Thursday, August 9, 2012

Book Tour for The Gold Crucifix by Nickie Fleming (Guest Post & GIVEAWAY)

Fans of the historical genre will find much to entertain them in Nickie Fleming's The Gold Crucifix where real life events are seamlessly incorporated into one woman's search for real love and happiness.  Ms. Fleming's here today talking about placing real life historical events into the world of romance as well as giving away some of her books.  So keep reading to learn more about this emotionally tumultuous historical read.

Because I’m fascinated by history, I always use real-life historical events and people into my novels. I think it helps the story greatly, as it makes the adventures of the heroine/hero more credible if used rightly.

In The Gold Crucifix we are in the middle of the 17th century, in England. The prologue is set in the midst of civil war, and will explain why Rebecca behaves like she does. Then, after the return of King Charles II to the throne, we learn about the loose moral of that society. The theatres open after a long closure, and our heroine Sarah becomes one of the first female actresses at Drury Lane.  The plays she acts in are sometimes real ones (like Shakespeare’s Hamlet) but some are of my own invention, although they will have some resemblance to existing ones. I studied theatre history when I was at university, so I know I won’t go wrong there.

The Plague and the Great Fire of London also play a part in this novel. It is during this enormous disaster which destroyed great parts of London, Richard realizes he loves Sarah and wants to rescue her from the claws of the fire.

And of course, King Charles II is one of the players in this story. Not everything he says or does is historically correct, but he did have an interest in science and he did have his own laboratory. Also he had a big collection of clocks at his Whitehall palace.

I’ve learned that most readers do like these historical tidbits and sometimes I get mails from them, telling me how they finally got to understand something, or learned something new.

And another thing, that may be of interest. I have a test reader who has been working for some or other secret service, and he feels the need to double check every historical fact in my novels (Doug, if you read this, I do like it!). In Maria Gonzalez I write at some point that the sun sets around 4 pm. Do you know, he has been looking it up, and it seems that day in history the sun indeed set at 4.01!! He wanted to know how I found out, but hey, it’s only common knowledge, right? In winter the sun sets around that time, so I assumed it would not have been different in 1500 or so.

The Gold Crucifix by Nickie Fleming

England, mid seventeenth century. When young Sarah finds out that innkeeper Amos Jennings is not her father, she feels uncertain and scared. Her problems grow bigger when she starts a job as housekeeper and gets involved with two men who both want her love: the earl of Linfield, and his younger brother Richard. To escape these problems, Sarah takes off to London to begin a new life as actress at His Majesty’s Theatre.

Richard cannot forget the young woman he met at his brother’s. He is determined to find Sarah and make her his own--even his wife, despite what his family thinks of it. But love never comes easy. Richard and Sarah will have to face many a storm--even the Great Fire of London--before they can become one.


When Sarah entered the room, Walter watched her with pain in the heart, unaware of  his younger brother’s investigating glances. She looked so breathtakingly fragile and beautiful. If only he could be ten years younger and in good health…

His love for her grew stronger yet, and the pain became almost unbearable. He only hoped he would be able to conceal his feelings in her presence, because when he would make them known to her, she might be forced to tell lies, or worse, take pity on him.

* * *

Richard noticed the look in his sibling’s eyes and drew his own conclusions. He no longer doubted Walter’s true feelings towards the girl and now also saw the warm glance she threw at his brother.

And – inexplicably – a pang a jealousy shot through him. What does she see in the old monk,  he cursed silently. He had not often been jealous of Walter, but this time it was stronger than himself and it mixed with the desire he already felt. He knew he had to have Sarah, no matter at what cost, and make her only love him.


Nickie Fleming was born and raised in the historical town of Dendermonde, Belgium – home of the legendary Horse Bayard.

She read English Literature at the University of Ghent, and got her master’s degree in philology. Since then, she has been working as a high school teacher.

Her interests besides reading and writing are travelling, skiing in winter and enjoying fine food.



The author will award two personally autographed print copies of her novel, The Haversham Legacy, to randomly drawn commenters during the tour.

-Giveaway is OPEN TO EVERYONE!
-To be entered, MUST leave a comment, ALONG WITH YOUR EMAIL ADDY.
-One commenter will be chosen randomly from all comments made throughout the tour, so the more tour stops you make a comment on the greater your chances of winning.  A list of all participating blogs can be found here.
-Giveaway ends at 11:59 PM CST on 8/24.


  1. Thank you for having me over!

  2. Very interesting post.


  3. thank you for the great review. Gale

  4. Sounds really good! Thanks for the chance to win!
    natasha_donohoo_8 at hotmail dot com
