Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Book Tour for Scratch Track by Eli Lang (Review & GIVEAWAY)

A previous one-night stand brings two men back together during a break from touring in this emotionally engaging m/m romance.  Keep reading to get a tempting taste of Scratch Track by Eli Lang, along with my impressions of it, then learn more about this book by visiting the other sites hosting this tour.  In honor of this third installment in the Escaping Indigo series make sure to leave a comment below about why readers love rockstar romances for the chance to win e-copies of the first two books in this series too!

Being a roadie isn’t everyone’s idea of a dream job, but it’s all Quinn wants. He loves touring, loves getting to hear amazing music every night and, more than anything, loves being someone the band members of Escaping Indigo can lean on.
When Quinn joins the band in the recording studio, it’s supposed to be fun, but it only seems to remind him of doubts he thought he’d left behind—doubts about his brother’s death, his place with the band, and his ability to care for and support his friends. So when his ex, Nicky, tumbles back into his life, Quinn’s completely unprepared.
The failure of his past romance with Nicky is yet another strike against Quinn’s confidence. But Nicky’s unassuming kindness makes it hard for Quinn to resist a new entanglement. Quinn isn’t sure they won’t make the same mistakes again, but he wants a second chance, even if that means facing the past, learning to let his friends support him, and proving to Nicky that, this time, he’ll be someone Nicky can rely on.



As a fan of rockstar romances I found myself eagerly grabbing at this book the moment it hits shelves and upon completing it I must say that there’s a lot to like about this m/m romance.  There’s also a bit of frustration too in this tale of second chances and grief as it went on a bit too long and got lost in its lyrical narrative a time or two.

From the first page to the last this book sets itself apart from other rockstar romances as it’s not your typical tale of sex, drugs, and rock ‘n roll.  Yes, it’s a steamy tale but there’s no groupies or heavy partying going on to affect the band’s connection.  There’s actually a familial vibe amongst the members of Escaping Indigo and Rest In Peach as they spend time making beautiful music together while in the studio.  It’s a time consuming process that gives ample time to the reunion of roadie Quinn and Rest In Peach’s drummer Nicky.  Their one night together could’ve amounted to more but a tragic event befell Quinn, an event that he’s still punishing himself for and that’s keeping him from living life to the fullest.  In this third installment in the series these two men work through the pain of the past in a journey of self-forgiveness and trust.

Quinn’s always been the caretaker, from the band to his family, the one everyone could count on to see to their needs and keep them safe.  It’s a role he took seriously until the day his brother overdosed.  That moment left him reeling, feeling lost and ashamed for all that he didn’t do and it’s something he still can’t forgive himself for.  His grief has caused him to wallow in self-punishment as he doesn’t feel worthy of love and happiness after failing his brother.  His feelings are the crux of the division between him and Nicky and keeps them struggling every step of the way.  A lot of time is spent in Quinn’s head but there were still times I felt that there was still much I didn’t know about him.  He’s always been quiet and contemplative and he’s still that here, spending a lot of time rehashing his grief.  It ultimately made for emotional storytelling but much frustration too.

Nicky’s the more carefree of the two, the one to initiate their reunion.  He got Quinn talking and made him start dealing with the past head-on through many heartfelt talks and by opening up a bit more about himself.  One secret he shared was a definite surprise and changed their dynamic a bit.  It deepened their connection, made it more of a commitment between the two of them.  In some ways I felt like I knew Nicky more than Quinn and yet I still felt like there was more missing.  He was hurt by Quinn leaving without a word and it’s clear he’s still holding back a bit.  For every step forward they took I felt there were many more steps missing in their journey of forgiveness but I applaud Nicky for each olive branch he extended to Quinn.

This was a steamy story as Quinn and Nicky were a crackling couple teeming with sexual tension.  From longing glances to deep talks these two spend a lot of time together, spend a lot of time dealing with their pasts while hoping for a future, and it made for some intense reading.  Their issues were weighty and Quinn’s grief was an especially heavy burden that didn’t allow for many lighthearted moments.  It did all lead to a satisfying ending though, an ending that felt more like a HFN than a HEA, but no less rewarding for all that came before.

My rating for this is a B-

*I got this book from NetGalley for review in exchange for my honest opinion.


