Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Book Tour for Pure Healing by Aja James (Review & GIVEAWAY)

Fans of paranormal romances will find themselves drawn to this multi-layered, erotically-charged tale set in the vampiric world.  Keep reading to get a tempting taste of Pure Healing by Aja James, along with my impressions of it, then learn even more about this book by visiting the other sites hosting this tour.  In honor of this first installment in the Pure/Dark Ones series make sure to fill out the form below for the chance to win a $10 bookstore GC too!

Enter the world of Pure Ones, a race of immortal, supernaturally powerful beings who protect humankind, where sexual intercourse with anyone other than one’s Eternal Mate leads to a slow, painful death within thirty days.
The Healer of the race, Rain, is the only exception to this rule. To harness and accumulate enough energy to heal severe wounds, especially as the war between her people and the vampire hordes accelerates, she must take a Consort once every ten years and draw strength from his blood and body. But as the war wears on, few Pure-males who are strong enough to serve as her Consort remain. Valerius, Protector of the race, is the strongest candidate.
Despite their instant attraction ten years ago when they first met, Valerius has staunchly avoided applying to be the Healer’s Consort. The brutality and violence he suffered as a Roman sex slave in his human life ate away at his soul, leaving a dark abyss of torment and self-doubt.
Now, as Rain’s strength drains with every healing act, Valerius cannot escape the fact that he may be the only one who can save her, and in so doing, afford his people greater hope for the future as battles intensify.
Will Rain and Valerius find their way to each other as the struggles between good and evil evolve?


Rain bid farewell for the day to the third qualified Pure-male and watched him slowly and painstakingly make his way beyond the threshold of the Rite Enclosure.
She closed her eyes and released a pent up breath.  It had been a long second day in the three-day Rite of the Phoenix, a day she looked forward to only slightly less than the third and final day.  Today, she had pushed the males almost beyond their endurance.  She was surprised they hadn’t decided to withdraw their application.
The Phoenix Cycle would be much worse.
As she prepared to leave the chamber, Wan’er came forth with a nonplussed expression.
My lady,” her handmaiden said haltingly, “it appears you have one final applicant.”
What?” Rain responded reflexively.  She heard her handmaiden perfectly well, but the words didn’t make a lick of sense.
Wan’er shifted a bit nervously, as if indecisive about how to break some bad news.  “Your final applicant is waiting in the antechamber.”
She bit her lower lip and blurted, “It is my lord Valerius.”
Rain’s eyebrows shot up in shock.  Surely she had not heard correctly.
Shall I show him in and prepare him for the test?” Wan’er asked tentatively, uncertain of her lady’s mood.
Without answering her handmaiden, Rain marched angrily to the antechamber and threw apart the double doors.
Just what do you think you’re doing?” she demanded of the warrior leaning against the back wall.  She braced herself against the welcome sight of him in full health.  She’d been on tender hooks all the previous day, wondering whether she’d been able to heal him completely, whether she should have checked on him.  She could barely concentrate on the first day’s tests, she’d been so distracted.  But now that he appeared fully recovered, her anger overrode all concern.
He straightened from the wall and stood tall and alert before her.  “Applying to Serve you, Healer.”



Into the crowded paranormal genre comes this intricately woven series starter full of suspense, intense emotions, heartbreaking choices, and romances that pull at your heartstrings.  It’s a tale full of interconnected storylines that sometimes overwhelmed but always entertained in a book that left me satisfied and ready for more.

Love in the world of the Pure Ones is complicated as they’re sworn to remain celibate until finding their true mate with death the result for giving into temptation with the wrong person.  The one individual who doesn’t have to abide by the rules is Rain, the Healer of their people, as every ten years she must choose a Consort to replenish her powers.  For thirty days she joins with her Consort in numerous scorching encounters but never forms an emotional connection...until the day she meets the Protector, Valerius.  She longs for him like no other but his past has left him bruised and unable to connect with her as much as she longs for him to do.  As attraction causes chaos in their personal lives an outside force is waging war and leaving behind decimation as death heartbreakingly takes away characters we immediately came to care for while leaving other characters hanging in the balance.

