Monday, August 31, 2020

Book Tour for Among the Pages by Sara R. Turnquist (GIVEAWAY).....

The lives of women in the past combines with a young woman's college years in the here and now as she struggles to find herself in this introspective contemporary tale.  Keep reading to get a tempting taste of Among the Pages by Sara R. Turnquist , then discover even more about this book by visiting the other sites hosting this tour.  In honor of this standalone story make sure to fill out the form below for the chance to win a $50 bookstore GC too!

A woman’s in question.
Brianne is a somewhat naïve college freshman. She becomes disillusioned as her professors and peers challenge many of her long-held beliefs. When she finds a diary that belonged to a distant relative, she hopes it will offer much needed distraction. And she is soon drawn into the story of a passionate woman who seems to whisper from the past.
In 1915’s New York, idealist and primary teacher Margaret struggles with the problems women face at home and in society. She is first timid about speaking her mind, but in time cannot keep her impassioned spirit hidden—not even from the gentleman who teaches in the classroom next door. His concern for her stretches the limits of their friendship, pressing into something more. Caught up in the Women’s Suffrage Movement, she faces down authority figures and others who question her beliefs.
And so, Brianne is whisked along on this journey as Margaret joins the fight for women’s rights, all the while trying to work through her own questions and experiences with modern feminism.
Before long, things spin out of control and she wonders where her newfound relationship fits into everything? Are there any clear answers? Will she land on her feet? Or be forever lost to herself?


HISTORICAL TIME PERIOD (1915) – Margaret and Henry talk on a Sunday after church.
She narrowed her eyes and bit at her lip to keep her surprise from showing. How did he know this? Surely he didn’t care about the Woman’s Movement. Or did he? Why should he? His precious Abigail was ever the dutiful, demure, docile girl that any man would seek. She wouldn’t be caught within a hundred yards of anything related to women’s rights.
He continued, “I also understand that anyone caught attending her speeches on Sunday is in danger of being thrown out of their church. You don’t want that, do you?"
“Maybe I do,” she shot back and looked away. His words stung. Perhaps more so because he wasn’t wrong. About any of it.
“You don’t mean that.” He craned his neck, trying to catch her eyes.
“What if I do?” She jerked her head, turning her features toward him. “Pastor Thompson said some harsh things today. I don’t know if I can continue to submit myself to the authority of a man who preaches in such a way."
“In what way?” His voice was gentle. Try as she might, she could not find anything accusing in his tone.
“He made several assertions without the Scripture to support it. Yet he insisted that the Bible was clear about the subject. I think a man of the cloth ought to be more careful when making such statements about the word of God without the proper foundation."
Henry’s eyes searched hers. The deep brown fell soft upon her eyes and caressed her features with gentleness. How could she stay angry when she was losing herself in such dark warmth?
She averted her gaze. What was this? It would not do for her to be thinking about him this way. This was not proper! He was someone else’s beau.
“Listen,” he said, moving closer. “I’d regret if anything bad happened to you."
She nodded, focusing on the lines of the sidewalk.
“I would have to teach your class and mine.” His voice became thick with sarcasm. Her eyes shot to his and found his lips spreading in a huge grin.



Sara is a coffee lovin', word slinging, Historical Romance author whose super power is converting caffeine into novels. She loves those odd little tidbits of history that are stranger than fiction. That's what inspires her. Well, that and a good love story.
But of all the love stories she knows, hers is her favorite. She lives happily with her own Prince Charming and their gaggle of minions. Three to be exact. They sure know how to distract a writer! But, alas, the stories must be written, even if it must happen in the wee hours of the morning.
Sara is an avid reader and enjoys reading and writing clean Historical Romance when she’s not traveling. Her books range from the Czech lands to the American wild west and from ancient Egypt to the early 1900s. Some of her titles include The Lady Bornekova, Hope in Cripple Creek, The General’s Wife, Trail of Fears, and the Convenient Risk Series.



Book Teaser for Irreversibly Broken by J.L. Stray....

A supervisor, and the young woman working for him, find themselves fighting a forbidden attraction full of sexual tension and bruises from their painful pasts in this contemporary series starter.  Keep reading to get a tempting taste of Irreversibly Broken by J.L. Stray, then start counting down the days until this first installment in the Broken series hits bookshelves on September 24th!

Danielle Moyer has been attracted to her supervisor, Mike Connelly, since the day she walked into the Philadelphia Probation and Parole. But there’s a rule: Subordinates cannot date supervisors. Danielle doesn’t act on it. She’s convinced herself that any stolen glance, slight touch or innuendo is all in her mind. And then...
One ride
One kiss
One night
Changes everything
Mike Connelly never meant to cross the line with one of his staff, but there is something very inviting about Danielle and he can’t help himself. The two give in and find themselves navigating a very dicey office romance. With pasts that are riddled with things that have left them broken, making it an uneasy road.
Add in the rule: supervisors can’t date their subordinates and you’ve got a situation that could easily break in more ways than one.
Can they endure or will it leave them broken?



Sunday, August 30, 2020

Book Spotlight on In Deep by Blue Saffire (GIVEAWAY)....