Escaping Indigo is a busy band, whether they’re playing edgy rock music in a darkened theater, touring the country together, or meeting up with other musicians at a summer festival. And they’re always writing new melodies, new riffs, and new lyrics to tell their stories.
Micah, a drummer, is hoping to leave the memories of his old band behind by going on tour with Escaping Indigo as a stagehand. But there he meets Bellamy, the lead singer, and he finds himself tangled in a romance that makes him face everything he’s lost.

Ava, drummer for Escaping Indigo, is hoping that time away from the band will give her a chance to sort through her complicated feelings for her best friend, who’s in love with someone else. But a chance meeting with a beautiful woman leads to an unexpected romance that makes Ava rethink her plans for her future.
From unrequited love to finding your way, old friendships to lost dreams, surprising secrets to unexpected encounters, Escaping Indigo has a song to suit.



Eli Lang is a writer and drummer. She has played in rock bands, worked on horse farms, and has had jobs in libraries, where she spent most of her time reading every book she could get her hands on. She can fold a nearly perfect paper crane and knows how to tune a snare drum. She still buys stuffed animals because she feels bad if they’re left alone in the store, believes cinnamon buns should always be eaten warm, can tell you more than you ever wanted to know about the tardigrade, and has a book collection that’s reaching frightening proportions. She lives in Arizona with far too many pets.




-To increase your chances of winning, comment at each of the stops on this tour.
-Winner will be chosen randomly from each valid comment left.

Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Book Tour for Three Lessons in Seduction by Sofie Darling (Review & GIVEAWAY)

Fans of historical romances will find themselves quickly consumed by this tale full of political intrigue as a married couple tries to find their HEA after a decade apart.  Keep reading to get a tempting glimpse of Three Lessons in Seduction by Sofie Darling, along with my impressions of it, then discover even more about it by visiting the other sites hosting this tour.  In honor of this compelling romance make sure to fill out the form below for the chance to win a $25 bookstore GC too!

Lord Nicholas Asquith needs his wife. Too bad he broke her heart ten years ago.
Can he resist a second chance at the love he lost?
When Mariana catches the eye of the man at the center of an assassination plot, Nick puts aside their painful past and enlists her to obtain information by any means necessary, even if it means seducing the enemy agent.
Even if the thought makes his blood boil.
Only by keeping his distance from Mariana these last ten years was he able to pretend indifference to her. With every moment spent with her, he feels his tightly held control slipping...
Can she trust the spy who broke her heart?
Mariana spent the last decade forgetting Nick. Now she has the chance to best him at his own game, an opportunity she can’t resist, even as her view of him begins to shift. Increasingly, she wants nothing more than to seduce her own husband...
It’s only a matter of time before mad passion ignites, a passion never convincingly extinguished. A passion that insists on surrendering to the yearning of the flesh and, quite possibly, of the heart.


A girl like you is a girl one could marry,” he murmured. They were heedless and dangerous words that fell from his lips, and he couldn’t understand why he spoke them.
A girl like me?”
One could marry?”
Careful,” she whispered into the space between their lips. It was the only space that mattered in the universe. “I might hold you to such words.”
I might hope you do.”
Again, words fell from his mouth of their own accord, and he’d proposed to her. There had been no biting it back.
And he hadn’t wanted to.
At least, not for another five seconds.
He’d proposed to Lady Mariana Montfort, a girl he didn’t know.
That wasn’t precisely true.
In the ways that mattered, he knew her.



From the moment Mariana met Nick theirs was a combustible pairing of instant attraction that would defy the odds.  From a whirlwind marriage based on love, to a set of twins to solidify their bond, nothing seemed capable of tearing them apart...until something did.  Ten years of Nick choosing love of country over his love of Mariana led to hurt feelings and a final chance to reclaim a love that’s never died in this tale of second chances and political intrigue.

Mariana knew the moment she met Nick that he was a man like no other.  With interactions full of sexual tension it was clear their quick marriage was guaranteed to burn bright and it did...until the day he left to do his duty and never came back.  During that time Mariana remained the dutiful wife, dealing with gossip concerning her husband with a stiff smile, until a message sent her running into a whirlwind of confrontations and danger.  Her attraction to Nick clearly never died which has her making some frustrating decisions as she becomes his partner in saving their country.  His lessons on being a spy quickly become more scorching and remind both of them of all they have to lose in their first step towards overcoming their painful pasts.  Mariana becomes stronger while in Paris, becomes more of an equal to her missing husband which had me cheering after seeing her set aside for all those years.  While that act had me cheering I was frustrated by her tendency to jump to conclusions and assume the worst of Nick.  The tight bond they once had clearly took a beating over the years and showed in her constantly changing feelings for Nick.  One moment she loved him and the next she was ready to move on in a dance of indecision that will leave readers uncertain of their future until the very end.