This is a story with intricate worldbuilding, taking us into the past while immersing us in the here and now of these compelling characters in a society that’s existed for thousands of years.  The Pure Ones are an intriguing society whose powers were given to them upon death in order to give them their deepest desires and it gives deep insight into who they are.  They’re strong-willed and protective of each other as well as their Queen and it gives an unexpectedly heartwarming familial vibe to the story.  Many storylines are being juggled from the first page to the last, many characters introduced that sometimes becomes too much, but overall it’s a story that packs a powerful punch.  The romance between Rain and Valerius is a heartbreaking one, erotically-charged too in an unrequited love that put me through the wringer alongside them.  Valerius especially brought tears to my eyes for all the degradations he endured before his death and the bruises it’s left him with that are keeping him from his HEA. Rain’s caring and full of strength that belies her childlike stature and she’s just the person to heal him if they’re just willing to put their hearts on the line. Along with this epic and emotionally intense romance comes a battle just beginning to be waged.  It’s a battle full of manipulations being directed by a mysterious and truly disturbing villain. There’s a foreboding feeling permeating the story where not everyone is to be trusted, nor is everyone safe as casualties soon had me reaching for the tissues. Though some will compare this to Ward’s Black Dagger Brotherhood, that would be a mistake as there’s much to set this apart from the other books in the genre.  It’s an unforgettable tale that kept me on the edge of my seat, with plenty of storylines just beginning, and counting down the days until the next installment hits bookshelves!

My rating for this is an A-

*I got this book from the author for review in exchange for my honest opinion.


Aja has been writing stories since the age of six, and novels since the age of thirteen. While she'd be the first to admit that those early efforts weren't particularly good, she sure loved putting them down on paper!
The best part of writing, according to Aja, is that it’s completely organic, the way the stories develop. When the inspiration hits, she writes just so she herself can learn where the characters are headed because oftentimes, they take her by surprise! It is her ultimate dream to share her stories with as many readers as she possibly can.
Her other loves include art, cooking, old movies (anything with Audrey Hepburn, Marilyn Monroe, Robert Redford, Vivien Leigh, Elizabeth Taylor, Paul Newman, Clark Gable, and all the song and dance numbers because she can’t watch them and not be happy!)

She adores taking long walks with her husband and running after her two rambunctious kids. She has traveled extensively (all seven continents except Antarctica) and has a multi-cultural upbringing. She speaks two and a half languages and binge watch TV shows when the mood strikes.
Aja has a Bachelor’s of Arts in Comparative Literature and Economics and two Master’s degrees, one of which is in East Asian Studies.


Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Book Series Introduction for Arizona Vengeance by Sawyer Bennett

The talented Ms. Bennett is taking readers to the ice with her upcoming hockey series, so be there when the puck drops...

Join New York Times Bestselling Author Sawyer Bennett this fall when the Arizona Vengeance take center ice for the first time! An all-new franchise, these players are heating up the ice and taking the hockey world by storm.
The Arizona Vengeance series launches with the introduction of Bishop, who is about to find himself in a compromising position…with the coach’s daughter. She’s got a plan to keep him from losing his place on the team, but it may land him by her side at the altar, the last place he’s looking to be.
See if BISHOP is able to stay out of the penalty box with his coach on August 14, 2018!
Turn up the heat with the Arizona Vengeance! Be ready for as much hockey action on the ice as off, and look for bigger drama, hotter action, and more alpha alphas. Because one thing is certain—the Arizona Vengeance go big or go home, and nobody is looking to go home alone.

Pre-Order Bishop, then start counting down the days until it releases on August 14th!

Pre-Order Erik, then start counting down the days until it releases on November 6th!

Book Spotlight on Hello Stranger by Lisa Kleypas

With her latest release, Ms. Kleypas has crafted an unforgettable heroine who’s ahead of her time who gets involved with a mysterious man whose life is teeming with secrets and lies.  Keep reading to get a tempting taste of the historical romance Hello Stranger by Lisa Kleypas, then add this compelling fourth installment in the Ravenels series to your bookshelf!