A past love is rekindled in this sensual and suspenseful tale set amongst the world of undercover policing that will have readers on the edge of their seats.  Keep reading to get a tempting taste of In Deep by Blue Saffire, then add it to your bookshelf.  In honor of this second installment in The Blackhart Brothers series make sure to fill out the form below for the chance to win 1 of 5 copies of the first book in this series too!

I’ll do anything to protect what’s mine...
The last thing I needed was a call from my old precinct letting me know my knucklehead nephew had been picked up for skipping class. Still, I figured it would be an in-and-out visit. Quick. Simple. But the moment I heard her voice, I should’ve known it would be anything but easy.
I wasn’t expecting the feelings that came roaring back the moment I laid eyes on the saucy detective with the gorgeous smile, but I probably should’ve seen it coming. Our history is one for the books, and it's a page-scorcher. And now here she is, standing in my way, and I can’t seem to remember why I ever let her leave my side.
It looks like the sparks between me and Detective Danita Moralez are as intense as ever, but she’s also more guarded than before. Two years ago, she walked out of my life because she wasn’t willing to reveal the dangerous truth about her undercover work. This time, she’s not going to get away so easily.


“Man, we miss having you and Quinn around here,” Stevens says beside me.
I hear him, but I’m too busy following Moralez with my eyes. She’s gorgeous. Smart and sexy. I love it.
Cal talked about her bust the entire ride here. You would think he had some part in her victory. I don’t know what I was expecting, but the woman I’m staring at isn’t it.
Her tight blue jeans hug her hips with the affection of a long-time lover. Those sexy heels on her feet have me tilting my head to the side as I study her. Damn, the sway of her hips is perfection. I noticed earlier that she has a great pair beneath that T-shirt.
Her voice hit me in my gut from her first word. That smoky rasp is seductive in its own right. Soft, yet a bit hoarse.
Her warm, deep-brown skin is a rich espresso tone. Her eyes are the color of amber whiskey, quite the contrast to her skin. Her dark hair is pulled back in a tight bun.
I can’t help wondering what her locks look like down. Would they fall in her face as she looks at me beneath her? From the waves in the strands brushed from her face, I bet it’s wavy when it’s loose.
Her last name is Moralez, but she looks like she could be of mixed heritage. Not that I’m naive enough to think she couldn’t be fully Latinx. My trips to Puerto Rico, Cuba, and the Dominican Republic alone have taught me better than to make that assumption. Which is why I want to get to know her better. I want to ask questions and find out all about her.
“You know that’s not going to happen, right?"
I turn to Jennings, another of the good guys around here. “You think not?” I say with a grin.
“I know not. She’s been around here for what? Two or three years. Not one guy, or girl for that matter, has been able to bag her. Forget it."
“Just because you failed doesn’t mean I don’t have a shot."
Stevens groans beside me. “I don’t know. I’m with Jennings on this one. You don’t stand a chance. At first, I thought it was a cop thing. You know, like she was against dating one of us. Then I thought it was a White, Black thing, but I’ve seen her turn down everyone. White, Black, Hispanic, male, female, cop, lawyer, bartender. She’s a closed case."
“Are you assholes sure she’s single? I didn’t see a ring, but that means nothing,” I think out loud.
“I thought that too,” Jennings says. “We were partners for a little bit. Before I moved to the special unit. It’s just her and her dog. She’s single, single."
I sit back and think on that. It’s not enough to deter me. I want her to tell me she’s not interested. From the vibe I got from her earlier, I don’t think I’m up for as big a challenge as these guys think.
“Good luck,” Stevens says.
“I got twenty that says he crashes and burns,” Jennings snorts, slapping a twenty on the table. “What do you say, Kev? You think you can win me a twenty?” Stevens says to me.
“You should double the bet,” I say as I watch Moralez and all her sexy curves disappear into the ladies’ room.



ABOUT BLUE: As a young girl, Blue’s mother introduced her to the world of love and music through movies, but once she got her hands on books, an author was born. With more than thirty contemporary romance novels and novellas under her belt, she’s now an award-winning, bestselling author. She lives with her husband on Long Island.
Visit the author at her website HERE.


Saturday, August 29, 2020

Book Spotlight on Highland Gladiator by Kathryn Le Veque (GIVEAWAY)....

A warrior bent on revenge finds his heart involved when the woman who's been fighting by his side needs him to fight for her and the clan he once swore vengeance on in this thrilling historical romance.  Keep reading to get a tempting taste of Highland Gladiator by Kathryn Le Veque, then add it to your bookshelf.  In honor of this first installment in the Scots and Swords series make sure to fill out the form below for the chance to win 1 of 5 copies of this book too!

When Lor Careston’s quiet Highland village was attacked and burned, he felt helpless against the raiders who destroyed his home. Seeking revenge, but lacking the fighting skills needed to execute his mission, he sets out to find the Ludus Caledonia—a mysterious fight guild that turns men into warriors.
Lor trains hard, proves himself in the ring, and earns a place within the very clan that decimated his home. He knows he can set his plan for revenge in motion from the inside. But his plan didn’t include Isabail Keith, a beautiful warrior lass who prefers broadswords to embroidery. Lor thought the Keiths were his enemies, but when Isabail is threatened, he’ll have to decide what he’s willing to risk for the woman who has captured his heart and the clan that has become his home.
Truth. Justice. Revenge. Behind these stands the Scotsman’s sword.


