Young love brought two people together, but after years apart fate brings them back together in this romance full of steam and second chances. Keep reading to get a tempting taste of Grinded by Heather Slade, then add this enthralling contemporary tale to your bookshelf. In honor of this third installment in The Invincibles series make sure to fill out the form below for the chance to win a $25 Amazon GC too!
When the odds are against them, they fight for each other.
First loves torn apart...
With a Tuscan backdrop of romance and innocence, sixteen-year-olds Miles “Grinder” Stone and Pia Deltetto learn of love and loss. After a whirlwind romance, they return to their separate lives with a hope of reconnecting someday.
Broken and battered...
Severely wounded in battle, Grinder refuses Pia’s sympathy and pity. However, when he realizes the true danger Pia is in, Grinder will do anything to save the only woman he’s ever loved. With everything on the line, she’s forced to trust him with her estate, her life, and her heart. But has too much time passed to bring to shattered souls back together where they belong?
Driving through the gates of Antica Cascina dei Conti di Valentini, memories of my time here came rushing back to me. I was struck that it was even more beautiful than I remembered.
I drove up to the farmhouse, relieved it didn’t appear as though anyone had rented it. Just for the heck of it, I got out and walked up to the front door. When I knocked, the door unlatched and slowly opened.
“Hello?” I called out, but no one answered. I walked into the kitchen, calling out again, but found it empty. Feeling assured I wasn’t intruding on someone’s holiday, I ran up the stairs to the room that had been mine.
It was as though time had stood still. Everything looked exactly the same. I flopped on the bed and clasped my hands under my head. I closed my eyes and thought back to when I first saw Pia. If only her laughter would drift up to me now. I’d look out as I did that day, and she would see me. We would race to each other, and I’d lift her in my arms, twirling her in a circle before I covered her lips with mine and kissed her.
I write stories set in places I love with characters I'd be happy to call friends. The women in my books are self-confident, successful, and strong, with wills of their own, and hearts as big as the Colorado sky. And the men are sublimely sexy, seductive alphas who rise to the challenge of capturing the sweet soul of a woman whose heart they'll hold in the palm of their hand forever.
I'm an Amazon best-selling author, and a PAN member of Romance Writers of America. I speak, teach, blog, am an executive sommelier, and all-around entrepreneur.
I grew up an East Coast girl, and then spent half my life on the West Coast. Now my husband, our two boys, and I happily call Colorado home.
Thanks for the awesomeness during this craziness!💗