This is the day of the week where we get to know each other better by answering a question devised by our lovely hostesses Parajunkee & Alisoncanread. We also gain new followers by joining each other's sites via GFC, so please let me know if you're a new follower since I automatically follow back. And now for this week's question....
-The place where I bring you my favorite things in books, movies, tv, foods, and anything else that makes me happy.
Thursday, September 29, 2011
Follow Friday.........
This is the day of the week where we get to know each other better by answering a question devised by our lovely hostesses Parajunkee & Alisoncanread. We also gain new followers by joining each other's sites via GFC, so please let me know if you're a new follower since I automatically follow back. And now for this week's question....
DVD Giveaway of Fringe:The Complete Third Season
I had meant to do a book review today, but have felt draggy all week. To cheer myself up, I'm having a giveaway! I have in my possession a brand spankin' new copy of the third season of the FOX Network sci-fi tv show Fringe on dvd! This is the regular version, not Blu-Ray, but still has lots of goodies. Here's a taste of what this set has to offer.......
Immersive. Compelling. Hypnotic. Brilliantly imaginative. Endlessly thrilling. Pick your term. The mystery of the universes deepens in the critically acclaimed 22-episode third season of television’s most exciting sci-fi. The Fringe team escapes from the parallel universe – except for Olivia, trapped in the other world and replaced in ours by her double, who turns Peter and Olivia’s tentative relationship into a love affair. Then Olivia returns, bonds of trust fray, ever more bizarre and terrifying phenomena occur and secrets that stretch back to 1985 threaten to destroy our universe. Or theirs.
Special Features:
Duality of Worlds: Four featurettes exploring The Other You, Visualizing an Alternate World, A Machine of Destiny and The Psychology of Duality
Animating the “Lysergic Acid Diethylamide” Episode
Constructing an Extrasensory Soundscape
Experience “Os” (Episode 316) in Selectable Maximum Episode Mode with Pop-Up Experience-Enhancing Commentaries and Featurettes
Commentary on “The Plateau” with Monica Owusu-Breen, Jeff Pinkner and Timothy Good
Commentary on “Lysergic Acid Diethylamide” with Jay Worth, Luyen Vu, and Tanya Swerling
Unusual Side Effects: Gag Reel
That's 1012 minutes of awesome sci-fi entertainment! Trust me when I say you're truly going to enjoy this! This giveaway rules are simple, but I'm afraid my tiny budget will only allow me to offer this to US individuals. I promise to do something a bit more worldwide next time. So follow the simple rules below to be entered and I wish everyone who enters good luck!
-ONLY OPEN to those residing in the US.
-MUST become a follower if not one already.
-Just leave a comment along with your email addy.
-Winner will be chosen via and will have 48 hours to respond to their winner's email or another winner will be chosen.
-Giveaway will end at 11:59 pm on Oct. 8th.
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
Book Tour for The Gladiator Prince by Minnette Meador (w/ a GIVEAWAY)
Before we get to a guest post by author Minnette Meador and a giveaway for a $25 Amazon gift card, I want to thank Goddess Fish Promotions for letting me be a part of this tour. Thanks too to Minnette for taking time out of her busy schedule to visit my blog. And now I hand the reins to Minnette to discuss sex and gladiators in ancient Rome (ooh la la)....
Bahar dodged a quick swipe of Thane’s weapon and caught the blade before it could hit him in the rear again. He jumped back out of the way of another swing. “The fact that you are a slave does not preclude you from the desires of women, Your Highness. I have seen the lines to your chambers.”
Thane snorted and twisted his lips. “You exaggerate. Besides, it is not by my choosing… your father likes his purse full, and the women pay well for me.”--The Gladiator Prince, Chapter II
Thane snorted and twisted his lips. “You exaggerate. Besides, it is not by my choosing… your father likes his purse full, and the women pay well for me.”--The Gladiator Prince, Chapter II
Interestingly enough, gladiators were treated extremely well, even if they were slaves. They were given the best food, the best wine, and the best women. Some were even allowed to marry and the wives would pay their husbands conjugal visits. In addition, the gladiator could pick from among the female (or male) slaves that belonged to the Lanista. In the case of many of the gladiators (especially those that pleased the crowds) high ranking women paid for the pleasure of lying with them. Gladiators were the celebrities of their day and to have lain with one (discretely of course) was considered by many women as a triumph (although they were usually careful not to let a husband know of their dalliance – a husband could kill the gladiatorial lover and have his wife severely fined for sleeping with a prostitute (yes there were plenty of male prostitutes), an actor, or a gladiator).
In a few moments and without a single word, she crawled off his lap, stumbled to her tunic, picked it up and slipped it over her head with her back to him.
Taking a few deep breaths where she stood, the woman crossed to the entrance, almost turned her head back to him, but instead, lifted her chin and left the way she had come in. As he watched her go, a pang of loss rushed through him. Was that all there was going to be? A parade of rich wenches who needed nothing more than the touch of his mouth and the lunge of his rod?--The Gladiator Prince, Chapter IV
In Gladiator Prince, Thane is sold to a woman for a night of enjoyment. She uses him for sex then leaves without so much as a glance. This was actually a true dichotomy in Rome during the first century. Although the gladiators were huge sex object and practically worshiped as celebrities, they were still slaves and considered beneath common society by both men and women. Basically, no better than animals in their view.
Gladiators, like Roman soldiers, practice a strict discipline of training for 8-10 hours every day, a deeply ingrained code of ethics and behavior, and a definite esprit de corps they shared with other gladiators. I was fortunate to have a very special martial artist choreograph my battle scenes in both Centurion and Edge of Honor. Gene was the head of The American Renaissance Martial Arts Association and his specialty was Roman fighting style. He told me once, that although his black belts were Special Forces, Navy seals, and the like, they couldn’t hold a candle to the common Roman soldiers or Gladiators of that era. Talk about hunks… Roman soldiers and gladiators were the originals… :o)
The Gladiator Prince:
Prince Thane is the last surviving royalty of the Trinovantes Tribe in Roman Britannia, having surrendered to the Romans after the Boudicca Revolt to save his two daughters, whose identities he sacrifices his freedom to protect. He is condemned by Nero himself to become a gladiator, to fight until he dies in the arena. When his two daughters are taken in a slaver's raid, Thane escapes, forcing the daughter of his master to take him to Rome to save his children. Little does he know that the beautiful Syrian woman holds not only the key to his passion, but a secret that triggers a disaster that ignites the world. Will this spoiled willful girl betray him in the end or sacrifice herself to save them all? Book III of the Centurion Series.
To Buy:
Author Bio:
Somewhere between thirty and hair, blue eyes...six kids, one slightly used husband, and any number of pets from time to time... wanttabe hippy... wanttheirmoney musician and actress for 20 Years... native Oregonian... lover of music, beauty, and all things green. Willing slave to the venerable muse. Minnette currently resides in Portland, Oregon with her husband, having replaced the children with one dog. The dog, Pierre, pretty much runs the show.
You can find Minette here:
-This giveaway is INTERNATIONAL (for everyone) and is for a $25 Amazon gc to a random commenter from all the tour stops. So the more blog stops you make a comment on, the greater your chances of winning. A list of stops can be found here.
-Make sure to include your email along with your comment.
-Ends on October 4th at 11:59 pm.
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Teaser Tuesdays #35
Teaser Tuesdays is a weekly bookish meme, hosted by MizB of Should Be Reading. Anyone can play along! Just do the following:
• Grab your current read
• Open to a random page
• Share two (2) “teaser” sentences from somewhere on that page
• BE CAREFUL NOT TO INCLUDE SPOILERS! (make sure that what you share doesn’t give too much away! You don’t want to ruin the book for others!)
• Share the title & author too, so that other TT participants can add the book to their TBR Lists if they like your teasers.
AN UNEXPECTED BRIDE by Shadonna Richards
.....from page 85.
-According to the law of attraction, whatever we choose to dwell on we pull into our lives like a magnetic draw. Make sure you focus on what you really want in life, what will be beneficial to you-not what you don't want.
Monday, September 26, 2011
Fashion Monday Madness
This week's collection of fashions won't be as glamorous as last week without an awards show. But I've searched high and low to bring you another week of....