New York Times bestselling author Lisa Kleypas delivers a scintillating tale of an unconventional beauty who finds passion with the spy who can’t resist her.
A woman who defies her time
Dr. Garrett Gibson, the only female physician in England, is as daring and independent as any man—why not take her pleasures like one? Yet she has never been tempted to embark on an affair, until now. Ethan Ransom, a former detective for Scotland Yard, is as gallant as he is secretive, a rumored assassin whose true loyalties are a mystery. For one exhilarating night, they give in to their potent attraction before becoming strangers again.
A man who breaks every rule
As a Ravenel by-blow spurned by his father, Ethan has little interest in polite society, yet he is captivated by the bold and beautiful Garrett. Despite their vow to resist each other after that sublime night, she is soon drawn into his most dangerous assignment yet. When the mission goes wrong, it will take all of Garrett’s skill and courage to save him. As they face the menace of a treacherous government plot, Ethan is willing to take any risk for the love of the most extraordinary woman he’s ever known.


He heard her muffled chuckle. She continued to lean against him while the trio of constables expressed sympathy for the unfortunate patient. Eventually the men departed with a chorus of hearty farewells. Ethan discovered that his other arm had stolen around Garrett. Making himself let go of her was like trying to uncoil a steel spring.
“You should go up to your father now,” he said withdifficulty.
“Eliza will look after him while I take a few minutes to show you some slides. I have insect wings . . . pollen grains . . . flower petals . . . What would you like to see?”
“The inside of a hansom cab,” he said softly. “I can’t be alone with you, darlin’.”
Garrett touched the edges of his vest, fingers clamping on the thin leather. “Ethan.” A blush rose in her face, like light glowing through pink frosted glass. “I don’t want to end this. We . . . we could meet in secret, now and then. No one would have to know. We would make no claims on each other. We’ll just . . . do as we please.”
The way she fumbled with the words, so unlike her usual precise way of speaking, devastated Ethan. He could only guess what it cost her to lay open her pride like this. He wasn’t certain what she was offering, or even if she knew. Not that it mattered. He wanted, craved, needed anything she was willing to give. Buthe had to make her understand that it was impossible. And even if it were, the idea was beneath her.
“Have you had that kind of arrangement with a man before?” he brought himself to ask.
Her eyes were the green of deep summer and lush growing things. “I’m a woman who makes her own decisions and handles the consequences.”
“That means no,” Ethan said softly. At her silence, he continued, “You’d be risking your reputation. Your career.”
“Believe me, I understand that better than you.”
“Have you ever shared a bed with a man? Even once?”
“Why is that relevant?”
Her evasive response sent a pleasure-pang down to the pit of his stomach. “That means no,” he said again, his voice even softer than before. He took a slow breath, trying to steadyhimself, while his blood sang with the knowledge that she’d been waiting for him. She was meant to be his. God, he wanted her beyond any reckoning of earth or heaven. But her well-being mattered a thousand times more than his own desires.
“Garrett . . . I’m a man full o’ trouble. When I vowed to let nothing harm you, I included myself on that list.”
A frown crimped her forehead. She closed her grip on his vest until her fists were tight as pine knots. “I’m not afraid of you, or your trouble.” Her green eyes were narrowed and intent as she tugged him closer. “Kiss me,” she urged in a whisper.
“I have to go,” he said shortly, and pulled back while he was still able.
But Garrett moved with him, her hands reaching up to grip his head on either side, the way he’d taught her at Baujart’s. The strength of her fingers electrified him.
“Kiss me,” she commanded, “or I’ll break your nose.”
The threat startled a ragged laugh from him. He shook his head as he looked at her, this fearsomely capable woman who loved geese and was afraid of spaghetti, and could either wield a scalpel in a complex surgical procedure or use it as a throwing-knife.
There had always been a cold streak in him, but he couldn’t seem to find it now, when he needed it most. He was breaking apart inside. He would never be the same after this.
“Christ, you’ve ruined me,” he whispered.
His arms went around her, one hand gripping the heavy silken mass of her braided chignon. She guided his head down, and he lost the battle, all his will vanquished as he began to kiss her as if the world were about to end.
For him, it was.