The village of Brechin, Scottish Highlands Year of Our Lord 1484
He’d seen her before.
Lor knew that the moment he looked up from the business he was conducting with his grandfather’s friend. In the midst of a busy marketplace on a glorious spring day, he caught sight of a woman he recognized, which wasn’t unusual in itself, but with this woman, it was. Lor and the old man with the missing eye had been going over the purchase Lor was
making of slag material for his grandfather’s blacksmith stall when he glanced up and saw her. In truth, he saw her only from the back; it was the hair that had his attention. In the sunlight, the red curls glistened like molten fire.
Everything about her caught his eye. She was dressed in a long tunic and braies from what he could see, unusual for a lass, but she’d marched down the road with her basket of skins in her arms in a cadence that seemed much more like a man’s than a woman’s.
He’d seen that walk once before.
The old man next to him was trying to get his attention, but Lor couldn’t take his eyes from the woman as she walked down the dusty avenue. She was weaving in and out among the villagers on this busy market day, and Lor didn’t want to lose sight of her.
He put up a hand to the old man.
“Wait a moment,” he said. “I’ll return."
He didn’t wait for a reply. Quickly, he headed out into the street while the old blacksmith watched him with some frustration.
“Where are ye going, lad?” he called after him. “If ye dunna come back, I’ll rob ye blind.
I’ll tell yer grandfather that it’s yer fault he was cheated out of a good price for his iron!"
The old man meant it as a jest, hoping Lor would return, but the young blacksmith simply waved him off as if he didn’t believe him, which he didn’t. His grandfather, Nikolaus, and old Albe had been doing business since before Lor was born. He didn’t much believe anything the old liars said.
At the moment, he was on the hunt.
The red curls were up ahead, and he followed them like a cat tracking a mouse. There was something about the woman that he remembered from long ago, and as he politely stepped aside to let a woman and her children pass by, it began to occur to him just where he’d seen that hair.
Gleann Deamhain.
The Vale of Demons.
It was difficult to say why an incident from eight years ago suddenly stood out for him. It had been a fleeting moment as far as moments in time went. But it had stayed with him: the young lass who had practically saved him from a band of bloodthirsty cutthroats. Never mind that they were only children; Lor remembered being as afraid of them as if they’d been the mightiest army of men.
Gòrach, they’d called him.
He’d been stupid once, but he wasn’t going to be stupid again.
This time, he was going to be careful.
Lor continued to follow the lass. She finally came to a stop at a merchant who dealt in hides. As he hid back in the crowd, watching, Lor could see the lass holding up the fine pelts she’d brought, negotiating a price with an old man who seemed to be smiling at her too much. At one point, he reached out and pinched her cheek.
She slapped him.
Lor laughed softly.



With over one hundred published novels, Kathryn Le Veque is a critically acclaimed USA Today bestselling author, a charter Amazon All-Star author, and a #1 bestselling, award-winning, multi-published author in Medieval Historical Romance and Contemporary Romance. She lives in California.


Friday, August 28, 2020

Book Teaser for Penthouse Prince by Kendall Ryan....

Readers will immediately fall for this tale of a single dad, and the sister of his best friend who's always been in love with him, who reconnect after ten years apart to find a bit of romance flaring between them.  Keep reading to get a tempting taste of Penthouse Prince by Kendall Ryan, then add this standalone story to your bookshelf when it releases on September 1st!

Lexington Dane was my brother’s best friend growing up. We did everything together.
He taught me how to throw a punch, how to change a tire...and he taught me how to kiss. I fell hard and fast, and gave him all my firsts.
I promised I’d wait for him...
But I’m done waiting, because he went off to college and never came back. He took his fancy business degree and moved to New York City, where he promptly became a real estate mogul—turning every penthouse and apartment project he touched into gold.
It’s been ten years, and now he’s back and needs a favor...someone to watch his little girl. That’s right, the cocky penthouse prince and heartbreaker extraordinaire Lexington is back with an adorable two-year-old daughter. Guess who he wants to watch her?
I’ve never been able to say no to him. I might agree to be the nanny for his precious little angel, but there’s no way in hell I’m falling for her hot-as-sin daddy.




A New York Times, Wall Street Journal, and USA Today bestselling author of more than three dozen titles, Kendall Ryan has sold over 3 million books and her books have been translated into several languages in countries around the world.
Her books have also appeared on the New York Times and USA Today bestseller lists more than 100 times. Ryan has been featured in such publications as USA Today, Newsweek, and InTouch Magazine.
She lives in Texas with her husband and two sons.

Thursday, August 27, 2020

Book Tour for Forever You by Lyssa Cole (REVIEW).....

After the cliffhanger in the previous book in this series, readers will be ready to see where life goes for these compelling characters and where the journey ends on the emotional rollercoaster we've been on alongside them.  Keep reading to get a tempting taste of Forever You by Lyssa Cole, along with getting my impressions of it, then add this third installment in the You & Me series to your bookshelf.

