Sunday, June 30, 2019

Book Spotlight on Wolf Instinct by Paige Tyler (GIVEAWAY)

Readers will find themselves drawn to this tale of a wolf shifter and his unexpected attraction to the strong-willed agent hoping he can help her find a killer while waging a war with her heart and destiny.  Keep reading to get a tempting taste of Wolf Instinct by Paige Tyler, then add it to your bookshelf.  In honor of this ninth installment in the SWAT series make sure to fill out the form below for the chance to win 1 of 5 copies of the previous book in this series too!

He’s a wolf shifter.
She hunts monsters.
How can she be The One for him?
SWAT werewolf Zane Kendrick will do whatever it takes to take down the man who attacked his pack. His search takes him to Los Angeles, but when he meets Alyssa, the smart, sexy agent who comes to his aid, he’s immediately interested in pursuing more than just the next lead. All his wolf instincts tell him that she’s The One.
FBI agent Alyssa Carson has investigated some weird stuff lately, and finding missing people drained of their blood definitely falls into that category. When following a clue leads her to Zane, she agrees to work with him and his team. She’s attracted to the gorgeous Brit, but she doesn’t have time for anything but finding answers.
When Zane and Alyssa discover the sinister truth, it’ll take everything they have to make it out of this mission with their lives—and hearts—intact.


“Are you?” he asked. “Happy being an FBI agent, I mean.”
“Yeah.” She smiled. “The pay isn’t the greatest and I practically live in hotels, but I love what I do.”
“That’s what’s important.” Zane leaned forward, resting his forearms on the table. “I am curious how you find time for anything resembling a social life since you’re never in one place very long.”
She snorted, remembering how Christine had ragged on her about this same subject. “Social life. What’s that? As far as I’m concerned, if the FBI wanted me to have a social life, they’d issue me one, like my sidearm and badge.”
Zane lifted a brow. “Are you saying that a woman as beautiful as you hasn’t gone on a date with anyone in a year and half?”
Coming from anyone but Zane, that question might have irritated her. But for whatever reason, it didn’t. She especially liked the compliment. “While I’m not going to come out and put an exact time frame on it, I’ll admit it’s been a while. But if we’re going to discuss our social lives, how about you? Don’t tell me a big, good-looking man like you isn’t involved with someone.”
Zane’s gaze turned molten in the sun coming through the window and she felt her stomach do that funny flutter thing that had only started happening after they’d met. “If I were involved with someone, do you think I would have kissed you like I did last night?”
“I don’t know,” she said. “Would you?”
He lifted his mug and took a long, slow sip of coffee. “No, I wouldn’t have. I’ve dated a few women since moving to Dallas. Probably more than a few, I guess. But it never felt right with any of them, and after a while, it didn’t seem worth the effort. Then I met you and everything felt different. That’s why I kissed you.”
She’d just been messing with him about kissing her if he was involved with someone. His response was a lot more real than she’d expected. The part about why he’d kissed her made her warm all over. But the stuff about him not connecting with anyone since leaving London hurt more than she would have thought possible.
“You broke up with your fiancée a long time ago,” she pointed out. “Are you saying that in all that time, you never met anyone you could see yourself falling for?”
He didn’t answer at first, pausing to slowly chew his Pop-Tart. When he did finally answer her question, he kept his gaze fixed on the mug in front of him. “This probably won’t make much sense, but for people like me, it can be difficult finding that perfect person we’re supposed to be with. Some might even say it’s impossible.” The words were so soft she had to lean forward to hear them. “When the woman I thought was the right one for me walked out, I didn’t think it could happen again. But since meeting you, I’ve started thinking maybe I gave up too soon.”
Alyssa didn’t know what to say. It wasn’t a declaration of love or anything, but still...Picking up her mug, she got up and poured herself more coffee. She held the pot up in Zane’s direction, but he shook his head. She didn’t necessarily want a refill, but it gave her a chance to think about everything he’d said. The guy had just unleashed a lot. It would take a while to absorb it all.
Like those three simple but significant words: people like me.Just that fast, the big, sexy Brit had confirmed he was different. Surprisingly, that acknowledgment didn’t bother her as much as she thought it might. While she’d discounted the possibility of him using some kind of spell on her, part of her wondered if Zane was putting out some kind of supernatural pheromone to attract his victims with and make them easier to subdue. But one look at him sitting at the table chewing thoughtfully on his frosted brown sugar Pop-Tart made her toss that ridiculous idea right out of her head. Zane didn’t need to put out any pheromones to lure her in. All he had to do was look at her.
She shook her head. One smile from him and she was ready to throw caution to the wind. Was she really that easy?
Alyssa walked back over to the table with her coffee, thinking about the other stuff Zane had said—especially the part where he’d confessed he’d given up on the idea of finding someone until meeting her. She’d never thought of herself as the kind of woman who cared about romantic drivel, but when Zane said those words, she had to admit there’d been some serious feels going on. Part of her wanted to wrap her arms around him and hug him. The other part wanted to throw him on the floor and bang him like a cheap screen door—but that part was only making noise because it had been so long since she’d gotten laid.
“So,” she said, ignoring her chair and instead sitting on the edge of the table right in front of Zane. “I’m guessing you think I might be this perfect someone you’d given up hope of ever finding? Do you mind if I ask what makes you think that?”
Zane pushed his chair back a bit to make room for her, his dark eyes meeting hers. “You’re not going to like this answer, but…it’s complicated.”
He was right. She didn’t like it. “You’re going to have to do better than that.”
“Let’s just say the first time I saw you at that club, taking down Stefan’s goon, I knew you were someone special. And even though I’m still not sure if I’m comfortable with the idea—actually, I’m downright terrified—I’m also sure you’re The One for me.”
That sounded so romance-bookish Alyssa almost laughed out loud. The serious expression on Zane’s face was the only thing that stopped her. It might be crazy as heck, but the big, sexy hunk seemed to genuinely believe it.
They sat there looking at each other, Alyssa cupping both hands around her mug, breathing in the warm coffee while Zane seemed to be holding his breath like he thought she might bolt for the door at any second. Which was crazy since this was her room.
“Okay,” she said, setting her mug on the table. “Assuming you’re right and I’m The One for you, what do we do now?”
Zane grinned. “Kissing would be nice, yes?”
His big hands were coming up to wrap around her hips, tugging her forward off the table and onto the chair with him until she was straddling his thighs. As sexy as that position might be, Alyssa couldn’t help laughing. “Seriously? That’s the movie line you’re going with to get into my panties?”
Zane buried his fingers in her hair, tugging her mouth closer to his. Just before their lips met, he flashed her that thousand-watt smile, which made her pulse skip a beat. “I don’t know,” he murmured, his coffee-scented breath warm on her skin. “Did it work?”
Alyssa hadn’t realized exactly what she’d said—about getting into her panties—until right then. But as she gazed down at Zane and his beautiful smile, she decided letting him have his way with her unmentionables sounded like a really good idea. After that, who knew what she might let him get into?
She didn’t bother to answer his question. Instead, she lowered her mouth to his and kissed him hard enough to pull a growl out of him. And what an interesting growl it was, rumbling up through his chest and straight into her open mouth, making little tingles and shivers dance all over her body.
Apparently, she was into guys who growled.