Nick’s an unconventional hero who loves to shock others and live life on the edge.  It made him the perfect spy but a terrible husband.  His parent’s disastrous marriage also make him a less than ideal husband as they made a mockery of love and fidelity that left him doubting the power of love.  The moment he met Mariana though he couldn’t stay away as he was drawn to her wild side, a wildness he brought out in her.  He knew he’d make her unhappy but had to claim her as his own and grew to love the life they had until duty forced him to leave her behind.  He never forgot her though and the moment she re-enters his world he immediately has to have her again despite the danger.  Though he wants to push her away in order to keep her safe she’s too much of a temptation to keep at arm’s length as he sets out to win his wife back to his side while completing one last mission.  Nick’s extremely loyal, both to his country and his wife, but the decisions he made clearly hurt her over the years. In keeping her safe he let lies and secrets keep them apart and throughout this story they continue to keep them from their HEA.  Despite everything though it’s clear that Nick loves Mariana, through each word and deed he shows us his heart, and by treating her as his equal it’s the grandest gesture of his love and it had me cheering.

This was a romance full of action, both in and out of the bedroom, and it made for a story that went on just a bit too long.  Things could’ve been wrapped up sooner as readers were taken on a lengthy tour of the underbelly of Paris to its glamorous ballrooms.  The color and excitement of Paris was on prominent display here and while it added atmosphere to the story, it also took me out of the story as it became a distraction.  The assassination plot that Nick’s trying to solve was an exciting premise, with intriguing villains, but ultimately fizzled out in a quickly resolved conclusion that brought everyone back home.  Nick and Mariana are a crackling couple teeming with sexual tension and happy to engage in a tug of war of verbal foreplay that led to many erotically-charged encounters.  Ms. Darling nicely balanced their romance with the political intrigue to keep me on the edge of my seat, particularly in the reveal of someone close to them both still being alive.  This reveal hits especially close to home for Mariana’s sister Olivia and has me hoping that it’s the start to another story as it promises to be an extremely emotional one.  On a whole this was an enjoyable read that lovers of historical romance will be drawn to and I look forward to where Ms. Darling takes us next.

My rating for this is a B-

*I got this book from the author for review in exchange for my honest opinion.


Sofie spent much of her twenties raising two boys and reading every book she could get her hands on. Once she realized that she was no longer satisfied with simply reading the books she loved, that she must write them, too, she decided to finish her degree and embark on a writing career. Mr. Darling and the boys gave her their wholehearted blessing.
When she’s not writing heroes who make her swoon, she runs a marathon in a different state every year, visits crumbling medieval castles whenever she gets a chance, and enjoys a slightly codependent relationship with her beagle, Bosco.



Saturday, January 27, 2018

Book Spotlight on Buried Pleasures by K D Grace

Readers looking for a dark and unforgettable read will find themselves drawn to this multi-layered and erotically-charged urban fantasy.  Keep reading to get a tempting taste of Buried Pleasures by K D Grace, then add this third installment in the Medusa’s Consortium series to your bookshelf!

When Samantha Black shares her sandwich with a dog, his owner, Jon—a homeless man living in the Las Vegas storm tunnels—gives her a poker chip worth a fortune from the exclusive casino, Buried Pleasures. All Sam has to do is cash it in. Sam is in Vegas for one reason only—to get her friend, Evie Holt, away from sinister magician, Darian Fox, who holds her prisoner in an effort to force Sam to perform at his club, Illusions. A neon circus tent of strange and mystical acts, Illusions is one of the biggest draws in Vegas, and he’s hell-bent on including Sam in his disturbing plans.
The shadowy Magda Gardener will do anything to keep Sam from cashing in that chip. She knows that Buried Pleasures is the gate to Hades and cashing in the chip is a one-way ticket across the River Styx, which runs beneath the storm tunnels of Vegas. Jon is really Jack Graves, owner of Buried Pleasures, and Graves is really the god of death, himself, and if things aren’t already confusing enough, he and Magda know what Sam doesn’t. Sam is the last siren. That her song can kill is only the beginning of her story. Jon wants her safe on his side of the River, protected from Fox’s hideous magic. But even Death fears Magda Gardener, who is none other than Medusa, and the gorgon has her own agenda. If Sam is to understand her heritage and win the battle against Darian Fox, not only will she have to trust her heart to Death, but they’ll both have to work for the gorgon, whose connection with Sam runs deeper than any of them could imagine.