Book three of this interconnected series concludes with messes and scars, heartbreak and forgiveness, and love that’s worth it all.
Some love is messy, some love is hard, But in the end, it’s worth every scar.
Levi broke me. He took my heart and smashed it into pieces.
Dean picked them up and slowly started to glue them back together. Until one day, one glance, one tragedy...
Changed everything I thought I wanted.
A heart so cold. A body so wounded.
A man so destroyed.
I may have walked away but I never really left.
With broken hearts and words of forgiveness, will we find our happily ever after? Or are we changed forever?





It's been a romantic journey full of tears, heartbreak, and angst for Levi and Raina throughout these three books and by the turn of the final page I was exhausted!  This couple was put through the wringer from the very start with readers right beside them watching as the pain of addiction and self-doubts left them battered and bruised.  Theirs was a realistic journey that Ms. Cole never sugar-coated or veered away from, every emotion and decision not always the right one but understandable.  These are perfectly imperfect characters and though I was sometimes frustrated by them I still felt privileged to have taken this powerful journey with them.

Picking up right where the second installment ended, Raina's heart is still torn here between the loving and reliable Dean and Levi, the man who's broken here heart repeatedly but who still owns it.  With the fallout from the previous cliffhanger looming large, Raina's left to decide who she really wants in a decision that pulls at the heartstrings as there's a lot of history for her to deal with still.  When it comes to the men in her life, Levi and Dean are both delicious and I found myself drawn to both of them.  Levi might be the more broken of the two, but there's a strong inner-strength to him that has helped him in his battle with alcoholism.  He truly loves Raina, a deep and soulful love that feels epic.  As for Dean, he would do anything for Raina and his love for her warmed my heart...but is it enough for them to find HEA?  The answer to that is one that made me teary-eyed, sometimes had me wanting to throw my iPad, but by the turn of the final page all felt right in my world.  Whoever Raina doesn't pick though I definitely hope to see more of as he has hero written all over him and deserves someone who loves him just as much as he loves.

Alongside this angst-fueled love triangle were the delightful secondary characters of Mabel and Drew.  Mabel's been a standup friend to Raina throughout this series.  She's helped Raina through dark times and supported her even when Raina wasn't as good of a friend to her, she was unconditionally supportive and a bright spot through her humor and outgoing personality.  Drew's always been there for Levi too, helping him get through each day but not always in ways that he should have done.  He's become more introspective though, is having to deal with his own issues of enabling and I look forward to seeing more emotional growth from him.  I especially look forward to a romance between him and Mabel which is just starting to ignite by the end of this story.  These are immensely likable characters, ones I've come to care about, and I'm waiting with bated breath to see more fireworks between them.  On a whole I found this story an epic and unforgettable journey to HEA, one full of emotional highs and lows, that brought out a variety of emotions within me.  There were tears, moments of aggravation, but by the end there was satisfaction that left me cheering.  A love that was always meant to be survived an intensely rocky journey to prove that love conquers all...and my romance book loving heart couldn't be happier!

My rating for this is an A.

*I got this book from the author for review in exchange for my honest opinion.


Lyssa Cole has been in love with books for as long as she can remember. Escaping into a story is her favorite pastime. Wanting to be a writer for a couple years, she is now crafting her own stories. She loves to write angsty & sexy romance with lots of heat and some suspense to keep you guessing and wanting to turn that page! She lives in Southeastern Mass with her two children and two dogs. Lover of coffee, all things chocolate, & always the avid reader, you can keep up with Lyssa Cole by subscribing to her newsletter HERE.

Book Tour for The Revolutionary and the Rogue by Blake Ferre (GIVEAWAY)......

Two men from different worlds find themselves working together in a world where their lives are on the line for who they love in this historical romance that will keep you on the edge of your seat.  Keep reading to get a tempting taste of The Revolutionary and the Rogue by Blake Ferre, then add this book to your shelves.  In honor of this engaging m/m romance make sure to fill out the form below for the chance to win a $25 Amazon GC too!

Perrin deVesey knows pain. As a member of Crimson Rose, a secret club for men who love men, he’s taken the vow “to stand and shield.” Standing together during these perilous times is the only thing keeping their necks from the guillotine. Now their leader is using the club to rescue wrongly accused traitors. After losing a past lover to an unjust execution, the decision to support this treasonous cause is easy...until a devastatingly handsome Committee Officer complicates Perrin’s whole world.
Officer Henri Chevalier hates aristocrats. But the man he finds while investigating Crimson Rose is more than just wealthy and fancily clothed. He’s a rogue that could take him to the heart of the uprising and stop it before it starts. His plan to get close to Perrin and steal his secrets backfires, though, when Henri finds himself falling for the damned aristo and his dangerous smile. His heart is even more conflicted as he learns the truth behind their cause...and the truth his own people have been hiding.
Together they must make the choice—to stand and shield at any cost—and their love might be the deadliest weapon in all of France.