Paige Tyler is a New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of sexy, romantic fiction. Paige writes books about hunky alpha males and the kick-butt heroines they fall in love with. She lives with her very own military hero (a.k.a. her husband) and their adorable dog on the beautiful Florida coast. Visit her HERE.


Saturday, June 29, 2019

Book Spotlight on Cowboy in Wolf’s Clothing by Kait Ballenger (GIVEAWAY)

It’s an exhilarating thrill ride found amongst the pages of this paranormal romance that kept me on the edge of my seat.  Keep reading to get a tempting taste of Cowboy in Wolf’s Clothing by Kait Ballenger, then add it to your bookshelf.  In honor of this second installment in the Seven Range Shifters series make sure to fill out the form below for the chance to win one of five copies of the first book in this series too!

Born a cowboy and bred a warrior...
High Commander Colt Cavanaugh has spent his life defending his pack and its sprawling ranchlands. But the hardened Grey Wolf soldier has a dark secret that could destroy his life forever.
Belle Beaumont is a wanted woman, on the run from the wolf pack that kidnapped her. When fate brings her face-to-face with the Grey Wolf High Commander himself, rivalry becomes passion, and suddenly more than just her freedom is at stake.
Colt will fight to the death for the healing Belle brings to his battle-worn heart—and for this cowboy wolf, all's fair in love and war...