New York Times bestselling author Lisa Kleypas graduated from Wellesley College with a political science degree. She is a RITA award winning author of both historical romance and contemporary women’s fiction. Her novels are published in fourteen different languages and are bestsellers all over the world. She lives in Washington State with her husband Gregory and their two children.

Monday, February 26, 2018

Book Tour for Fighting Dirty by J.C. Valentine (Review & GIVEAWAY)

Readers are again pulled into the MC world as lifestyles and a dangerous ex weigh down two people caught in a combustible connection an unexpected twists and turns.  Keep reading to get a tempting taste of Fighting Dirty by J.C. Valentine, along with getting my impressions of it, then learn even more about it by visiting the other sites hosting this tour.  In honor of this second installment in the Blind Jacks MC series make sure to fill out the form below for the chance to win a signed print copy of the first book in this series along with a $20 Amazon GC too!

What happens when an outlaw biker’s obsession puts him between a beautiful nurse and her vicious stalker?
When a brutal attack sent him rolling on a gurney into a beautiful nurse’s life, the chance encounter seemed like a dream come true. She patched him up and gave him a reason to believe in love again, shining light into his dark and dangerous world.
There’s only one problem… She’s on the run from a violent past that’s about to catch up with her in the form of an ex-husband who’s used to getting what he wants—no matter what stands in his way. It might get him killed, but Ryder’s never backed down from a fight, and this is one he’s determined to win.
Starting over isn’t easy. Years of learning new towns, new people, and new jobs have left Tiffany tired, lonely, and ready to give up. Until a hot, sexy, bad-boy biker barreled into her life and she fell…hard. Latching onto the over-protective biker seemed like a good way to escape her daunting past, but life is never that simple.
Club life isn’t what Tiffany imagined it to be, and she soon realizes that her hot new man has a long and wild history that may be more than she bargained for. Between the women and rumors of violence, she finds herself caught between a psychotic ex bent on her destruction and the man who isn’t what she thought him to be. When things quickly begin to unravel, Tiffany doesn’t know who to trust or where to turn.


Barely cognizant of her surroundings, Tiffany laid her head against Ryder’s muscular chest. Enjoying the warmth of his body, she allowed him to carry her into their place. Well, it was really his place. Ryder was a bit of an anomaly in that he was a biker with a nice house and insisted upon her moving in with him.
Though living with him was like a dream come true in terms of having good company and someone to cuddle up to, Tiffany did feel guilty for not contributing. At the moment, though, all those worries were a million miles from her mind.
Ryder kicked the door shut and juggled her slightly as he flipped the lock. The house still smelled of the cookies she’d baked earlier in the day, but the sweet scent of almond was nothing compared to the smell of her hot, sexy man. He exuded expensive cologne and sexy male. Kissing his chest, she fisted his shirt in her hand.
“You awake, kitten? We’re home.”
In a sleepy haze, she responded, “I haven’t had a real home in a long time.”
Lifting her slightly, he kissed her forehead. “Well, you got one now. Having you here makes a house worth having.”
“You say the sweetest things.”
“I love you,” he said, his voice rumbling in his chest. Peering down at her, his eyes were practically glowing with happiness…or maybe from the endless shots in celebration of Ace making the cut.
“I think that’s the alcohol talking, handsome.”
Heading straight to the bedroom, he set her on the bed and began peeling off her clothing. “I’m not the one who’s had too much to drink, sweetheart.”
Helping kick off her pants, she mumbled, “I’m not drunk. I providence…romance…promise.” Kicking wildly, she tried to get them over her boots, forgetting that they had been tucked in.
Kneeling down, Ryder gently pulled her boots off then her pants. “Yeah, you sure don’t sound too sober.”
He rose, and she immediately went for the snap on his jeans, since it was at eye level.
Smacking her hands away, Ryder began working her shirt and bra up and over her head. “Cut it out, sweetness. You ain’t gonna be playing with my cock tonight.”
Flopping back on the bed, wearing only her panties, she gazed up at him. “Are you getting naked?”
“I always sleep naked. You know that. You are in no condition to be trying to have sex.”
The idea that he could take advantage of her at this point in their relationship was sweet if not a little frustrating. She knew what she wanted, drinks or no drinks, but persuading her gorgeous biker would take some serious work.
“Maybe I could lay on your side with my legs spread. If your cock accidently fell into me, well, no one would have to know.”
Chuckling, he began tearing his clothing off. “How about we sleep and see who accidentally falls into who when you’re nice and sober?”