The Good....
Liv Tyler goes for the drama in this lacy black ballgown. The lace pattern is modern and the underskirt keeps it tasteful. The bit of color from the jewelry adds the right bit of bling to keep her look from being too morbid. Unlike her more famous dad, this girl definitely knows fashion.
The Bad....
Demi Lovato looks like Vanessa's trashy twin with her torn nylons and ripped too tiny shorts. Add in the messy hair and overly accessorized vagabond ensemble and it looks as if she just woke up from a nightmare, except it's us who's frightened.
The Ugly....
That's it for today. Sound off below with your opinions and join me again next week for another look at celebrity fashion.
The Good....
Helen Mirren again proves why she's British royalty in this deep red cocktail dress that fits her to a tee. The color goes beautifully with her skin tone and the classy hairdo and minimal accessories add to her regalness.
Liv Tyler goes for the drama in this lacy black ballgown. The lace pattern is modern and the underskirt keeps it tasteful. The bit of color from the jewelry adds the right bit of bling to keep her look from being too morbid. Unlike her more famous dad, this girl definitely knows fashion.
The Bad....
Vanessa Hudgens' trashy Daisy Duke outfit is bad from the top of her greasy-haired head to the toes of her Mad Max boots. The acid-washed shorts are an even worse blast from the 80's past, with an overall look reminiscent of the opening scenes of Pretty Woman. Except here, there's no Richard Gere buying her better clothes.
Demi Lovato looks like Vanessa's trashy twin with her torn nylons and ripped too tiny shorts. Add in the messy hair and overly accessorized vagabond ensemble and it looks as if she just woke up from a nightmare, except it's us who's frightened.
The Ugly....
Actress Marley Shelton looks like she just climbed out of bed too in this ill-fitting translucent bathrobe-inspired dress. The pattern looks to be recycled from draperies from the 70's and the overall look is reminiscent of an adult film set castoff, definitely not something you'd wear to your movie premiere.
Glenn Close looks to be channeling Wilma Flintstone in this droopy animal covered mess of a dress. The color is drab as are the boring shoes and purse. Glenn should be expecting a call from PETA over her cruelty to an animal, but it's us that are truly tortured by looking at this ancient outfit that should have stayed buried in the back of her closet.
That's it for today. Sound off below with your opinions and join me again next week for another look at celebrity fashion.
Saturday, September 24, 2011
Hidden Villains on The Mentalist: The Complete Third Season on DVD
As a person who loves drama and mysteries, I enjoy when a tv show can keep me guessing about whodunit. During Season 3, Patrick is on a mission to identify who Red John’s mole within the CBI is. For me, I actually didn't figure it out. I was too focused on Red John himself and Patrick's revenge. What usually happens when discovering a mole is seeing a secondary character suddenly having more scenes and just being more nosy. I liked The Mentalist having this extra mystery even though I didn't solve it. It added an extra, exciting dimension to the show.
What about you? Before Patrick revealed the mole, who did you suspect it was? What clues led you to suspect that person?
Even though the new season just got underway, there's still time to catch-up by ordering your copy of The Mentalist: The Complete Third Season on DVD here today: !
*I have been hired by Warner Bros. WBWord division to promote The Mentalist: The Complete Third Season on DVD.
What about you? Before Patrick revealed the mole, who did you suspect it was? What clues led you to suspect that person?
Even though the new season just got underway, there's still time to catch-up by ordering your copy of The Mentalist: The Complete Third Season on DVD here today: !
*I have been hired by Warner Bros. WBWord division to promote The Mentalist: The Complete Third Season on DVD.
Friday, September 23, 2011
Supernatural Returns Tonight!!!!
Yes it's true, the Winchester boys are back! Tonight on the CW we get to see what an omnipotent Castiel is like now that he's become a God. Will my sweet Dean and his younger brother Sam be able to save Castiel from himself while continuing to fight evil? Find out tonight on the CW at 8 pm CST! To get you in the mood, here are some clips from tonight's premiere as well as some clips from the last season.
Thursday, September 22, 2011
Follow Friday.................
This is the day of the week where we get to know each other better by answering a question devised by our lovely hostesses Parajunkee & Alisoncanread. We also gain new followers by joining each other's sites via GFC, so please let me know if you're a new follower since I automatically follow back. And now for this week's question....
Q. Do you have a favorite series that you read over and over again? Tell us a bit about it and why you keep on revisiting it?
A. I have a few stand-alone books that I re-read whenever I want something reliably good. They're mostly historical and usually feature disabled characters. The closest I've come to re-reading a series is JR Ward's Black Dagger Brotherhood. Even then I don't re-read each installment, just my faves. As to what draws me to the series, it's the strong and sexy men who still show an emotional side. I LOVE the grittiness of their world and the moments of angst that help me take a break from my own bad days.
Danielle Gavan Digital Book Winner
Before I announce the winner, I want to thank Bewitching Book Tours for letting me be a part of this tour. I also want to thank Danielle Gavan for letting me host a giveaway for my wonderful readers and to those who took the time to enter the giveaway as well. And now the winner of either a digital copy of Ardeur, Cursed, Tarnished Tiaras, or UnWrapped is........................
Congratulations! I'll be emailing you in a little bit to confirm your win and find out which of Danielle's books you want in digital format.
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Review for Jungle Heat by Bonnie Dee
Congo Free State, 1888
On a mission deep in the jungle, Oxford anthropologist James Litchfield comes face-to-face with a local legend: a wild man who wanders with mountain gorillas and lives as one of their own.
The chance encounter with the savage, whom James calls Michael, leads to a game of observation and exploration. Their mutual curiosity turns to an attraction—one that Michael has never experienced and James is desperate to deny.
When members of the expedition unearth James's secret discovery—a living specimen of man at his most primitive—Michael becomes a pawn in their quest for fame.
As their relationship deepens, James is compelled to protect Michael from the academics who would treat him as nothing more than a scientific acquisition and London society, which threatens to destroy their passionate bond.
Jungle Heat is an intriguing take on the Tarzan myth that brings out surprising depth from its characters and makes for a pleasant read that I was sad to see come to an end. Along with a satisfying storyline comes lifelike descriptions. Those of the jungle are so vivid that you can practically feel the humidity as are the images of London and its chaos. These images draw you into the story and give an interesting perspective on what Michael is going through as he transitions to modern civilization.
The characters are not at all stereotypical. Circumstances very much affect them and their actions. James Litchfield starts out toeing the company line but once a real person is involved he becomes protective and secretive and that becomes the basis for his relationship with Michael, the Odd One. Their relationship progresses realistically and I enjoyed seeing the caring side to James and their loving yet heated encounters. I also enjoyed his relationship with his family and the issue of his sexual preference and how it related to the time period. After keeping the truth about himself from everyone out of fear, it was nice to know that his family would always support him.
Michael is an amazing character and one of my favorites that I've read. To see his progression from Ape Man to the latest curiosity is intriguing and heart-wrenching. With so many of the story's characters only wanting what's best for them, I find it even more refreshing that the one character thought of as an animal is the most human. He sees through subterfuge and doesn't believe in lies. While I love that about his character, it certainly sets him up for heartache repeatedly. After his parents died he was left alone, both physically and emotionally. The apes were accepting of him at first but later cast him aside. That was his first taste of being the Odd One. Throughout the story he has other instances of being alone, even with James at his side. By not being fully verbal and by not understanding human nature with all its cruelties he continually feels separate. He just wants to live in peace surrounded by love. As James became protective of him, I too felt protective and was rooting for him to get what he desired every step of the way.
James and Michael are truly wonderful together. For the majority of the story James acts too much the protector, saying he knows what's best for Michael. But when Michael's future is put in jeopardy, James finally listens to what Michael is saying which cements their relationship. Not only are these two truly romantic with one another, their scenes are extremely hot too and I felt fully invested in their relationship.
Bonnie Dee has written a story that flows beautifully from the first sentence to the last with memorable characters inhabiting a well-known storyline. She's added an intriguing twist to give it a more modern feel and in so doing has created a character not soon forgotten in Michael the Odd One. This was the first book I've read of Ms. Dee's, but with her wonderful writing style and strong characters, it won't be the last time I pick up one of her books.