“Good,” he said. “That leaves us time to discuss another negotiation.”
She raised a brow, pushed herself to standing, and crossed the clearing to return the spare adhesive and gauze to his saddlebag. “And what would that be?”
As she faced toward him again, a wicked grin crossed his lips. “The night we’re going to spend together.”
“Excuse me?”
He’d surprised her when he’d let slip that he wanted to protect her. Help her. But…Belle couldn’t have heard him correctly, could she?
“I want to make it clear that our prior agreements still stand, and they have no relation to your decision. Regardless of my position, you have a choice, of course.”
Maybe she had heard him correctly. He couldn’t possibly be serious. She gaped at him. Yes, there was heat between them. Tension. She sensed it too. But she wasn’t about to admit that. Definitely not to him. She couldn’t risk another relationship with an alpha wolf—no matter how attractive and brave he might be, or how tempting the offer. No matter how much she wanted to see that softer side of him again.
No. She needed to nip this in the bud before it got out of hand.
She settled on being saucy. It worked with him, and that seemed to be the only way they could converse without her simultaneously wanting to pull her hair out and feeling weak in the knees whenever he looked at her. “Do you often try to piss off women who saved your life?”
“Only when I’ve already seen them naked.”
She knew he was teasing, but still she forced a snarl.
Those intense gray eyes locked on to her, causing her stomach to fill with traitorous butterflies. “Is that what I do you to, Belle? Piss you off?”
The question was so to-the-point that it caught her off guard. She wasn’t certain she could define how he made her feel. Yes, there was frustration, but there was also something…more. Something complicated.
At her lack of response, he smirked. “I didn’t think so.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
He shrugged. “Only that you wear your emotions on your sleeve. You can glare and pucker those full pink lips at me like you’ve tasted something sour all you want, Belle, but your eyes give you away.”
She raised a brow. “Oh really? And what do they say?”
His gaze locked with hers. “They say that our verbal sparring doesn’t really piss you off at all. In fact, I’d go so far as to say you not only like it, you crave it.”
She laughed. “That’s absurd. I barely know you.”
“You don’t need to know someone to be attracted to them.”
“Me? Attracted to you?” She crossed her arms over her chest. “Not a chance.”
“You enjoyed when I held you naked against me—in the clearing.” He said it with such utter confidence, as if he knew it without a doubt. “You can’t deny that.”
She could, and she would for that matter, even if it wasn’t true. “Don’t flatter yourself, Colt.”
He chuckled darkly, pushing from where he sat on the log to stand. At his full height, he was all the more intimidating, towering over her. “I don’t need flattery. Most women find me attractive. It’s a matter of fact. Some are better at hiding it than others.” Those steely eyes fell to her. “But you’re not one of those women, Belle. You can’t hide your emotions, even when you try.”
She was hiding more from him than he’d ever know. “I’m not like most women.”
“No, you’re not,” he agreed. Colt’s eyes narrowed, and he stepped closer to the fire, staring into its depths. The flames burned bright, casting a dim orange glow on his face and creating shadows that hollowed the sharp lines of his cheekbones. “Most women bat their eyelashes, smile, and giggle when they find a man attractive. You, on the other hand, do the opposite. You narrow those pretty hazel eyes, pucker that little mouth, and let that viper-tongued wit fly, but it’s a defense mechanism. I’m a commander, Belle.” His gaze flicked toward her. “I know a defense tactic when I see one.”
“You think you have me all figured out, don’t you?”
“No.” He chuckled. “I know a challenge when I see one, and you work hard to be a challenge, Belle. But if the look in your wolf eyes is any indication, you may be a challenge, but you’re not as difficult to solve as you think. Not for me.”
She scoffed at him. “You’re not my type at all.”
It wasn’t true. Not in the slightest. But she needed to try to keep him at arm’s length. Her experiences with Wyatt had taught her that. It didn’t matter that she wanted otherwise. Before Colt, Belle hadn’t been certain she had a type, but with each passing second, she became more certain that if there were a reference book of her life, under “Belle’s type” Colt Cavanaugh’s picture would be the definition. See synonyms for reference: worst fear, here-comes-trouble, and The Devil Wears a Cowboy Hat.
There was that wolfish grin again. He saw straight through her. “Could have fooled me.” He turned away from the fire and drew closer. “I saw your desire in the clearing, felt the way you melted into my arms.”
Her hands clenched into fists. She was quickly losing this battle. “I was faking it.”
He shook his head, that grin still curving his lips in the slightest tilt as he prowled toward her. “You’re lying.”
He stood in front of her now, less than a foot away. She retreated until her spine pushed flush against one of the mighty pines behind her. The width and breadth of his shoulders dwarfed her, but still she fought to regain control. This was no more than one of his power plays.
“Then prove it.” The words slipped from her lips before she could stop them.
Those metal-gray eyes burned a molten liquid steel. “There are two things you need to know about me, Belle. The first is that I hate to be defied. As a commander, I’m more than used to getting my way. In fact, I damn well expect it. The second is that I never back down from a challenge”—his next words were a near growl—“because I always win.”
Her eyes narrowed. “Do your worst, Commander.”



Kait Ballenger earned her B.A in English from Stetson University followed by an M.F.A in Writing from Spalding University. After stints in multiple careers, Kait finally decided that her eight-year-old self knew best: that she was meant to be a writer. Kait lives in Florida with her husband and young son. Follow her HERE.


Friday, June 28, 2019

Book Tour for Frat House Confessions: Ridge by Bethany Lopez (Review & GIVEAWAY)

A plan for revenge brings together two immensely likable people in a fake relationship that turns surprisingly romantic in this New Adult tale full of fun and flirty exchanges.  Keep reading to get a tempting taste of Frat House Confessions: Ridge by Bethany Lopez, along with my impressions of this contemporary romance, then add it to your bookshelf.  In honor of this first installment in the Frat House Confessions series make sure to fill out the form below for the chance to win a prize pack containing a signed print copy of this book too!