Perrin de Vesey hastened his steps on the slick Parisian cobblestone, wondering if this nighttime endeavor was a terrible mistake. He raised the crinkled missive in his gloved hand nearer to his eyes. Not that it was easy to read in the low-lit street to begin with, but the thick fog looming around him only worsened his ability to make out the words. Though it was just a bit of folded paper with a crimson wax seal, its contents ignited a newfound spark in his chest.
Perrin de Vesey,
There’s nothing more pitiful than a man who has everything yet does nothing. Open your eyes to the plight of the city. Innocents are slaughtered daily—not unlike your lost lover. Yet you hide in your aristocratic fortress. Grief is necessary, but when left too long inside one’s heart, it becomes a dangerous toxin.
Would your beloved Julien have wanted this existence for you? On this anniversary of his death, consider embarking on a greater mission. Join us at Crimson Rose tonight.
It’s time to chisel meaning out of the pain. Your friend,
The Scarlet Crest
Placing the letter in his waistcoat pocket for safekeeping, Perrin couldn’t shake the sensation that the worn parchment—written by an unknown sender—would somehow save him from the bleak pit that had engulfed his soul.
The question was, who’d sent the mysterious letter and why?
Given the personal details, the sender had to be a close acquaintance of one of his friends. Furthermore, the requested meeting place, Crimson Rose, was a discreet club that he and Julien had frequented. Within its walls, they’d enjoyed camaraderie with others who shared their inclinations. In fact, this Scarlet Crest had to be one of the club’s members. Only those with a particular silver signet could gain access.
He traced his finger along Julien’s ring, following the raised ridges of the club’s seal—a shield with a single rose. Perrin’s only prized possession, the ring stood as an engraved reminder of the man he’d lost.
The Scarlet Crest’s words lingered in his mind, urging his every step forward. True to the sender’s warning, the city had changed. Perrin could barely recognize one street from the next. Had the Parisian tenements always been so tightly crammed together?
Blast. He began to think he might have lost his way. This was the first time he’d attempted the journey to the club on his own. In the past, he’d always relied on Julien to guide the way. Perrin slowed his steps. A hollow void cooled his insides, an icy ache far worse than the wintry breeze on his cheeks.
With a huff, he rested his shoulder against a nearby wall and drew the trim of his wool cloak more tightly across his chest. As he’d feared, this evening’s outing was utter madness. But he wasn’t about to turn back now. Something inside him, perhaps Julien’s spirit, told him he was meant to do this. He’d meet this Scarlet Crest person...or people...and see what their call to action was about. Afterward, Perrin could either return to being miserable, or maybe—perhaps—he’d find more of this spark inside of him and start to live again.
Overhead, the familiar arched doors and carved blades of the salle d’armes with its crooked green sign sang to his murky memory. Only a few blocks remained before he’d reach his destination.
As if to spite him, a splatter of sleet cascaded from the thick, overcast sky. Perrin fixed his cloak and pushed off the wall, covering his head with the brim of his cocked hat. Within two steps, his foot landed in a puddle. Wet muck clung to his toes. Just his luck.
Kicking the mess from his left shoe, Perrin continued toward the alley. In spite of the late hour and the dismal weather, numerous citizens gathered about the isolated street. Unusual indeed, given that the club was located in a secluded alcove far from the main thoroughfare. In fact, the closer he ventured to his destination, the more boisterous the crowd grew.
He drew his cloak more tightly over his waistcoat to hide the fine embroidery of his attire. Oh, this crowd would not respond kindly to aristocratic flourishes. Not one bit. He quickened his stride, aiming for the next corner. When he reached the entrance to a narrow alley, Perrin staggered to a halt. Illuminated by the blaze of torches, a lurking mob raised sharpened pikes in accented beats to booming chants.
Perrin lowered his head and crept a few tentative steps away from the alley, fearing he’d made a horrendous mistake. He’d have to find another route to Crimson Rose. And soon.
Retracing his footsteps to the crooked sign of the salle d’armes, his dry shoe met the same icy puddle that had accosted his left foot. As he kicked the grime from the ruined brocade toe, a cluster of spirited citizens shouted in his direction. Perrin’s pulse quickened. The Scarlet Crest’s message thrummed through his mind.
Open your eyes.
These men and women dressed in mere rags, their skin filthy with muck and grime, had once fought for their freedom from the rule of the aristocrats. Yet here they were, years after the fall of the Bastille, and still they suffered. The citizens stomped toward him, their patriotic tricolored cockades spotting the street like angry stars. The round red, white, and blue ribbons were a chilling reminder that the Revolution hadn’t ended. He wondered if it ever would.
Perrin ought to have heeded Philippe’s advice and accepted the manservant’s offer to escort him. He always had the right of it, even when Perrin was too stubborn to accept the truth. He could already hear Philippe’s insubordinate chastisement ringing in his head.
Always acting before thinking. My lord, you’d do best to listen for once. You’d save yourself a great deal of pain.
A chorus of hooves struck the ground at a brisk tempo. Through the thick mist, the boxy form of a cart barreled toward him. The driver’s frantic pace swayed to the left before nearly toppling to the right. Perrin swatted sleet from his cheeks, narrowing his gaze. The crowd suddenly parted as the driver continued to navigate through it like a madman.