My rating for this is an A!
*I received this from Netgalley in exchange for my honest opinion.
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Teaser Tuesdays #34
Teaser Tuesdays is a weekly bookish meme, hosted by MizB of Should Be Reading. Anyone can play along! Just do the following:
• Grab your current read
• Open to a random page
• Share two (2) “teaser” sentences from somewhere on that page
• BE CAREFUL NOT TO INCLUDE SPOILERS! (make sure that what you share doesn’t give too much away! You don’t want to ruin the book for others!)
• Share the title & author too, so that other TT participants can add the book to their TBR Lists if they like your teasers.
TIE ME UP by Lauren Hawkeye 11 of 23.
-The reminder that he knew, the fact that I was certain he’d move away from me if I only said to him to do so, broke something in me. Cracked it wide open. Freed me. Made me brave.
Monday, September 19, 2011
Fashion Monday Madness
Today's a big fashion day with last night's Emmy awards airing. Lots of winners and losers, not only when it comes to the awards themselves but to the outfits the stars wore. So let's get right to it......
The Good....
Another Modern Family star, Sarah Hyland, gets a big thumbs up from me in this winningly coral colored gown that's just right for her age. Again the draping is perfect as is the bit of dazzle at the waist. The hair is carefree with understated make-up that doesn't distract from this gorgeous gown.
The Bad....
The Ugly....
The Good....
Sofia Vergara stole the Red Carpet in this coral colored gown that drapes beautifully to accentuate in all the right places. The flair at the bottom adds drama to an already glamorous gown. The hair is sleek and the make-up minimal to highlight those amazing chandelier earrings. From head to toe Sofia gets an A+!
Another Modern Family star, Sarah Hyland, gets a big thumbs up from me in this winningly coral colored gown that's just right for her age. Again the draping is perfect as is the bit of dazzle at the waist. The hair is carefree with understated make-up that doesn't distract from this gorgeous gown.
The Bad....
Julianna Margulies' rubbery dress looks as if breathing in it would be impossible. It's dominatrix-lite and gives her no shape at all. The crystal stones on top look like Christmas decorating came early and enhance the overall heaviness to this outfit. The hair too looks heavy and overloaded with hairspray. She might have won an Emmy, but it certainly wasn't for this dress.
Jayma Mays looks like a relative of Glenda, the Good Witch, in this childish-looking frilly nightmare. This is something a young girl would wear to a tea party with her dolls, not a star-studded event. The color completely washes her out and her body's completely swallowed up by the tiers of tulle. She plays a germ freak on GLEE and should have treated this dress like the plague and steered way clear of it.
The Ugly....
Instead of carrying a bouquet of flowers down the Red Carpet, Heidi Klum IS a bouquet of flowers in this hot mess of a dress designed by former Project Runway winner Christian Siriano. The color of this looks like dirty dish water and in a room full of color makes her look like a funeral attendee. The flowered hem completely overwhelms her and the overall look leaves a failed prom dress aftertaste. Auf Wiedersehen Heidi!
Actress Eva La Rue must want to be on Dancing With the Stars since her Red Carpet look is definitely cheesy-ballroom in nature. The color is bland and the overdone embellishments reek of Las Vegas showgirl. The hair is boring and the lack of noteworthy jewelry gives an overall feel of an ensemble better suited to walking down the aisles of Wal-Mart rather than the Red Carpet.
That's a wrap for this year's Emmy fashions. What were some of your faves and flubs from the big show? Please sound off below. I'd love to hear what you think! Join me again next week for more fashion fun.
Sunday, September 18, 2011
The Mentalist: Season 3 on DVD When the Villain Comes to An End...Or Does He?
From time to time I talk tv and with the 3rd season of The Mentalist out on DVD soon I've been discussing the show. One of the most intriguing aspects of this show is the long running villain Red John who has tormented Patrick for years and destroyed his life. In the Season 3 finale, Patrick confronts and shoots a man who claims to be the serial killer who murdered his wife and daughter - Red John. Now as a person who reads romance novels and who has encountered plots where the villain is seemingly killed but then comes back, I'm not entirely convinced the man was Red John. It's been Patrick's purpose for so long to kill Red John that I can't quite buy that it happened so soon. Most shows save this for the finale. But with season 4 premiering soon we'll find out if Red John is truly dead.
Get yourself ready for the new season and decide if you think Red John is truly dead by ordering your copy of The Mentalist: The Complete Third Season on DVD here today: !
*I have been hired by Warner Bros. WBWord division to promote The Mentalist: The Complete Third Season on DVD.
Get yourself ready for the new season and decide if you think Red John is truly dead by ordering your copy of The Mentalist: The Complete Third Season on DVD here today: !
*I have been hired by Warner Bros. WBWord division to promote The Mentalist: The Complete Third Season on DVD.
Saturday, September 17, 2011
The Hand He Dealt by Tanith Davenport - Print Release Time

I previously featured this book on my blog, but this past week it was finally released in print. So if you're looking for a steamy read be sure to add this to your list.
The Hand He Dealt
by Tanith Davenport
ISBN: 978-0-85715-570-2
Genre: Contemporary Erotic Romance
Publisher: Total-e-Bound
Book Description:
Nobody can beat Astra Scott in playing the hand she’s dealt.
Astra Scott likes to live life to the full. A sorority girl and Gaming Management student, she spends her days studying and practising guitar, and her nights partying or working at the Fountain Casino, where she has an internship as part of her final semester. The only blot on her landscape is Ash Drake, her best friend Sasha’s boyfriend. Arrogant, physical and blond, Ash has never forgiven Astra for her rejection months earlier and enjoys annoying her at every turn.
But when Astra’s boyfriend Harry reveals a shocking secret, Astra responds in the only way she can think of: by finding a way to take on a more attractive, masculine role in the relationship. Her experimentation with sex toys finds a surprising outlet in Sasha, but when Ash discovers their secret and wants to get involved, Astra finds herself torn between dislike and desire…and as their undercover relationship grows, Astra finds herself falling in love, a path she feels can only end in heartbreak. For Ash may be the only man whose own fantasies are a match for hers, but can she knowingly steal his affections from her best friend?
Reader Advisory: This book contains one scene of pegging/strap-on penetration and scenes of ménage and FF intimacy.
Ebook link:
Print Link:
Two hours later, and Astra stood in front of her bedroom mirror, holding in one hand the toy she had bought from Amy’s Delights.
Rubber underwear was laced through her fingers, a small plastic remote control dangling below on the end of a long cord. And attached to the front—
It was a strap-on.
It was a strap-on dildo.
And it was purple.
A purple length of shiny plastic. A perfect simulacrum of a veined, circumcised penis, five inches long and of a thickness Astra considered average, just the right width to wrap a hand around.
She stared at her reflection for a long time, contemplating the dildo, before slowly drawing it back towards her body, holding it against her stomach.
One foot through the straps, two feet…rubber caught against denim-clad legs, but after a moment’s struggle the strap-on dildo was in place, and Astra’s image stood in front of her, the purple dick jutting out in front like the hilt of a sword.
Slowly she rotated her hips, watching the dildo glide from side to side, before stopping abruptly with a giggle.
Shit. It looks like a fucking light sabre.
Watching herself in the mirror, she closed one hand around its length, giving it a tentative stroke.
Nothing. Unsurprisingly.
She tried it again, this time holding the remote control and flicking the switch. A sudden buzzing, accompanied by a muted vibration through her jeans, made her jolt sharply.
Flipping the switch again, she rocked her hips slowly, her eyes glazing. In her mind formed a picture of Harry’s smooth back and bare buttocks, thighs parting to receive her, Harry’s voice gasping, begging for more, more, please, more…
The switch snapped off.
Astra eyed herself coolly, squaring her shoulders, her legs automatically widening into a masculine stance.
A third red-backed card flipped over on the green baize. The ten of hearts.
“Twenty-four. Bust.”
With a scowl, the man pushed his chips to the centre of the table and got up to leave.
“Too bad,” Astra called after him. “Have a good night.”