She has a broken heart and revenge on her mind...
Last year Karrie was riding high. She had a boyfriend she loved, a softball scholarship, and the best roommate a girl could have.
When it turned out her man was a lying, cheating ballsack, she may have gone off the rails a bit.
Now, it's a new year and Karrie's ready to build herself back up and move on to bigger and better things.
Still, a little revenge would go a long way in helping the healing process.
He's got a plan for revenge that will suit them both...
Ridge is used to being the BMOC. Sergeant of Arms of his frat and the ability to land any chick within snapping distance has made life pretty easy for him.
His home life is another story. He and his brothers are in the middle of a battle between his socialite mother and asshole father.
Ridge is looking for a stand-in to placate his mother and her matchmaking ways, and he has a feeling he's just met the girl he can perfectly mold.
This makeover has nothing to do with love and everything to do with Karrie and Ridge using each other to get what they want. What starts as a ruse soon becomes an attraction they cannot deny.
When it's all said and done, they'll both have more to confess than a need for revenge.


I was sitting there, chuckling and shaking my head, when I felt someone come up next to me and pat me on the arm.
I looked up and to my right to see Caitlyn, one of the Delta groupies, standing there with an armful of clothes and a smile.
Hey, Ridge, hows it going?” she asked.
My eyes flitted to the closed dressing room door, before coming back to rest on Caitlyn. Wed hooked up a couple times, but when shed tried to move us toward a relationship, Id quickly put a stop to it.
Not only did I not do relationships, but Caitlyn was almost as entitled as I was, and I needed someone who was a little more grounded. Whod put me in my place and not let me walk all over them. Someone whod call me on my shit and not get offended when I called them on theirs.
A mental picture of Karrie popped in my head, but I ignored it. Karrie and I would never work. First of all, she was hung up on her asshole ex, and second of all, she was simply a means to an end.
Not at all girlfriend material.
Guilt slammed through me at that stray thought, but I ignored it and answered the girl hovering over me.
Cant complain,” I answered, intentionally not continuing the conversation in hopes that shed get the hint and leave me alone.
I looked back down at my phone.
I heard Deltas planning a rager for after Homecoming … something about making over girls into the perfect Delta groupies. Crush should have asked me to come be an example, not Bella. Ive been hanging with Deltas for the last four years,” she continued with a pout.
I sighed and brought my gaze back up to her face.
It was Crushs deal, Caitlyn, Im not involved in his shit.”
She smirked and replied, Thats not what I heard. Word on the street is you picked a girl for a makeover, too. Drakes girl.”
Word on the street?” I scoffed, standing up and stretching, and shooting her a bored expression. Your source is wrong. Karrie is more to me than a game Crush is playing with the rushes. And, shes not Drakes girl … Shes mine.”
Just then, the changing room door swung open, and Karrie walked out wearing a tight-fitting tube dress that showed off her curves, leaving little to the imagination. By the sweet grin on her face, and the way she crossed to me and put her arm around my waist, tucking into my side, I knew shed heard everything Caitlyn and I had said.
Hey, babe,” she cooed, pulling me tight. I hope Im not taking too long.”
I looked down at her upturned face and felt my heart accelerate.
Youre worth the wait,” I said softly, my eyes falling to her lips as I remembered our kiss.
Aww, youre so sweet,” Karrie said, turning her attention to Caitlyn and repeating, Isnt he so sweet?”
The sweetest,” Caitlyn replied, her tone implying I was anything but.
And you are?” Karrie asked, one hand resting on my abs, causing me to flex.
Hi, Caitlyn, Im Karrie, Ridges girlfriend.”
I would have laughed at the shocked look on Caitlyns face, but I was too busy enjoying the feel of Karries hand on me. I found myself wishing there was no barrier between that hand and my bare skin.
Caitlyn recovered and let out a disbelieving laugh.
Ridge doesnt date,” she said, like she knew the first fucking thing about me.
Well, thats obviously not true.”
Caitlyn looked to me, as if expecting me to prove her right and call Karrie a liar.
Instead I wrapped my arms around her and kissed the top of her head.
I never saw a reason to date, then I met Karrie.”
Caitlyns eyes narrowed, and I knew she was pissed, like Id just said she wasnt good enough for me.
Which, honestly, was true.




At the end of a rough week for me personally I was lucky to have this gem of a romance land in my lap and I was instantly captivated by the immensely appealing characters and the slow-burn romance of the main couple.  Revenge may be the reason these two got together at first but it’s a deeper connection that forms that has love flourishing in a romance that put a smile on my face.  From the first page to the last readers will find themselves equally enthralled by the fake relationship that becomes oh so real by the turn of the final page.

A year ago Karrie was on Cloud 9 with a softball scholarship and a boyfriend she truly loved.  When he dumped her with no reason she was left angry with her self-esteem bruised.  She withdrew and spent time licking her wounds, but discovering he was even more faithless than she originally thought has her wanting to exact deeper revenge.  To help her do that she agrees to a fake relationship revolving around a Pledge Event put on by the Delta Frat with sexy, rich boy Ridge.  It’s a relationship that takes a sensual turn in a carefree journey full of warm and fuzzy feelings.  Through it all Karrie’s a very likable heroine, someone easy to relate to as she’s a straight shooter who doesn’t sugarcoat the truth.  She was hurt by her ex, lost her way for a bit, but is clearly ready to put herself out there again and I enjoyed her strong will and slight snark that made her and Ridge a formidable pair.  As friends, she and Ridge are fun and flirty with interactions that jumped off the page.  The more time they spend together the more solid they look as a couple and the more I was rooting for them as they made each other better.