After their combustible meeting and escape from danger in the previous installment in the Blind Jacks series, readers become even more invested in this dynamic duo as they grow closer together.  When her past puts their future in doubt, and with enemy’s plotting and secrets changing the Club’s future, readers will be on the edge of their seats from the first page to the last.

Ryder never thought he’d find a woman worth settling down for, let alone a smart and strong-willed nurse.  The moment they met she put herself in danger to keep him safe and in turn he vows to keep her safe from the sadistic ex who refuses to let her go.  Now that they’re safely back within the security of the Club, Tiffany’s getting a glimpse of what being an Old Lady is like while Ryder and his Brothers deal with a threat to their President.  Just when their HEA seems within reach, her doubts and fears have him making a bold stand to prove he’s the only man for her.  Ryder’s a delicious hero, a bit rough around the edges but protective and devoted to Tiffany.  He longs to see the Club go legitimate but isn’t adverse to spilling a bit of blood to make it happen while keeping those he cares for safe.  He’s a talented dirty talker and together they burn up the sheets while he shows surprising charm through his subtly romantic words and deeds that endeared him to me.

Tiffany suffered a lot of physical and emotional abuse at the hands of her ex, but she’s tired of running.  She’s tired of missing out on life and ready to be a part of Ryder’s life.  At least she was...but the more she sees how some of the Club women are treated and how carefree the Brothers are about spilling blood, she starts to have doubts.  Jealousy over his past women further fuels her self-doubts and leads her to finally standing on her own two feet in a bold decision that changes her views on violence and of herself.  Standing up for herself puts her directly in harm’s way, but she’s not alone as her newfound family supports her every step of the way.  Tiffany’s a likable heroine with a strong will that had me cheering her on in her confrontation with her ex.  I was frustrated by her judgments though when talking with the Club’s women, especially after getting to know them and learning of their adversities.  She’s a good match for Ryder despite their differences and through witty banter, erotically-charged encounters, and endless sexual tension they’re a couple whose HEA was well-worth the roller coaster ride to get there.

This was a scorching tale balanced beautifully with gripping suspense and unexpected twists and turns.  The battle with a rival Club, the nefarious plan directed towards their President, all kept me on the edge of my seat while bringing the Brothers together as a solid wall of support for each other.  The nefarious plan to harm Darkness was a heartless one but it brought out an endearing and loving side to the man that was compelling.  Darkness has always appeared cold and calculating but the unexpected change to his life has me looking forward to what comes next for him.  Seeing Ace again warmed my heart as he slowly works his way back into the Brotherhood.  For far too long he’s been punished for his brother’s crime and I loved seeing him finally happy and look forward to his burgeoning romance with a woman vastly different from himself.  He too is a sexy and charming bad boy and I am still drooling over him.  There was surprising heart throughout this story too as these gruff men showed their loving and protective sides time and again.  The only thing to mar my enjoyment was the outcome of Tiffany’s confrontation with her ex.  It was built up so much, it depicted him as truly sadistic and dangerous, but when she and the Club met him face to face it was a huge let down.  Her view of him changed, while the author tried to change our view too, but I was just left disappointed with the over the top culmination.  Despite that this was still an immensely enjoyable romance with a decadently delightful couple who kept me cheering them on from the first page to the last.  On a whole, I enjoyed the interactions with the Brothers, as well as the women of the Blind Jacks MC, and look forward to where the life-changing events that befell them here take us next.

My rating for this is a B+

*I got this book from the author for review in exchange for my honest opinion.