It was four in the morning and the casino was closing. Around the room, the croupiers were clearing their tables and preparing to leave. Astra’s table was the first one closed—as the lights began to snap off she was already halfway to the door.
She passed another croupier, an attractive blonde, just unhooking her coat, her forehead smeared with blood, and she paused.
“Hey, Becky? What happened to you?”
The girl scowled. “Some jerk threw a glass at me. Think he just lost the expense account.”
“Ugh. Men.” Astra could taste the bitterness in her words. “They’re all pricks.”
The cold air hit her like a wall of ice. The skies were still pitch-dark. The night was clear, starlit, the edges of the full moon sharp. Streetlamps spilled pools of light across the sidewalk as Astra started the long walk home.
Thank God she didn’t have an early lecture.
Across the street, shouts and raucous laughter filled the air as the door of a neon-fronted bar opened and a group of twenty-something men fell out. Astra’s stomach twisted as a painful image forced its way into her mind.
Are you out tonight?
She dropped her head, fighting against the picture that haunted her. Oh God, she was beginning to hate this walk home. The surrounding dark engulfed her like a wave, weakening her, dragging her down.
Every time you do this, I lose another part of you, something I’m afraid to forget.
Her feet knew the way home as well as her mind did.
I can’t remember the scent of your hair.
It was amazing how quickly the sidewalk was passing.
I can’t remember the feeling of your breath on my neck.
It really wasn’t such a long walk after all.
She broke into a run, one hand over her face, tears choking her. Astra stumbled up the main road through the campus and into the Omega Zeta sorority house. She dashed up the stairs to the first floor, dived into the bathroom and locked herself in a cubicle.
It was stupid to feel this way. Stupid. But the aching feeling of loss was rarely absent these days.
She had only herself to blame. She had been too intelligent, too arrogant, to believe she could lose herself in the intense gaze of a pair of blue eyes. Too clever to recognize her own weakness in the face of a cheeky smile.
Fuck. The door had opened. She wiped her face and stepped out of the cubicle, her carefully-crafted neutral expression dissolving when she saw the girl turning away from her reflection.
“Astra?” Sasha looked her up and down in concern. “Are you okay? What’s…”
“Don’t ask.”
Sasha nodded slowly and turned back to the mirror with an assumed casualness.
“Oh—by the way. News.”
“Oh, yeah?”
“It’s Ash.”
“Oh, yeah?”
“He knows.”
Astra caught herself in the middle of a third “Oh yeah?” and stepped behind Sasha. Their eyes met in the mirror.
“Ash knows.”
Astra leant back against the row of sinks and ran her hand through her hair in shock.
“Ash… Fuck.”
Author Bio:
Tanith Davenport began writing at the age of sixteen as a way of utilizing her ability to drift into daydreams at any hour of the day or night. Her interests range between rock music and modern cinema to medieval literature and classical singing. She loves to travel and dreams of one day taking a driving tour of the United States, preferably in a classic 1950s pink Cadillac Eldorado.
“The Hand He Dealt” is Tanith’s debut novel and was released by Total-e-Bound Publishing on 13 June 2011.
Friday, September 16, 2011
Winner of Take Me Down by Lauren Hawkeye
Before I announce the winner of Lauren's giveaway I want to thank Lauren for letting me host this giveaway and a big thanks also to those who took the time to sign up. So without further ado, the winner of an ePub copy of Take Me Down by Lauren Hawkeye.....
is................June M.!!!!!!!!!
-I've already sent you an email and hope to hear from you soon.
Thursday, September 15, 2011
Follow Friday........
This is the day of the week where we get to know each other better by answering a question devised by our lovely hostesses Parajunkee & Alisoncanread. We also gain new followers by joining each other's sites via GFC, so please let me know if you're a new follower since I automatically follow back. And now for this week's question....
Q. It's that pesky magic book fairy again! She has another wish: What imaginary book world would you like to make a reality?
A. Even though it's dangerous, I LOVE the exotic quality of JR Ward's BDB world and would LOVE to run into any of the Brothers (preferably with very little, to no clothes...wink).
Another Season of True Blood Comes To An End.....
.....and what an exciting season it was full of crazy witches, lots of bloodletting, many returnees from the dead, a new softer side of Eric (momentarily) and to Pam as well, and in the immortal lyrics of Miranda Lambert...a crazy ex-girlfriend courtesy of Alcide's banishment of Debbie Pelt. For those who haven't watched the finale or this season should definitely avoid this post since I will freely be talking about what went down this season and how I feel about the set-up for next season. To give you time to decide if you're ready to talk about the season, here's an assortment of clips from the recently concluded season.
The break-up of Hoyt and Jessica, the Romeo & Juliet of True Blood, was sad to see since he truly loved her and banished his mom for her. But she's finally getting to experience life since becoming a vampire so I didn't see commitment working for her. And I truly like her with Jason. He's really become a better man this season, minus the Crystal/were-panther portion of the season which ended up being a whole lot of nothing except silly, and a more responsible one since becoming a police officer. The old Jason wouldn't have fessed up to Hoyt about his being with Jessica so his maturity is finally coming through. Now with the return of Reverend Steve Newlin and his conversion to vampire it opens up interesting issues for Jason that will have big ramifications for next season.
Sam had a tough year with finding his family, which should have stayed missing. His brother Tommy caused nothing but trouble and while I feel sad for Sam's loss, I'm happy that irritant and his equally repulsive parents are gone. A storyline that was unnecessary and distracting at least is finally over, except for the revenge that Marcus' pack will have towards Sam and quite possibly Alcide for their leader's death. I'm intrigued by the possibilities for next season.
Speaking of Alcide, it's about time he kicked Debbie to the curb. I never understood why he forgave her and he really should have known her hatred/jealousy towards Sookie wouldn't end considering the number of times he went to Sookie's rescue. And he REALLY should have known she would go to kill Sookie and at least warned her. I'm happy he finally professed his feelings but I hope he's ready for disappointment since Sookie will always be a fang-banger. She seems drawn to them even with her momentary break from both Eric and Bill.
Eric showed a different side to himself after being hexed by a witch and became a loving yet docile puppy, which was sweet to see for an episode or two but it became a bit nauseating after awhile. So I was extremely relieved to get badass Eric back. He exudes way more sexiness when he has the attitude to back it up and I loved his bloodthirstiness over the last two episodes. Funny and dangerous at the same time. I also enjoy the relationship he now has with Bill. They're both on the same side now and after killing Nan, and finding out there's a price on their heads, they'll need to watch each other's backs. Plus with Russell Edgington apparently now free there's even more danger for the two of them and all of this has me excited to see what will happen to the boys.
I can't mention Eric without bringing up Pam who also had a rough season with becoming the walking dead and losing her looks. Her anger over Eric's devotion to Sookie is understandable and she verbalized it beautifully. There are many times I too get fed up with Sookie and hope that she'll get back in Eric's good graces soon. If not, I'd love to see her start a relationship with Tara (once we discover the outcome of her gunshot wound) since there was a lot of sexual tension flaring between them in their standoffs.
Arlene and Terry also had some issues this year with their new baby, a scary spirit, and an even scarier doll. Once that was resolved poor Arlene still couldn't find peace when the spirit of her baby's dead father comes to warn her about Terry's past. When a dead serial killer comes to warn you about possible evil then you know things must be bad and I feel sad for Terry since he's already been through so much. I wish him well for next season and the trouble his military buddy has brought him.
Finally, we have Sookie who managed to come back from the dead not once but twice. Throw in practically every good looking guy in town being hot for her and you can understand why she wants to take a break from trouble for awhile. Unfortunately, by killing Debbie, trouble is what she's in again and her dismissal of Bill and Eric will be short lived since she'll need them to help clean up. Sookie will always be a damsel in distress with plenty of men to rescue her and that's what brings us back season after season.