When readers first meet Ridge they may assume he’s your typical arrogant frat boy...yet that couldn’t be further from the truth.  Ridge is a truly good guy, likable, with a strong sense of protectiveness towards his brothers...and towards Karrie the closer they get.  His less-than-perfect past, a past with an overbearing mother more concerned with appearances and an abusive chronic-adulterer father, has nurtured that protective side and the glimpses we see of it here endeared him to me.  His main concern is for his brothers, and with the youngest starting college next year he doesn’t have to deal with his parents much longer.  One of the few remaining events is the upcoming Thanksgiving holiday that has his mother matchmaking and him coming up with a plan to keep her out of his life.  His plan is to bring a fake girlfriend home...and meeting Karrie at his frat’s party has her the perfect partner in crime as they’ll be helping each other get exactly what they want.  He needs a fake girlfriend, and a way to overthrow his frat’s president, while she wants to make her ex jealous and show how far she’s moved on.  From the moment he sees Karrie there’s clearly a connection, no subterfuge between them as they’re both very honest with each other as they grow from friends to something deeper.  Throughout their journey Ridge is a delightful hero with unexpected layers beyond his rich boy facade.  He may be clueless a time or two but on a whole I found him to be a hero with a big heart and caring soul and I loved how perfect he was with Karrie, showing her her true worth while she showed him that there was more to him than his money and his looks.

With each turn of the page I found a little bit more to love.  From the crackling banter, exhilarating interactions, to the carefree flow of the story, the main couple’s journey of friends to true partners is one that kept me utterly entertained.  Ridge and Karrie are an unforgettable pairing, each giving as good as they get, supporting each other no matter what in a romance full of heart and soul.  Surrounding this likable main couple was an equally appealing cast of secondary characters that have me excited for the future.  Ridge’s brothers Wes and Brody had a difficult upbringing too and it’s clear that they have bruises still lingering and I wanted to hug all three for everything they’ve survived.  Ridge is a good brother to them and it spoke volumes to me just how protective he is of them and it made him an even stronger hero.  I was also drawn to the three sisters Ridge has discovered as his father’s infidelities become even more known.  The sisters are equally likable and just as strong-willed as seen in the series of books already written about them and the glimpses readers get of them here.  One last character that I found delightful was Karrie’s roommate Mina, a sassy heroine who tells it like it is and who’s a good cheerleader for Karrie’s fake relationship.  I hope to see more of her as the sizzling interaction between her and Trap is more than obvious.  Readers looking for a sensual and charming New Adult romance will get all that and more courtesy of this unforgettable main couple and their slow-burn journey to HEA.

My rating for this is an A-

*I got this book from the author for review in exchange for my honest opinion.


Bethany Lopez is a USA Today Bestselling author of more than thirty books and has been published since 2011. She's a lover of all things romance, which she incorporates into the books she writes, no matter the genre.
When she isn't reading or writing, she loves spending time with family and traveling whenever possible.
Bethany can usually be found with a cup of coffee or glass of wine at hand, and will never turn down a cupcake!


Thursday, June 27, 2019

Book Tour for A Cowboy’s Salvation by Megan Ryder (GIVEAWAY)

Second chances abound in this western contemporary romance that brings together two people with painful pasts regarding what makes a family.  Keep reading to get a tempting taste of A Cowboy’s Salvation by Megan Ryder, then add it to your bookshelf.  In honor of this first installment in the Redemption Ranch series make sure to fill out the form below for the chance to win 2-$10 Amazon GCs too!

He wanted to be left in peace...
West Morgan knows all about second chances. After bouncing from foster home to foster home, he finally landed at the Rawlings Ranch as a teenager. There he found a home, something he’d never thought possible. Now an adult, he realizes he’s been given much more: a family and, most importantly, peace. But when his mentor dies and leaves the property divided among his foster brothers and his mentor’s daughter, Tara Rawlings, the fragile future he’s built for himself is threatened.
She wanted to be free of her past...
Tara Rawlings swore she’d never end up with someone like her father, a man completely focused on the ranch to the exclusion of his loved ones. She created a new life for herself in San Francisco, running an interior design company and getting married, then divorced. When she returns to settle her father’s estate, she finds that her birthright is in jeopardy. And the only way to save it is to work with West Morgan, the one man she has always resented—and always found irresistible.
Can they save the ranch without killing each other … or falling in love?