Jon and Samantha: Salvation by Death
The mind-boggling project designed to offer flood protection to a city built on bedrock and totally surrounded by mountains had begun in the seventies. The individual segments reminded her of giant hollow Lego blocks made of concrete. Originally there was to be over a thousand miles of tunnels beneath Sin City. They were all designed to channel the waters of any flash flood that threatened the financial heart of the city into Lake Mead, some thirty miles away. The project was never finished, but there were still an impressive two hundred miles of storm tunnels beneath the city, and they now provided shelter for the homeless who didn’t mind playing theodds that their meager belongings wouldnt get washed away in the next deluge. They also had provided a hiding place for murderers and thieves and who knew what else?
And apparently God hung out down here, too. Who could have guessed? Though she didnt see any of the dreaded scorpions shed heard so much about, she imagined she could hear them skittering across the floor in the dark. Ever been stung by one? Scorpion, I mean,” she asked absently.
“They don’t bother me much,” came the reply.
She saw the graffiti on the walls as well as if shed been walking in the sunshine, and yet the darkness around her was almost a physical thing, a thought that almost made her laugh, since it was obvious she no longer had the physical capability for feeling it.
Did the dead sleep? She only wondered because it seemed that she slept or lost consciousness, or just drifted off for a while. Maybe eventually she would lose consciousness altogether and that would be the end of it. Maybe the whole recycling thing just took a while to kick in. Strange, that thought didnt disturb her either. Still, Jon had said she was going to a very nice place. When she woke up, if thats what she did, she came to herself hearing the click, click, click of the dogs toenails on the concrete.
To her surprise the surroundings had changed. There was water – not just the constant water on the floor of the storm tunnels, but more like a lake or a reservoir. A boat rocked gently at the end of a stone dock in front of them. For a moment she thought they had ended up at the Venetian with its canals and boats. But there were no red and white striped poles, and the boat wasnt right. It was broader, higher prowed.
As she took in her surroundings, she saw that they were still underground, and she remembered reading somewhere that at one time the whole basin in which Las Vegas was built had been a large inland sea, and that there was still a sea of water beneath the bedrock. She’d heard that people who built homes outside the city and drilled wells down through the bedrock had an endless supply of fresh water, even in the dry desert.
They were walking toward the boat, her body still safely carried in Jons arms with her consciousness still floating above.
A man she assumed to be the boatman stood waiting for them. He was dressed in a flowing dark cloak, his face obscured completely beneath a deep hood. As he looked down at her body in Jons arms, what little light there was caught the shine of his eyes just enough to dispel the disturbing sense that the hood was empty.
After a long silence, he looked up at Jon and shook his head“I can’t take her,” he said, examining her limp body. “You know the rules.” His voice was like the scratching of dry twigs in a storm, and no matter how hard she listened, she heard no breath, no heartbeat. For some reason that disturbed her far less than the fact that she couldnt see his face.
Take me where? Where are we going?”
The two men ignored her.
Know the rules? I wrote the damned rules,” Jon said, and once again she felt the vibration of his voice in spite of being separated from her flesh.
Then you know if she hasnt cashed in the chip, I cant take her.”
Take me where? Are you coming too?” she asked Jon. Still she got no reply.
What the hell do you mean, she hasnt cashed in her chip? Dancy delivered her right to the door to do just that.”
“He’s right,” Sam agreed, though she was no longer sure the men could even hear her. How long had she been dead now? Would Jon cease to be aware of her at all after shed been dead for a while? He wouldnt if he were God, she reasoned. Some woman named Magda Gardener told me I should wait till tomorrow. I shouldn’t have listened to her,” she added. “I wouldnt be dead now if I had gone ahead and cashed in the chip like I wanted to.”