The break-up of Hoyt and Jessica, the Romeo & Juliet of True Blood, was sad to see since he truly loved her and banished his mom for her. But she's finally getting to experience life since becoming a vampire so I didn't see commitment working for her. And I truly like her with Jason. He's really become a better man this season, minus the Crystal/were-panther portion of the season which ended up being a whole lot of nothing except silly, and a more responsible one since becoming a police officer. The old Jason wouldn't have fessed up to Hoyt about his being with Jessica so his maturity is finally coming through. Now with the return of Reverend Steve Newlin and his conversion to vampire it opens up interesting issues for Jason that will have big ramifications for next season.
Sam had a tough year with finding his family, which should have stayed missing. His brother Tommy caused nothing but trouble and while I feel sad for Sam's loss, I'm happy that irritant and his equally repulsive parents are gone. A storyline that was unnecessary and distracting at least is finally over, except for the revenge that Marcus' pack will have towards Sam and quite possibly Alcide for their leader's death. I'm intrigued by the possibilities for next season.
Speaking of Alcide, it's about time he kicked Debbie to the curb. I never understood why he forgave her and he really should have known her hatred/jealousy towards Sookie wouldn't end considering the number of times he went to Sookie's rescue. And he REALLY should have known she would go to kill Sookie and at least warned her. I'm happy he finally professed his feelings but I hope he's ready for disappointment since Sookie will always be a fang-banger. She seems drawn to them even with her momentary break from both Eric and Bill.
Eric showed a different side to himself after being hexed by a witch and became a loving yet docile puppy, which was sweet to see for an episode or two but it became a bit nauseating after awhile. So I was extremely relieved to get badass Eric back. He exudes way more sexiness when he has the attitude to back it up and I loved his bloodthirstiness over the last two episodes. Funny and dangerous at the same time. I also enjoy the relationship he now has with Bill. They're both on the same side now and after killing Nan, and finding out there's a price on their heads, they'll need to watch each other's backs. Plus with Russell Edgington apparently now free there's even more danger for the two of them and all of this has me excited to see what will happen to the boys.
I can't mention Eric without bringing up Pam who also had a rough season with becoming the walking dead and losing her looks. Her anger over Eric's devotion to Sookie is understandable and she verbalized it beautifully. There are many times I too get fed up with Sookie and hope that she'll get back in Eric's good graces soon. If not, I'd love to see her start a relationship with Tara (once we discover the outcome of her gunshot wound) since there was a lot of sexual tension flaring between them in their standoffs.
Arlene and Terry also had some issues this year with their new baby, a scary spirit, and an even scarier doll. Once that was resolved poor Arlene still couldn't find peace when the spirit of her baby's dead father comes to warn her about Terry's past. When a dead serial killer comes to warn you about possible evil then you know things must be bad and I feel sad for Terry since he's already been through so much. I wish him well for next season and the trouble his military buddy has brought him.
Finally, we have Sookie who managed to come back from the dead not once but twice. Throw in practically every good looking guy in town being hot for her and you can understand why she wants to take a break from trouble for awhile. Unfortunately, by killing Debbie, trouble is what she's in again and her dismissal of Bill and Eric will be short lived since she'll need them to help clean up. Sookie will always be a damsel in distress with plenty of men to rescue her and that's what brings us back season after season.
So what did YOU think of this season? Any complaints or kudos that you'd like to share? Please comment below, I'd love to hear your thoughts.
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
Book Tour: Ardeur by Danielle Gavan (Guest Post & Giveaway)
Before we get to Danielle's guest post and the giveaway she's generously letting me offer to my dear followers, I want to thank Bewitching Book Tours for letting me be a part of this tour in support of Ardeur and Danielle herself for taking time out of her busy schedule to join us her today. Get comfy now and join me in welcoming Danielle....
Thanks for having me on the blog! I thought I’d share a scene that didn’t make it into Ardeur with everyone today.
Stretched out on their blanket, sun shining down through the canopy of leaves above them, Brody watched Ardeur. The smooth column of her throat worked as she swallowed the last of her bottled water. His body reacted instantly and he cursed himself for being a lecherous bastard.
Stretched out on their blanket, sun shining down through the canopy of leaves above them, Brody watched Ardeur. The smooth column of her throat worked as she swallowed the last of her bottled water. His body reacted instantly and he cursed himself for being a lecherous bastard.
Relax, he thought. Down boy. Dating and stuff first.
Ardy shifted to lie down beside him and snuggled into his right side. She smiled up at him, “So, question for you.”
He grinned and asked, “Are we revisiting our twenty questions session from the other day?”
“Yes,” she laughed softly. “I want to know everything about you. We’ve missed a lot of time together, Brody.”
“I know. Okay. Go ahead,” he prompted. “Ask.”
She rested her right arm over his belly and squeezed gently. “What’s your favorite movie?”
Brody thought about it for a minute. He wanted to say American Werewolf in London but decided to go one better. “Van Helsing,” he replied instead. Before she could respond, he asked, “Yours?”
He tried to resist laughing out loud and knew he’d failed miserably when she poked his side and called bullshit. She tapped one slim, manicured fingertip on her chin as she thought.
“Oddly enough, Ghost.”
Holding in a groan, he glanced down at her. Well, duh, he thought. Of course.
“Okay. What’s your favorite color?” he asked while tracing her features with his mind.
With a grin, she pointed at her shirt. Low cut and revealing way more than he wanted anyone else but him to see of her, the vermillion material clung to every curve. His wolf growled appreciatively and Brody couldn’t agree more with it.
“Silly question, baby. Red, obviously.” She brought his left hand to her lips and nipped at his knuckles. “You? Oh, and what’s your favorite food?”
His favorite color? He didn’t really have one. As for favorite food—did she count? Brody shook away the thought. That way laid danger and things she wasn’t ready for yet.
“It’s a couple of colors, I guess. I like brown, black, blue and white.”
Looking down at her again, he smiled devilishly. “As for food, now that’s a hard one,” he replied while acting like he had to think about it. “Hmm, I’d have to say tangerines.”
Purring gently in her ear, Brody smirked as the citrusy scent of her lust drifted to him. He watched her, enjoying the glazed look and obvious desire shinning in Ardy’s eyes.
“Damn,” she sighed. “Um, favorite thing of yours?”
Once again, his thoughts veered to her body and he chided himself. “Right now?” he asked and she nodded. “You. Your personality, your body… everything about you.” Sliding a hand up her thigh, he asked about her favorite season and thanked the gods for the sudden inspiration.
“Season?” She tucked her face into his neck and inhaled before replying,
“Fall. The colors are pretty, and it smells like you do. Rich, earthy and home. You?”
Brody wrapped his right arm around her and held Ardeur against him. Gods, she fit him perfectly.
“Well, Goldie. You’re all summer, and it’s a tie now with winter.” He chuckled when she huffed and continued,” You see. When I was a pup and it would snow…” Brody grinned, remembering how fun it was to roll around in the snow and chase after the flakes as they fell from the sky. “Just, it was great.” Placing a kiss on her forehead, he asked, “Favorite place?”
She brought a hand up to caress his cheek and he stared back into her eyes, noting the light gray flecks in the dark, periwinkle blue. Her thumb brushed across his cheekbone and it took everything he had not to lean up and kiss her.
“Right here, wrapped up in you,” she replied. “The tub would come a distant second.” He blinked in surprise and she smiled. “It’s a great place to think. What’s yours?”
It used to be the pack, he thought, but it didn’t feel like home anymore. Here, with her in his arms. This was where he belonged.
“Right here,” he murmured against her lips. “With you.”
Ardy opened for him and he took possession of her mouth. She kissed him back with equal passion and he growled with approval. Rolling, he settled her beneath him on the blanket.
“Goldie,” he groaned with their lips a whisper apart. He slid his hands up her thighs, kissing his way down her neck as her fingers gripped his shoulders.
Brody didn’t realize how far things had progressed until Ardeur slid her hands beneath his shirt and tugged it up to bare his stomach. He pulled back, the glow from his eyes bathing her face in soft, golden hues. Sitting back on his heels between her denim clad thighs, Brody shook himself and scrubbed a hand over his face.
“Baby? What’s wrong?” Ardeur asked. “Why’d you stop?”
Embarrassed, he gave her a reassuring smile. “Sorry. I let myself get carried away. We agreed to go slow and—yeah. I can’t promise that I’ll be able to stop if we get down to skin on skin.”