West had Tara right where he wanted, pressed up against him for a slow dance playing on the jukebox. Probably the last one before the band started playing for the night, unless his other brother decided to sing. Ty was partial to ballads. He said the girls loved sad love songs and the soulful men who sang them.
West pulled her close and she relaxed against his body, her hands winding around his neck to tangle loosely in the strands of hair there. She leaned into him, her lower body rubbing up against his, igniting the embers to a fire that never seemed to go out around her. His blood pounded in his veins, a slow molten burn that spread throughout his body and settled low in his groin. He settled his chin on her head and breathed in the fresh citrus scent of her hair and peace settled over him, a peace he had experienced in only one other place.
"You need a haircut, cowboy," she murmured against his chest.
He let his hands drift lower down her back, just above the curve of her ass, to pull her even closer. "I've been busy.”
She ran her fingernails along his scalp, a gentle bite that sent a tingle through his nerves. "Don't cut it on my account. I like you a little bit messy. You don't seem so perfect this way.”
He grinned and plunged his fingers into her blonde waves, artfully arranged, messing up the long strands until she looked less sculpted. "Then you won't mind if I return the favor. Now you look like we just had some fun in the barn.”
She closed her mouth and swallowed, watching him warily. He spread her hair over her shoulders, watching the lower strands brushing the tops of her breasts. Her tongue swiped out and licked her lips and he groaned, dying to take her lips in a kiss, but not here, not in front of everyone.
"You're killing me." He pulled her close again and closed his eyes, thinking about cows, manure, anything but the sweet smelling, sexy lady he had pressed up against him, swaying so gently in all the right places. Even thinking of Douglas didn't douse the slow fire burning in his veins. She rotated her hips, grazing his groin in a move that was too targeted to be an accident. He stilled her hips and she chuckled, the sound vibrating against his chest.
He playfully slapped her ass. "Bad girl. Settle down or I'll have to treat you like Black Jack.”
She lifted her head and smirked at him. "Is that a threat or promise?”
Before he could answer, the music stopped, and she started to step away, but he tugged her back. He bent down and whispered, "You just wait until we get home, lady. We'll see if that was a threat or promise.”
She shivered but the secret smile remained on her face.




Ever since Megan Ryder discovered Jude Deveraux and Judith McNaught while sneaking around the “forbidden” romance section of the library one day after school, she has been voraciously devouring romance novels of all types. Now a romance author in her own right, Megan pens sexy contemporary novels all about family and hot lovin’ with the boy next door. She lives in Connecticut, spending her days as a technical writer and her spare time divided between her addiction to knitting and reading.


Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Book Tour for Justified by Jay Crownover

Sparks fly in this small town romance of former enemies who find a connection when a lawyer’s life is threatened and the town’s sheriff comes to her rescue just as danger creeps ever closer.  Keep reading to get a tempting taste of Justified by Jay Crownover, then add this first installment in the Loveless, Texas series to your bookshelf too!

Case Lawton comes from a family of criminals. So as the sheriff of Loveless, Texas, he's determined to do everything by the book--until he's called to Aspen Barlow's office after a so-called break-in. The last thing he wants to do is help the woman who cost him custody of his son. But Aspen isn't the heartless lawyer Case remembers, and he starts to question his long-held grudge...
Aspen is scared for her life, and Case is her last hope for protection. But to get him on her side, she'll have to reveal the painful truth from all those years ago. Now, as they work together to track down a dangerous criminal, Case and Aspen learn to trust each other. And as the threats escalate, it becomes clear there's a thin line between love and hate... because there's nothing Case wouldn't do to keep her safe.


This is a terrible idea. I cant stay here.” I wished there was more force behind my voice, more sound, but all I could get out was a squeak of protest.
Between arguing with David, answering a million questions about the shooting, and even more from the hospital staff to determine whether my head had been damaged further, what little voice I had was shot. It had been a long, arduous morning. The shock from being shot at was still buzzing underneath my skin, but it was now secondary to the utter disbelief that the place Case believed I would be safest was under his roof.
When he told me he was placing me in protective police custody and taking me to a safe house, never in a million years would I have guessed he meant his house. I was wondering if maybe he was the one who hurt his head when he took me to the ground.
What about Hayes? Someone shot at me today. You took a bullet for me this morning. You cant put your son in the line of fire. I wont allow it.” All of the things I wanted to do to emphasize my point, I couldn’t. There was no crossing my arms over my chest thanks to my jacked-up elbow. There was no stomping my foot in aggravation thanks to the soft splint holding my ankle in one position. There would be no yelling, since my voice could barely be heard, so all I was left with was a glare. Unfortunately, Case ignored my dirty look and continued to usher me inside the house.
His morning had been even longer than mine, and he looked as haggard as I felt. After making sure I was secured inside the hospital with an armed guard, hed had to deal with the crime scene and the slew of reporters who showed up on the scene. Since a shooting in a high traffic and very public place like the hospital was bound to make national news, Case mentioned it was more than likely the Texas Rangers were going to get called in to help investigate. He didnt sound thrilled at the prospect, he also didnt seem too concerned by the fact he was shot. He still had a red stain and a hole in his tan uniform shirt from where the bullet, which was meant for me, skimmed his shoulder. The wound required ten stitches and now was dressed in a stark white bandage much like the one wrapped around my injured hand. We were quite a pair.