But the two men still didn’t respond. She was beginning to suspect that being dead was going to be a major pain in the ass.
Jon carefully laid her down on the cool mosaic floor. She only now realized that it was mosaic, something with an astrological motif, she thought, her cheek pressed against the dark bicep of the Sagittarian archer. Her attention was drawn away from the mosaic when Jon slid his hand into her pocket and pulled out the chip. It glowed golden in his hand as he turned it over and over again. She didnt remember it doing that when she held it. Probably just a trick with the lights.
Should have cashed it in when I had the chance,” she said. “You can have it back if you want. It won’t help me now, will it?”
He simply stuck it back in her pocket and cursed under his breath. Then he stood and paced back and forth in front of the boatman. “Well thats a damnedinconvenience, isn’t it?”
The boatman nodded beneath his hood. “Sure as hell is. I was expecting her. She had reservations. Had everything ready for her, just like you said. Looks like I made the trip for nothing.” He shrugged, and the cape rustled as it settled back around his body. “Not like I have anything else to do, I guess.”
For a moment the two men stood in silence, looking down at Sam’s body resting against the mosaic of the archer. Then the boatman heaved a hard-put-upon sigh and asked, “What will you do now?”
“Take her back,” Jon replied, and the dog whined softly and plopped down next to her. “I have to, dont I? She would have been happier here, and safe,” he added as an afterthought.
“Pity,” the boatman said. “Gonna be a rough ride for her now. You know Id take her if I could. He nodded across the expanse of water, and for the first time, Sam realized she couldnt see the other shore.
Oh, I dont blame you, Chuck, Jon said. “You’re just doing your job.” The dog offered a soft woof of agreement.
You think that bitch, Magda, had anything to do with the mix-up?” the boatman asked.
“Oh, I have no doubt.” Jon ran a warm hand along Sam’s cheek and she was surprised that she could still feel it. Well, nothing for it now. Can I borrow your cloakShell be cold when she returns, and it’s a long way back.”
“Of course.” The man shed his cloak in a sharp snap that sounded like the canvas of a sail slapping in the wind and, in that instant, the world went black and Sam could no longer see the tunnel around them. For a moment she had that feeling of falling, the kind of falling that jerks you awake from the dream world to find that no, youre still safe and sound on your bed. Only it was more of a rough and tumble, as though she were struggling with the fall, somehow being tossed about, riding first a rollercoaster, then bouncing high on a trampoline, then being dragged feet-first down steep stairs, her head banging on each step.
She yelped and reached out desperately to feel Gus’s soft fur close to her body and, as she groped in the darkness, her hand came to rest first on Jons chest and then on his stubbled face. And there was substance—her hand, flesh and bone, touching flesh and bone. His breath was warm against her cheek, and the smell of ozone and deep forest peaked as he whispered, “Itll be all right, Samantha. Dont be frightened. Itll be all right. I have you now. You’re with me.”
Then his lips brushed hers and she wrapped her arms around his neck with the urgency of one who was afraid of falling. His breath! She tasted his breath, she needed his breath. She had none of her own, and the rising panic felt as though it would smother her with its weight. “Shh, Samantha, shh! I have you now. Youll be all right. He spoke softly against her lips. “Youll be fine. I promise.”
She clawed at him, desperate to hang on, desperate to breathe, fighting claustrophobic dizziness that felt as though she were being sucked down a drainpipe.
She might have screamed or she might have only imagined it, but Jon kept up a soothing, soft chatter that she struggled to understand above the ringing in her ears. Then she felt like she was being shoved back in her body, down her own throat and up under her ribcage, a suitcase being hastily stuffed over-full, as though somehow she had expanded in her time outside herself. In the beginning, she was certain she was being suffocated, butwhen she gasped the first blessed breath of air, it was accompanied by a bright flash of searing pain, and the lights went out with her clutched in the arms of the homeless man, the dog whining softly at her side.