She bit her lip and he groaned internally. Gods, that simple little gesture stirred his lust up again and it took every ounce of his willpower not to damn the consequences of kissing her once more.
“Okay,” she said, and smiled. “Favorite thing to do by yourself?”
Brody laughed, settled onto the blanket beside her and pulled Ardeur back against his side. More at peace with himself than he’d felt in ages, he brushed his lips over Ardy’s hair and answered her question. The greedy bastard in his pants wasn’t happy with the change in activity but, oh well—he’d deal with the discomfort until she was ready. Silently, he prayed it was soon.
Ardeur by Danielle Gavan
Book 1 Abbey of Angels
Born a necromancer…
Sold by parents who wanted a normal child, Ardeur Lisle now hosts a demon and was trained to be a killer for hire. As an adult possessed, dreaming of escape and of a kind face from her childhood helps keep her sane.
If she breaks free from her captors, what will this new world full of paranormal beings hold for her? Ridding herself of her demon parasite will be her first priority.
A promise kept...
Brody Callaghan never forgot the angelic blonde from his childhood. After years of military service, he swears to track down the face still haunting him from his youth.
But Brody has a furry secret of his own; one unveiled with each full moon. Will the two hold onto love with danger, deception, and an obsessed angel driving them apart?
Sold by parents who wanted a normal child, Ardeur Lisle now hosts a demon and was trained to be a killer for hire. As an adult possessed, dreaming of escape and of a kind face from her childhood helps keep her sane.
If she breaks free from her captors, what will this new world full of paranormal beings hold for her? Ridding herself of her demon parasite will be her first priority.
A promise kept...
Brody Callaghan never forgot the angelic blonde from his childhood. After years of military service, he swears to track down the face still haunting him from his youth.
But Brody has a furry secret of his own; one unveiled with each full moon. Will the two hold onto love with danger, deception, and an obsessed angel driving them apart?
I woke up to the sound of birds chirping on my windowsill and moved to slide out of bed to shut the window. The sharp pain in my temple and the thick feeling of my tongue when I pried it from the roof of my mouth were the first indications that something had gone down while I was sleeping. You got out again, didn't you? How are you doing this?
Shadekar's snide laugh slid like oil through my head and made me wince. “Nice jammies you've got there, Sister Mary Floozy Pants.”
“Jammies? What?” My eyes turned to look downward, and I jumped at the sight of the yards and yards of pristine white cotton that covered me from the buttoned collar at my throat to the frilly trim that dangled over my toes. “How in the hell did I get into this? I know you sure as hell didn't put me in it.” I fisted my hands in the soft fabric and looked around for clues as I pulled the nightgown off and threw it in the garbage bin. “What the hell?”
My bottom was covered in the most modest pair of underpants I had ever seen. They covered me from the top of my thighs to above the dip of my belly button with even more of the virginal white cotton. The crowning insult of the entire outfit was the matronly brassiere that had my chest in a strangle hold, the likes of which none of the bras I'd ever been forced to wear could compare with.
“Ooh, baby. Now that is some sexy shit there, Blondie.”
Shade, shut up. This is your fault. Who the hell did this to me?
A pair of dark blue eyes under a fringe of unruly black hair played behind my eyes and I groaned. Shade let me see Azrael carrying my sleeping form back to my room, wave his hand over me to change the outfit I'd had on to the one I'd woken up in before he put me in bed and left quietly.
“Damn it.”
It took me all of five minutes to get dressed, brush my teeth and run down the hall. I knew that Rae would be in his office by now. I threw the solid oak door open without knocking in my hurry to find out just what he'd seen while Shade had been in control. “Rae, what the hell hap…?”
My sentence stopped abruptly as I skidded to a halt behind a tall man with cropped brown hair and the widest shoulders I'd ever seen. “Oh, sorry. You have company - I'll come back later.”
Rae leaned over to peer around his guest and smiled when he saw me.
“Afternoon Ardy, nice to see you're wearing more than what I last saw you in.” He waved at one of the chairs in front of his desk. “You might want to stick around. I think you know my guest - Brody?”
The big guy turned and I looked up into a pair of eyes I'd thought never to see again. There they were, the eyes I'd seen in my dreams every night and the dimples - oh, God. He still had the dimples and the roguish smile that had charmed me even at the tender age of six.
My right hand trembled and it rose to dart out and touch the solid chest that was level with my face. “Oh, shit. You're real.”
Brody's laugh at my comment was rich, husky and warm like the whisky that I had the night before. His own hand, so much bigger and more tanned than my own pale one, came up and caught mine before I could snatch it back. “I'm real and damn happy to have finally found you, again.”
“Again, what?” I looked up at him, confusion clouding the blue of my eyes. “You found me before?”
Azrael rose from his chair and rounded the hand carved oak desk. “I'll leave you two to catch up. There are a few things I need to, um, yeah. I'm just going to go.”
If either of us heard Rae leave, we showed no sign of it. We stared at each other, mesmerized by the fact that we were finally together again.
“I brought your bag.” Brody held up the tattered and patched up satchel that had carried everything I owned for the last seven years.
It took a moment of confused blinking before I realized what he was talking about and was able to form a coherent thought. “I, um. How did you get it?”
He deposited the bag on the chair next to me and then reached to take my other hand inside of his large one. I couldn't help but look down at our hands and notice the differences between us, the obvious ones and the not so obvious, before I pulled my hands free and stepped back out of touching range. It wasn't because I didn't want him touching me; I just never allowed anyone to touch me, ever.
Brody was dark where I was light, callused where I was soft, and relaxed when I was freaked out despite being thrilled to see him. I opened myself up a bit to taste his energy and what I found had me stumbling back to look up at him, eyes gone wide with wonder. Whatever he was hiding behind the broad shouldered all-American boy looks had eyes that glowed gold when it had looked back at me.
“What are you?”
His eyes flashed gold at my question and then I knew. I felt warm fur brush across my skin and the scents of the forest blew over my senses. “Werewolf?”
“Yep. Just like the rest of my family.” He sat down in the empty chair and smiled up at me before reaching out to take my left hand in his. “Sit with me, please? I'll explain what I meant about finding you again.”
My denim-covered ass parked itself in the chair my bag was in and I pulled my hand from his. I reached back to jockey the bag around so I'd have more room to keep my trembling hands out of Brody's. I took advantage of the distraction to settle my emotions and smooth my frayed nerves before turning around to face him once more. “Okay, explain.”
He leaned forward, elbows on knees and let his hands hang loosely between us. I knew he was giving me the option to take them or not and he was going to be disappointed because I wouldn't, couldn't touch him back. I wanted to, so much, but the fear of rejection ran deep. Shade had been successful in that endeavor. I would never be comfortable with anyone touching me.
“Do you recall much about what happened just before your accident? Maybe someone was calling out for you to stop?”
I nodded, the events before the BMW slammed into me replayed in my mind.
“That was me. The voice that tried to stop you from running out in front of that car was mine. I'm the one who called the ambulance and took care of you before it arrived. I stood outside the hospital every damned day while you were there, praying to a God that I don't believe in that you'd be okay.” He turned his face up toward mine and caught my eyes with his own golden ones. “If I hadn't had that bag of yours, I'd have never known to go see Dr. Martals or how to find you after you disappeared from the hospital.”
The mention of my doctor's name snapped my attention into focus. I pulled my bag around to my lap and ripped it open in search of the notebook that held the details of my life. It was the only place he could have found information about Celine and - oh, shit. “How much of this did you read?”
He at least had the decency to blush before responding that he'd read most of it and had seen that I'd remembered him throughout the years.
Shadekar's snide laugh slid like oil through my head and made me wince. “Nice jammies you've got there, Sister Mary Floozy Pants.”
“Jammies? What?” My eyes turned to look downward, and I jumped at the sight of the yards and yards of pristine white cotton that covered me from the buttoned collar at my throat to the frilly trim that dangled over my toes. “How in the hell did I get into this? I know you sure as hell didn't put me in it.” I fisted my hands in the soft fabric and looked around for clues as I pulled the nightgown off and threw it in the garbage bin. “What the hell?”