Leading a nomadic life, I’ve been on the run from my rich ex-husband for years. I’ve learned every trick in the book, staying one step ahead of him and his trackers. He’s taken everything from me, and despite everything, I’ve managed to carve out a life. But he’s getting close again. It’s time to hit the road, to start over…but it looks like the universe has other plans.
As Sargent at Arms, stalking the crazy man trying to kill my MC brothers is part of my job description. Protecting the club is what I live for. Unfortunately, today I’m the loser in our never ending game of cat and mouse. The last thing I remember before waking up in the emergency room is staring up at the sky while bleeding out onto the cold, hard pavement. Then the pretty nurse walks in and turns my world sideways, and those soft hands know just how to handle a big, angry biker like me. With a psycho on my tail, the stakes couldn’t be higher. I know I should walk away, but self-preservation has never been much of a strong suit. As my enemy closes in, I’ve got no gun, three bullet holes, and absolutely zero patience left. The question is, who will be the one to sign my death warrant—the crazy-ass biker who’s gunning for me…or the sexy-as-sin nurse I’ve got a hard-on for?




J.C. Valentine is the USA Today and International bestselling author of the Night Calls and Wayward Fighters Series and the Forbidden Trilogy. Her vivid imagination and love of words and romance had her penning her own romance stories from an early age, which, despite being poorly edited and written longhand, she forced friends and family members to read. No, she isn’t sorry.
Living in the Northwest, she has three amazing children and far too many pets. Among the many hats she wears, J.C. is an entrepreneur. Having graduated with honors, she holds a Bachelor’s in English and when she isn’t writing, you can find her editing for fellow authors.
Sign up for J.C.’s newsletter and never miss a thing HERE!


Saturday, February 24, 2018

Book Tour for Driving Whiskey Wild by Melissa Foster (Review & GIVEAWAY)

A good girl enjoys going bad once she starts working alongside a sexy biker with hero issues in this sweet and sexy romance.  Keep reading to get a tempting taste of Driving Whiskey Wild by Melissa Foster, along with my impressions of this scorching and smile-worthy tale, then add it to your bookshelf!  In honor of this third installment in the Whiskey series make sure to fill out the form below for the chance to win 1 of 2 copies of the first book in this series too!

A captivating new sexy standalone romance by New York Times bestselling author Melissa Foster.
Special Forces veteran and Dark Knights Motorcycle Club member Bullet Whiskey lives to protect his family, their bar, and the residents of his small hometown. He’s rough, unapologetic, and haunted by a secret, painful past. He’s also a master at keeping people away, and when his sister hires gorgeous and sweet Finlay Wilson to help expand their biker bar, he knows just how to get rid of her.
After losing her boyfriend and her father, Finlay moves back to her hometown to be closer to the little family she has left. She needs her temporary job at Whiskey Bro’s to get her catering business off the ground, and she’s determined not to let the gruff, arrogant mountain of a man Bullet Whiskey scare her off.
Finlay is everything Bullet has never wanted. She’s afraid of his dog, afraid of motorcycles, and sweet enough to give him cavities, but as she weaves her way into the hearts of everyone around him, he’s powerless to resist her charms. Passion ignites, but trust doesn’t come easily, and when their pasts collide, Bullet finds out the true meaning of protecting those he loves.