Jay Crownover is the international and multiple New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of the Marked Men Series, The Saints of Denver Series, The Point Series, Breaking Point Series, and the Getaway Series. Her books can be found translated in many different languages all around the world. She is a tattooed, crazy haired Colorado native who lives at the base of the Rockies with her awesome dogs. This is where she can frequently be found enjoying a cold beer and Taco Tuesdays. Jay is a self-declared music snob and outspoken book lover who is always looking for her next adventure, between the pages and on the road.

Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Book Release Blitz for The Unforgettable Kind By Melanie Munton (Review & GIVEAWAY)

Friends become lovers in this hard-fought journey to HEA that starts in high school before entering the adult world where love and careers balance.  Keep reading to get a tempting taste of The Unforgettable Kind By Melanie Munton, along with my impressions of it, then add it to your bookshelf.  In honor of this entertaining contemporary romance, US/CA readers need to make sure to fill out the form below for the chance to win a $25 Amazon GC too!

A best friends to enemies to lovers romance.
As the first female lead sportscaster with FNN (Football News Network), I’ve had to be tough and unflappable for years. No matter how far we women have come, football is still a man’s world. Which is why I’ve strutted my stilettos and lipstick on every field and around every TV studio I’ve ever worked, making sure everyone remembers just how much of a woman I am. I let no man get under my skin.
Especially not Kade Jennings.
We have a history, Kade and I. It goes all the way back to high school and spans our college years. We used to be best friends. But we haven’t spoken in years, not since he left without a word and I made it clear that I never wanted to speak to him again. Now all of a sudden he’s FNN’s newest analyst?
He thinks I’ll break. With every wink he flashes me off-camera and every grope he sneaks under the table, he assumes I’ll shed my badass shell and fall into his arms like old times.
Well, screw him, his charismatic smile, and his giant di—er—ego.
I am where I am today because I’ve never let any man stand in my way.
If Kade even tries, I’ll bring him to his knees.
Fate can be a real bitch.
One minute you think you’re going to get the girl, and the next minute she’s slipping away.
It’s a complicated thing, to be in love with your best friend. That friend zone is a tricky place to be, not that I ever entered into it willingly. At least, not with Sam. Fate just seemed to place me there, despite the fight I put up.
Well, fate can go screw herself.
Sam Lawrence was always meant to be mine.
And it’s finally time that I prove it to her.

Once we’re seated inside, the car rolls forward, the driver already aware of where we’re heading.
“Pretty sure of yourself, aren’t you? That you could show up at my front door in a tux, with a limo waiting, and I’d automatically agree to go with you?”
“No, but you can’t say I’m not a risk taker.”
“You forgot a red rose to complete the cliché.” She’s talking more to the window than to me, refusing to make eye contact.
“Why would I get you a rose when your favorite flower is a lily?”
Her head snaps around, her lips parting.
I grunt, somewhat annoyed. “Really, Sam? You think after all the years I’ve known you I would forget your favorite flower? Am I that big of an asshole?”
“No,” she says quietly. “I just didn’t think you’d remember.”
Her forehead creases in thought. If I didn’t know better, I’d say she’s conflicted. Who knows what her brain is saying about me. Hell, I’d probably rather not know. So, I break the monotony.
“You have to admit, though. Getting to stare at this all night,” I wave down at myself, “is certainly better than going stag.”
Instead of rolling her eyes or making a snide comment like I expect her to, her eyes rake over me from head to toe, narrowing with her inspection. “It’s not your football uniform, but I suppose it’ll do.”
The fuck?
Sexual innuendo from Sam? I have to admit that’s the last thing I expected from her tonight. Slamming her door in my face? Sure. Stomping on my foot with her heel? I wouldn’t be surprised. But looking at me with unabashed lust shining in her green eyes? That didn’t even occur to me. Regardless of the fact that we kissed the other night.
Her comment reminds me of our night together in college when my football jersey was the only thing she was wearing at one point, thus fulfilling one of my longtime Sam fantasies. My dick stiffens into a steel rod at the memory.
Would you look at that? The football jersey still does the trick.
And I’m going to take advantage of this unexpected opportunity.
“I still have my uniform, you know,” I rasp, my gaze locked on hers. “And I’m sure I can rouse up some pads and pants if that’s what you’re in the mood for.”
She licks her plump lips. No doubt they’d taste like cherries if I were to kiss her, just like they had the other night. I can still recall what that mouth felt like years ago when it was wrapped around my—
For shit’s sake, Jennings. Get ahold of yourself.
“I’m not quite sure what I’m in the mood for,” she whispers. “Yet.”