My bottom was covered in the most modest pair of underpants I had ever seen. They covered me from the top of my thighs to above the dip of my belly button with even more of the virginal white cotton. The crowning insult of the entire outfit was the matronly brassiere that had my chest in a strangle hold, the likes of which none of the bras I'd ever been forced to wear could compare with.
“Ooh, baby. Now that is some sexy shit there, Blondie.”
Shade, shut up. This is your fault. Who the hell did this to me?
A pair of dark blue eyes under a fringe of unruly black hair played behind my eyes and I groaned. Shade let me see Azrael carrying my sleeping form back to my room, wave his hand over me to change the outfit I'd had on to the one I'd woken up in before he put me in bed and left quietly.
“Damn it.”
It took me all of five minutes to get dressed, brush my teeth and run down the hall. I knew that Rae would be in his office by now. I threw the solid oak door open without knocking in my hurry to find out just what he'd seen while Shade had been in control. “Rae, what the hell hap…?”
My sentence stopped abruptly as I skidded to a halt behind a tall man with cropped brown hair and the widest shoulders I'd ever seen. “Oh, sorry. You have company - I'll come back later.”
Rae leaned over to peer around his guest and smiled when he saw me.
“Afternoon Ardy, nice to see you're wearing more than what I last saw you in.” He waved at one of the chairs in front of his desk. “You might want to stick around. I think you know my guest - Brody?”
The big guy turned and I looked up into a pair of eyes I'd thought never to see again. There they were, the eyes I'd seen in my dreams every night and the dimples - oh, God. He still had the dimples and the roguish smile that had charmed me even at the tender age of six.
My right hand trembled and it rose to dart out and touch the solid chest that was level with my face. “Oh, shit. You're real.”
Brody's laugh at my comment was rich, husky and warm like the whisky that I had the night before. His own hand, so much bigger and more tanned than my own pale one, came up and caught mine before I could snatch it back. “I'm real and damn happy to have finally found you, again.”
“Again, what?” I looked up at him, confusion clouding the blue of my eyes. “You found me before?”
Azrael rose from his chair and rounded the hand carved oak desk. “I'll leave you two to catch up. There are a few things I need to, um, yeah. I'm just going to go.”
If either of us heard Rae leave, we showed no sign of it. We stared at each other, mesmerized by the fact that we were finally together again.
“I brought your bag.” Brody held up the tattered and patched up satchel that had carried everything I owned for the last seven years.
It took a moment of confused blinking before I realized what he was talking about and was able to form a coherent thought. “I, um. How did you get it?”
He deposited the bag on the chair next to me and then reached to take my other hand inside of his large one. I couldn't help but look down at our hands and notice the differences between us, the obvious ones and the not so obvious, before I pulled my hands free and stepped back out of touching range. It wasn't because I didn't want him touching me; I just never allowed anyone to touch me, ever.
Brody was dark where I was light, callused where I was soft, and relaxed when I was freaked out despite being thrilled to see him. I opened myself up a bit to taste his energy and what I found had me stumbling back to look up at him, eyes gone wide with wonder. Whatever he was hiding behind the broad shouldered all-American boy looks had eyes that glowed gold when it had looked back at me.
“What are you?”
His eyes flashed gold at my question and then I knew. I felt warm fur brush across my skin and the scents of the forest blew over my senses. “Werewolf?”
“Yep. Just like the rest of my family.” He sat down in the empty chair and smiled up at me before reaching out to take my left hand in his. “Sit with me, please? I'll explain what I meant about finding you again.”
My denim-covered ass parked itself in the chair my bag was in and I pulled my hand from his. I reached back to jockey the bag around so I'd have more room to keep my trembling hands out of Brody's. I took advantage of the distraction to settle my emotions and smooth my frayed nerves before turning around to face him once more. “Okay, explain.”
He leaned forward, elbows on knees and let his hands hang loosely between us. I knew he was giving me the option to take them or not and he was going to be disappointed because I wouldn't, couldn't touch him back. I wanted to, so much, but the fear of rejection ran deep. Shade had been successful in that endeavor. I would never be comfortable with anyone touching me.
“Do you recall much about what happened just before your accident? Maybe someone was calling out for you to stop?”
I nodded, the events before the BMW slammed into me replayed in my mind.
“That was me. The voice that tried to stop you from running out in front of that car was mine. I'm the one who called the ambulance and took care of you before it arrived. I stood outside the hospital every damned day while you were there, praying to a God that I don't believe in that you'd be okay.” He turned his face up toward mine and caught my eyes with his own golden ones. “If I hadn't had that bag of yours, I'd have never known to go see Dr. Martals or how to find you after you disappeared from the hospital.”
The mention of my doctor's name snapped my attention into focus. I pulled my bag around to my lap and ripped it open in search of the notebook that held the details of my life. It was the only place he could have found information about Celine and - oh, shit. “How much of this did you read?”
He at least had the decency to blush before responding that he'd read most of it and had seen that I'd remembered him throughout the years.
“You were the only person who was ever nice to me; the only person in twenty five years to show me something other than contempt, disgust or fear.” Brody reached out to take my hand in his and I scooted back in my chair, the wooden legs scraping against the hardwood floor. I stood and hedged toward the door. “I'm sorry, Brody. I've been looking forward to seeing you again since that last time in school but, I can't. I'm too afraid that you'll reject me too once you know what I am.”
The doorknob was in my hand before I knew it and I was out the door, running down the hall without hearing the words that he spoke next.
“I know what you are and I'm okay with it.”
Danielle Gavan lives in Ontario, Canada with her husband and their two sons. Danielle has been writing since she was in middle school.
She loves a good book and is usually found with her nose in one. She has an extensive list of them on her book pile. When she's not writing or reading, Danielle keeps herself busy editing, designing book covers and baking.
Her guilty pleasures are her favorite television shows Bones, House and Hawaii Five-0. Danielle welcomes email and you may contact her at You can also find her hanging out on the forum she shares with Jennifer Feuerstein. The Crowded Minds is a great place to relax and have a little fun.
She loves a good book and is usually found with her nose in one. She has an extensive list of them on her book pile. When she's not writing or reading, Danielle keeps herself busy editing, designing book covers and baking.
Her guilty pleasures are her favorite television shows Bones, House and Hawaii Five-0. Danielle welcomes email and you may contact her at You can also find her hanging out on the forum she shares with Jennifer Feuerstein. The Crowded Minds is a great place to relax and have a little fun.
Find Danielle on the web:!/DanielleGavan
The giveaway is for an ebook copy, winner's choice, of Ardeur, Cursed, Tarnished Tiaras or UnWrapped.
- This is for INTERNATIONAL entrants. Everyone can enter.
- Leave a comment with your email address included to make contacting the winner easier.
- Winner will be chosen using
- Giveaway ends on Sept. 21st at 11:59 pm.
- Winner will be notified by email, and announced on this blog, and will have 48 hours to respond before an alternate winner is chosen.
Review of Ardeur by Danielle Gavan....
Born a necromancer…
Sold by parents who wanted a normal child, Ardeur Lisle now hosts a demon and was trained to be a killer for hire. As an adult possessed, dreaming of escape and of a kind face from her childhood helps keep her sane.
If she breaks free from her captors, what will this new world full of paranormal beings hold for her? Ridding herself of her demon parasite will be her first priority.
A promise kept...
Brody Callaghan never forgot the angelic blonde from his childhood. After years of military service, he swears to track down the face still haunting him from his youth.
But Brody has a furry secret of his own; one unveiled with each full moon. Will the two hold onto love with danger, deception, and an obsessed angel driving them apart?
The premise of this book is one I found very original and, considering the extremely large cast of characters, is one that can be sustained throughout a number of books. Ardeur presents an intriguing look into the world of angels and is entertaining and full of memorable characters whose future stories will make for interesting reading. And while I found some issues within this book I still found some enjoyable moments and look forward to what Ms. Gavan has planned for the future of this series.