Finlay smiled and waved as she slipped into the dingy bar. “Hi. Am I interrupting?” From the scowl on Bullet’s face, she was not only interrupting, but she’d somehow pissed him off. Well, good for him. Let him be angry, the big, tattooed bully. What kind of man comes up to a woman at a wedding and says, Hey, sweetheart, whaddaya say I take you for a ride on the Bullet train?
She smoothed her sundress over her hips, trying to gather her wits about her. Bullet train. She had no doubt he had a train in his pants. The man was larger than life in too many ways to count, and when he set those cold, dark eyes on her, she swore they ignited right in front of her. Lordy, now my pulse is racing. She’d been thinking of that flash of heat ever since the wedding, and she couldn’t deny that it scared her and turned her on in equally frustrating measures. If she were honest with herself, she’d thought she was too damaged after losing Aaron to ever feel this type of spine-tingling excitement over a man again—and the fact that she felt it around a guy like Bullet scared the heck out of her. But this was not the time for honesty. She needed to pull herself together so she didn’t make a bad impression.
Dixie pushed past her massive brother to greet her. “Not at all! I’m glad you made it in.” She gave Finlay a quick hug and then glared at Bullet. “Right, Bull? Aren’t we glad she made it in?”
He lifted his chin in a half-cocked greeting before stalking around the bar and busying himself pulling bottles from shelves. Was he upset that she’d refused his magical penis ride? If so, he was going to have to get over it, and fast.
“Don’t pay attention to him. He had a rough night.” Dixie waved a hand as if Bullet didn’t matter.
Finlay forced a smile, knowing the big oaf mattered a heck of a lot. She’d grown up in Peaceful Harbor, although she was several years younger than the Whiskeys and she hadn’t known them then. She’d moved back into town two months ago, hoping to put down roots near her sister, Penny, after leaving to attend college in Boston nearly a decade ago. Penny had filled her in on the Whiskeys when she’d accepted the catering job for their friends’ wedding. Apparently, the Whiskeys and their motorcycle gang owned her small hometown. Only, according to Penny, it wasn’t like the stories she’d heard about bikers causing a ruckus or scaring people. No, the Whiskeys were known to be good folks, and apparently their gang was more of a club. She didn’t know the difference, but understood that they protected the community, keeping crime down and helping with bullies—except, apparently, for their own big, pushy son. From what Penny had said, they might look intimidating, but beneath all those tattoos and dark leather, they were kind, caring, generous people. She’d noticed that at the wedding, and in the weeks since, as she’d seen Dixie, her other brothers, and their parents around town. They were all as nice as could be. The jury was still out on big, bad Bullet.
But if she was going to spend any amount of time in his presence, he needed to respect her. This was why Penny had pushed her to take this job, wasn’t it? Because she’d been hiding behind her past, living a safe, comfortable, lonelylife for so long she’d all but forgotten how it felt to be hit on? And how to handle it. Well, that ended now. She straightened her spine, the way she’d learned to do in culinary school, when top chefs came in to teach and they’d ream the students for the smallest errors. There was no room for thin skin in catering—and she’d be darned if she’d let Bullet Whiskey intimidate her one bit.
“It’ll be fine,” she assured Dixie, and walked directly behind the bar to the mountain of a man who was trying his best to ignore her. Every step made her heart beat faster. Holy moly, she hadn’t remembered him being that tall. She was only five three, but even though she had heels on, he was well over a foot taller than her.
She reached up and tapped Bullet’s shoulder. It was like tapping stone covered with a black leather vest. He turned slowly, his broad chest and massive arms suddenly taking up all the extra space. She stared up at him. His dark beard and eyes gave him a menacing look. She swallowed hard, steeling herself to say her piece. In the next second those angry eyes turned even hotter and hungrier than they’d been at the wedding.
Her traitorous insides flamed.
Oh boy. She was in way over her head. This man probably got everything he wanted from women with that look. He cast some sort of spell with his leather wrist cuffs, scary-looking silver and black rings, and go-ahead-just-try-to-mess-with-me attitude.
Forcing her sternest expression, she said, “Bullet, if we’re going to work together, I expect you’ll let what happened at the wedding go and get behind me on this project.”
He cocked his head, his lips curving up in a wicked smile that brought goose bumps to her entire body as he said, “I’m happy to get behind you anytime, sweetheart.”



With her latest book Ms. Foster continues to write romances that emphasize family and friends with a tale that brings together past characters, as well as new ones, in a dreamy story full of scorching encounters and sugary sweetness. Set in the MC world of the Dark Knights, a gruff man with a hero-complex and PTSD finds himself attracted to a good girl with sparks flying as she gives him a reason to live again...instead of merely existing.

Ever since he was a kid Bullet Whiskey felt a need to save everyone.  Ingrained in him by his father he saw his mission as keeping his town free of criminals and to revere women.  It was a restless time growing up too, and with his need to be heroic, he eagerly joined the military where a single event left him scarred both inside and out.  Since returning home his need to keep others safe has become an obsession.  It’s become his focus to the exclusion of living as he devotes himself to the family bar, club business, and a handful of nameless women he has no problem leaving behind.  Though he tries to keep Finlay Wilson at arm’s length the moment he meets her, she slowly wears him down with her sweet smiles and kind heart and with her he finds a way to look towards the future instead of the past.  Bullet’s not your typical biker as there’s lots of sweetness behind his gruff exterior.  The way he treats the dog he rescued especially warmed my heart as they both soothed each other’s bruised souls.  He’s extremely protective of the women in his family too, never allowing them to be disrespected, and he quickly brings Finlay into that fold in a way that seems overbearing at first but later shows his burgeoning affection for her.  He’s a talented dirty talker too but it’s tempered with sweet speeches that have him wearing his heart on his sleeve.  With Finlay he truly sees her, respects her talent, and supports her in going after what she wants.  Though he doesn’t think he’s worthy of her, he can’t help claiming her as she brings light to his dark memories in a romance that pulls at the heartstrings.