Friends to lovers is a favorite theme of mine and is on sweet and sexy display in this tale told in dual POVs as readers get to see a delightful couple’s evolution from their first meeting in high school to their implosion in college and reunion later on.  Along the way a memorable connection is formed and is then put through the wringer just as HEA seems within reach.  Years apart doesn’t diminish their crackling connection though which makes for a sizzling reunion with answers and what-ifs just waiting to be discovered.  Through each up and down I found this to be a romance full of heart and soul, one that’s easy to relate to, with just a few frustrations along the way.

Samantha Lawrence isn’t your typical high school cheerleader as she never remembers the cheers and would rather recite football facts than embrace her girly side.  This is just one of the things that has her sticking out in more ways than one though as she’s also the daughter of the former football coach who cheated on her mom and left her reeling from the town’s shame.  Her vast football knowledge also sets her apart and has her dreaming of a future far from home on tv sport’s shows.  Being the girlfriend of the town’s golden boy is the one thing she’s done that keeps her in the popular crowd but it’s starting to feel stifling, starting to make her want something more.  Her first meeting with new boy in town Kade is that something more as he arouses all sorts of fire within her.  Considering her past though she’s not a cheater so it’s years before they act on the feelings brewing beneath the surface in a romance that barely begins before a poor decision pulls them apart.  Now at the top of her field her past comes back to claim her in interactions that have Kade working hard to make amends.  While chasing after a story he’ll be chasing after her, protecting her every step of the way, before he ultimately works his way back into her heart.  From the very first Sam’s an appealing heroine, one who’s strong-willed and embraces her love of sports.  I liked her outspoken nature too and her casual looks that showed someone more concerned with substance than style.  When it comes to matters of the heart though it’s clear that Sam’s just going through the motions with her high school boyfriend.  Her father’s infidelity has her keeping her heart guarded, waiting for the other to leave her first in a rather bland relationship that I really wanted to see end.  The only time fireworks flew was in her interactions with Kade and from that moment on the sexual tension was unrelenting in a journey that had me rooting for them to finally give in to each other.  It’s ultimately a frustrating journey with a few bumps along the way, bits of anger, that still had her standing strong while finally getting her richly rewarding HEA.  Throughout that journey she continued to impress as a woman who embraced her sport’s side along with her feminine side that made for an interesting dichotomy.

Kade Jennings was just starting to make his mark in high school football when his mother’s infidelities led to he and his father moving to a small town to start over.  He at first thinks it will be the death of him and his future football playing but the moment he meets Sam he feels invigorated and their relationship changes his life irrevocably.  He knows immediately that she’s the one, despite her being with someone else, and he’ll flirt with her endlessly to show her how much he cares until the day she dumps her boyfriend.  Until that day though theirs is a crackling connection teeming with sensuality that has them pushing each other to be better.  Their interactions drew me to them and though I was immensely frustrated by the wait until they culminated their coupling, I found it well worth it despite all the fallout courtesy of Kade’s poor decision.  With years apart, years that took him in lonely directions, he’s now back to win over the only woman to ever really matter to him in a tale that was sweet and sexy.  Kade’s a delicious hero, one who charmed his way into my heart through his subtle and occasionally overt attraction to Sam.  He’s not too arrogant, just self-assured enough, to admit he’s wrong and his protectiveness of Sam while she followed her sportscaster’s instincts endeared him to me and added to the satisfying conclusion.

On a whole this was an entertaining romance with a likable main couple whose connection sizzled.  They were fun and flirty as friends, with interactions teeming with sexual tension before college life led to a more mature pairing that resulted in emotional ups and downs that tore them apart before Kade returned to put them back together.  Theirs is a slow-burn romance that takes ample time to evolve, almost too much at times, and though I liked the strong foundation between them I had hoped for a bit more sizzle early on.  I enjoyed these two as teens and rooted for them from that moment on in a journey that pulls at the heartstrings.  Surrounding this appealing main couple is an equally appealing cast of secondary characters.  From Sam’s brother and her girlfriends to the other sportscasters they’re an eclectic group that we’re entertaining on their own, and in a few surprising pairings, that were a good support to the couple.  With other romances just hinted at here Ms. Munton has me looking towards the future to see where she takes us next.

My rating for this is a B+

*I got this book from the author for review in exchange for my honest opinion.


Melanie grew up in a small town in rural Missouri. After marrying her husband, she decided she wanted to try coastal life because why not? A few months later, they moved to North Carolina where she discovered her passion for writing, and they never looked back. They are now enjoying life with their beautiful daughter in Savannah, GA and loving every minute with their little Georgia peach.
Melanie’s other passion is traveling and seeing the world. With anthropology degrees under their belts, she and her husband have made it their goal in life to see as many archaeological sites around the world as possible.
She has a horrible food addiction to pasta and candy (not together…ew). And she gets sad when her wine rack is empty.
At the end of the day, she is a true romantic at heart. She loves writing the cheesy and corny of romantic comedies, and the sassy and sexy of suspense. She aims to make her readers swoon, laugh out loud, maybe sweat a little, and above all, fall in love