Ardeur Lisle has had a rough life from the moment she was born and an Angel of Death put a piece of his soul in her to save her life not knowing she was already a Necromancer. Growing up talking to the dead and being possessed by spirits led her to being an outcast, never knowing love or affection, not even from her own parents who sold her into a demonic form of slavery. The only bright spot being the sweet boy Brody Callaghan who became her defender before her 12 year nightmare of demonic possession and assassinations. Once she escapes she finds shelter amongst angels and other paranormal creatures and is reunited with the one person she never thought to see again and never forgot. But just when she and Brody find happiness, a crazed angel named Azrael who is the one who put his soul in her, claims her as his mate and she's once again plunged into a nightmare that only the power of love will save her from.
The character of Ardeur started out strong and I found myself admiring her resilience amidst a horrendous existence. She was brave and sassy and had many qualities that I like from my favorite heroines. Unfortunately, once she found love with Brody she lost some of those qualities and I didn't find her quite as enjoyable. She was almost too lovey-dovey with Brody, especially after so many years of negative touch and emotions. She seemed to fall too quickly into his arms and a sexual relationship considering how skittish she acted at first. I never felt fully invested in their relationship because it seemed to happen so quickly once they reunited and both were too easily accepting of what they both are. Also, the constant reassurances of love did wear thin after awhile. Don't get me wrong, I love a happy ending, but the constant reassurances are what led me to see Ardeur as weak and made me not fully committed to her and Brody's relationship.
I enjoyed Brody's character but wish we could've seen more of him, especially where it concerned his werewolf side. In his case the best was definitely saved for last. His final battle with Azrael was exciting and showed a very alpha side to him that was lacking throughout the previous parts of the book. There was also one or two major issues regarding him and his family that occurred off page that was very frustrating to me considering how important they were to him.
As I mentioned earlier, there are a lot of characters in this book. At one point I had to write down all the new characters being introduced just to keep everyone straight. Many came and went without much purpose but there were a few I hope to see more of in future books since a few of their storylines were left hanging.
The flow of this book started out very strong with intensely emotional scenes that drew me in. The story became a bit flat in the center part and seemed to meander in its focus before racing to a rather rushed conclusion. This rushed ending did a disservice to the character of Azrael who seemed to completely change in the blink of an eye which not only felt unrealistic but very manufactured. So I'm happy to see his storyline will be continued.
This was a book that I found enjoyable and that kept my attention even through a slow middle section. The Angelic world that we're introduced to in this book is full of promise and I know that I'll be there when the next book is released.
My rating for this is a B-
*This book was given to me by the author in exchange for my honest opinion.
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
Book Tour For Care Package by Jaxx Steele (Guest Post & Giveaway)
Before we get to Jaxx's post and the fun giveaway going on during this tour, I want to thank Goddess Fish Promotions for letting me be a part of this tour and to Jaxx Steele for taking the time out of a busy schedule to visit and talk about Care Package.
That man’s Army
Hi everyone, Jaxx Steele here to give you my take on being gay in the military. I will not divulge which branch I was in, but I will give you a small peek at what I experience. By no means is this blog meant to be a ‘military bashing’. This is only a retelling of my personal experiences.
During my time in I learned what all other soldiers learned: to tolerate horrible food, build my stamina, shoot a variety of cool guns and how to tune out when people yell in your face. I also learned to conceal my true nature and that was the hardest thing I ever had to do.
I went in knowing, of course, about the ‘don’t ask-don’t tell’ but being young and naïve I thought that if I did that I would be fine. I soon found out that that was not the case. If someone even said you were gay whether you were or not got you ostracized by your platoon. In front of the brass and the suits all was well, but down time was another story.
I was not the only gay man in my unit, but the straight men did out number us. Even those who called themselves your friends shunned afraid of being labeled the same and thus receiving the same treatment. I won’t go into detail on said treatment for fear that it that could cause a psychotic like episode that would leave my left eye twitching for days. I will just say it was reminiscent of a few distasteful scenes in Full Metal Jacket.
Time moved on and even emotional scars were healed. Although I eagerly scratched each day off my mental calendar I would not have changed my years in the service. The experience made me a stronger man today, mentally and physically. Even though the repeal of the DADT is on the books, I believe it will take time to affect the troops on the ground level of things. I hope it does, but I’m glad I’m on the outside watching this time.
Recently, I wrote a story about gays in the military called Care Package. Some may say writing it was somehow therapeutic, but I say it was pure fun. LOL!
Thanks for having me. This was fun, too.
Recently, I wrote a story about gays in the military called Care Package. Some may say writing it was somehow therapeutic, but I say it was pure fun. LOL!
Thanks for having me. This was fun, too.
Jaxx Steele…has left the building!
I have been told by many female friends that I am the perfect man that women are looking for... if only I sought them and not men. After thinking about that statement for a while I came to like it and have taken it as my own. My writings are a combination of some things that I have learned over the years, good and bad, mixed up with a lot of imagination. I can only hope that you like what you read.
I was born and raised in Brooklyn, New York, but I escaped and I now live in Indiana. My dream is to buy a house near the beach and write all day and make enough money to live off of. I spend most of my time working a nine to five and traveling, when I can, to new and wondrous places that I can incorporate in my stories (or that will at least spark ideas for me). I do have love in my life thanks to my life partner, Hou, and our cat, Judo, who graciously lets us live with him in his house. So, all in all, I have a full and happy life.
FB fan page:
Jaxx blog:
I have been told by many female friends that I am the perfect man that women are looking for... if only I sought them and not men. After thinking about that statement for a while I came to like it and have taken it as my own. My writings are a combination of some things that I have learned over the years, good and bad, mixed up with a lot of imagination. I can only hope that you like what you read.
I was born and raised in Brooklyn, New York, but I escaped and I now live in Indiana. My dream is to buy a house near the beach and write all day and make enough money to live off of. I spend most of my time working a nine to five and traveling, when I can, to new and wondrous places that I can incorporate in my stories (or that will at least spark ideas for me). I do have love in my life thanks to my life partner, Hou, and our cat, Judo, who graciously lets us live with him in his house. So, all in all, I have a full and happy life.
FB fan page:
Jaxx blog:
First Sergeant Dwayne Roman was asked to leave his life as a soldier. After suffering three years with regret and loneliness, he had the chance to get back what an unjust law and self-serving people took from him.
"It is my duty as your commanding officer to—"
Roman's mouth snapped shut. The passion in the other man's outburst stopped him in his tracks. The pain his words inflicted was evident on his face. That had not been his intention. All he wanted to do was make sure that they had a future where they were, and some sacrifices had to be made to ensure that.
"Private, you are dangerously close to being insubordinate with your tone."
Styles held the bridge of his nose as he took several deep breaths and blinked away obvious tears. Leaning forward, holding the chair for balance, his gaze was intense and his words were slow and deliberate.
"I want you to tell me that you don't want me. That you think it is best for us to be apart. Give me the order to leave you. I want to hear it from your lips, not read it off a piece of paper, and I will go and never bother you again," he finished, pointing at the door.
Roman left his chair as the request ran through his mind. Styles was obviously distraught over his decision. The look he landed on him seared his soul. Roman had to turn away from it. His sense of duty rose within him, in battle with what his heart felt. Private Styles' suggestion was exactly what he should do. He was a seasoned soldier in the United States Army. Protocol dictated nothing less, and so did the law of the land.
Roman turned around. Styles stood waiting for his response. He was young, too young to have so much passion for Roman. His mouth was parted and his bottom lip quivered slightly. For more nights than he could count, Roman had stroked his cock thinking about that very mouth bringing him to completion instead of his hand. The brilliant blue eyes that stared back at him haunted his dreams nightly. Now they sparkled with distress and unshed tears. Seeing the anguish there was like a knife in his heart. He just wanted to ease Styles' pain. Knowing that he was the cause of that hurt was his undoing. He quickly closed the distance between them and slipped his hand behind his subordinate's head.
"God help me, but I cannot give that order," he said, then fused their mouths together.
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This giveaway is for a promotional t-shirt, ink pen, and key chain.
- For US & CANADA ONLY. Winner will be chosen from among all comments made during the tour. So the more stops (list of stops here) you make a comment at, the greater your odds of winning.
- Make a comment below and make sure to include your email addy to make it easier to contact a winner.
- Giveaway ends at 11:59 pm on 9/16.
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