Though armed citizens struck at the wheels with their lengthy pikes, the driver plowed through the weapons. The cart’s cargo of barrels bobbled and nearly plummeted over the sides.
Perrin knew he had to move, yet he remained frozen in place. Visions of Julien’s last moments haunted him. Perhaps it was best to end it like this. So very near to the street where his Julien had been taken from him. Helpless. Alone.
“Move!” A dark figure dashed at him. A firm pair of hands gripped Perrin’s shoulders with brute force, thrusting him toward a nearby wall. Perrin looked back just as the cart broke free from the crowd. With a loud whinny, the horses trampled the exact spot in which he had stood.
In a series of huffs and stumbles, the stranger continued to push Perrin away from the crowd. His captor’s firm body collided against his with a thud as the man pressed Perrin into the wall. The air burst from Perrin’s lungs, and his ribs burned from the impact.
“Stop that cart!” A crone’s vociferous call pierced through a storm of shouts. “Aristos! Catch them!"
The stranger planted his hands at either side of Perrin’s head, caging him into place. Though the street was wild around them, the corner of the building hid them from view. Even if he wanted to cry for help, no one would hear over the noise of the crowd.
Heat thrummed from the man’s heavy breaths, his chest expanding and contracting like a bellows against Perrin’s back. The crumbling dust and debris of the stone scraped Perrin’s cheek. Ignoring the sting, he tried to push free from his captor, but to no avail. He strained to glance over his shoulder.
The cloaked figure towered over him.
Fear stabbed Perrin’s throat, stripping the sound from his voice. “Whatever you want, it’s yours.” He struggled against the man’s hold, aiming to turn around so he might meet his captor’s gaze. But Perrin only provoked the man to press closer. It was confirmed. Perrin never should have stepped foot outside of his house.
“Hold still.” His heavy breaths scratched across Perrin’s right ear as the man’s iron stance held Perrin in place. “I’m not a thief, you fool. I’m helping you. Unless you were hoping that mob would trample you."
“I wasn’t...” Perrin clamped his lips together. For yes...yes, he had been waiting to be put out of his misery.
Shame crushed his next breath as he envisioned Julien’s disappointment in him. Perrin had encouraged his lover to seek the sun whenever Julien’s memories of his father’s cruelty had darkened his soul. These past months, daylight offered Perrin little more than an icy reminder of all he’d lost.
“Don’t move, if you want to get out of this with all your limbs.” Urgency clawed under the stranger’s tone. His unwavering strength cast a soothing balm upon Perrin’s body, and his muscles slowly relaxed.
Closing his eyes, Perrin suddenly became aware of their position, their bodies melded together from thighs to hips to those impossibly strong arms. Though likely an unintended movement, his captor’s knee pushed slightly forward, rubbing Perrin’s legs in a manner that sprouted a hint of longing he’d thought he’d never experience again—to be wrapped in another’s arms all night. Protected. Safe.
But it was soon followed by a shudder of guilt. After Julien’s death, he’d vowed to never love another man. But to be held? Well, that was something he’d not considered. He’d simply assumed his body would never crave such contact again.
The stranger behind him stepped back, though his hands remained planted at either side of Perrin’s head. It was just enough room for Perrin to change positions and confront his so-called savior face-to-face.
“Catch the aristos! They’re getting away!"
Perrin looked to the raging crowd. Though he shuddered in fear, Perrin commiserated with their plight. It was no wonder these citizens hated those with wealth. Their beheaded King Louis XVI had come from a line of monarchs who’d lived in an overabundance of finery. The luxurious Palace of Versailles, with its boastful gilding and dazzling crystals, had been built upon the broken backs of starving peasants.
Perrin’s knees weakened, and his legs wobbled into mush. He leaned forward into his captor’s embrace. The man whispered soft assurances. Clearly, he didn’t have a clue that Perrin was one of those no-good wealthy aristocrats. Though Perrin didn’t deserve the momentary reprieve, he took a deep breath and melted into the hardened muscles his companion provided. A surprising wall of support and comfort.
Perrin tipped his head back, his hat tilting to accommodate the awkward position. The stranger’s build was muscular but not too broad. His height made it so Perrin’s nose almost grazed the stranger’s lips. It reminded him so much of Julien. Oh, how he missed the simple press of lips to nose.
“You can’t escape the Terror!” A shrill voice in the distance rattled Perrin out of his blissful cocoon.
The Terror. Perrin had vaguely overheard discussion amongst the household staff regarding Robespierre’s latest initiative. Afraid that scheming aristocrats would raise a foreign army against France, the Committee of Public Safety’s ruthless leader had turned neighbor against neighbor. According to the newly decreed Law of Suspects, anyone could be sent to prison for speaking a single word of doubt regarding the government’s relentless hunt for traitors.
Perrin would be damned if he lost another loved one to Robespierre’s blasted cockade-flaunting Republicans.
Shifting to sneak a better view of the chaos, Perrin found himself further imprisoned by his captor’s strong chest. The scent of mint and something citrus mixed with the heated breaths that tickled Perrin’s cheeks.
Perrin chanced an exhale, the sound like a stormy gust caught under the brim of his cocked hat.