Voted ETO Best Erotic Author of 2014, K D Grace believes Freud was right. It really IS all about sex—sex and love—and that is an absolute writer’s playground.
When she’s not writing, K D is veg gardening or walking. Her creativity is directly proportional to how quickly she wears out a pair of walking boots. She loves mythology, which inspires many of her stories. She enjoys time in the gym, where she’s having a mad affair with a pair of kettle bells. Her first love is writing, but she loves reading and watching birds. She adores anything that gets her outdoors.
K D’s novels and other works are published by Totally Bound, SourceBooks, Accent Press, Harper Collins Mischief Books, Mammoth, Cleis Press, Black Lace, and others. She also writes romance under the name Grace Marshall.


Friday, January 26, 2018

Book Tour for Thunder by Willow Summers (Review & GIVEAWAY)

Readers will find find a fun and flirty romance as opposites attract in a business deal that becomes very personal.  Keep reading to get a tempting taste of Thunder by Willow Summers, along with my impressions of it, then add it to your bookshelf while it’s free.  In honor of this first installment in the Big D Escort Service series make sure to fill out the form below for the chance to win a swag bag and a 32 GB iPad too!

Welcome to Big D Escort Service.
If you need a date, we’ve got you.
If you need wining and dining, we’ve got you.
If you need a night you’ll never forget— buckle-up buttercup, because that’s our specialty.
We’ll give you what you need, as hard as you need it.
All the girls call me Thunder.
As in, they need to feel the Thunder between their thighs.
I’m a legend. My waiting list is a mile long. The ladies crave me, and they’ll pay for the pleasure.
But though I hate to disappoint—everyone knows I leave my clients satisfied—it’s getting old. Money, sex, and rock ’n roll can get stale. Who knew?
I might just finish up, and pull out. I’ll take one more gig, rock her world, and see my way out.
I’ll show one last lucky lady why they call me Thunder.
* * *
That rotten, no good—
My ex-boyfriend of too many years just left me three weeks before the most important wedding of my life.
I wanted to make a statement at that wedding. I’ve changed. I’m no longer the loser who got dumped by the popular boy in high school. Now I’m a successful business woman with clear skin.
But how can I possibly make that sort of statement as a loner?
I can’t, that’s how.
So when my friend suggests hiring a date from the Big D!ck Escort Service, it was hard to laugh it off. And as the days ticked by, it was harder and harder to deny that I needed saving.
No sex, though. I’m not that kinda girl. I’ll just hire the guy for a date, and nothing else.
Just one date without any funny-business. That’s do-able, right?


“Obscene,” an older woman muttered as Colton led Madison out of the reception hall. She gave Madison a dirty look.
He’d lost control and made a show out of her. He’d intended to give her a light, teasing kiss, a way to show James that Madison was taken. But after a moment, her passion had consumed him, sweeping him up and making him deepen the kiss until they were making out at a wedding reception, hot and heavy. If he’d waited any longer before pulling away, he would’ve pushed his hand up her inner thigh and slipped his fingers under her panty line.
“We can leave if you want,” Madison said uneasily.
He stopped next to the bar, too rigid by half. He was there to make her shine, but he’d messed up, and now all the girls at that reception were probably gossiping about Madison. It would turn into slut shaming. Colton had seen a lot of that in this gig. An awful lot. He’d gotten good at skirting the line. Until now.
“Listen, Madison, I’m sorry about that.” He shook his head and made eye contact with the bartender. The bartender held up a finger. I’ll be right there.
“I’m the one who fell on you.” She laughed, still sounding uncomfortable.
“No, I mean, I shouldn’t have gotten carried away. It won’t happen again.”
“It’s fine. I think I’ve made a big enough show at this point. We can just go if you want to.” She picked at the bar, her face pointed downward.
“I made you look bad,” he said, needing her to know it wasn’t her fault. If the jealous women sneered, or made rude comments, it would hurt her. He should’ve kept his cool.
She shrugged. “I don’t think you’re remembering things right. I jumped in your lap, Colton.”
“Because I was overbearing. It wasn’t your fault.”
She sighed and looked down at the bar again. “I feel like we’re going in circles. Bottom line: if you don’t want to kiss me, fine. If you do, fine. If I dive headfirst into your lap because I don’t realize you’re backing off…my bad. If you dive in my lap, be a dear and give me an orgasm while you’re down there.”



It’s a combustible connection that forms between a former nerdy girl and a sexy escort when she hires him as her date in an attempt to show her former high school classmates how well she’s done for herself.  Through fun and flirty moments, heartfelt talks, and his heartwarming reaction in a time of need they discover there’s more to each other than their outer packages.  What starts out as business soon becomes all about pleasure in this scorching and entertaining romance that’s just begun.

Colton’s a man who‘s popular with the ladies for his suave demeanor and well-endowed physique which earned him the nickname “Thunder”.  At one time he loved his job as an escort, loved the attention of women, but it’s now become meaningless.  He’s tired of being seen as an object and bored with all the women who hire him as they don’t challenge him.  He’s looking for something meaningful, as he’s made more than enough money through being an escort, and decides that his latest job will be his last.  The moment he meets Madison it’s clear she’s exactly what he’s looking for and they’re soon ignoring all his usual rules as their one-night stand becomes something more permanent. When her past tries to ruin their future the strength of their relationship will be tested as will her place in the future he’s long been planning.  Colton’s extremely drool-worthy, both in words and deeds.  He’s super sexy too but tired of being judged by his looks and longs to find someone willing to look below the surface to treat him as an equal instead of an object.  He’s oh so charming, displayed both on the job and off, and in a scene concerning Madison’s friend Janie his actions were particularly heartwarming.  Colton wasn’t your typical escort as he’s slowly lost the excitement of a new woman every night and dreams of a HEA with kids and family which he sees Madison being a part of and doesn’t hesitate to tell her that.  As the story progressed he put his heart on the line to win her over with numerous words and deeds that put a smile on my face.