Finlay’s lost many people in her life, from her parents to her one true love.  For a time she wallowed in her grief, the loss of her soldier boy almost breaking her. But she’s ready to start again and a job adding a kitchen to the Whiskey Bro‘s bar gives her just that chance.  After a crass and memorable first meeting, Finlay swears off having anything to do with Bullet but he slowly wears her down by showing her his kinder and gentler side.  Theirs is ultimately a romance of healing in a journey full of sweetness and scorching encounters that kept me fully immersed in their emotional ups and downs.  Finlay’s a very good girl, almost too good as she’s portrayed as angelic throughout the story.  She pushes Bullet to work through his pain, supports him by getting him to admit his pain in heart-wrenching interludes that gave us greater insight into his psyche.  Finlay seems almost virginal early on too, quick to blush and unable to say exactly what she wants while growing closer to Bullet.  I enjoyed seeing her get a bit dirty, enjoyed Bullet getting her to take a walk on the wild side as she had her own issues to deal with.  Though she’s the opposite to Bullet in many ways they’re a dynamic duo whose romance jumped off the page and had me rooting for them every step of the way.

This was a romance with very little angst despite Bullet dealing with issues of PTSD.  The romance between he and Finlay was a powerful one though, showing the power of love and acceptance in healing one’s soul.  From the moment they meet they’re a crackling couple teeming with sensual tension and blush-worthy banter that was nicely balanced with heartfelt talks.  Bullet’s a biker, finds freedom riding his motorcycle, but that’s the only typical thing he does as a member of a MC.  Readers get an introduction to the Dark Knights here but it’s a sanitized one where they’re all about family and good deeds.  I prefer my MCs to be a bit dirtier, a bit more bloody, so this was a bit disappointing.  That’s not to say that I was disappointed with Bullet though as I found him delightfully decadent.  I was drawn to the dichotomy he presented and wanted to hug him (and more) as he worked through his guilt.  Finlay’s almost too good to be true at times, too perfect despite having her own issues, which frustrated me a bit. She was immensely likable though, and just what Bullet needed, but I prefer heroines with a bit more grit and wish her journey to HEA had been a bit rockier.  This was an entertaining story on a whole, a bit too saccharine at times, but it felt like being wrapped in a comfortable blanket.  It was a heartwarming tale with an emphasis on family and through its likable cast of characters it has me greatly anticipating the next story in this series.

My rating for this is a B+

*I got this book from the author for review in exchange for my honest opinion.

TRU BLUE (Book #1)

Melissa writes sexy and heartwarming contemporary romance, new adult romance and women's fiction with emotionally compelling characters that stay with you long after you turn the last page. Readers adore Melissa's fun, flirty, and sinfully sexy, award-winning big-family romance collection, LOVE IN BLOOM featuring the Snow Sisters, BradensRemingtons, Ryders, Seaside Summer, Harborside Nights, Wild Boys and Bad Boys After Dark, and the Montgomerys. Melissa's emotional journeys are lovingly erotic and always family oriented-- perfect beach reads for contemporary romance lovers who enjoy reading about loyal, wealthy heroes and smart, sassy heroines with complex and relatable issues.
Melissa also writes sweet and clean romance under the pen name Addison Cole.
Melissa has painted and donated several murals to The Hospital for Sick Children in Washington, DC. Her interests include her family, reading, writing, painting, friends, helping others see the positive side of life, and visiting Cape Cod.
Melissa is available to chat with book clubs and welcomes comments and emails from her readers. Visit Melissa on social media or her personal website.