“Death to aristos!” Several sansculottes emerged, following the tracks of the mob. Even through the cover of twilight, Perrin could see their dirt-smeared cheeks and red Phrygian caps. The knit triangular hats sagged from the weight of round, patriotic cockades. Their ankle-length striped trousers mocked the short breeches of the aristocracy.
“You’re safe now.” The comforting presence of those strong arms was stripped from Perrin as the stranger stepped back. “Next time you stroll through an angry mob, keep your eyes open, eh?” The man shook his head, his obsidian hair dangling over a set of hawklike amber eyes that struck Perrin’s soul.
The man staggered a few more steps away and fiddled with the tight fit of his breeches, his mannerisms a sharp contrast from the confidence he’d exuded just moments ago. The rough wool fabric appeared to be two sizes smaller than his frame demanded.
“Citoyen Chevalier. Thought I’d lost you.” A tall, lanky man coughed into his fist, hurrying toward them. “Damned traitors causing a ruckus. Did you see the grain they wasted off that cart? Despicable."
The captivating one called Chevalier whipped his gaze to the approaching blond-haired man, whose hooked nose accented a scowl. With such hollowed cheeks, the man’s twisting lips etched a fierce line down his jaw.
“This citizen was about to be trampled.” Chevalier’s eyes met Perrin’s. For a moment, the moonlight breached the fog and shone on his high cheekbones. His olive skin held a satin sheen.
A sharp wind lifted the heavy wool cloak from Perrin’s body, revealing his attire. Perrin’s heart stopped beating as Chevalier’s gaze trailed downward, pausing on his satin breeches. A twitching snarl formed on that lovely face, and Perrin knew immediately there’d be no companionship shared between them.
“An aristocrat? You’re one of them?” Chevalier spat at Perrin’s feet.
Perrin opened his mouth and shut it, unable to contradict the accusation. He ought to have been more guarded.
“You thought you could hide your blackened heart behind that cloak forever?” Chevalier’s brow furrowed into a tight ridge.
“Excuse me?” The sheer hatred in the man’s curse lit a fire in Perrin’s chest, a mixture of shame and fury warring within him. He tugged the thick fabric over his fanciful attire, unable to explain the sentimental significance of his chosen suit.
“I’d wager your servants suffer moldy bread while you prance about in satin breeches and gold trim."
“You’d judge me by my breeches? I’ll have you know I supported your Revolution.” Perrin clamped his mouth shut, thinking it was best not to rile the man further—not when he was so close to a frazzled mob. “I’ve no quarrel with the Committee. I readily support their efforts. And my household staff eats better than I do.” Which was all the truer now that the mere smell of his favorite dishes sickened him. Even the sweetest flavors failed to bring Perrin satisfaction when Julien wasn’t there to enjoy them with him.
“I doubt that’s true. Aristos are terrible liars and thieves.” The other man scratched at a rather large pockmark on the side of his nose. “You flaunt your wealth on the street in those ridiculous clothes of yours when good men and women suffer."
“I...It breaks my heart to see the struggles on the street. No one should have to suffer."
Something like shock and maybe regret glimmered in Chevalier’s gaze. The lines on his face softened for a moment. “Open your eyes, aristo.” He gestured toward the waning crowd. “Suffering is all around us.”
Open your eyes. The Scarlet Crest’s message shot to the forefront of his mind. Perrin narrowed his gaze, wondering if this enraged citizen could possibly know the sender of that message.
“I’m suffering just listening to your lies.” The other man picked something out of his teeth and flung it to the street.
“My companion here is right.” Chevalier swatted his hand toward Perrin in a lazy sweep. “Your lies mean nothing."
“I hadn’t realized it had gotten this bad.” Perrin winced, knowing he ought to have kept quiet and let the men go along on their way. Could he have spoken anything worse? He sounded exactly like the sort of rich, arrogant prig they accused him of being. Perhaps if he’d mustered the strength to leave his house months ago, he might have done something about the misery around him. Lord knew he had enough priceless paintings crowding his hallways.
“Exactly my point.” Chevalier lifted his chin in defiance. “Your kind lavishes in comforts, eyes closed to the peril of others."
“That’s hardly fair. You’ve no idea what I’ve suffered.” Perrin bit his tongue before mentioning his lover had been unjustly guillotined. Perrin would only reveal himself to be tied to a traitor and therefore just as guilty as they’d accused Julien of being.
Chevalier’s lip twitched, and he puffed out a heavy breath. “Yes, I’m sure your inability to procure affordable silk and satin is a mighty hardship."
“You cast slander against my attire like it’s a crime to wear fine clothes, yet our leaders dress quite well. Consider Robespierre and his fine silk stockings. I doubt those are easy to come by these days."
Chevalier’s lanky companion squawked. “Watch your words."
“Ah, but you didn’t counter my statement.” Perrin kept his gaze on Chevalier’s. “How can you respect one man clad in fancy garb yet shun another?"
“Be careful, aristo. Madame Guillotine awaits you.” Chevalier’s friend cackled.
Chevalier nodded in agreement. “Indeed. I’ve had enough of your insolent accusations. Your sort can’t be trusted. You squandered our country’s wealth while great men like Robespierre fought to earn it."
To Perrin’s disappointment, he wasn’t given a chance to respond. Chevalier, that self-righteous accuser, grabbed his companion’s arm and walked past him with dramatic huffs.
Perrin opened his mouth to defend himself, then thought the better of it. There’d be no reasoning with a man like Chevalier.
Resuming his trek to Crimson Rose, Perrin placed his hand over the missive inside his waistcoat pocket. Thank God it was still there.
Open your eyes.