Madison had a tough time in high school, being a bit nerdy and awkward left her vulnerable to one of the popular boys who broke her heart and tore down what little self-esteem she had back then.  Looking to prove all those enemies from her past wrong, she sets out to hire the perfect guy to show how high she’s risen and ends up getting more than she ever expected.  Madison’s a likable heroine with feelings from the past she can’t seem to they too seem to still be talking about in moments of cattiness that felt a bit over melodramatic.  Madison’s quirky and very honest though in her words and deeds and her actions often made me smile.  She never put on a facade, even when reuniting with her past.  With her, what you see is what you get and it made me like her all the more.  She’s a bit isolated though, stuck in a job she dislikes, with only one real friend.  Being with Colton brings her out of her shell, introduces her to a sexy new group of friends who have her experiencing life to the fullest.  From the moment I met her I was rooting for her every step of the way as she and Colton were a very dynamic duo.

This was a quick read full of erotic interludes, heartwarming moments, and chuckle-worthy banter that had me fully invested from the first page to the last. Though the attraction between Colton and Madison was instantaneous it felt believable as they had the same quirkiness and doubts and seemed stronger in each other’s presence.  Their romance was smooth sailing, with no big misunderstandings getting in the way, but their story is far from over as I believe big changes are on the way and I look forward to where life takes them. Alongside this appealing main couple comes an equally entertaining cast of secondary characters.  There’s Madison’s friend Janie who’s snarky and oh so loyal, but who’s in an abusive relationship and struggling to make ends meet as an artist.  She’s a good friend full of spunkiness and it was heartbreaking to see her at her lowest here.  She’s tough though and being around Colton’s friends shows a woman quickly bouncing back to give as good as she gets.  The other escorts get moments of their own in the spotlight to leave readers wanting more.  They’re a tempting group, sexy and sweet, with backgrounds just hinted at that tempt me completely.  Dave’s funny and good at mocking but deep down he has a heart of gold.  The sparks between him and Janie are very clear and I’m greatly anticipating what comes next for the two of them.  Ethan and Noah are the romantic ones, willing to go out of their way to rescue damsels in distress and they too were champions of Janie is scenes that took on a familial and protective vibe.  Each of these escorts is just as appealing as the next in this decadently delightful series starter that will charm every reader and have them counting down the days until we see these sexy studs again.

My rating for this is an A-

*I got this book from the author for review in exchange for my honest opinion.


All the girls call me Blaze. I set panties on fire.
Just one smile and they are simmering for some of my heat. I light 'em up and make 'em scream.
I'm damn good at what I do.
With all the money pouring in, I'm going to ride this gig as long as possible.
But I've always got time to help out a friend.
So when my girl-bro Janie is in trouble with rent, I figure I'll do the right thing and move in with her. Why not? It saves me money.
The problem is, when she starts wandering around in her under-roos, something occurs to me that hasn't before: Not only is she awesomely sassy, she's a scorching hot little number.
Suddenly the move doesn't seem like such a great idea. Not if I want to keep my sanity while trying to keep my hands to myself
Dave is rolling in money. Why he wants to come slum it with me, I have no idea, but whatever. It saves me money. I'm not worried about it.
Besides, his unorthodox career choice tickles the part of me that gets turned on by the taboo. If I only had as much money as he did, I'd pay for a night with him. You know, just to say I'd done it.
There's another thing he fires up in me.
My desire to paint...him. Nude. And hard.
But he's off-limits. Hookers can't be in stable relationships. It would never work.
If only my muse, and my desire, would line up with my logic.





Willow Summers is a USA Today Bestselling author of comic, contemporary, erotic, and suspense romance. When she’s not writing, be wary, because she will probably try to pull you into some shenanigan or other, usually involving wine and heavy doses of chocolate. She lives just south of California wine country with her husband, two children, and out of work treadmill.
