawless epilogue.  This is not your typical rockstar romance which makes it a romance readers shouldn't miss and I wholeheartedly recommend it!

My rating for this is an A.

*I got this book from the author for review in exchange for my honest opinion.


Monty Jay likes to describe herself as a punk rock kid, with the soul of a gypsy who has a Red Bull addiction. She writes romance novels about insane artists, feisty females, hockey players, and many more.
When she isn't writing she can be found reading anything Stephen King, getting a tattoo, or eating cold pizza.

Wednesday, May 19, 2021

Book Teaser for Love is Blind by Janine Infante Bosco......

Two people trying to cope with painful pasts find their connection to each other the only thing keeping them going in this gritty and emotionally intense read.  Keep reading to get a tempting taste of Love is Blind by Janine Infante Bosco, then start counting down the days until this second installment in the Satan's Knights MC North Carolina series hits bookshelves on June 11th!

The things I've lost could shatter any man.
Send him on a downward spiral.
I would've punched my own ticket if it weren't for the Satan's Knights.
Instead, I became the VP of the Knightdale Charter.
A man can't drown in his misery when he's got responsibilities.
So I look for things to dull the pain.
Sex. Drugs. Whatever.
When you've been to hell and back, the only time worth having is a good one.
My little Birdie knows this self-destructive path, too.
That's why I can't stay away from her.
The highs are higher when you don't fly alone.
But I'm not the only ghost in her life, and her past isn't letting her go.
I thought my club was the only thing left for me to love.
It turns out I was wrong.



Janine Infante Bosco lives in New York City, she has always loved reading and writing. When she was thirteen, she began to write her own stories and her passion for writing took off as the years went on. At eighteen, she even wrote a full screenplay with dreams of one day becoming a member of the Screen Actors Guild.
Janine writes emotionally charged novels with an emphasis on family bonds, strong willed female characters, and alpha male men who will do anything for the women they love. She loves to interact with fans and fellow avid romance readers like herself.
She is proud of her success as an author and the friendships she’s made in the book community but her greatest accomplishment to date would be her two sons Joseph and Paul.