BLAKE FERRE writes LGBTQIA+ Inclusive Historical Romance Novels. A lover of the 18th Century, Blake can be found ogling over frock coats, embroidery, buttons, and velvet.


Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Book Tour for Wild Wales by Patricia Evans Cox (GIVEAWAY)....

Two women looking to start over find themselves running a business together after getting an inheritance from their relatives which has them starting out as friends before becoming oh so much more.  Keep reading to get a tempting taste of Wild Wales by Patricia Evans Cox, along with hearing from Ms. Cox about why readers are drawn to lesbian romances, then discover even more about this book by visiting the other sites hosting this tour.  In honor of this charming lesbian romance make sure to fill out the form below for the chance to win a $20 bookstore GC too!

First of all, thank you for having me!
What draws people to lesbian romance? I think we are all drawn to it because it’s a long overdue reflection of our lives and the way we love. For so long our only option was to try to imagine two female characters in books written for a heterosexual audience; the problem with that is that we’re lesbians, not just straight women in a straight world, so that was a dismal thought to most of us.
Well-written lesbian romance it’s captivating because we can relate to those characters and the struggles they’re facing on the path to love; most of us are on the same path in our own lives. I learn from their mistakes, take courage when they’re brave, and fall in love with the characters and their love stories. I think we’ve gone far too long without good literature specific to our community, and I hope I can help change that.
I take representing our community seriously, and when I started writing I knew I didn’t want to just repeat what I’d read in some popular lesbian fiction: sanitized vanilla sex scenes without the passion, lust and connection we all know should be there.
So I write it all. The hot, the raw and the unexpected, even the scenes that push our boundaries and make us think. And I’m truly grateful for the amazing readers that have taken to time to tell me that it has made them feel seen and appreciated. I can’t speak for everyone, but please know that I see you, appreciate you, and applaud you for your part in making our community shine by supporting lesbian authors.

Aisling Moss is balanced on the crystal edge of success as one of the most sought-after wedding planners in London...until one ill-advised move brings her career crashing down around her feet like a toppled tower of champagne flutes. The next day, a letter from a family solicitor arrives at her flat, and she has to choose between picking up the pieces of her career in London or taking the next flight to Wales to honor the wishes of someone she loves.
Finn Morgan was forced to end her fighting career after an injury sidelined her dreams of being a star in the cutthroat world of professional women’s boxing. Her job as a short-order cook in a Brooklyn diner certainly doesn’t compare, but it also doesn’t require her to think about what she wants to do with her life. Sleeping with her boss’s wife and spending quality time with a punching bag is all she needs, until the day she comes home to find a letter from across the pond, surrounded by a pool of warm sunlight, on her entry table.
Once in Wales, long-kept secrets and unexpected demands surface for both Finn and Aisling, and they are forced to make hard decisions about their futures: Do they return to rebuild the lives they had, or take a chance on love in wild, windswept Wales?


Aisling spoke slowly, more to herself than to Finn. Her voice trailed off, but she snapped back to reality after a few seconds and looked back at Finn across the kitchen.
“I kissed the wrong person, I guess."
Finn waited for her to go on, but she didn’t.
“How do you lose an entire career from one kiss?"
Aisling smiled, letting the silence speak for her.
“Oh shit,” Finn said slowly. “You didn’t kiss the groom, did you?"
She laughed and pulled the pen out of her hair. “Um, no...not the groom."
“Then it can’t be that bad. What’s the big deal?"
Aisling ran her fingers through her hair and loosened the waves until they fell over her shoulders. “It was the bride."
“Wow.” Finn shook her head, smiling, and folded what was left of the charred cardboard box into the trash. “I did not see that one coming."
“I thought not. Most people don’t."
Finn smiled and stepped into the living room, then leaned back in as soon as she passed the door frame. “This fire is beautiful. Did you do that while I was folding myself into the bathtub?"
Aisling didn’t answer, just walked slowly into the room, where a cheerful fire crackled and warmed the air. When they’d walked into the house an hour ago, it had been empty and dark, but now the entire room looked gilded, as if the firelight had melted into gold over every surface. Once again, the hearth had been swept clean and even the dented copper bucket next to the fireplace had been filled with freshly cut wood. Aisling stared into the flames, then slowly raised her eyes over Finn’s head and up to the ceiling.
“What are you looking at?” Finn said, following her gaze to the cracked plaster ceiling arched above her head, secured at the apex with an unfinished wooden beam.
“Nothing,” Aisling replied, her eyes scanning the room, half expecting to see the golden orbs of light she’d seen in the castle. But there was nothing. “Just a memory, I guess."



Patricia has been slinging ink and falling in love with characters since her boarding school days, and continues to write in her hometown of Eureka Springs, AR.
Her handmade tiny home in the forest, strewn with leather journals and forgotten cups of tea, serves as her writing studio. Her dogs Dublin and Snoo do their best to help by snoring loudly at her feet.
Patricia has lived in Ireland and England and returns there frequently to write, as well as to a much loved tiny island off the coast of Glasgow, where the owner of the local pub saves her the red velvet chair by the fire.
